Requirements for Site Authors

Okay, here are a few things that I would like you to be able to follow if you want to be a site author. I'm not doing this to be mean...but so that the readers will get a lot of updates with the story. I understand what writer's block if you are going through that at times..I do understand!

1. Please no sex scences! I really don't like them and don't think that they are appropriate! I'm not saying involved romance scences are out of the question. Just no disqusting details that no one wants to hear! Try and keep it down! Please!!

2. I'm not up for the cussing all that much. I don't really mind it...but it is not my favorite thing.If your story is loaded with cuss words I will not post it! Same with the sex scences! Sorry to sound sooo mean!!! But that's just the way I am on those things! You can still have an awesome story without those! Trust me I've read a quite a few!!! Sorry again to sound so over bearing! I promise the others aren't like this!

3. Send me updates as soon as possible. I'm hopeing for one from each other at least every two weeks! All I'm asking is like one chapter or so! Not a lot! I'll post your story as you send it to me! Once you send will be up within a few days and I'll post the update!

4. Once you start a story for a must finish it! I know how aggrivating it is for people to stop writing in the middle of a story and NEVER finish it! Thats' just cruelty!!!hehe!!!

5. You must pass the word along about the site! I's part yours once you get a story on here! Aren't you proud of your work! Show it off to your friends! Come on!!

And I think that, that is it! sorry for sounding so strict but it's really not that bad!Trust me! :0) Oh! One other thing! I know this mat sound confusing..but it's me! Tell me that you want to be a site author..e-mail me at and when you want to send me parts of your stories e-mail me at Thanks!
