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“Would you look at that’s.....well it’s HUGE!!!” Sara could only stare as the large steel structure loomed above her, casting a shadow over the sun heated field.

“I told you it was big.” Faith laughed loudly at her friends amazement, shaking her head as they headed towards their seats.

“Yes, you said it was big, but you never said it was this big....this is just beyond everything.” Waiting patiently for Lonnie, Sara pointed out the more interesting parts of the stage. “And what is that?” Her eyes gazing towards the large tarp covered frame on top of the second stage.

“Nope..not giving anything just have to wait until the show tonight, it will be a lot more enjoyable if it’s a secret.” Faith placed a hand over her own mouth, not allowing herself to give anything away.

Brynn giggled as she watched Sara’s eyes pound into the back of Faith’s head....Faith just ignoring the piercing stares as they walked up the stairs..taking them to the space underneath the second stage. “Give it up girl, she’s not giving it away.” Brynn patted Sara on the back, as she slouched down in the hard metal chair.

“Well, one can always wish. I’m thirsty?” Sara looked around quickly for anyone that could get her water, spotting Melinda Bell not far from the stage. Standing she waved her arms in the air, trying desperately to grab Melinda’s attention.

Seeing the girls, Melinda smiled, quickly making her way in their direction. “Hey ladies, is there anything I can get for you?”

“Yes....I’m dying here...can I get some water please.” Sara jumped in quickly, before Faith or Brynn could say a word.

Melinda laughed, nodding her head as she looked from Faith to Brynn, back to Sara again. “Is there anything else?”

“Um, ma’am, how much longer do we have to wait?” Faith politely asked the woman that stood on the stage in front of them.

Melinda looked down at her watch, reading the ticking hands quickly. “Should be letting fans through the gates in a few minutes, the guys will be out in about half and hour. I’m off to get that water, and if you need anything else, Lonnie should be back in a few minutes, he’ll get you what you need.”

“Thank you.” All three girls chimed in at once. Talking amongst themselves, they soon begin to people watch as the fans poured in, filing into the chairs that lined the catwalk. Fans gazing at the three girls that sat up underneath the second stage, escaping the hot sun. Giggling to themselves, they pointed out certain fans, picking them apart one by one.

“Will you look at her shirt. JC heart Me...ha ha...she’s what...nine, like he’d ever heart her, besides should be I heart JC...duh.” Faith laughed loudly as Brynn soon followed suit.

Sara sat back, watching her friends, gazing at the many teenage fans that now filled the metal chairs, taking a few quiet sips of the water she held. “I wonder how many of those girls think Wade is hot?” It was mostly a random question, Sara just thinking out loud, but Brynn shot her a look of disbelief.

“Girl, have you lost your mind...I’ll bet you almost every single one of them thinks Wade is hot..and aren’t you’ve got him.” Brynn smiled at Sara’s shocked look, laughing as her friend slowly turned red.

“I don’t have him....he’s just sort of attached to me.” Sara turned her attention back to the fans, ignoring Brynn’s snickering next to her. “Look at that one...could she be wearing any less, besides the guys actually notice girls like that?”

“Eww, I think you can see her nipples....she reminds me of Britney, that’s just disgusting.” Faith crinkled her nose at the sight, turning away from the barely dressed young girl.

“I doubt that the guys notice look at that one...her thong is showing. Someone should tell her that she needs to pull her pants up.” Brynn looked away, gazing towards the other side of the catwalk, keeping an eye on Melinda who was taking gifts from the fans to give to the guys. “Because, the guys aren’t interested in fans who dress like sluts to get attention......they want girls like...well like us. When do we get to meet Chris, Lance and Joey?”

“I was wondering the same thing...maybe tonight at the party.” Faith leaned over the railing, glancing at the fans who stared back up at her. Waving down at them, and receiving evil glares, Faith turned back towards her friends. “At least I’m amusing there will be an after party.” She shrugged her shoulders, leaning back into her chair.

“Isn’t there always an after party?” Brynn kept her eyes focused on the stage, as Lonnie came out, followed by four other large black men.

Faith only nodded, not able to speak for JC came running out onto the stage, screams filling the air. Four other young men followed his lead, all of them shielding their eyes from the blazing sun...Justin standing back in the shade to save himself from the intense heat. The band started playing, the boys dancing around on the stage, JC walking down towards where the girls sat, looking up at them quickly, winking as he turned around. Faith sat on the edge of her seat, not wanting to miss a thing....keeping her eye on JC the whole time. Joey skipped down the catwalk, taking the steps up to the second stage. Faith wanted to climb up after him, but remained in her seat, as to not attract attention from the frenzy of fans below them. The boys sang their way through ‘POP’, stopping mid catwalk to take a few questions from the waiting fans. Through a midst of screams and ‘I Love You’s’, they boys answered question after question, giving the fans the answers that they craved. Another song rocked the small audience, sending them all into a terrific madness, the screams only growing as water was splattered over their heads. Faith and Sara giggled at the sight of Justin dancing, shaking his cute ass in the direction of the second stage....Brynn losing her voice as she covered her mouth to stifle her screaming.

“Looks like he’s trying to get someone’s attention.” Faith turned her head towards Brynn, laughing at the fact that she was now bright red, and covering her face with both hands.

“He’s trying to kill me....and it’s working very well.” Brynn parted her fingers enough so she could look back at Justin....his eyes locked on hers as he winked, smiling at her embarrassed face. “Why does he have to do this to me?”

“You’re enjoying it.” Faith caught JC’s attention as she smiled up at her...the boys finishing their sound check, waving good bye to the excited fans as they exited the stage. “I guess that’s it, now what?”

Lonnie appeared out of no where, looking down at the three girls talking amongst themselves. “Next, I’m taking you three backstage to get something to eat, then you can hang with the boys in the toy room for a while.”

Faith smiled up at Lonnie, a look of pure evil crossing her innocent features. “Lonnie?”

He looked down at her....question clouding his big brown eyes. “Yes?”

“Can I kiss your head?” Faith batted her lashes at him, giving him that sweet smile.

“Excuse me?” He was confused, why would someone ask him such a thing?

“Can I kiss your head....please.” She figured begging would add to the sweetness of the smile, allowing her to get her way.

“Ummmmm....I guess.” He wasn’t sure what to say, but decided to let her kiss his head, at least it would move things along faster, and he could get them backstage. He stood still while she stood on her chair, placing her hands on both of his shoulders for support, her lips planted firmly against his bald head.

“Lonnie....or should I say...Suga Daddy....we can go now.” Faith burst out laughing as the bulky man actually blushed.

