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He had been quiet most of the ride, his concentration focused on getting home. It wasn’t hard to notice the same need and desire in him that she was feeling. One thing was for sure, it had been a long night. Ever since he picked her up she had wanted him. Worse even, she had needed him. Watching his breathtaking moves in the club had been almost too much to handle. She closed her eyes, smiling as she remembered the way his body felt against hers. God she couldn’t wait to feel his warm skin, moist with the sweat of their passion for each other.

She felt his hand graze across the bare skin of her knee, sending a surge of electricity coursin through her. She opened her eyes, meeting his deep blue ones. God he was so sexy. "Whatcha thinkin’ about," he asked, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You," she answered, bringing his fingertips to her mouth. He bit his bottom lip as she slowly pressed each one to her lips, teasing him as she pressed the tip of her tongue against them. She watched him suck in a deep breath, glancing back to the road before once again turning to her. "You are staying with me tonight, right," he asked, his eyes pleading for a yes. She slowly nodded her head, smiling at the relieved look on his face.

She intertwined her fingers with his, resting their hands in her lap as he drove the rest of the way home. Finally, he pulled into the driveway, turning off the ignition before his deep blue eyes found hers again. He gently slipped his hand out of hers, opening his door, focusing on her eyes the entire time. She watched him make his way around to her door, smiling at her as he opened it. He offered her his hand, pulling her tight to his chest as she slid out of the seat. Neither of them said a word, their lips inching closer and closer. His warm breath filtered over her face as she closed the gap, pressing her lips to his.

He pushed the door closed, never taking his lips away from hers. He lifted her into his arms, carrying her towards the house. She pulled back to take a quick breath, the sudden feel of his arms wrapped around her body was overwhelming. He sat her down, working quickly to unlock the door. He turned back to her, smiling seductively as she licked her lips and took his outstretched hand.

She intentionally brushed across his body as she walked past him into the room. His heart was racing as his eyes scanned over her. He smiled, noticing how her body sparkled with glitter. All he could think of was how much he wanted it to be on him. He walked to her, slipping his hand into her dark wavy hair. It was still slightly damp from their dancing, and once again his thoughts drifted. He wanted to make her sweat. He grazed his tongue across her bare shoulder before gently blowing his warm breath onto her now moist skin. He felt her hands slowly slide down into his, pulling him along behind her.

She entered the room first, releasing his hands as she made her way towards the bed. She glanced back over her shoulder, smiling when she noticed how intently he was watching her. She slinked across the bed, beckoning for him to join her. This was what he had waited all night for. Dancing so close to her tonight had been torture on his senses. He was overjoyed when she mentioned leaving early. Now here he was in the exact place he had dreamed about all night long. He slowly moved to stand in front of where she was kneeling on the bed. He bent down and kissed her neck as she slowly began working on the buttons of his shirt.

In a matter of moments his shirt was completely unbuttoned, her silky soft hands sliding up his firm chest as she moved to slide it off his shoulders. Her hands followed his shirt’s decent down his arms as she looked deep in his eyes, reading the desire in them. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. She kissed his chest, grazing her tongue across his nipple before descending down his chest to his stomach. He sucked in a deep breath, his fingers diving into her hair as her tongue circled his belly button. He looked down at her just as she plunged her tongue into his belly button, teasing him by blowing her warm breath on his moist skin. She felt him shiver at the sensation and looking up, she smiled at her accomplishment. He leaned forward, taking control of her lips as he worked at untying the back of her shirt. He loved it when she wore this shirt. He pulled back to look at the red glittery letters before tracing his finger over the S. "Sugar," he whispered as his lips inched toward hers, "I love sugar." His fingers gently caressed her now bare back as he slowly pushed her shirt down her arms to join his on the floor.

He smiled as he noticed her sparkling bare chest, she hadn’t been wearing a bra. God the thought of that drove him insane. His mouth began to devour her breasts greedily as she worked on the button of his pants. He slid his hand up her leg and just underneath her short skirt. He could feel her open her legs wider, welcoming his touch. She wrapped one leg around him, using her toes to slide his pants down off of his hips. He lifted up long enough to kick them off before gently sliding her skirt down to once again join his clothes on the floor. She smiled when she saw his wide eyed expression as he looked at her bare body beneath him. "You know I hate thongs," she whispered her explanation as she slipped her finger inside the waistband of his sport shorts. His only reply was a low growl as his eyes twinkled down into hers. What else could she possibly do to get to him?

He consumed her mouth with his once again, his tongue sliding across hers as he explored her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, followed by her legs, in an effort to pull him closer. On any regular night the two of them would spend more time caressing each other, but tonight their desires pushed them to move faster. He felt her hands slide down his back as he worked at her neck, nipping gently at her skin. "Baby," she whispered softly, "please." His eyes moved up to hers as he gently glided himself into her. He knew exactly what to do just by reading her eyes. He waited, allowing her to adjust to the feel of him inside of her. When she moved her hips toward him he knew she was ok. He began working a slow rhythm as she met his every thrust.

His body glided over hers easily, their passion induced sweat blending together. He could hear her soft moans of ecstasy as he worked to please her. He thrived on her reaction to him, it drove him absolutely wild. His hands roamed over her body, every touch exciting her more. With her excitement came his own. She looked up at him, her blue eyes twinkling into his. What she did next he would’ve never expected. Her hand slid down to his bare butt, squeezing it gently before grazing her tongue across the sweat beads forming on his upper lip. He took control of her lips as his rhythm rocked her more and more. She could feel that familiar wave as he moaned into her mouth.

He threw his head back, tacking a ragged breath as she moaned his name. "Ohh...Josh...mmm." He could feel her tighten around him as her orgasm neared. Her hips bucked up to meet his one last time before her body began to tremble under the immense pleasure he was giving her. "Josh," she screamed his name, clutching onto him tightly. He thrusted into her a few more times before he reached his peak, releasing his passion deep into her.

He collapsed on top of her, each of them fighting to tame their ragged breathing. She slipped her arms around him, hugging him to her as they each relished in the pleasure the other had provided. She giggled lightly, bringing his eyes up to meet hers. "You’ve got glitter in your hair," she whispered, a smile tugging at his lips. He gently slipped over, laying back on the pillow before pulling her over to him. She laid her head on his chest, her finger circling his nipple. She felt his lips graze over her forehead and she smiled. "I love you, Faith," he whispered before leaning down to gently brush his lips across hers. "I love you too," she answered propping herself up to look at him.

Her eyes scanned his face before moving down his neck to his still damp chest. She couldn’t help but smile at the tiny sparkles that now adorned his body. "It looks better on you then it does on me," she whispered, watching as he chuckled. "Wanna make a bet," he whispered, leaning over to kiss her lips again. He pulled away, that all too familiar twinkle in his eye. She wasn’t sure what was coming, but she was pretty sure she was gonna love it. "How about we go wash it off," he asked, smiling seductively. Her smile matched his as he slowly slid off the bed, offering her his hand before leading her towards the bathroom.

JC Chasez