Nick hungrily kissed Laura as the world faded away. She returned the kisses as forceful as he gave them.
Aaron quietly opened the door to his brother’s apartment. He look cautiously around, hoping he wouldn’t be caught after his curfew. Time had a habit of slipping quickly away.
Slowly Aaron tip-toed into the living room to see Nick heavily making out with....a girl! A fine girl for that matter. He couldn’t help but to stare a minute at the whole scene. It was a new thing to see his brother that caught up in anything besides work.
Breaking away from the stare, Aaron walked way. He rejoiced that once again, he had gotten past his brother.
“What do you THINK I’m doing here?” Kerry sneered.
“You little sneak!” Diana exclaimed.
“I might be a sneak, but I am NOT a scheming plotting slut like you are.” Kerry got up off the couch and walked over to Diana. “I’m not the one trying to upset a happy marriage. I’m also not the one who slept with her friend’s boyfriend that she had been going out with for a year. As far as I know AJ is not your boyfriend and I am still a virgin, for your information. I am not a slut.”
“Stop lying.”
“You know it’s the truth.”
“So what if it is? A girl has to do what a girl has to do. Is that a hickey?”
“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”
“Ladies, ladies, ladies,” AJ broke in. “I think there is a simple solution to this.”
“What?” They demanded at the same time.
“Diana why don’t you go home,” AJ began.
“Fine then I’ll just go call Howie.” Diana yelled.
“He won’t take you.” AJ called after her.
“Then I’ll call John!” Diana yelled as she slammed the door.
“Who’s John?” AJ asked confused.
“The guy I went out with for a year that cheated on me with her.” Kerry replied curtly.
“Oh.” AJ nodded. “Why are you still friends?”
“I don’t know!” Kerry sighed.
“Well, she certainly ruined the mood didn’t she?”
“Yea.” Kerry looked at the ground. “AJ” she began. “I really don’t know that this will work. I don’t really want to do that, at least not yet, and I ... I guess I’m not who you think I am, and maybe you should have taken Diana and...”
AJ leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “No. I wanted you. It doesn’t matter. We can make it work. If you want to.”
“Of course I do!” Kerry exclaimed smiling.
“Good. Then it WILL work.”
“I can’t believe that you finally gave up on Justin.” Kerry exclaimed to Laura as the sat on their boyfriends’ tour bus a few months later. “You were crazy over him for so long.”
“Yea, but I finally got some since knocked into me.” Laura smiled. “Now Justin and Britney can have all the fun they want. I don’t care.”
“That’s good.”
“I really like Nick now. I can’t believe I was running from him that first night.”
“Well, you know what they wanted that night.”
“They want they everynight.”
“Hey, ‘Boys Will Be Boys’.”Kerry shrugged naming one of the Backstreet Boys’ own songs.”
“True. But not they want us..our personalities, too”
“Yeah.” Kerry smiled. “AJ is so sweet about that.”
“So, Diana hasn’t brainwashed this guy yet, has she?”
“No! AJ hates her, but when I saw her yesterday she said she was glad she wasn’t seeing AJ anymore, because John is so much better.”
“I see.” Laura raised her eyebrows.
“I’ve heard he’s cheating on her,”
“Yeah. He’s not a very good boyfriend, unlike AJ.”
“Or Nick. Oh, have I shown you the bracelet Nick gave me for our 2 month anniversary?” Laura questioned excitement showing in her eyes.
“It’s the exact same one I saw in the window that day I went shopping with AJ. I guess he somehow knew that I liked it and got it.”
“It’s beautiful.” Kerry breathed starring at the silver shining bracelet while she held onto Laura’s arm to get a better look.”
“I’m so happy that I finally came to my senses enough to decided to like Nick.”
“So am I!” Nick exclaimed to AJ in the back of the bus. They were having a guy talk. “I don’t know if I could have stood it if she hadn’t of changed her mind about liking me.”
“And I don’t know what I would do if I had chosen Diana over Kerry. “AJ replied.
“But you wouldn’t have, would you?”
“No! Diana called me a few days ago, but I told her nicely to get a life.”
“Good!” Nick smiled. “I’m glad everything has worked out how it has.”
“Yeah, me too. Hopefully everything will stay the way it is.”
AUTHORS' NOTE:We hope you enjoyed this story. Short and stupid..yes we know! But we had fun writing it and getting it ready for the website! be expecting another one from us within a few months! Tell us what you think of this one!