“It’s a good thing you like JC....I’d have to claim you as mine if you didn’t.” He grasped Faith around the waist, hoisting her over his shoulder as he stepped down the stairs...Brynn and Sara following closely, clenching their sides to try and subside the laughter.

“WADE!!!!” Sara ran down the hall, jumping into Wade’s arms as his shocked expression turned to realism. “Oh how I’ve missed you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing harder as he tried to wiggle out of her grasp.

“Oh my god, let go.” He seized both wrists, unclasping them, as he removed them from his body, letting her feet hit the ground with a thud. “Happy to see me are you?” He winked at her, as she slung another arm around his trim waist.

“Very happy. Can you believe that I’m here, that I’m standing in the toy room, that I just finished eating dinner backstage....and that I will shortly see this concert live and right before my eyes. One would say I’m a bit excited, but I have to say that I’m ecstatic.” Sara’s eyes darted around the expansive room, taking in every bit that she could. Eyeing Chris in the corner, chatting briskly on the phone, she released Wade, hurling herself in his general direction. She stood behind him, dancing around his stiff frame as his discussion grew more intense. Sara couldn’t help but laugh at the lost look that clouded his eyes as he turned to look at her....his expression changing slowly as a huge smile covered his strong face.

Placing a masculine hand over the mouth of the phone, he eyed Sara up and down.. “What are you doing?”

Sara only cocked her head to one side, grinning at him. “Nothing, just wondering what you’re doing?”

“Well, I’m talking on the phone.....who are you anyway?” Chris couldn’t stop a laugh that escaped his open mouth.

“I’m Sara...and you’re Chris.” Sara’s hand was thrust in Chris’ direction, prepared for him to take.

“Nice to meet you Sara....” Chris’ eyes found Wade’s.....the older man pleading with the younger for help.

“Chris....this is the girl I was telling you about..the one from my dance class.” Wade stepped up next to Sara, taking her hand from Chris’....relieving the older of the small pest. “Justin mentioned something about her and her friends joining us here in Vegas...remember.”

Chris glanced down at his phone, scratching his head as if trying to remember a great detail. “Oh yeah.....wait...this is THE Sara?”

Wade just nodded his head, gesturing to Chris....trying desperately to keep the older mans mouth shut. Turning back towards Sara...he smiled down at her. “Where are the other two?”

Sara shrugged her shoulders.... “JC came in a bit earlier and Faith sort of followed him out...Brynn I haven’t seen in a while...probably with Justin somewhere..I’ve just been waiting for you.”

“Do you want to watch the opening acts?” Wade took her head, waving good-bye to Chris as they slowly made their way back outside.

“Yeah....I don’t want to miss a thing....” Sara started to giggle uncontrollably, bending over and grabbing onto her sides.

Wade stood stock still, watching her carefully. “What is so funny?” Sara just shook her head, taking his hand once again, dragging him back onto their course of direction.

The bright sun caused them both to shield their eyes, keeping a close watch on the groups of fans that made their way into the college stadium...Wade making sure that security followed, so that no one came near the two of them. Climbing the stairs to the second stage, Sara stopped, glancing down at the empty VIP section....

“Wade...can I sit down there?” She pulled gently on his hand, stopping his upward movement, forcing him to turn around and look at her.

He nodded his head, releasing her hand. “Yeah, but I have to stay up here until...... well when it gets dark I’ll be back down to sit next to you.” Wade continued to watch her as she bounded down the stairs, taking a seat near the fence that kept fans from the catwalk. He finished his trek up the stairs, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness of the shade that surrounded him. He flinched when he recognized her....her back to him...her body shaking with the laughter from the joke she was just told. Shaking his head, he took a seat...glancing down at the fans that were filling up the stadium quickly. He flinched at the sound of footsteps..the scraping of chair against floor, as he felt her body sit next to him.

“ good to see you.” She placed a manicured hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently, back and forth. “I thought you were gonna be backstage for a bit longer...didn’t think you’d be out here so soon.”

Wade couldn’t bring himself to look at her...sure he worked for her...sure they were considered friends, but she made him physically ill...and right now..he wanted nothing to do with her. Plastering a simple smile on his face, he turned....his brown eyes meeting hers. “Thought I’d get a good look at the size of the crowd...I never people watch anymore.”

“So....who was that girl you were with....that one there?” Her perfectly sculpted fingernail pointed at the back of Sara’s head...Wade’s anger begin to bubble slowly inside of him.

“She’s a really doesn’t matter Britney.” He watched as Sara flipped her hair across her shoulder, leaning over the fence, glancing up the catwalk, getting a good long look at the large stage.

“Seems a bit....well not really your type Wade. Too lower class....I’ll bet she can’t even dance.” Britney brushed a loose strand of hair from her forehead, popping her gum as she continued to look at Wade.

Fury raged....casting a grimacing glance at her blond head...he spat at her..not able to contain his anger. “You have no don’t know her....what makes you so special...God just....” He couldn’t sit next to her....he couldn’t stand her at the moment.

“ need to get reason to leave. Come back..I won’t say....fine you’re worth talking to anyway.” She blinked twice as she watched him...stomping down the stairs..through the crowd, and backstage where she knew he’d complain to Justin. She didn’t care...she went back to sit with her friend..their laughter filling up the tiny space.

Sara happened to glance up the stairs, just as Wade came down them. She was confused as to why he was leaving, and leaving in such a hurry, but she let him go...not quite knowing how to help.

“What are you looking at?” Faith stood behind Sara, glancing in the same direction as she..but not seeing anything amusing.

Shaking her head, she turned to look at Faith.... “Nothing..just thought I saw something. When do the opening acts start.” As if on cue Steve Fatone appeared on stage, mic in hand, preparing the crowd for the upcoming show.

The first act to come on stage happened to be the one that Joey and Steve’s father was in.... ‘Not So Boyband.’ Faith screamed loudly as their music blasted through the speakers. Jumping to their feet, the two girls bounced around, laughing at their childish antics.

Glancing off to her left, Faith happened to spot Joey’s sister...who was standing on the other side of the catwalk...a happy grin perched on her lips. Faith poked Sara in the ribs, pointing towards her. “Sara, that’s Janine, Joey’s sister. Should we go over and say hi.....she probably doesn’t know who we are yet...”

“I’m sure we’ll see her later at the hotel..or at the parties, I guess we can wait.” Sara kept her eyes on Janine...smiling and waving when the woman noticed the two girls. “Faith..wave back.” Both girls waved like mad..causing Janine to laugh at their clowning. Giving Janine a break from their silliness, they went back to watching the opening acts....the next one being Meredith Edwards.

