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Faith jumped on the couch, stretching herself out in Joey’s lap. "Babe, can we watch it now," she asked, smiling up at him. He leaned over, kissing her lips gently before answering her. "Sure thing, baby girl." She leaped off the couch, sticking the tape in the VCR. "Excited," Joey joked as she ran back over to curl up beside him. "He knows it kills me when he does stuff like this," she answered, leaning back into his open arms. He kissed her forehead as Steve appeared on the screen. "Well, Faith if you’re watching this tape it’s because you’re now my sister-n-law, and Joey you’re still my annoying little brother. My two favorite people, together forever. Amazing really. I never thought it would happen, but finally it did. Congratulations you two. Now, ol’ Stevers here was around to watch the both of you from the beginning, so it’s time to take it back. Waaaay back."

"Why does this worry me," Faith giggled, Joey only tightening his arms around her. "Cuz it’s Steve. I think he was born with a camera in his hand. Not to mention, he knows more about the both of us then anyone ever should." He kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closer to him. "If you two are done I’d like to continue here," Steve’s voice called from the television in front of them. "Shut up Steve," Joey joked as Faith giggled. "You shut up," Steve said, making them laugh harder. "What is he like listening to us or something," Faith giggled. "No, I just know you. Now, let’s begin with you, Faith." Faith groaned and laid her head back on Joey’s shoulder, "Why me?" "Don’t argue with me either. Ladies first," Steve said as the scene on the screen switched to a night two years previous.

"Lady and Gentleman, you have now entered the Stevers Zone. Enter Faith, the night of your first date. As you can see here...she stepped out of the bathroom, and I could tell she was a little nervous about her appearance. She wasn’t completely comfortable in this outfit, but she looked beautiful nonetheless. Listen to this," he said as they waited for what was to come next. "Whoa, Faith, or should I say hot stuff." Faith watched herself as she giggled nervously before giving herself another look over. "Is it too much? I am really uncomfortable in this," she grumbled as she looked in the mirror. Steve stood up from the bed, walking over to stand behind her. "You look great. Can I come with you tonight? I might have to beat Joey off," he asked jokingly as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Yes, in fact I really wish you would. I mean this is your brother," she said, turning to look at him as he shook his head at her. "You’ll be fine. Just be Faith. Joey doesn’t bite hard," he joked again, trying to relieve her nerves a bit.

She sighed, looking herself over one more time before grabbing her purse. "Get me out of here before I crawl in bed and hide." Joey looked down at her and chuckled, "Were you nervous, baby?" Faith laughed as she watched Steve offer her his arm, smiling as she slid hers inside. "I forgot he filmed this," Faith laughed as she shook her head. "Don’t worry I was nervous too," Joey answered linking his fingers with hers. They turned their attention back to the TV as Steve’s voice was heard again. "I don’t understand why you’re so nervous. I mean this is just Joey. Unless..." he said, looking at her and smiling. "Oh girl, I always knew you had a thing for Joey, but you just proved it to me." She looked at him, her eyebrows creased. "Steve, what are you talking about? I do not have a thing for Joey," she whispered. "Yes you do. You’re even nibbling on your bottom lip." She knew she was caught, so she gave in. "Alright, fine. Put the camera down." "Oh, it’s not on," he said, "just habit to carry it around." She sighed, stopping in front of him. "Ok, I do have a...tiny...itty bitty...crush on Joey," she whispered as a light shade of red crept up on her face. Joey chuckled and Faith slapped his arm playfully. "That little...he’s gonna get it. It wasn’t on, huh?" "Faith just enjoy the moment. You can kill me later," Steve joked, "I’ve got another line here. Shhh!" Faith giggled as Steve continued. "Great," he whispered excitedly as he led her into the livingroom where Joey was waiting. "Joey don’t think you’re getting off easy here. I’ve got something for Faith to see on here too. Alright, so that was the first date almost two years ago, and saying the two of you have been inseparable ever since would be an understatement. I’ve never seen either of you like this. You just seem to be the perfect match for each other. I would’ve never thought there would ever be a lady that could tame Joseph, the Italian Stallion. It takes quite a woman, Faith. He’s not the same guy he was before he met you. It’s pretty amazing to me. My best friend and my brother turned out to be a perfect match. Jooooeeeeyyy, it’s your turn, buddy."

"Oh no," Joey whispered as Faith giggled. "Bring it on Stevers," she said as he poked at her sides. She squirmed, trying to get away from his fingers as he pulled her over in his lap. She snuggled up close to him, her fingers gently grazing over the back of his neck as he held her. "Now that I’ve embarrassed Faith. It’s time to get you young Joseph," Steve joked, "remember this?" Faith and Joey both watched as the camera slowly zoomed in on a couple standing out on a moonlit beach. They watched as their faces slowly came into focus, Joey’s hand delicately resting on her cheek as he kissed her. "That was the night," Faith started, her eyes meeting Joey’s. "The night I told you I loved you," he finished, smiling as he leaned forward to kiss her again.

"Alright, don’t make me get the hose. Just a little while longer. Anyway, what Faith didn’t get to see was the total Joey freak out just about half an hour before this beautiful moment." Faith looked at Joey as his eyes widened. "I..well...I wouldn’t say freak out...more like...oh no...he taped it," Joey stuttered. Faith giggled as he buried his face in her shoulder. "It’s ok sweetheart. I have to admit that you shocked me when you told me," she said leaning up to kiss his cheek. Joey’s voice drew her attention back to the TV as the scene changed.

