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She smiled as she watched the children play together in the backyard. They were all she had left of him now. It was amazing how much of him she could see in them. Every movement of their body stirred up familiar feelings of him. As a light rain began to fall she watched as they both came running towards her.

"Aww, why’s it gotta rain? I was just teaching Jaycee the green grass song," Joshua mumbled. She watched his deep blue eyes as he gazed out into the now wet yard, a steady sheet of rain still falling. A bright smile lit up her face as she glanced over at her baby girl. "Joshie, you can still teach me," she whispered as she climbed up onto the porch swing beside him.

The three of them sat there together a few moments in silence, the soft rain pattering on the roof above them. Joshua’s soft voice broke the silence as it floated through her ears. He had the voice of an angel, much like his father’s. Jaycee shook her small foot, keeping a perfect beat with his music. At such a young age they showed their incredible gifts that their father had passed to them. Sharing his wonderful treasure of music with his children.

The rain continued to fall as Joshua’s song found its way deep within her, relaxing her every muscle. She looked towards Jaycee, finding her beaming up at her before turning to her brother. Her eyes followed Jaycee’s, scanning over every feature of Joshua’s face. Tears began to sting the back of her eyes as she looked at him. Even the way he sang was so much like him...every feature of his face screamed his father’s name.

His well defined cheeks, his passionate blue eyes, his dark brown hair, even his was all a reminder of him. She glanced back down at Jaycee, smiling as once again her bright blue eyes met hers. She leaned closer, her tiny lips hovering just above her ear. "Mommy, Joshie sings as pretty as daddy."

She felt Jaycee’s tiny hand slide into hers as she slid off the porch swing. She smiled, realizing exactly what she wanted. They had done it countless times before. She smiled as she stood up, carefully leading Jaycee down the stairs and out into the wet grass. The rain was still falling as Joshua slipped off the swing behind them, his voice never faltering as he continued to sing.

She could feel the wet grass between her toes as the cool raindrop soaked her clothes. She joined hands with both of her children, smiling at the warmth the two of them provided. She missed him so much that there were days she didn’t want to go on, but as she looked into the eyes of their beautiful children she somehow found the strength.

Slowly the began to spin in circles, turning their faces up to the sky. The raindrops wet her cheeks as a soft breeze blew across her damp skin. She could feel him everywhere. The sound of the leaves rustling in the trees, the melodic sounds of their children’s laughter, the soft touch of the grass on her bare all seemed like his way of letting her know he was still there.

"Ring around the rosy...pockets full of poesy....ashes...ashes..we all fall DOWN." Jaycee giggled as they all laid down. They rested their on the grass, Joshua and Jaycee cuddled close to her. The wind continued to blow, each of them finding comfort in each other. Jaycee looked over at Joshua, his eyes closed. A small pink flower petal blew in the breeze, delicately falling to rest in Jaycee’s hair.

She gently took the petal from her hair and handed it to her. "Daddy says he loves you," she whispered, watching the smile that found her little face. She took the tiny petal in her hand, tossing it up to once again catch the wind. She watched as it floated away, flying high up into the sky. "I love you too, Daddy," she whispered quietly, turning her eyes to once again look at her mother. "He says he loves you and Joshie too."

She smiled, laying her head back on the grass as she whispered, "I love you too, JC." The wind gusted once again and she could’ve sworn she heard his voice on the wind. It was faint, but she heard his whisper. "I love you, Faith." She smiled, tingles coursing through her body at the thought.

She stood up, helping her children up before taking both of their hands. "Let’s go get changed. Uncle Justin is waiting on us." Both children squealed happily, immediately tugging at her hands to make her walk faster. As the wind rustled again she turned her face up to the heavens. Her eyes focused on the rainbow that now crossed the sky, the wind still tussling her hair. "I miss you two baby," she whispered, as the sun peeked out from its clouded hiding place. The wind blew across her face one last time, whispering his soft reply.

JC Chasez