“You’ll love her.....she’s so good.” Faith swayed to the soft melodies that Meredith sang. Both girls watching as clips from the movie ‘On The Line’ flashed across the large screen above her head. “I can’t wait to see that movie.”

“Me looks so cute.” Sara barely paid attention to the next couple being Christina, the other being Eden’s Crush.... during which Sara decided she needed to get a drink...leaving during their terrible performance. When she returned, the five girls of Eden’s Crush were leaving the stage....Steve taking their place...announcing the final opening act of the evening.

“Give it up for Dante Thomas!!” He shouted into the mic, waiting for all the girls in the crowd to scream.

“Hey...he’s from Utah..sings that ‘Miss California’ song...I love that song.” Sara bounced up and down, setting her water down, knowing she was bound to spill it. “‘She’s Miss California.... hottest thing in west LA... house down by the water, sails her yacht across the bay.’” Sara sang loudly, clapping and dancing along with the musician on stage. The music stopped, the crowd settling back down....the seats filling up more quickly now, as everyone anticipated the arrival of Nsync. “Where’s Brynn?”

“Saying good luck to Justin..she should be back by now. We heard that Britney was should have seen Brynn’s face when we found that out...if only looks could kill.” Faith turned to look at Sara, the two girls watching, but keeping a close eye on the famous people that slowly begin to fill the VIP area. “Look, isn’t that Jermaine Dupri...and wait...that’s Beverly Mitchell.”

Sara glanced over to where Faith was pointing, slowly recognizing all the stars that begin to walk in. “Frankie Muniz, Donald Fasion..and Oh my god, that’s Dennis Scott. Do you think he’d care if I went over and got an autograph?” Sara couldn’t take her eyes off the former NBA star. “Check that out..isn’t that the girl that sings the Bad song?”

“Willa Ford...and yep that’s here.” Brynn took a seat behind Faith and Sara, the two girls turning to look at her. “I have finally made it.....haven’t had any Bitch sightings have you?”

Both girls shook their heads, not even thinking to look up at the section below the second stage. “I think that’s Ludacris, and if I’m not mistaken isn’t that Tigger from BET?” Sara pointed them out...Faith grabbing her arm when she took a good look at the one they thought was Ludacris.

“Oh my god, that is, I can’t believe we are surrounded by so many famous people, it’s insane.” Faith turned around to say something to Brynn, catching a couple out of the corner of her eye. “That’s the Chasez’s.”

Brynn and Sara both turned to look... “The Bass’ sitting right in front of them....Faith why don’t you go say hello to JC’s parents....” Sara gave Faith a slight push, causing the girl to stumble... “I have to run up to the bathroom, but I shall return, and when I do, I want a full re-telling of what happened.” Sara pushed her way past people as she made her way back up the stairs.

Faith took hold of the chair, trying to keep her hands steady as she walked slowly towards the parents of JC Chasez. Stopping a few feet away, she took a deep breath, steadying her shaky nerves. Extending her hand...she took a step...followed by another...closer she inched towards them..until. “Hello.....”

Roy Chasez turned to look at the girl..her hand reaching for his. He smiled gently, taking her hand. “Hello....”

“I’m...I’m Faith.” Faith tried to keep from stuttering, but that task was proving to be a difficult one. “It’s nice to meet you sir.”

“ me Roy. It’s nice to meet you also...Faith.” Letting her hand go, he turned to his wife... “Karen...this is Faith.... Faith this is my wife Karen.”

“Pleased to meet you too ma’am.” Faith politely shook her hand, scanning her brain quickly for something to say. “I’m sort of a friend of your son’s.”

“A friend of Josh’s huh....well that would explain why you are standing here next to me.” Roy looked at her..... “Wait....Faith..... he met you in...”

“California.” Karen finished for his husband. “I’ve been dying to meet the girl he’s talked so much about. with us for a few minutes.”

Faith took a seat between Roy and Karen, answering their questions..asking a few of her own. JC’s grandfather who sat a couple seats away told some wonderful jokes..the family laughing heartedly at them. Faith met JC’s younger siblings...Tyler who decided it would be cute to plant a kiss on her hand, and Heather who was quiet, but very kind. She wasn’t sure how long she talked with them, but as she glanced up at her two friends, noticing them staring at her.....she decided that she should return to her seat. “It was so very nice talking with you...and I hope to see you around.” She said her good-byes....making promises to not be a stranger.

“ was it?” Brynn couldn’t wait to hear...listening carefully to each detail that Faith disposed of.

“OH MY GOD ITS DALE!!!!!!!” Rang through the small VIP section..crossing over into the large crowd that surrounded them. “Oh My’s’s DALE...Faith it’s DALE!!” Sara grabbed Faith’s shoulders, wrenching her from her story..shaking her as she continued to scream. “It’s DALE!!!”

“It’s who?” She scanned the rows in front of her....seeing two young men laughing hysterically. She knew one of them....he was Trevor from Soul Decision...and the other looked familiar.....

“Oh my god.....” Sara’s hand was covering her mouth...her hands were shaking as they gripped Faith’s arm.....Faith still scanning her memory for any remembrance of the man Sara was freaking out over.

It hit a ton of bricks.. “Oh MY GOD...It’s DALE!!!” Both girls now were jumping...Dale and Trevor’s laughter only growing with each excited squeal. “I can’t believe it.... It’s DALE!!!”

“Yes...I told you.. DALE!!!” Sara wanted desperately to talk to him..but her outburst had caused a lot of attention..all directed at her. “Wow.... It’s...well it’s Dale.”

Brynn, who was sitting in her chair..due to the fact that she was laughing to hard to stand...glanced up at her insane friends. “Well, go talk to him...or at least wave at him. I mean..he’s right there.”

Sara and Faith both waved like fools, smiles growing bigger on their faces as Dale and Trevor both waved back. They watched as Dale leaned over his chair, getting as close to them as he could.

His out stretched hand grasped Sara’s first.... “I’m Dale...but you’ve established that already.”

“Sara.....I can’t believe it’s you.” She refused to release his hand, forcing him to climb over the two chairs that separated them. “I’ve been a fan....well I like the MMC.” She stopped herself from saying anymore, afraid of creating more of a fool out of herself.

“I figured as much..and you are?” Using his other hand, he shook Faith’s...

“I’m is a pleasure meeting you.” Unlike Sara, Faith freed his hand, letting it drop back down to his side. “I guess we sort of made ourselves known.”

Dale laughed, nodding his head. “Yes you did..but I haven’t had a greeting like that in a long felt good. Thank you.”

It was the last thing Sara and Faith expected to hear, but both girls felt their faces grow hot....the twinge of pink invading their cheeks. “You’re welcome....I’m sorry if we caused any unnecessary attention.”

