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"Why does it have to rain today," Faith said with a groan as she flopped down on the couch. Sara and Brynn had both disappeared somewhere, leaving her home all alone. She had already tried all the guys, and so far no luck with anyone. She was gonna have to deal with this one on her own. She hated storms and what she hated even more was being alone during a storm. She jumped as a lightning bolt pierced the sky followed by a loud clap of thunder. Visibly tensing up a little more with each thunderous boom. She could hear the rain as it began to slowly fall on the roof, raindrops tapping at the windows. The lights flickered as another boom echoed across the sky. The rain began to pound on the roof relentlessly as she laid there listening to the rolling thunder. She nearly jumped off the couch when the doorbell rang.

She ran towards it quickly, realizing whoever was out there was probably getting soaked. She glanced through the peephole and smiled when she saw the familiar face on the other end. She jerked the door open and pulled him inside. "Aww, you’re soaked," she said as she let him in closing the door behind him.
"Yeah, it’s getting pretty bad out there. Are you ok? I know you hate storms, baby," he said as he ran a hand through his wet hair.
She smiled at him, but her smile faded as another crash of thunder shook the house. He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, a reassuring smile tugging at his lips. "It’s ok. I’ll stay with you," he whispered to her, calming her slightly.
"Come on. Let’s get you dried off," she whispered, taking his hand and leading him down the hallway. As she led him down the hall she couldn’t seem to get the vision of his rain soaked body out of her head. His hair tossed in all different ways, tiny raindrops dripping from the ends. The same tiny raindrops that cascaded down his face, dripping of the end of his nose and chin. His white t-shirt was plastered to his chest, revealing his well toned muscles. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and handed it to him, watching as he worked to dry himself off. His muscles rippling with each movement. He was absolutely breathtaking.
"Thanks," he whispered to her, draping the towel around his neck.
"I’ve got some of your clothes in my room if you want to change," she whispered to him, watching a slow smile spread across his face.
The flash from a streak of lightning shot through the dimly lit house just before the thunder blasted through the silence. The lights flickered once before they finally gave up the fight and went out. She felt his arms around her in a matter of seconds, the moisture from his clothes soaking through hers.
"You ok sweetie," he asked, holding her in his arms.
"Have I mentioned that I hate storms," she whispered, causing him to chuckle.
"I’m actually enjoying this one," he whispered seductively. She felt his lips graze the sensitive skin on her neck, overwhelming her senses. Maybe this storm wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

She led him farther into the room, stopping to light a few candles before turning back to him. She watched as the soft glow of the candlelight danced on his skin. The shadow of his masculine frame accentuated by the occassional flash of lightning. The thunder outside was no match for the pounding rhythm of her hearbeat as he stepped towards her, taking her into his arms. "Are you scared," he cooed in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe as another crash of thunder sounded. He felt her body tremble, but he wasn’t sure if it was from fear or from the intensity generated by the closeness of their bodies. Truth be told he was trembling too, but he knew exactly why.

She slipped her hands in between their bodies, gently lifting his shirt. "You need to get out of this. Can’t have you getting sick," she whispered, the seductive tone apparent in her voice. He lifted his arms over his head, smiling mischievously as she slowly lifted his shirt up and over his head. "There. That’s better," she whispered, tossing his shirt to the floor. Another crash of thunder sounded, and he used the opportunity to pull her closer to his body. He could feel her cool damp shirt pressed against the bare skin of his chest and he smiled. He was gaining a whole new appreciation for thunderstorms..

He looked down at her as she slowly pulled away from his embrace. "Well, looks like you’re all wet too. I wouldn’t want you getting sick either," he cooed in her ear. He gently slipped his fingers just beneath her shirt, teasing her by sliding his index finger along the waistline just above her khakis. He could see her lips moving as if she was struggling to get her words out. He loved knowing that his simple touch was enough to overwhelm her. He felt her hands slide down over his, urging him to finish what he had started. He gently and slowly guided her tshirt up over her head, sliding her arms out as he leaned over to kiss her bare shoulder.

"Jace," she whispered as his warm breath filtered over her neck. "Hmm," was his quiet reply as he turned to look into her bright blue eyes. They looked at each other, their passion filled blue eyes blazing into each other’s. His lips slowly turned into a smile as he leaned down, pressing them against hers. As he kissed her his hands slowly worked at the clasp of her bra, guiding it down her arms before tossing it to the floor with their shirts. He felt her smile against his lips, her hands sliding down his stomach to the button of his jeans. As she worked at his button he slowly walked her farther into the room towards the bed. She slid his zipper down slowly, pushing her fingers just inside his jeans as she slid them down his hips. He smiled down at her as he kicked them off before gently laying her back on the bed.

His swirled the drawsting of her pants around his finger before tugging at it, his hands working to slide them down her hips. Another flash of lightning lit up the room, shining on the bare skin of his back. She lifted herself up, allowing him to slide them all the way down her legs before kicking them off and pulling him closer. She couldn’t seem to get enough of the feel of his body pressed against hers. He kissed her lips againt, lightly grazing his tongue over her lips. She sucked on his bottom lip as he pulled away, not wanting the passionate kiss to end. He knew she wanted him now, as much as he wanted her. His want was turning into need as he watched the way she reacted to him. Her pleasure fueled his passion as he set to work on her neck.

He could feel her body tremble beneath him as she laid her head back against the pillow, soft moans escaping her lips. Pure ecstasy was written on her face as she slowly slipped her legs around him. "Josh," his name was all she could muster up as she looked up into his intense blue eyes. Now it was his turn to tremble as he read the desire written in her eyes. As they gazed at each other another loud clap of thunder sounded, but she never even flinched.

As she slid her hands down his back she leaned up to press her lips to his again. As he pulled away he looked down into her pleading eyes again. His eyes stayed locked with hers as he began his work to fulfill her every desire. Their soft moans filled the room as his slow rhythym blended in with the slow rhythm of the raindrops tapping on the window. He gently nibbled at her neck as she slid her fingers up into the sensitive hair at the nape of his neck. Their heartbeats pounded together, drowning out the thunder. Their passion induced sweat coating their bodies like tiny raindrops. Their intense blue eyes blazing brighter then any lightning bolt. The two lovers lost themselves entirely in each other, the weather outside no match for the lightning strike that electrified their entire bodies, setting their hearts on fire.

JC Chasez