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Faith tossed her bag on the bed, glancing up at Chris smiling at her from the doorway. "I really appreciate you letting me crash here. I kinda gave up my room for Sara’s parents," Faith said as she flopped down. "You’re more than welcome. I could use the company anyway," he replied, walking over to sit down beside her.

"So, what’s been up with you lately? Since you got home I haven’t seen much of you," Faith asked, scooting over so Chris could prop himself up on the pillows. "Just chillin’. Haven’t done much," he answered, "what about you?" Faith sighed, pushing her hair back off her shoulders. "Actually, work is it. Sara and I have both been so tired we just kinda crash. We miss you though. You never come play with us anymore."

Chris smiled, glancing over at her before turning his attention to the ceiling. "Yeah," was his only reply. "Hey, what’s up? You’re being way too quiet," Faith said, nudging his shoulder. "I’m alright. Just lots on my mind. Hey, you wanna get some dinner?" She watched as his eyes moved to hers. He was obviously trying to avoid her questioning. "Sure, sounds good," Faith answered, watching as he stood up from the bed.

"Hey Chris," she called to him, standing up to walk towards him. He turned, his eyes finding hers again. "Whenever you get ready to talk about know where to find me," she finished, watching the smile that tugged at his lips as he nodded his head. He extended his hand to her, his eyes following her every movement as she placed hers inside of his. "Let’s eat," he said, turning to lead her from the room.


Faith’s eyes snapped open, a loud noise from outside interrupting her sleep. Her heartbeat quickened as she lay there silently in the dark...just listening. Her eyes moved over to the clock sitting on the nightstand beside her. She had never been the bravest person when it came to noises in the dark, but at 2:00 AM it was not something she was going to be able to ignore.

She quietly slipped from the bed, stepping lightly so she wouldn’t make a sound. The soft light from beneath Chris’ door guided her steps as she carefully made her way down the hall. She knocked lightly, hearing the soft music playing from behind it. "Come on in," Chris’ voice called as she pushed it open slowly.

He smiled up at her from his position on the bed, his laptop resting on his legs as he typed. "Everything OK," he asked. She giggled, shaking her head at him. "I’m being a big chicken. I heard a noise outside," she answered. He chuckled, patting the spot beside him on the bed. "Climb on in my little doodle," he joked as she moved towards him.

"I’m not bothering you, am I," she questioned as she slid onto the bed with him. "Nope, actually I was just about to go to sleep myself. I thought you crashed awhile ago," he answered, closing his laptop. "I tried...whatever that was outside had a different plan," she whispered, sliding her feet under the covers. "Climb on under. I don’t mind," he said, holding the covers up for her.

"You sure? I’ll go back to my bed if you want," she whispered. "Doodle, get in," he said, tugging on her arm to make her lay beside him. "Good...cause I really didn’t want to have to go back there by myself," she giggled, snuggling down in the bed. He took off his glasses, laying them on the table beside him before switching off the lamp. She smiled as she thought about how sexy he was when he wore his glasses.

"What’s that smile all about," he asked as he snuggled deeper into the cover. "Oh nothing," she giggled as he poked at her sides. "Doodle, what is it?" She giggled, squirming to get away from his fingers as he tickled her. "Noth..nothing," she said in between breaths. His fingers were relentless, finding all of her ticklish spots. "OK...OK...I give...I was thinking you’re sexy when you wear your glasses."

His fingers instantly stopped tickling her, shock written all over his face. She wasn’t sure why he was looking at her like that, but she felt a pang of fear course through her. "You asked," she joked, trying to lighten the tension the moment had brought. The smile that found his lips only confused her more as he lay back on the pillow without a word.

For a moment they lay there in silence, the only sounds were that of their breathing and the occasional rustle of sheets as they repositioned themselves in the bed. "Chris," Faith whispered, breaking the silence that had captivated the room. "Yeah," he replied softly. "What are you thinking about," she asked, turning to look at him. "A lot of things," he answered.

For a moment she couldn’t say anything, the soft glow of the moonlight on his skin mesmerizing her. Right now, laying so close to him was torturing her senses. It was hard enough to keep her feelings for him quiet, but at this moment she was using every bit of self control she had. She watched on as his eyes stared up at the ceiling once again. "Chris, what’s bothering you?"

He looked over at her, smiling as he scanned her face. "I’m alright. Just trying to figure some things out," he answered. His eyes couldn’t seem to focus anywhere but on her eyes. They were so full of concern and he knew it was for him. "Smile Doodle. I’m fine," he whispered, reaching over to touch her cheek, "you worry too much."

She leaned into his hand, enjoying the sensation of his touch. "You should get some sleep. I’ll protect you from the big bad noises in the dark," he whispered, smiling as she snuggled closer to him. "Night Chris," she whispered, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his shoulder. "Night Faith," he whispered, kissing her forehead before closing his own eyes, allowing the soft music and the feel of her beside him to lull him to sleep.