“ was all wonderful. Look, I’ve got to get back to my seat, but enjoy the show. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” They watched him climb back over the chairs, Sara not taking her eyes off of his head until it was too dark to see.

Faith watched Brynn carefully as ‘Gone’ begin. The guys taking seats upon the stairs on the stage..the words of the song lingering in the air. Sara was wrapped up in Wade’s arms...leaning against his firm chest as the romantically haunting song played loudly through the speakers. Justin’s voice rang with so much emotion..Faith wasn’t surprised to see small tears trickle down Brynn’s flushed cheeks. The atmosphere soon changed as Faith squealed loudly..the opening cords to ‘Space Cowboy’ taking over the crowd. Looking up the girls watched as the boys flew over their heads...turning around, making sure not to miss a thing that took place atop the second stage.

Brynn grabbed a hold of Faith’s arm...pointed towards the stairs near the field. “That’s her..she is here.”

Faith looked to where Brynn was pointing..and sure enough Britney Spears sat on the steps, perfectly engrossed in a deep conversation. “How can she talk during this?”

Brynn shrugged her shoulders, casting and evil glare in her direction, before losing herself in everything that Justin was doing up on that stage.

The girls reached over the fence, hands out stretched as the boys ran by..JC stopping briefly to slap their hands...smiling down at Faith as he did so. Justin winked as he ran by, completely ignoring Britney..who was doing him the same favor. The boys danced their way up and down that catwalk..making many stops near where the girls sat. Lance even thought it would be amusing to spray silly string all over their clothes and hair. They paraded back down, their dancers on their arms as they belted out the words to ‘Celebrity.’ Sara laughed along with the funny antics of the guys, smiling at the way they played off the crowd...singing along to the songs she knew...pretending to the ones she didn’t. Faith had traded places with Wade, standing next to Sara as they both leaned over the fence, staring down the catwalk at the men on the main stage. Screaming along with the other fans, the girls waved their arms in the air, jumping up and down...getting completely into the feeling that the concert created. Brynn climbed over the seats, standing in between her two friends they sang along to ‘The Game Is Over’...adding their own little dance steps, Wade laughing at them from where he now stood. As ‘Bye Bye Bye’ played, the girls couldn’t help but scream out the lyrics....making sure Wade was singing along with them. All four danced along with the boys....JC and Justin making sure to stop a minute on the catwalk near them...laughing at the site before their eyes. The music faded, the lights came back on..and the large crowd filed out into the small space between sections. Wade and the girls stayed seated....watching the crowd file past them...Wade waving at the ones that recognized him.

“That was so” Sara leaned back in her chair...trying to take in all the little bits.....

“I told you it was good.” Faith stood on her chair, looking past the heads..towards the stage. “How much longer do we have to wait?”

“Until we can get out...don’t worry, there is a car waiting for us..and the guy’s won’t leave the hotel until we get there. Everything has been arranged..why do you think I’m still here with you?” Wade took Sara’s hand...placing it in his lap.

“Dancing the night away sounds so good right now...I’ve got far to much energy.” Brynn sat on the back of her chair....her eyes scanning the crowd..her legs bouncing aimlessly.

“You all have to much energy.....don’t worry, you’ll be tired by the end of the night.” Wade rubbed the back of Sara’s hand. The four stood when security appeared, telling them that it was now safe to make their way towards the car.

Screams.....echoing off the deserted walls of the 26th floor. Two curious heads popped out from behind their hotel room door..their long slender bodies soon following. Sara and Brynn stood in the hallway, looking down towards the center....wondering where the sounds were coming from. Inching slowly, as to not make any noise..they crept along the corridor, prepared to jump behind something if they were caught snooping around. Closer they came to the sound....its source coming from somewhere inside Justin’s room.

“Oh no...” Brynn placed a hand over her mouth, shaking her head.

“Don’t tell me...we’re witnessing one of the famous ‘Justin and Britney’ fights?” Sara leaned her slim shoulder against the mirror on her foot crossed over the other, as the two listened to the battle raging behind the door. “They aren’t even dating anymore..don’t they every stop.”

The door burst open...Justin standing beside it..hands on his hips..eyes gleaming with fury. “Get out......just get out Britney.” His hands were shaking as he pointed towards the hallway....trying without force to make her leave his room.

“But didn’t get the whole story....Wade never tells the truth.” Britney stammered, almost begging with Justin to listen.

“It’s not Wade that has trouble with telling the truth.....if you would just give someone a chance...if you would just stop judging people before you knew them. Not everyone is like you Britney....these girls actually appreciate us for who we are....and I doubt they care anything about our fame.” Justin felt foolish, but he stamped his foot to get his point across.

“Oh don’t give me that shit Justin..of course they care about your fame..why else would they follow you here to can’t honestly be that stupid.” Britney let a sly grin perch on her lips.....a hand smoothly making its way towards Justin hard chest.

“Don’t.....just don’t touch me.” Justin shook his head...the sight of her making him could she sit there and call him could she still think that he wanted anything to do with her. “They came with us here...because we asked them too. We enjoy their company, as much as they enjoy ours. It is possible to like being around someone for who they are...not for what they do.”

Britney just looked at him..not believing that he was actually speaking this way to her. “You’ll come back to always do.”

Furious at her now...Justin placed a large hand on her tiny arm. “We’re not together now..nor will we ever be again. I’m sorry Britney..but things between us...have well....changed, and they will never go back to what they were. I will not come back to you....please..just move on.”

Britney put on her best puppy dog look, but Justin didn’t budge...he stood next to the door, staring her down......finally giving in..she sulked out the door, towards the elevators. “You’ll regret every letting me go Justin will regret it.”

“ your dreams sweetheart.” Justin sighed...leaning his broad shoulder against the door as he watched her disappear into the elevator car......noticing Brynn out of the corner of his eye. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough.” Brynn walked closer to him..Sara following close behind. “You okay?”

Justin nodded his head..inviting both girls into his room. “I still have to get ready to go out....I wasn’t planning on going..but I think that I need to release some of this anger.....safest way...dancing.”

Brynn jumped up and down with excitement... “I couldn’t agree more....let’s dance the night away baby......”

Sara just shook her head.... “I think I’m gonna go down and find Wade....we’ll catch up with you two at the club.” Sara left the two behind her as she rode the elevator one floor down..walking along the hallway towards Wade’s room.....knocking softly...she smiled at his bright face.

“Hey you....I’m almost done...come in.” He stepped aside..letting her pass by him. “What brings you down here?”

“I wanted to let Brynn and Justin have some time alone..and I wanted to come talk to you.” Sara sat on the bathroom counter as Wade finished spiking his blond hair. “How come you left during the opening acts looked so upset.”

