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The day had been perfect. A beautiful evening for a wedding, especially on the beach. The sunset was perfect to provide the setting that Brynn had always dreamed of. The flowers were perfect, the music was perfect, and he was perfect. As Faith stood next to her friend she glanced over at the smile that was ever present on Justin’s face. The smile that represented the happiness that was welling up inside of him. She watched as his eyes scanned Brynn before slipping the ring on her finger and looking back towards the minister. His eyes radiated his love as he gazed deeply into her eyes.

The vows were said, the rings fit perfectly, and now the rest of their lives were ahead of them. Their lives that had now been joined as one. The minister announced them as husband and wife as they looked out among the many faces of friends and family. The applause echoed through their ears as they walked back up the soft sand. As they continued it came time for Faith to walk. She glanced down before looking up into the deep blue eyes of the man that she had loved for so long. She slipped her arm into his as they followed the happy couple. As they reached the end of the aisle, their arms parted and she watched as JC walked towards the beautiful young girl sitting with his mother.

Faith sighed deeply, watching as the girl took him into her arms and hugged him tightly. It just didn’t seem right. Her arms were made for him and his for her, but something or someone else always seemed to stand in the way. A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her intent gaze as she stared up into the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen. She smiled brightly at him as he hugged her gently, "You ready to show these people how to dance?" With one last glance towards JC she followed Joey up to the hotel where the reception was beginning.

The music played through the room and she watched as Brynn and Justin swayed to the music. They couldn’t seem to take their eyes off each other as Justin led her around the floor. Their stares were so full of love and passion that Faith felt a twinge of jealousy. She only felt that way about one person, but as she glanced around the room her eyes came to rest on JC dancing with the same beautiful blonde. It was then that she noticed the expression on his face. It wasn’t one of happiness or love that she had seen on Brynn and Justin’s, it was an expression of hurt and anger. She glanced towards Joey who she had left moments before to take a break before turning back to JC just in time to see him walk out the door towards the beach.

Faith looked around the room for the cause of his anger and noticed her stomp out the front door in the opposite direction of him. "Oh no," Faith whispered to herself as she made her way out to the beach. She kept her eyes focused on him as she walked. The way his hands were jammed down into his pockets, the way he looked up at the sky to find some sort of answers, and the way his shoulders slumped in defeat. The more she watched the more her heart broke.

She stepped cautiously up to him and placed her arm gently on his back. "JC.." she whispered softly as he turned around and she met his deep blue eyes once again. She could see the anger that clouded them as she ran her hand across his back gently. "Are you ok?"

He turned his head back out towards the water as he slipped his hand down to take hers. "Faith, I’m fighting a losing battle with my heart." His words somewhat confused her but she listened intently. His words blended with the soft music floating down from the party going on inside the hotel. "I feel bad for what I had to do, but I don’t feel bad for why I had to do it." The more he talked the more confused she became. Her forehead creased slightly as she tried to figure out what he meant.

When he turned towards her and placed his soft hand on her cheek her breath caught in her throat. "JC..." her words trailed off as she felt his soft lips pressed gently on hers. She ran her arms around his neck and slid her fingers up into his hair. His hands explored her back before he slid his right hand into her hair. As he pulled back slowly she watched the smile that played on his lips.

So many feelings were rushing around inside her, and so many thoughts were flooding her mind. She locked onto his intense stare and held it. The passion that radiated out of them was enough to make her go weak in the knees. She pressed her lips to his again needing to taste his kisses and feel the warmth of his breath on her face. As they pulled back again she played with a tiny curl in the back of his hair. "I’ve wanted to do that for a long time." His words caught her by surprise and she looked at him wide eyed. "I’ve wanted you to do that for a long time."

He smiled down brightly at her and held her tightly to him. As the music floated through their ears they started to sway to the music. She could feel his breath on her neck and the beat of his heart against her hand. She had longed to be this close to him. He had been her fantasy and now he was her reality. As he slowly ran his hand down her back she slid hers down his shoulders. After a few moments of silence she finally spoke, "JC, was it worth it?"

His hands slid from her back up her arms and eventually to her cheeks. His voice was barely above a whisper. He leaned over so close to her lips that as he spoke his lips grazed hers lightly, "I just lived out my fantasy." A smile slowly crept up on her lips as she gazed up at him before pressing her lips to his. When she pulled away he took her hand in his and led her back towards the hotel. As they stepped towards the door he turned back to her and gave her another kiss.

She giggled against his lips causing him to pull away. He raised an eyebrow at her and she leaned in to peck him on the lips. "I thought you didn’t have time for fantasies," she whispered softly. He smiled brightly at her and winked. She giggled but stopped abruptly when he pulled her tight to his chest. His intense gaze locked with her own as his lips found hers. As the cheers erupted from inside they noticed for the first time they had an audience. Faith’s face blushed slightly as JC led her towards the dance floor. As he pulled her close to him on the dance floor he hummed lightly in her ear. It didn’t matter that it was a different song than the one playing, when she heard his words she couldn’t help but smile.

" gets the best of me..when I’m sailing..all caught up in a revery...every word is a symphony..." He stopped singing when he felt the touch of her soft lips and warm breath on his neck. When she turned to look back up at him he whispered, "Who says it’s bad to live in a fantasy world?" She brought her lips back up to his as they held onto each other tightly. As both their fantasies became reality.

JC Chasez