The sun peeked through the curtains, filtering light into the room. She had been awake for hours, just staring at him. He had completely entranced her. She had fought against herself the whole morning, her hands longing to touch the gorgeous man that lay before her.

Her eyes scanned his body, from his big toe sticking out from under the cover all the way up to the tussled spikes of his hair. She felt like she was dreaming, being here so close to him...just watching him sleep. The steady rise and fall of his chest...the contented smile that found his lips...the gentle flutter of his eyes as he was all permanently etched into her memory.

She felt him stir beside her, and her eyes immediately focused on his face. He sighed contentedly, rolling over towards her. His arm moved around her as he snuggled closer to her. So close in fact that she could feel his breath on her neck. She had controlled her hands long enough, she had to touch him.

Her hand moved to his face, gently caressing his cheek. The corners of his mouth twinged into a smile as her finger made a slow trail down to his lips, tracing them lightly. His arm tightened around her as he snuggled even closer. She slid her arm around him, allowing him to rest his head against her chest as she stroked his hair. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling. This was all too perfect. She closed her eyes, slowly drifting back to sleep.


His eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the bright light filtering across the room. For a moment he wasn’t sure if he was awake. He had dreamt about her, but she was actually here...holding him while he slept. He was mesmerized by her deep breathing and the light thump of her heartbeat sounding in his ears. He could feel her fingers resting in his hair, the other hand resting on his arm as she held him close to her.

It was all a little too much for him to handle. It had been so hard for him to keep his feelings for her quiet, and situations like this were more than just testing his self control. He carefully lifted himself, moving to rest on his own pillow. She stirred, her hands unconsciously moving to where he had just been. Slowly her eyes opened, his first glimpse of gorgeous blue eyes for the day. He loved the thought of waking up to them every morning.

She smiled when she saw him, another first of the day for him. All day long he would know that he was the first person to see her smile. "Good morning," she whispered, rolling over to face him. He smiled as he looked at her. "Good morning," he whispered in reply, "sleep well?"

She closed her eyes again, relishing in the comfort of the night. " ever," she answered. "Sorry if I was a bed hog. You were probably sick of me laying on top of you all night," he joked. She giggled, her eyes locking with his gorgeous brown ones. "Now how could I ever get sick of that," she asked, her words implying much more.

Silence once again engulfed the room as he turned over on his back. He was completely lost in thought when he felt her hand touch his chest. "Chris, I’m not letting you out of this bed until you tell me what’s bothering you." His eyes moved to hers, but right now the tingling sensation that had captivated his entire body was inhibiting his ability to speak.

"Please tell me. You keep telling me not to worry, but I can’t help it." The way she was looking at him right now was diving straight to his heart. "I don’t know how to tell you," he whispered. "Just like you always tell me everything else. It’s just me," she whispered, linking her fingers with his.

He sighed, his eyes moving to their intertwined hands as he spoke. "Have you ever fallen for someone, but you just won’t let yourself give in? I mean your heart is without a doubt that person’s, but your head just won’t let you give in to what your heart wants." One person came to mind with his words, and she could honestly reply with a yes to that question. Her heart was his, but her head just wouldn’t let her let go.

He turned back towards her, watching as she nodded her head in reply. "It’s like my heart aches for her, but my head says no because I’m scared." She swallowed the lump in her throat, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, and no matter how many times you try to reason with your heart it just doesn’t listen. I mean you’re friends with him, best friends with him. If anything went wrong it could destroy everything, but if you don’t give it a chance it could still destroy everything."

He couldn’t believe she was totally understanding this. "Exactly. It’s like when I’m with her I feel so complete. It’s like I see the other half of me. I want to be with her all the time, but I avoid her because I’m scared. Scared of what she makes me feel, scared of what could happen if I tell her, but right now I’m most afraid of what could happen if I don’t."

The room went silent again, neither of them moving...only their soft breathing could be heard. "I want to give in," he whispered, bringing her eyes back to his, "I want to give in to what my heart wants. I..." His words trailed off as her hand moved to his cheek, her thumb gently stroking his soft skin. "I want to give in too," she whispered, her gaze never straying from his deep brown eyes, "I want to give in to you."

He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how she knew. He never had any clue that she felt the same way. All he did know was that the one person that he needed was laying in front of him giving herself to him. He moved to pull her closer, needing to feel her in his arms. "Chris, give in," she whispered, looking up at him.

His lips inched closer to hers, turning to lay her beneath him as he finally let his heart win. Slowly their lips met...softly at first, but more passionate as they both let their hearts lead the way. Her hands moved behind his neck, pulling him closer to her body as her fingers dove into his hair.

Finally they had to pull away, each of them taking a deep breath. He looked down at her, smiling at the twinkle in her eyes. "I give in," he whispered, placing a feather light kiss on her lips, "to you."

Chris Kirkpatrick