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He could feel the rain soaking through his clothes as he stood there, but he didn’t care. His words echoed through his head and he could still see the tears that started streaming down her cheeks. How could he hurt her that way. He loved her.

As he stood there on the sidewalk looking at the house he knew that he couldn’t be away from her. He didn’t want to be away from her. His fear had overtaken him and he acted on impulse. He only hoped that he could fix things between them.

She had loved him unconditionally and supported him through everything. She had sacrificed things in her life that he knew she had wanted just to make him happy. He was her world and she was his. In an instant he had destroyed both of their worlds. Now he had to get it back.

He stood there a little longer as the rain soaked him. He remembered the day he had first met her and couldn’t help but smile. He knew from the moment he saw her that she was definitely someone he could love.

He had been gone for three months on tour. As the bus approached Orlando he felt a calm take him over. It was time to rest, time to relax, time to get back to the Lance he seemed to have lost touch with. The bus turned into the lot and parked as the guys were greeted with hugs and kisses from family and friends. He stepped off the bus, but his family wasn’t there. They lived in Mississippi and couldn’t be there in Orlando when he got home. It didn’t matter because he had the other’s guys family to greet him and he had his friends.

He had only taken one step off the bus when he heard two familiar voices. Sara and Faith ran up and wrapped their arms around him in a tight hug. "AHHH LANCE!!" they squealed almost knocking him off his feet. He couldn’t help but laugh as they squeezed him tightly. "Hey ladies, miss me?" he asked sarcastically.

"Not a bit" Faith giggled. "Hey, I want you to meet someone" she said turning towards the girl behind her. Her blue eyes sparkled as a smile lit up her face. The girl walked up to him offering him her hand. "Hey Lance, I’m Kellie...nice to finally meet you" she said somewhat nervously. "I’ll leave you two to get acquainted because I see a curly fro over there that I have been missing like crazy...if you’ll excuse me" Sara said before running off in the direction of Justin.

Faith glanced at Kellie and then at Lance. She smiled brightly at them both and then looked over in the direction that Sara had just run. She was now hugging JC as he glanced over her shoulder at Faith. Faith turned her attention back to Kellie who gave her a warm smile, "Go Faith." That was all she needed because no sooner had the words come out of Kellie’s mouth before Faith took off running in the direction of JC. Kellie watched her as she dove into his arms and they covered each other with kisses. Lance’s words snapped her attention back to him. "So, you’re the Kellie I’ve heard so much about," he asked smiling down at her. "Yep, I guess that would be me," she said gazing back up at him. Although she seemed a little nervous he felt an instant attraction to her. Faith had talked about her a lot. He didn’t know her personally, but somehow he just new...she was just different.

The porch light flipping on snapped him out of his thoughts. As the front door opened he saw her silhouette in the soft light. He wanted nothing more than to run to her and hold her. He wanted to hold her forever. Something made him stay there in that spot. His legs just wouldn’t seem to move. What if she didn’t want him anymore? What if he had ruined everything? What if...

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he saw her step out farther onto the porch. She took one look at him before running down the steps and straight to him. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as his legs finally let him go to her. They ran to each other, arms open wide. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug as the tears streamed down her cheeks. He could feel her sobbing against him and held her tighter. "I’m so sorry," he whispered to her as she looked up into his eyes. Her eyes were puffy and red and he knew it was from the tears he had caused. She pressed her lips to his gently in an effort to just hold onto him longer.

"I love you," she whispered to him pulling him close again. As he held her in his arms all his fears slowly slipped away. She wasn’t going to hurt him like the others. Even after all he had put her through tonight she still loved him and wanted to protect him.

The rain continued to fall on them as he hummed quietly in her ear. They held onto each other, never wanting to let go, as they slowly began to sway back and forth. She gazed up into his eyes and leaned in to kiss him again. The warmth of her lips on his filled him with a passion that no one had ever made him feel before.

As he picked up his bag and headed towards the house with her hand in his he realized this was where he belonged. Right there with her. She was his world. She made him who he was. She was home. Home sweet home.

Lance Bass