Em's Page

Hi there everyone. Thanks to Charlotte for her, how can I put this nicely, unique insight into her own WestLife World *LOL* (No offence Char). This page will be used for me to give my opinions on Westlife issues and rumours.
Right I'll get the introductory stuff outta the way then I guess!!!
My name's Eimear and I'm the 2nd half of WestLife World. Yes I love WestLife as they are fellow country men of mine and I always like to see Irish people doing well WorldWide (the fact that they can sing and look gorgeous helps of course!!!) I can honestly say that I don't have a definite favourite because I like them all for different reasons. I like Shane because he has a great personality and is one of the nicest men you could ever hope to meet. I like Kian because he has helped a couple of friends of mine through some very tough times in their lives so if you're reading this Kian can I say thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you've done for Janine and Jill. I like Nicky because he's Nicky - sweet, genuine and thoughtful - I won't go on but I will say this - Gina you're a very lucky girl!!
Right this week's addition is about a fantastic WestLife club on Yahoo - it's called Westlife's Private Movie and I can assure you it's well worth joining. It's run by a very good friend of mine. If you are interested in joining the club send an e mail to the address below and I will pass your name and e mail address on.
I have some exclusive news for all you WestLife fans out there and that is the lads next single. Now I don't know about a duet with Mariah Carey as yet, but watch this space. The lads themselves have a new single out in October and it's called Private Movie. It's an up tempo track and is available on the American album. Believe me it'll be worth the wait.
That's about all I'll say for the moment I think. I hope you're enjoying WestLife World as much as me and Charlotte are enjoying putting it together for you. Well all that's left to say really is keep supporting the lads and if you have any questions for me or things you would like me to comment on or tell you about myself feel free to send an e mail to the address below and I will reply to each e mail personally.

Slán go fóill
Le grá

Email: Eim_Char@ilovewestlife.co.uk