Wade stopped, turning to look her in the eye. “Just something that Britney said....she just has a way of getting under my skin. You shouldn’t worry about it.”

Sara studied him for a moment..his hands were now shaking slightly.....and he kept glancing over at her through the mirror. “Why do I get the feeling that what she said had something to do with me?”

Wade didn’t look at her this time...he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye. “She said something that she shouldn’t have...but Britney has a way of shooting off her mouth. I promise Sara it was nothing..I just let it get to me..that’s all.”

“Promise?” Sara stuck her hand out..waiting for him to take it.

“I promise....” He took her hand..pulling on he could wrap his arms around her body. “She’s really nothing but hot air we just gotta learn to shrug her off.”

“Yeah..I guess you’re right. Anyway, are you finished yet?” She playfully tugged at his hair...moving away quickly as he swatted at her hands.

“If you leave me alone long enough..I will be.” The bottle of gel held tightly between his fingers. “There...perfection.”

“Oh get off it.....come on. For once..I want to dance..and dance all night long with you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck....allowing him to pull her closer to his warm body.

“I think I can handle the dancing part.....I’m sure everyone is waiting for us...” He took her hand in his..leading them both out of his room....walking down the hall to meet up with everyone else.

Waking up early the next morning took a lot out of Sara....yawning she stretched her arms above head, looking over at the bed next to her. Brynn slept soundly, her hair spread out across the pillows, the covers pulled up underneath her chin. Making as little noise as possible, Sara slide out from beneath her covers, flipping the light on in the bathroom. After a nice warm shower, she was ready to take on the day. It would be a busy one too...the guys had to be over at the Thomas and Mack Center for a few last minute preparations. Shaking Brynn, Sara tried her best to wake the girl up....finally succeeding, watching her as she stumbled into the bathroom. Picking up the phone...Sara dialed JC’s room number, knowing full well that he was awake.

“Hey Faith up yet?” Sara breathed into the phone...stifling a yawn.

“She’s in the shower, but she should be out you want me to give tell her to give you a call back?” Sara heard the sleepiness laced in his voice.

“Naw, I was just wondering when we were leaving, but I guess you can tell me that.” Sara laughed....keeping herself amused.

“Soon....not quite sure...Lance will I’ll have him give you a call when we’re all ready.” JC ran a hand through his freshly damp hair.

“Sounds good to me....” Sara hung up...pulling on her socks and shoes...waiting for Brynn to finish. Waiting as patiently as she could..Sara soon got tired....banging on the door. “Can you hurry please..I’m sure that the guys will be calling any minute.”

“Doesn’t this seem a little familiar to you..??” Brynn laughed as she pulled open the door...the phone ringing simultaneously. Brynn made a mad dash for it...grabbing it out of Sara’s reach. “Hello?”

“Just called to tell you ladies that you need to get up here as soon as possible...cause we’ll be leaving as soon as Justin is ready.” Lance spoke clearly into the phone....

“I see that Justin is once again the last one...” Brynn laughed along with Lance as the two hung up together. “We need to go.....”

“It’s about time....” Sara reached for her purse....stopping at the door to make sure she had her room key. “I’m so excited.....I’ve wanted to see the guys play basketball for so long..and now I finally get my chance... I just wish that Wade was playing.” Sara and Brynn stepped out into the hall, pressing the up button on the gold elevators.

“At least we get to sit in the VIP section....and I’m sure Wade has reasons as to why he doesn’t want to play.” Brynn stepped inside, waiting for the doors to close...turning to look at Sara. “Maybe he really sucks at it.”

“I’d laugh...the boy is amazing is so many ways...I highly doubt he lacks in anything. He’s sort of like Justin..he has more talent in his little finger, then most of us have in our whole bodies.” Sara leaned against the cool mirror..waiting patiently for the ride to end.

“I’m sure he’s talented in MANY ways....” Brynn laughed at the shocked look on Sara’s face.

“Oh please..don’t get me started on that.... trust me...the thought has crossed my mind many, many times.” Sara laughed along with the door finally opened...

Meeting up with the guys..they all rode down in the service elevators...their only way of making it to their vans without being seen. It wasn’t glamorous...but sometimes you had to do things you didn’t want to do...just to make sure you were safe. Faith leaned against JC...her eyes closed...the lack of sleep taking over her body. Sara glanced around at the rest of the group..noticing that everyone had their eyes closed...relishing in the moment of peace...probably the only one they would get for the day. Justin bounced a basketball, the sound echoing through the small shaft.....hungry for the chance to play a real game... He placed an arm around Brynn..pulling her close to his body...kissing her softly on the top of her head. Sara grinned...knowing that Brynn was fighting with herself..not to throw Justin down in the middle of everyone. Joey and Lance leaned against the wall...talking quietly amongst themselves...Chris jumping in on the conversation every so often. Wade held his phone up to his ear....chatting with who ever was on the other side...his hand movements and his smile proved that it was a good conversation. Sara leaned against his shoulder..feeling his arm loop around her waist..smiling to herself...

The arena loomed ahead of them..Sara leaning her head against the van window, trying to get a good look at the building. Wade tapped her on the arm....Sara turning towards he handed her three tickets to the Skills Challenge. “Here...these are your tickets for the actual event..but..” He pulled out three VIP/All Access passes, placing one around Sara’s neck... “These will allow you to wander wherever you choose. Just try to remember to stay out of the way...”

Sara wanted to scream..but the small confides of the car, handicapped her from doing so. “Thank you so much Wade....” She wrapped her arms around his neck....kissing him smoothly on the cheek...

Wade backed up a bit...shocked at her bold move, but giving into the feel of her near him...begging more for, but not wanting to push her into anything. “Well, you’re so very welcome. I just hope you enjoy it.”

“You’re gonna sit with us...aren’t you?” Sara looked into his chocolate colored eyes..seeing the answer before he opened his mouth.

“I’ll be here and there....I’ll sit with you when I can..but I’m more involved in this thing then it may seem.” Wade took her hand in his....running his thumb over her smooth cheek. “You won’t miss me too’ll be too busy screaming at the guys.” A smile appeared on his plump lips...causing Sara to think dirty thoughts once again.

“Aww, you’ll still be missed.” Sara smiled back at him.....the car pulling to a stop. “By the way..I’m hungry.”

Wade laughed out loud....her hand still in his as he exited the van. “Don’t worry..they’ll feed you here.”

“Well, I’d hope so..after is Nsync, and they do have plenty of money.” Wade’s grip on her hand became tighter, as they begin to lag behind the rest of the group. “What is the hurry?”

