Kerry's Stories

Hey girls (guys?) I hope you like my stories. Sorry if they are a little slow getting up.. At the moment I am more concerned about writing than typing, but they will be there eventually. E-mail me here with any comments you might have!

About Me

Chapter Stories

Life can be confusing when you call the wrong Ashley Smith then have to fall in love with her too. When you add a little brother who is in love with a certain special Ashey Smith's little step-sister you can get chaos and a couple of couples!
Rated: G

Elisabeth met AJ before the BSB ever made it big. Back when they were on a more intimate basis with thier fans They got together and somehow managed to stay together throughout the trials of the BSB getting famous. But AJ changed and Elsabeth isn't sure she likes it and she isn't sure it's worth staying toghter.
Rated: PG
