Hiya and welcome to all the Westlife fans out there! We have created this webpage for you - the fans, to catch up on all the latest gossip from those multi-talented Irish smoothies better known as Westlife! So sit back and prepare to take a look through Westlife World. You could take part in our live chat and talk to people with the same interests as yourself - Westlife! Come back often to find out all the latest news on the lads and feel free to take part in our quiz and polls! The results and answers will be revealed each week. Go on, have fun and don't forget to sign our guestbook!! C ya!
Before we go any further I would like to thank a very good friend of mine, Jill Boucher. Jill has been kind enough to supply us with a few of her own private pictures (the one on this page) and so I would really appreciate it if the pictures on this web site weren't copied. Thanks very much.
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