“If we don’t hurry.....those fans over there...” Wade pointed towards a large group of girls, eyeing them hungrily... “They’ll be all over me..the quicker we get in..the better we’ll be.”

“ of steel...release thy power grip.” Sara shook her hand Wade apologized quietly. “It’s okay..nothing’s broken.”

People ran everywhere...trying to get everything set up before the fans begin to arrive. It looked like a mad house, and basically out of order....nothing was organized...even Melinda seemed to be taking on her name sake quite well. Sara and Faith spotted the table of breakfast items..helping themselves, for the guys had disappeared once they’d entered the arena. Brynn joined them, and the found out where they were sitting...taking a load off in the red plastic chairs that lined the walls of the building.

“You’ve got the camera...right?” Faith checked in Brynn’s bag, making sure the vital possessions were accounted for. “Looks like you’ve got enough film too...good I’m sure we’ll use it. Now who gets to take the pictures?” Faith pulled the camera out..loading some of the black film into the back of it. “I know that if I take them...they’ll probably all be of JC.”

Brynn laughed..taking the camera from her eager hands. “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of JC pictures as it is..but maybe just maybe we’ll want to get some pics of the other guys..don’t ya think?” Brynn laughed as Faith looked over at Sara..shrugging her shoulders.

“I don’t know why we’d want pictures of anyone but Joshie.” Sara chuckled at Faith....taking a quick bit of her bagel.

“I just wish that Wade was playing....” Sara seemed to be lost in thought..a few taking shape as she spoke more to herself then to her friends.

Faith looked at Brynn, both turning to glance at Sara. “Don’t worry....I’m sure we’ll see enough won’t even realize he isn’t playing.” Faith’s eyes roamed up....glancing behind Sara’s head... “Oh my god...look..its DALE!!!” She screamed just so he would look up....Sara glancing behind her..waving at the dark figure that stood a few rows away.

“Ya know..I never realized how adorable he was until last night....god he’s cute.” Sara stared at Dale, not bothering to turn around when he looked back at her..smiling down at the three girls.

“Just make sure I don’t jump up and attack the boy....I’m sure he’d want a fan free day.” Faith giggled...taking one last look at Dale, before turning back around to face the wood floor. “Now where did everyone go?” The floor was deserted of all vital sign of the guys..their bodyguards...Melinda..Johnny...everyone was gone. “Even Steve has disappeared.”

“Wade isn’t there either...but then again...I haven’t seen him since we walked in this place. Oh wait....Isn’t that Roy and Karen Chasez?” Sara pointed towards a couple seated near the floor, talking animality with an older man.

“And they’re talking to JC’s you think they’d care if I went over and talked to them?” Faith looked wishfully across the arena....hoping her friends would say what she wanted to hear.

“Go for it...they did tell you to promise not to be a get over there. They are your future in-laws after all.” Brynn smirked at Faith, as they watched her stand....taking off in the direction of JC’s family. “She’s so hard up for that boy.....I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up actually together after this trip.”

Sara nodded her head in agreement..scanning the few people who were scattered around.... “Still no sign of where could he be?”

“Girl...chill. You’re becoming dependent...not cool. Look, he’ll be here....just enjoy the fact that you’re here..sitting in VIP..with all access passes around your neck. We’re the envy of every Nsync fan that will fill these seats.” Sara looked over at her friend....closing her eyes as she slowly nodded once again.

“You’re’re always right....” She placed the last of her breakfast in her mouth..chewing slowly as to keep her from speaking.

“Damn straight.” Brynn laughed out loud at the look on Sara’s face..... “Girl....” Sara couldn’t contain the laughter she spit bagel across the chair in front of her..both girls now doubled over...clenching their aching sides.

“Was it just me..or did that well...kind of suck?” Sara pulled off her shorts....reaching for a pair of pants....her voice carrying through the closed bathroom door.

“It was cool....well alright..very unorganized..very slow...but the dunking tank rocked.” Faith squealed, her and Brynn waiting patiently for Sara to finish.

“Justin I thought I was gonna have to be restrained...I wanted so bad to jump into that water with him.” Brynn flopped down on the bed....her arms spread above her head. “That boy is far to sexy for his own good....god.”

“When Josh decided to fluff his hair up.....” Faith begin..

“The whole crowd heard you shout at him..I’m sure him included. Girl...I’ve never seen you that excited over something before...” Brynn laughed..Faith’s face turning a light shade of pink. “I wish we could go with them to the auction tonight....”

“Me too...but I guess we can’t do all the fun things.... Are they clubbing tonight?” Faith pulled on her shoe, pulling her hair up into a loose ponytail.

“I think so...not sure where though. Justin said something about meeting them up on their floor after the movie...he said they’d be done by then. What makes me ‘SHE’ gets to go with him tonight....” Brynn growled at the thought of Britney near Justin all night.

“I guess sometimes we all have to do something we don’t want to do...famous people included. Sara are you done yet?” Brynn laughed as Faith stood to bang on the door.

“Well..if the roles haven’t reversed.” Sara stuck her tongue out at Brynn, as she grabbed her shoes, pulling them on quickly.

“Don’t even go there....I’m ready. Let’s get a move on..I can’t wait to see 8 story tall Nsync members. Faith just think..Mickey will be HUGE.” Sara opened the door..just as Faith let out a squeal of pure enjoyment.

“Please..don’t kill me yet....I’m sure Joshie will do that later.” Her smug smile grew as they entered the lion encrusted elevators.

“I can’t believe its still this hot out....” Sara waved her hand in front of her face, as they crossed the walkway over to the Tropicana. “You’d think that once the sun went would cool off.”

“It’s not that bad.” Faith laughed as Sara swung, but missed. “But I’m used to Florida humidity...”

“I can’t believe you weren’t hot at the concert yesterday..there for a little while...I seriously thought I was gonna die....good thing Lonnie was near by with plenty of water.” Sara stepped onto the escalator...riding it they walked along towards the Excalibur. Walking into the crowded casino...feeling the cool air surround them quickly..taking the heat of the night from their minds. “Now...lets see if we can make it over there without getting lost. Do we turn wait..I remember now..” Sara kept leading the way..keeping her fingers crossed just in case. “Ah ha...there’s the moving sidewalk...see I knew I could get us there.”

Faith and Brynn both laughed as Sara jumped up and down....getting a few sideways glances from people passing by. Off one moving walkway...onto another, the three girls rode their way to the Luxor....skipping along, talking loudly, clapping and cheering when they saw the picture of the ‘Bigger Than Live’ IMAX movie they were about to see. Stopping briefly, asking for directions, the girls proceeded to find the theater without to much trouble, only getting turned around once...well make that twice. They purchased their tickets....playing a few arcade games in the process of waiting for the chance to make it into the gigantic theater.

