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He sat down on the bed, flipping on the TV. "Faith, come on. The movie is about to start," he called. He had heard the shower turn off several minutes ago. He thought surely she would’ve been in her favorite lavender pajamas waiting for him by now. "I’ll be there in just a sec," she replied from behind the closed bathroom door. He glanced over beside him as his eyes focused on the small book, it’s pages open to reveal her handwriting. He looked at it a moment longer, his curiosity getting the best of him. It was wrong to read it. It was personal. He glanced up at the bathroom door before flipping it back several pages. He had almost dismissed the idea when he saw his name on the page in front of him. He took one last look at the door before his eyes began to scan over the page.

Dear Diary,
What can I say...I was heartbroken. As I sat there listening to all the congratulations ring through the room it all seemed to become a monotonous buzz. He was actually going to marry her. I thought for sure he would wake up and realize how she truly was. Lord knows I had tried to make him see. I watched as she leaned over kissing him in a way her lips were unworthy of. This was wrong. It was just all wrong. My best friend in the world was about to get married, yet I wasn’t happy for him. I looked at him, and I saw the way his eyes clouded over when he saw the expression on my face. He knew I was not happy about this.

I knew I needed some fresh air, so I excused myself from the table. I just needed to make the world stop spinning so fast. I heard him when he called after me, but I kept walking. I had to get away from his deep blue eyes, and the constant stare of the woman that I loathed.

I stepped out into the warm night air and sucked in a hard breath. I could feel the tears starting to sting the back of my eyes, and I willed them away. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. They began to fall in steady streams down my cheeks as I thought about the mistake he was about to make. I told you before how he hadn’t believed me when I told him the terrible things she did to him, and how he dismissed me as being jealous. Of course, he later apologized, but he was right. I was jealous of every moment she spent with him, every kiss of his lips, every caress of his gentle hands, and every whispered "I love you" because I loved him.

I knew I couldn't hide forever. I wiped away a few unruly tears just as I felt his strong hand on my shoulder. His sweet voice whispered my name, striking up those familiar butterflies in my stomach. I loved it when he said my name. If it would’ve taken me falling on my knees in front of him I would’ve done it at that point. Anything to keep him from being hurt. Anything to protect him. My words fell on deaf ears. Once again he dismissed my fears, promising me that he knew what he was doing. How could he be so sure when I knew differently?

This is where it takes a turn. He led me back inside the restaurant and that’s when it happened. Just moments after announcing their engagement to their friends, there she was with her lips pressed firmly against another man’s. Instead of trying to shield him from the pain I actually wanted him to see it this time. Maybe now he would truly believe me. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he saw her, or how firmly he squeezed my hand. I watched him shatter in front of me, and as always, I was there to pick up the pieces. We turned around and left the restaurant that night, and needless to say, the wedding would never happen.

He spent the rest of the night curled up next to me in my bed. I held him and stroked his hair, comforting him in ways that only I could. I hated her for what she did to him, but I hated myself even more for being happy that they were apart. I didn’t sleep much last night. To be honest, neither did he, but even when he was sleeping I just couldn’t close my eyes. How could she do something so terrible to him? I hated seeing him this way, but it truly was for the better that he found out now. I was trying to put my own selfish reasons behind me, and look at things as if I was in his shoes. There seems to be one issue that always presents itself though. I’m in love with Josh.
Love Faith

He took a deep breath as he read the last line over again. His mind was racing, and his heart was running a close match. He was shocked by what he read. He glanced up at the bathroom door once again before reading on.

Dear Diary,
It’s been a couple days since I last wrote to you. Things are starting to turn around for Josh. He’s actually doing a lot better today. He’s pretty much buried himself in his work, but he’s always loved being in the studio. We saw her yesterday at a store downtown. She was with that other guy. He didn’t say anything to her, but I could tell it was still hard for him. It killed me to see him that way. I wish I knew what to do to make his hurting stop. Maybe one day I’ll get my chance.
Love Faith

He ran a hand through his hair as he fought to process the things he had just read. He couldn’t make his heart slow down. She was in love with him. He thumbed through the pages, glancing over all her heartfelt words. The butterflies only increased as he read her latest entry.

Dear Diary,
I don’t have much time to write tonight. Josh is coming over to watch some movies. I got all his favorites. I think I enjoy watching him more then the movie. The way his eyes react to each scene, or the way he smiles when he likes what’s happening. The best part is when he snuggles me close to him. He makes me feel so safe in his arms. I just wish I had the courage to tell him how I feel. Sometimes I wish he would just do it, but I doubt he feels the same way. A man like Josh is one of a kind and only the very best woman in the world should have him. I just can’t help but dream that he would pick me.
Love Faith

He laid the diary down on the bed, just as the bathroom door opened in front of him. "Sorry I took so long. Ready to watch the movies," she asked as he watched her walk into the room.
He took in her every feature from her damp brown wavy hair all the way down to the glittery nail polish on her toes.
"Josh," she asked, confused by the expression on his face.
"Faith, I want to talk to you," the unfamiliar tone in his voice worrying her slightly.
"OK," she whispered as he took her hands and held them both in his.
Her words played over and over in his head as he contemplated what he was about to do. "Sometimes I wish he would just do it, but I doubt he feels the same way." She would never know how wrong she was. He felt the exact same way. As his right hand released hers and slid up her back she looked almost shocked. He pulled her closer to him, using his other hand to lift her chin. His lips inched towards hers as he slowly slid his hand up to her cheek. As their lips touched he felt an electricity course through his body that he had never known before. Something that could obviously only come from her.

As they slowly pulled back she took a deep breath before resting her head on his shoulder. "Faith," her name filtered softly across his lips. She lifted her head up to look at him, a bright smile lighting up her face. There wasn’t a thing in the world that could spoil this moment for them. "How did you know," she asked, her bright blue eyes twinkling up at him. "A friend told me," he answered as he once again leaned down, pressing his lips to hers.

Hours, many kisses, and lots of snuggling later, Josh now slept peacefully beside Faith. Her head was spinning, as she grabbed for her diary. She took a deep breath, an ever present smile on her face as she began to write.

Dear Diary,
You’re never going to believe this.....

JC Chasez