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Orange Candle* Rollerskate* Purple Butterfly* Yoda* Frosty the Snowman

JC sat on his hotel bed hunched over, scribbling words down at an erratic rate. He had attempted to sleep, and just as he was dozing off, the words had invaded his mind. Sighing, he sat up, reached over to turn on the light, and grab his pen and pad, and began writing. JC lost himself in his writing (as per usual) when a slam on his door caused him to raise his head.

"Jace, open the door," was half-shouted to accent the pounding. Sighing, he relinquished his comfort and trudged to the door.

As he opened it, Justin bounced into the room and flopped down on the bed. JC shook his head and closed the door. "Hey Justin, how are you? Please, make yourself comfortable," he muttered.

"Hey Jace, do you ever think?" JC continued to stare at Justin with his mouth open--the earnest tone in which the question was asked in successfully caused him to be devoid of thought for the moment.

"Jace? You there? Do you ever think?" JC cleared his throat while remaining firmly rooted in his position by the door.

"Yes Justin, I think. All the time actually." Justin sat up and furiously shook his head.

"No. Not about nerd stuff. I mean, d'ya ever think about weird random things? Like...well, like people who have never been to Florida, y'know? Like these people from, I dunno, New Jersey, who live up there with snow, and hurricaines, and cold air. And, like, they plan a trip to Florida because they've never been and freak out because they're all excited because it's February and they're going somewhere where they don't have to be all Frosty the Snowman and like, they're excited. I mean EXCITED to go to Florida but it's like, 'hi, it's just a regular place' but they're so damn excited." Justin's brow furrowed, as if he had just discovered the meaning of life, and pondered what he said for a few moments. JC was greatful for the break but the only clear thought in his head was about how much Justin drank that evening.

"Uh, Justin? Not to, uh, diminish your pondering, but how much did you drink tonight?" JC walked over to the dresser and lit a candle.

"Two beers and you're avoiding my question. Do you ever think about stuff like that?" Justin rolled over and patted the bed for JC. "You can sit here you know? You won't catch my train of thought." JC slowly walked over, and sat down next to a sprawled out Justin.

"Well, have you ever been really excited to go somewhere you've never been? I guess it’s the same kind of thing, you know? It’s just the excitement of going somewhere new, and the…I don’t know, possibility of finding something new. And when you get there, you realize that it’s just a new place to, well, do normal stuff.”

Justin sat up and looked quizzically at his friend. “Thanks Yoda. What the fuck is that smell??”

JC shrugged and stood up. “It’s the candle I lit. It’s called something like ‘tangerine-melon’ or something like that. I can blow it out if you want.”

Justin shook his head. “Nah, it’s cool. Only you would get an orange candle Jace.” He giggled to himself. “Sometimes you are such a girl.”

JC moved back to the bed and slugged Justin on the arm as he sat back down. “How does burning a candle make me a girl?”

Justin stifled another giggle. “Well, if the candle didn’t make you a girl, that punch sure as hell did.” He exploded hysterically as JC leaned over and gave Justin noogies. As they calmed down, JC let go of Justin and removed his knuckles from his scalp. They both worked at catching their breath, and eventually their breathing was regained and fell in time with each other.

“Does that make me a weirdo Jace?” JC looked over at his friend. The only thing that kept him from laughing was the sincerity on his friend’s face.

“What’s that J? Does what make you a weirdo?” JC laid down next to his friend’s still sitting form.

“Thinking that stuff that I asked you. About people getting excited to go to Florida. Does that make me a weirdo?” Justin sighed and slowly reclined so he was laying next to JC.

“No Justin. It just, well, it makes you someone who questions things. And that is not being a weirdo. I mean, look at the guy who believed that the Earth was round. And everyone thought he was a weirdo. But he went, and set out to find the truth. Just so happens that he was right, but that’s besides the point.” JC rubbed his eyes.

“Uh Jace, I think his name was Columbus if I’m not mistaken,” Justin giggled. JC laughed with him.

“But seriously Jace, I mean, that was a MAJOR thought, you know? I mean, the stuff that I think about isn’t anything that will change anything, or prove anything to anyone. It’s just random stuff.” Justin rolled over so that he was laying on his stomach. JC leaned over and propped himself up on his elbow.

“Justin, why’d you come here?”

Justin moved to sit up, but JC placed his hand on Justin’s back to keep him where he was. “Am I bothering you?”

JC shook his head. “Not at all J. I’m just wondering why you wanted to come and talk about this with me. I mean, usually your random ponderings are done with Chris, or Joey. I…I was just wondering…” he trailed off wishing he could take his words back.

Justin exhaled. “I don’t know Josh.” JC blinked at what Justin called him. “I mean, even if Joey wasn’t hooking up, and even if Chris wasn’t tearing his room apart looking for his lost sneaker-rollerskate thing I still would’ve come here.” Justin rolled his head so that he was looking at JC. JC smiled.

“Well, I’m glad you did. “ Justin smiled.

“Me too. I mean, it’s nice to just blurt out what I’m thinking and be kind of taken seriously.”

JC smiled. “Justin come on. Have we just met? When do I take you seriously?” JC laughed and Justin hit his elbow, causing JC to drop fully down on the bed.

“Brat.” Justin pouted.

“I learned from the best.”

They both lay on the bed facing each other for a while, enjoying the quiet. JC rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

“Hey Justin?”


“Are there purple butterflies? I mean, and if there are, do you think they know how rare they are, and how special they are? I mean, just because they’re purple they’re all like, rare and shit. Do you think they even know?” Justin smiled.

“Well nerd boy. Do you want a Yoda-esque answer or do you want a Justin answer?” JC smiled.

“Despite the fact that you just said ‘Yoda-esque’ , I think I’ll go for the Justin answer.”

Justin exhaled. “Well then, I think that if there are purple butterflies, then they don’t know how rare, and special, and beautiful they are because they’re butterflies, and they probably don’t think about that stuff. I mean, they’re butterflies man. And they have like teeny, tiny brains that probably wouldn’t be able to come up with such a thought. And if they did, they’d probably explode,” Justin answered matter-of-factly. JC nodded.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. What do you think they do think about then?”

Justin was quiet for a few moments. He sighed. “Well, other than the obvious ‘Man, I’m glad I’m out of that cocoon’, “ he paused. “I haven’t the slightest idea what they would think about.” JC laughed as he placed both of his hands behind his head.

“What about skunks? Do you think they know they stink,” Justin asked.

“Well,” JC began. “Do you know that you stink?” Justin laughed and smacked JC with a pillow.

The night passed quickly with the two friends pondering things that should not be pondered. And Chris, well, he finally did find his sneaker-rollerskate thing.