“Look at this screen......can....just....they’ll be huge.” Sara stuttered as she took a seat between Faith and Brynn...placing her feet up on the rail before her...the rest of the seats filling rapidly. “Lots of girls want the same thing we do...huge MICKEY’s.” Sara and Brynn laughed, as Faith shushed them quickly.

“Now don’t go saying that in front of Josh..I don’t want to explain to him yet....what that means. I think I’ll work on that one later.” Faith stared at both girls as they continued to laugh at her. “I know you find this humorous....” Faith laughed along with them..the three talking about how exciting this movie would it was amazing seeing them live..but seeing them 84 feet high would surpass that. The bars in front of them begin to lower, the girls leaning on them, staring at the huge screen...the room went dark. Screams filled their ears...their own included in the madness. One after another..a very HUGE Nsync member appeared on the giant screen..sending more screams to course though the narrow room they were in. They bounced along in their seats...singing along to the well known songs...keeping their eyes on certain members...Mickey included. Faith even had tears in her eyes as JC sang ‘This I Promise You’..this tight red pants, hugging him in all the right places. The cords of ‘Bye Bye Bye’ rang through the speakers..signaling the arrival of the end...and as the lights came back on..the girls begin to talk quickly about their favorite parts...the things that the IMAX made better in comparison to just watching it on a normal TV. They arrived back at their hotel, stepping into the elevators that would take them up to the 25th floor.....eyeing the girls that surrounded the lobby.

“I take it..they’ve left Olio!, must be back up in their rooms now.” Faith leaned against the mirror, watching the red numbers flash across the small screen. “I’m not sure after seeing that movie..that my heart can take another night of dancing with Josh...all I can see are those red pants....”

“And how well they showed off a ....” Bryn begin...her mouth covered quickly by Faith’s hand.

“ not go there.....or I really will have a heart attack on that dance floor..and Wyclef isn’t anywhere nearby.” Sara giggled at the two of them, as they walked towards JC’s hotel room..Faith knocking...all three waiting for patiently for him to open the door.

His smiling face soon appeared, as the greeted all three girls, ushering them inside, “The others should be here shortly. Did you enjoy our evening?”

Without warning..Sara and Brynn burst out into a fit of giggles, Faith just tapping her foot impatiently..trying desperately to keep from joining them. “We.....we....we had a good....” Sara couldn’t finish..her sides now hurt to much for her to talk.

“We had a good time....” Faith quickly finished for her...casting an evil eye in her direction..smiling sweetly up at JC. “I have no idea what’s gotten into them.”

JC glanced over at the two now lying on the floor, taking Faith’s hand in his. “What did ya do?”

That was it...Faith now no longer could stop herself...a loud bout of laughter escaping before she could stop it. “Maybe I don’t want to know what you three did.”

Sara just shook her head...trying to indicate to him that he was right....her voice just not making it from her throat. She was saved by a knock at the door....her giggling subsiding a tiny bit.

“What’s this?” Justin smooth voice could be heard above the chuckling that had filled the vast room.

“Ya know man..I’m not sure.” JC took Faith’s hand again..helping her stand as they fought past the two still sprawled on the carpet.... “Let’s get going...get in a bit of dancing..”

Justin helped up Sara and Brynn....taking both their arms...escorting them from room. “Wade will meet us at the club..but he gave me instructions that I’m supposed to take good care of you until we get there.” Justin patted Sara’s she smiled up at him.

“How was the dunk tank?” Sara asked, and evil gleam in her eyes.

Justin just shook his head.. “It was wet.” As he suspected, both girls broke out into giggles again...causing him to stop momentarily. “Have you stopped long enough for us to make it to the van..or should I just leave you both here.”

“Don’t leave us...we’ll stop..” A smile crossing Brynn’s full lips, as Justin stared down at her. She licked her lips..and he groaned....burning for a taste of her lip gloss.

“So how long are we gonna be out tonight?” Sara had released herself from Justin’s grasp, walking quietly beside him.

“Not to long..we have to be up early again tomorrow..gotta be back over at the Thomas and Mack. We have a press conference early in the morning.” Justin blinked a few times...trying to remember all they had to do in the morning.

“How come Wade isn’t playing?” Curious..she thought she’d ask someone else.

“Ya know..I’m not sure. We asked him..he declined, we never really found out why. You should ask him...he’d probably tell you.” Justin waited for the two girls to climb into the van, following closely behind them. “Wade has a lot of secrets, ones he won’t even tell us....”

“Maybe you can crack him Sara....” Faith slouched down in the seat next to JC, leaning her head against his tan shoulder.

“That would be nice....” Sara sat next to the window...Brynn sitting next to her. “What club are we going to tonight?”

“I think the one at Caesars Palace, Cleopatra's’s a Phat’ll love it.” Justin turned in his seat..facing all his friends as they rode through the crowded streets of the strip.

“Sara...get up. Come on Sara.... SARA!!!” Brynn pushed Sara in the shoulder, trying to get her to open her eyes. “Girl..we’ll be late if you don’t get up.” Brynn turned to Faith..who sat on the plush couch..pulling on her socks. “What are we gonna do?”

Faith shrugged her shoulders, tying her shoe quickly. “I guess this is what she gets for staying out so late.....I wonder if the guys are having as much trouble getting Wade out of bed.”

“Wake up dammit.... girl...will you GET UP!!” Brynn leaned down close to Sara’s ear, speaking as loudly as possible.

Sara eyes blinking rapidly adjusting to the bright light that filled the room. “What....what time is it?”

“Time to get up, because if you don’t..we’ll all be late. You’ve got like twenty minutes...if that, so hurry.” Brynn pulled the covers from the bed, Sara letting her feet his the carpeted floor.

“I’m going..” Sara yawned, a small smile reflecting on her features as she remembered the night she had. “I’ve never enjoyed dancing that come you all left so early?”

“Well, we knew we had to get up EARLY!! Why did you stay so late? You can’t fall asleep during the game...” Faith stood, reaching into her suitcase, searching for something.

“Like I could actually fall asleep during the game...Justin playing basketball... Now don’t get me wrong, I love Wade...but no one is quite like Justin when it comes to basketball..besides’s basketball...” Sara shut the bathroom door.

Fifteen minutes later Sara was pulling on her shoes, as a knock sounded on the door. “Well, they’re here...grab your shoe, you can put it on in the van.” Brynn grabbed her purse, pulling the hotel room door open... Wade and Justin stood on the other side, both grinning. “Well, don’t you like wide awake....considering you got no sleep last night.”

“It would be hard to sleep after a night like that.” Wade walked into the room, smiling when he spotted Sara...a frown crossing her delicate face, as she fought with her shoelace. “Need some help?”

