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A soft whisper floated across the quiet room as I sat looking at the faces surrounding me. None of us spoke, the only sounds coming from the whispered conversation of those around us. All of us sat together, waiting for the doctor to come and get us.

I glanced over at Joey, his brown eyes focused on his fingers as they made circles around the styrofoam cup he was holding. He appeared to be lost in thought, his thoughts wandering as he waited for the news.

My eyes found Chris next, his arms holding Sara close to him as she rested against his body. Her eyes were closed, relishing in the comfort of Chris’s arms. He leaned forward to peck her forehead, smiling as he watched the slow smile creep up on her lips. The sound of someone walking up the hallway caught his attention, his eyes springing forward.

I followed his gaze forward, noticing the young woman slip around the corner before once again falling out of sight. I turned my attention back to him, his eyes were now closed as he rested his head on top of Sara’s. Though we sat patiently, we were all anxious for some news.

I felt the light squeeze of my hand as my eyes lifted up to the man beside me. His deep blue green eyes mesmerized me as I looked at him...they always did. I smiled as he lifted our intertwined hands to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. I could see his eyes getting heavy...they had all come directly from a show to make it in time. I opened my arms, pulling him towards me to hold. I kissed the top of his head as his arms slipped around me.

"I love you, Josh," I whispered to him as my fingers slipped into his wavy brown hair. "I love you too," he whispered, his eyes slowly closed. It was hard on us all to have to sit and wait, but there was nothing more we could do. I could feel his deep breath through the cotton of my shirt, and I took comfort in it. I continued to slowly run my fingers through his hair as I looked across from us to Lance.

Our eyes met, a gentle smile found his lips as he watched the affectionate display between myself and JC. "You’re next, Faith," he whispered, watching as I looked down once again at JC and smiled. "You never know," I whispered in reply as he leaned back against the cushions of one of the sofas we had occupied for hours. "I wish they would tell us something," he said, running a hand through his spiky blonde hair. "Don’t worry Lance. Soon," I whispered much for myself as for him.

My eyes found the clock, watching as it ticked from 2:15 am to 2:16 am. I closed my eyes, my thoughts drifting back to the hours previously.

"Brynn, do you need anything? I’m gonna go grab a drink before the show starts." She looked at me as she rubbed her stomach. "Yeah, I’m hungry again. Mind if I walk with you," she replied as I offered my hand to help her from her seat. We slipped from the VIP section, making our way out towards the concession stands.

"Are you ok? You look like something is wrong," I asked, concerned by the expression on her face. "Yeah, I’m fine. Hungry as usual." I smiled at her as I asked my next question, "Are you ready?" She once again began to rub her stomach as she looked at me. "I’m a little worried," she whispered quietly as she stepped up to the counter.

"May I help you," the young man spoke, taking notice of the laminate hanging around her neck. "A hot dog please," she whispered, looking towards me. I knew what she was going to ask. "How about a Sprite. It’s a soda and it’s caffeine free," I answered, trying to help her without breaking doctor’s orders. She sighed, but agreed as the young man set to work on her order.

"What are you so worried about," I asked, bringing us back to our conversation. "Lots of things. It’s getting close. Are you gonna be there..." her words drifted off as the man came back with her hot dog. "Brynn, I promise I’ll be there," I answered, smiling as she nodded her head. She picked it up, taking the drink off the counter and handing it to me as the roar of the crowd echoed in our ears. "Show time," she whispered, ending our conversation before it had fully begun.

I felt the light shaking of my arm as my eyes fluttered open to meet JC’s. "Baby, Justin just came out." I sat up, my eyes scanning the people in front of me as I looked at his smiling face. A glimmer of tears sprang to his eyes as he looked around at us all. "It’s a boy," he whispered.

Everyone immediately relaxed as the sound of excited chatter filled the room. I was the first to pull Justin into a hug, pulling back only to wipe the happy tears from his cheeks. "She really wants to see you and Sara," he whispered to me as Sara took my place in hugging him. I felt an arm slip around my waist as I turned to find JC’s happy face.

"Can we go back now," JC asked, knowing full well what was on my mind. "Yeah, just a for a little while though. She’s pretty worn out." Joey stepped forward, slapping Justin on the back. "Congratulations Pops," he chuckled as he reached over to wrap Justin in a hug.

Chris, Lance, and JC all followed as they celebrated along with their friend. I felt JC’s hand slip down to encompass mine as Justin ran a hand over his face. The emotion in his eyes was unlike anything I had ever seen. I could feel the threatening tears stinging the back of my eyes when I looked at him. "Ready," he whispered, as Sara and I both moved to follow him.

None of us spoke as we followed Justin down the hallway, back towards the room. I could feel JC’s thumb stroking over my hand comfortingly. Chris held Sara close to him as we reached the doorway. JC and Chris stepped back, allowing Sara and myself to step inside first.

I stepped inside, reaching beside me to take Sara’s hand as Brynn came into view. The small baby rested in her arms as she held him against her chest. His small fingers were wrapped around her much larger index finger as she brought them to her lips. "Baby.." the sound of Justin’s voice brought her attention towards us, a smile lighting up her face as both Sara and I made our way to her bed.

"Isn’t he beautiful," she whispered, tears instantly springing forth in all of our eyes. "He’s gorgeous," I whispered, reaching forward to delicately stroke his little cheek, "how are you feeling?" I watched the smile on her face, noticing the glow that surrounded her. "Tired, but I’ve never felt so great in my life." She looked back down at the baby in her arms, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"He’s got Justin’s fingers," Sara whispered as she softly stroked his tiny hand. I turned around just as JC stepped up behind me, gently wrapping his arm around my waist. "Well, now’s as good of a time as any," I said, turning to take a good look at all the eyes staring back at me. "Baby..." JC’s voice sounded confused as I took a deep breath. I smiled up at him before looking down at the tiny baby in Brynn’s arms.

"Well, I figured you should all know that in about seven and a half months...we’ll all be doing this again. Only I’ll be taking Brynn’s place." My eyes locked on JC, trying to read the expression on his face. "You...I...we’re...a baby," he finally stuttered out. I smiled at him as I slowly nodded my head. "A baby," I whispered as he pulled me into his arms.

I could feel the warm trickle of tears on my cheeks as he pulled back to kiss me deeply. The congratulations rang in my ears as my eyes fell on Brynn. "Are you gonna be there," I asked, watching the smile that crept up on her lips. "That question sounds familiar," she whispered as she reached over to take my hand, "Faith, I promise I’ll be there."

Justin slipped into the chair beside Brynn, not wanting to be far from his family. "We should go. You need your rest," I whispered, smiling as I glanced back up into JC’s excited eyes. One by one everyone began to file from the room, as the nurse entered to take the baby to the nursery for the night.

"Faith," Brynn’s voice called again just before I slipped out the door. I turned around as she scooted down against the pillow. "We come home tomorrow. Are you gonna be there?" I smiled at her, nodding my head slowly. "I’ve got a new baby to play with. Plus I need some practice at being a mommy. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried." I watched the smile that played on her lips as I slowly exited the room, only to be encompassed by the comfort of JC’s loving arms.
