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He closed the door behind him as he flipped on the lights. Another empty hotel room stared back at him. He sighed as he gently rubbed his tense muscles. What he wouldn’t give to have her here, her hands replacing his own on his sore back. He tossed his bag to the floor, glancing at the clock. He knew she was still awake. She always waited up for him to call. He dialed that all too familiar number as he slowly lowered himself back onto the pillows.

One ring...two rings...

“Hello.” He smiled at the sound of her voice on the other end of the line. “Hey baby,” he replied softly. “I was hoping it was you,” she whispered through an obvious smile. “Right on time. Now, how are my girls,” he asked, propping himself up on a pillow as she filled him in on what must have been everything that had happened since the night before. He couldn’t help but chuckle happily as he listened to her. He loved how she rambled when she was excited, especially when she was excited to be talking to him.

“Chrissy’s still awake, and she really wants to talk to you. Hang on sweetie.” He could hear her in the background, happily jabbering like her mother just from knowing he was on the phone. He waited as the phone changed hands before her little voice was heard on the other end. “Hi Daddy,” her words springing that familiar tugging on his heart.

“Hi Princess. How’s my baby girl,” he asked, smiling as she giggled. “Guess what. Mommy took me to the playground today, and then she made me grilled cheese sandmiches.” He chuckled, knowing how much she loved her grilled cheese sandwiches.

“Sounds like you had a good day,” he said. “We had fun, but...” her words trailed off. “But what,” he asked. “I miss you Daddy,” she whispered, almost bringing tears to his eyes. “I miss you too. I’ll be home soon though, and maybe you and Mommy can come see me next week.” She was silent for a moment before her innocent voice was heard again. “Daddy, when are you coming home?”

He took a deep breath, fighting with his emotions. He missed them so bad that his heart ached. A pain much worse then his tense muscles after the rigorous performance just an hour ago. It was a different kind of pain. “Daddy.” Her sweet voice called to him, waiting for his answer.

“Princess, I’m already there. Every time you see the sunshine, every time you feel a raindrop, every time the wind blows your hair...I’ll be there.” She was silent once again, her soft breath still audible on the other end. He was just about to say her name when he heard her. His heart soared with her simple reply. It was all he ever needed to hear. “I love you, Daddy. Night night.” He smiled, pushing back the tears that were stinging the back of his eyes. “I love you too, Princess. Sweet dreams.”

The phone once again switched hands as she went up to bed. It all brought an overwhelming joy to him, but at the same time an intense sadness. He missed them so much. Even ordinary things like bedtime meant more to him then anyone would ever know. He missed it when he was gone. He missed singing her to sleep, he missed reading her stories, and he even missed checking for monsters under the bed in the middle of the night.

“She’s been waiting to talk to you all day.” He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of her voice. "Baby, the time couldn’t have come quick enough,” he whispered, rubbing his tired eyes. “Sweetie, are you ok?” He smiled with her question. Even hundreds of miles away she could always tell. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired and I miss my girls.”

“You know I’m always there,” she whispered, “in every song you sing, in every city you visit, and in every smiling face you see. I’ll always be there.” He couldn’t say anything.

It was one of the many reasons that he loved her so much. They had a connection that he had never had with anyone else. She always knew just what to say. He tried to hide the weariness in his voice, but he could never hide anything from her. She could read him like a book. He almost laughed when he heard her next words. “Baby, you need to rest. I know you’ve had a long night.” The same words were playing over and over in his head. “I love you, Faith,” he whispered.

Most people might consider it impossible, and maybe it was. Yet he could’ve sworn that at that moment he actually heard her smile. Maybe he just knew her well enough to know that she was. Either way, it made him happy to envision the smile he brought to her face.

“I love you too. You go to sleep now, sweetheart. Dream of me,” she whispered. “Always,” he whispered in reply, “and you dream of me.” “Chris,” she said, pausing. “Yes, baby,” he asked, already knowing what she was about to say. “Where are we meeting tonight?” “ pick,” he whispered, waiting as she thought. “How about we just spend the night on a beach somewhere. Holding each other beneath a sky full of twinkling stars.” He closed his eyes as she spoke. It sounded more like heaven then a dream. “Baby, I’ll be there. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” she whispered in reply. He listened as the phone clicked on the other end before gently placing it back on the hook. He quickly undressed, his body begging for rest. After slipping on his pajamas he reached in his bag, pulling out his favorite picture and placing it on the nightstand beside him. He smiled as he slowly slid down in the bed, his weary body finally getting some well deserved rest. He looked at the picture one last time before closing his eyes. As he drifted off to sleep their conversation played over in his head. His body slowly relaxed as he lost himself in his dreams. As always, Faith was there waiting on him.

Chris Kirkpatrick