"I love her. I really do love her. Why does that scare the hell out of me," Joey said, nervously running a hand through his hair. "Joey, I know you love her. We all know you love her. She’s the only thing any of us have heard about for the last 6 months. You’re not scared of loving her. You’re scared that you can’t be what she needs or what she wants," Steve said as Joey walked in front of the camera once again. "Can I be? I mean come on...look at me. I’m the so called flirt and the ladies man. Can I be everything for her the way I want to be...the way that I need to be? Am I enough?" Steve took a deep breath before walking over to Joey.

"Sit down," he said, gently pushing him down into the chair, "Joe, you already are. Have you actually sat back and looked at yourself? It’s mind boggling. Tell me this. How many times have you been out clubbing just...oh say this month?" Faith nibbled on her fingernails as she watched what was going on in front of her. Joey gently pushed her finger away from her mouth, gently kissing her fingertip before holding her hand in his. "Twice I think, but Faith was with me both times." "Exactly. You were with Faith the whole night, you danced with her the whole night. ONLY her Joey. I have never seen you dance with ONE woman for an entire night." Faith watched on, realizing how right Steve was. "I love her, Steve. I don’t want to be with any other woman. I just want to kiss her...and hold her...and love her...forever." Steve smiled and sat down across from Joey. "Then go tell her that."

Joey’s attention turned towards the camera before looking back at Steve. "Is that thing on?" The scene switched back to Steve as Faith beamed up at Joey. "First of all, you two should know by now. The thing is ALWAYS on. Alright Faith, go ahead. I know you’re dying to kiss him after that whole "forever" thing." Faith giggled as she moved towards Joey’s lips. "He’s good," she joked as Joey closed the gap, pressing his lips to hers. "Alright, that’s enough. We’ve got a little while longer," Steve said, but Faith only pulled Joey deeper into the kiss. "Young lady, I said that’s enough," Steve said sternly, causing both Faith and Joey to laugh as they pulled away from each other. "You’re gonna love this next part. Joey, get Faith a Kleenex."

They watched as the camera panned across that same beach. Couples dancing slowly silhouetted by the slow drifting sun as it met the horizon. "I was hoping he put this on here," Faith whispered as Joey wrapped both arms around her tightly. Slowly Faith’s face came into focus, her hair blowing gently with the seabreeze as she gazed up into Joey’s loving brown eyes. He pulled her closer, holding her against his chest as they danced. She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she relished in the magic of the moment. Joey’s face came into view as they slowly turned, swaying with the music. His eyes closed, his cheek resting gently on her head, the same happiness registering in his smile. The song ended, but it took a moment for them to pull away from each other’s loving arms. Joey slowly slipped his hand down, linking his fingers with hers before leading her out of the crowd. His mind was made up. Faith’s hand slipped over Joey’s as she waited for what was to come next. The music faded as Joey reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black velvet box. Tears instantly sprang to Faith’s eyes as he opened the box. She didn’t even have to listen to the words he was saying on the TV. They were permanently engraved in her heart. Tears flooded her eyes as she watched herself, a lone tear slipping down her cheek as she slowly nodded her head. Joey slipped the ring on her finger, lifting himself to his feet as he looked at her. "I love you," Joey whispered in her ear, in sync with himself on the tape. She smiled, watching as he wiped away her tears before scooping her into his arms amongst the cheers and applause from the crowd.

She glanced down at her finger. Now there were two rings there. It was still so incredible to her. It always had been. They sat there together, Joey holding her in his arms, watching as Steve led them through the months leading up to their wedding. Everything from fittings, to decorating, rehearsals, messages from friends and was all there. Finally, the scene switched to the wedding. They both sat there, awed by the beauty of it all. With the hustle and bustle involved in the day, neither of them had realized just how beautiful everything had turned out. It was absolutely breathtaking.

"Look at that," Joey said, resting his chin on her shoulder. "It’s just...perfect," Faith whispered. She glanced over her bridal party, smiling at the sight of each of the girls. Brynn and Sara truly made those gowns shine. Her eyes drifted over each of the guys as they stood there in their tuxedos in perfect formation behind Joey, always in sync. They watched silently as the ceremony continued, each of them giving their life to the other. She remembered the feeling that coursed through her body as his lips pressed against hers, sealing their vows. She felt as if she was floating on a cloud. She felt Joey’s lips gently kiss away the tears that had found their way down her cheek as the minister announced them for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Fatone. "There you have it. You two are married. Can you believe it? We aren’t done yet though. We’ve still got the reception, and you know I..." Steve’s words trailed off as Joey flipped off the TV. "I’ve got another idea. Mind if we watch the rest of that later, Mrs. Fatone," he asked, pecking her lips. She smiled at him, meeting the twinkle in his eyes with her own. "Well, what is it that you would like to do Mr. Fatone?" He slowly slid his hand down her cheek, his loving eyes locking with her gaze. "I want to kiss you," he said, leaning over to peck her lips again, "and I want to hold you, but most of all, I want to love you...forever."

Joey Fatone