Sara glanced up....her face beaming at his handsome brown eyes. “I got it....” She pulled her shoe on..tying it quickly before standing up..wrapping her arms around his neck...her lips grazing closely to his lips. “Let’s play some basketball baby...”

Faith laughed as she ushered everyone out of the room...Justin taking Brynn’s hand..the elevator doors closing behind them. “Is the Planet Hollywood party tonight?”

Justin nodded, reaching into his pocket..extracting a slip of paper. “That’s all we have after the game..but we have a press conference before the game...we leave tomorrow morning....gotta fly down to Florida.”

“You’re leaving tomorrow?” Faith looked shocked, hit with the realization that the trip was finally over..that the guys would go home..and that JC would be away from her. “I can’t believe that its almost does time fly.”

Wade placed a muscular arm around Sara’s waist, pulling her to him....the thought of this trip being over hitting all the passengers of the small elevator car... “There isn’t anyway you could come to Tampa with there?” Wade looked hopeful, his eyes pleading with the girls.

Brynn shook her head....Faith and Sara slowly doing the same. “Can’t...I’ve got a busy week ahead of me...I wish I could though...” Brynn glanced up at Justin..feeling his hand tighten around hers. “Boy, do I wish we could.”

“Faith still has a few days left at my house...then I have to go back to work....” Sara relaxed against Wade’s body...looking over at Faith who had the traces of tears in her eyes.

Justin looked at each of his friends carefully.... “We’ll have to see what we can do....maybe we can think of something....”

Brynn encircled her arms around his waist.... “I hope so...I really hope so.”

The van ride over to the Thomas and Mack was quiet...each trying to forget about the comings of the next day...but trying desperately to focus on the rest of their time together. The confusion of the day increased, as once again, things were unorganized, people working quickly on getting everything set up before the big game..the press conference taking over..the guys running back to answer the many questions of the frenzied press. The girls took their seats...watching the rest of the people fill the spaces around them. The Chasez’s sat near by...striking up conversation with Faith...Brynn and Sara jumping in when they felt necessary. Dale sat in front of the girls...laughing heartedly when they recognized him once again. The fans soon started to pour in through the open doors, the noise level raising with each new face. Celebrities started bouncing balls on the court, shooting baskets, camera flashes going off like crazy. Britney arrived on the scene..the cheers exploding for her...claps and screams could be heard all around the arena. Brynn shook her head, rolling her eyes, glancing over at Sara and Faith who just laughed it off. Wade finally showed up, taking a seat next to Sara, placing her hand in his lap, as he smiled over at her. The teams, now warmed up, took off back down the tunnels, the starting line ups announced over the speakers....filling the room with more screams of hysteria from the fans.

The game commenced, the Daze ahead by a few points, due to the scavenger hunt they completed the night before. The Knights however soon took over the lead, excellent three point shooting coming from Brian McKnight....with the help of Justin himself. Britney took a few shots, making only one....mocking and screams of happiness flying from Brynn’s mouth. Faith jumped up out of her seat during one point...screaming at the top of her lungs... ‘I wanna li-li-li-lick JC.’ Laughter rang from their section of the stands...Tyler chuckling loudly..Karen looking slightly embarrassed, but a huge grin adorned her face. Towards the last few minutes of the game....the four friends stood....cheering loudly for the Daze...the underdogs. Even with all the encouragement....the Daze still lost by about ten points...but that didn’t stop the enthusiasm, the celebration lasted long after the fans had left....the celebrities mingling with one another...shooting hoops, and celebrating having the chance to just be normal, and enjoy a good game of basketball.

Britney stamped her foot impatiently....wondering what could possibly be taking Justin so long..he should have been here by now..the others were here...well expect for JC. Taking a long sip of her white wine..she slouched down in a corner booth...glancing at the couples who danced, watching them laugh, all enjoying one another’s company. How could she be happy? Her ex-boyfriend.. was with another girl...and he was happy. How dare he be happy. This wasn’t supposed to happen, they were supposed to stay together..he wasn’t supposed to leave her. More guests made their way into the crowded restaurant...JC...with that girl..what was her name..oh yeah..Faith..on his arm. Meeting a girl at a dance dare they. Wasn’t Wade her choreographer, wasn’t he on her side? He’d been so hostile towards her lately, and she had a vague idea of why. Justin had probably talked to him...told him what she had done. Seriously, she wanted to kick herself for spending the night with that guy...if only she had been smarter, if only she had not ventured out of their relationship..while she was visiting Justin. She would have been mad if he would have done that to her...but still..she was Britney...he was Justin, they were meant for each other..they were supposed to stay together. She spotted him...walking in through the back door, laughing at something his new ‘friend’ had said. Ugh..she hated the girl...

Sara scanned the room, smiling at all the happy faces she saw..until she found one...very unhappy face. Britney was scowling at Brynn and Justin as they stood near the dance floor..drinks in hand, talking happily with another couple. Sara poked Wade, grabbing his attention, turning it towards the sullen young woman. “What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s pissed...she’s full of anger..she’s a bitch..what else could be wrong with her.” Wade ignored the question in Sara’s eyes, not wanting to remember the night so long ago.

“Wade?” Sara rubbed his arm..trying to make him talk to her. “Will you just talk to me..please?”

“She did something terrible to Justin...not exactly something we need to go into. She hurt all of us in the process, because well...that’s just how she works...take them all out with one blow. She’s not a welcome figure..but since she is Britney, and she’s still connected with Nsync...she has to appear at certain events...we just ignore her.” Wade was quiet, his fingers tracing patterns on the cndensation that formed on his glass.

“Oh...” Sara watched Britney...the anger glazing over in her eyes. “She looks pissed.”

“I’m sure she is....Justin moved on..Britney can’t get over him. She still wants to be attached to his hip, she thinks they were meant to be. The fact that he could move on, get over her, just proves that she’s nothing to him anymore...and that has to hurt her pride.” Wade swallowed his drink, taking Sara’s hand in his. “Let’s recreate last night..shall we?”

Sara smiled as she skipped behind him.....laughter filled the tiny space as she held onto him tightly..her feet already aching from the night before, but her mind not even focusing on that small fact. JC and Faith held onto one another tightly, not far from where Wade and Sara danced..Brynn and Justin watching quietly from a private booth, away from the noise. They all wanted to spend as much time alone as the arms of the one they were slowly becoming attached too. Things were going so well for all of them, the events of the next day, escaping their minds..but still lingered in their distance thoughts. Leaving would be tough, but they would deal with day at a time....they would deal with it.

Chapter Six *Coming Soon*
All For You