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"Chris, do you remember the first time we met?" I snuggled up close to him, gaining comfort from his warmth.

"Of course..just like it was yesterday. It was on the beach..the day was hot, the water was cool, and you were wearing this really....."

I smacked him on the arm..."I meant the first time WE met." His expression changed as he searched his memory for the time I was talking about..and I couldn't keep the giggles inside.

"Oh...that time. Yes I remember that too...sorry." He grinned at me, and I rested my head back on his shoulder. "It was at one of our meet and greets....and you....well you were..."

"I was trying to keep Brynn from jumping Justin..and in the process dragging Faith towards JC, because she had decided to play shy."

"That was quite the sight...I couldn't help but laugh at you...I asked you..."

"You asked me if I was having a bad day..or if I just liked to drag and pull my friends around." I smiled at the memory.

"You told me to shut up." He laughed, the thought of our first meeting playing through is mind.

"It was the only thing I could think of at the moment."

"I was used to having girls drool over me, having them loose their voices, and have them try to grab at me..but having one tell me to shut up...that was new."

"I was one to always be different."

"You still are."

"I do try. Do you remember our first date?" I leaned up so that I could see into his eyes. His face lit up as he tired to remember our first date.

"I had it all planned out...everything was going to be perfect. A limo, dinner, a night of dancing..but then..."

"I had to screw it up. I know...I tried to go along with everything..but it made me all so uncomfortable. I just wanted a normal date..nothing fancy."

"Once again..I was so used to girls expecting so just didn't expect anything. You surprised me." He gazed down at me, leaning over to kiss my forehead gently.

“It all worked out though...after I made you mad.” I covered my mouth as I begin to laugh.

“I don’t find it very funny....well okay is quite humorous. I still can’t believe you spit your champagne all over me.”

“I just wasn’t used to drinking gave me sort of a... shock.” I stared into his brown eyes... “I didn’t mean to upset you..that wasn’t my plan.”

“You were right though...after that...the evening was much nicer. Who knew that driving around all night could have been that much fun.”

“Told ya so.” I watched as he bent down closer to me..his lips slightly parted. I closed my eyes, allowing him to kiss me like he had done so many times before. As I opened my eyes, I caught him licking his lips.

“Raspberry...just like the first time we kissed.”

“Some things never do change....Do you remember the first time you surprised me?”

“I had been on tour for how many months.....” He scratched his chin...trying to remember exact dates.

“Four months.” I smiled as he gave me a lazy smirk.

“Miss-know-it-all....four months. You had no idea I was coming home...until I appeared on your doorstep.”

“Rose in hand, and that grin I loved so much. I still have that rose.”

“You do?” He quickly looked at me...question in his eyes.

“Yes..its in my could I throw something that precious away.” His arms tightened around me, as I cuddled closer to him. “Do you remember the first time you asked me to join you on tour?”

“You said no.”

“I had to...I wasn’t ready to admit to myself that we were serious.” I ran my fingers up and down the arm that embraced me.

“What changed your mind?”

“I realized how much I enjoyed having you much I missed you when you were gone..and how much I actually loved you.” I rested my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

“Did I ever tell you when I knew that I loved you?” His fingers combed through my hair, tickling the back of my neck.

“ never did.”

“The minute you told me to shut up.” I sat up to look at him, but seeing the truth in his eyes only made me love him more.

“You fell in love with me that quickly?” I couldn’t believe it...I knew that the moment he smiled at me..I had fallen for him..but to know that he had fallen for me just as fast was heartwarming.

“It was weird, but I just knew that I would end up with you...forever.” His pulled on me, until I had crawled up into his lap. “Do you remember the first time we had sex?”

“You mean..the first time we made love....that was more then just sex Chris.”

“Fine...but do you remember?”

“ made me feel so were so slow..and perfect.” I titled my head, allowing him access to my neck. I laughed as his tongue ran across my skin.

“Only the best for you. Until you..I never knew that having a relationship with one person could be so....rewarding.” He kissed my bare shoulder, before wrapping his arms around me again, pulling me to his chest.

“Do you remember our one year anniversary?” I relaxed against him.

“I took you to Italy...because you had always wanted to see Rome and Vatican City.”

“Once again you made my dreams come true...I loved that trip. Nothing but me and fans, no pressure...just us.”

“That’s the way I wish it could always day day.” He kissed my cheek, before I turned my head, permitting him to kiss my lips.

“I’m willing to wait, as long as I get to be with you..forever.”

“I don’t plan on leaving you that I’ve got you.” He begin to tickle me, causing me to squirm.

“Do you remember when JC asked Faith to marry him?”

Chris begin to laugh at the thought of this newest memory. “Oh goodness yes. I thought the girl was gonna pass out....I told JC that having all of us sing to her was gonna be too much.”

“It’s something that she’ll never forget though.”

“Very you remember the time I asked you to marry me?”

“How could I forget was the happiest day of my life. The Limo...dinner, a night of are always full of surprises.”

“I just didn’t expect you to spit champagne all over me..AGAIN.”

“You were the one who wanted to recreate our first wouldn’t have been exact if I hadn’t gotten you all wet.” I tried to cover up the smile that played on my lips, but he saw it.

“I was so nervous that had no idea what I was about to do..and I wasn’t sure you’d say yes.”

“Chris...I can’t ever tell you no.”

“You did that one time.”

“One time..and I regretted it. This was a chance to spend the rest of my life with the man I loved so much...I would have been stupid not to say yes to that.” I took his face between my hands, forcing him to look at me. “That was the smartest choice I ever made.”

Chris’ line of vision changed, and he stared across the room, “the smartest choice?”

I followed his gaze, smiling at the sight. “Well....”

“That’s what I thought.”

“She was the second smartest choice I ever made.” Chris begin to tickle me again..but I quickly stopped him. “ quiet or else you’ll wake her up.”

“I’m not the one laughing.”

“Stop tickling..and I’ll stop laughing.”

“I’ve got a good way to make you shut up....” He captured my lips with his again...creating more memories..and this was one conversation...I would remember.

Chris Kirkpatrick