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Skeeto sat on the edge of the stage, her feet dangling into the pit, she scanned the paper she held in between her fingers. She tired to concentrate on it, but for some reason her mind wouldn’t focus, her thoughts strayed back to the events of that afternoon. Sugar watched from the shadows, studying her young friend with curiosity. Skeeto was usually so easy for her to figure out, but something was different now, something Sugar didn’t understand. JC’s arms encircled her waist, and she turned to softly kiss him on the cheek.
“So do you think that the relationship between her and Justin is any better?” JC’s eyes gazed towards the silent figure. Sugar only shook her head, and the two grew quiet. They left, leaving the figure alone, so they thought. Two eyes pierced the darkness, as they too studied the young girl. After what had happened that afternoon, the eyes saw someone they had never seen before. Someone they loved, someone who loved them back. The eyes watched her stand, brushing her pants off carefully. She moved to leave, but not before squinting into the darkness herself, smiling when she saw a tall figure looking back a her.
“Hi Justin.” She bent down to pick up the bottle that was near her feet.
He approached from his safe dark shadow, he walked towards her, coming into the light. “Hey there.” His smile growing, his white teeth shining.
“So how long have you been there?” Skeeto couldn’t look at him, she didn’t quite trust herself with him yet.
“Long enough.” It was a simple answer, he smiled at her, hoping she’d look up at him.
Her eyes slowly lifted towards his face, she studied his full lips, his strong chin. The way his nose twitched as he spoke, and finally into this breathtaking blue eyes, the eyes she had grown to love. She breezed past him, but not before looking back at him, giving him one last smile. He watched her leave, knowing full well that she had completely opened up to him, now it was only a matter of time before he had her heart.

Skeeto straightened her skirt one more time, but just couldn’t seem to get it right. April finished helping Skittles, and came to the rescue of the frustrated girl.
“Calm down, here let me do it, before you rip the whole thing off.” April moved Skeeto’s quivering hands out of the way, as she proceeded the fix the problem.
“Skeeto are you okay?” Mellie and Misty had both noticed the nervousness Skeeto was showing, and they both worried about it. Skeeto looked in their direction, and only slightly nodded her head.
“Are you sure?” Mellie was going concerned about her younger sister, but knew that Skeeto wouldn’t tell her anything if she didn’t want to.
“I’m fine Mellie, I promise.” Skeeto reached over to give her sister’s hand a reassuring squeeze. April finished, and the girls left the dressing room, taking their places at the side of the stage, waiting for their cue.
Justin waited for their music to begin, he knew their whole routine by heart, every word, note, dance move, every facial expression that Skeeto made. He closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him. JC glanced over at him, the tapped Chris on the shoulder.
“What is up with him?”
Chris lazily peeked over at the youngest member, only shaking his head in response to JC’s question. JC sighed, wondering what could possibly be going through his young friends head. He watched as Lisa sprayed his hair, as Justin’s eye lids twitched to the music playing all around them. Something was happening, and JC had an idea what, but he wasn’t sure he could prove it right away. Lisa finished, and Justin jumped out of his chair, exiting the room in a quick hurry. JC watched his every movement, getting up to follow him. Around to the back of the stage they went, JC staying back far enough so Justin wouldn’t see him. Justin stopped, leaning up against a pole, his eyes locked on the five figures dancing about on the stage. JC tried to follow his gaze, but came up with only empty space. Admitting defeat, JC turned around, leaving Justin alone.

“Something strange is going on between them, I can almost feel it.” JC pulled Sugar closer to him, as they curled up together in front of the TV in JC’s hotel room.
“I know, I’ve asked Skeet about it, but she won’t tell me anything, she just nods her head, and stares off into space.” Sugar rested her head, against JC’s chin, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath.
“Justin does the exact same thing. Sug, they act like they are in love, only they don’t want anyone else to know.” JC thought about Justin’s attempts to keep everything secret. “By the way, where is Skeeto?”
“I was just gonna ask you were Justin was, I haven’t seen either one of them since we got back here.” Sugar stood, taking JC’s hands in hers. “I say we take a short walk down to Skeeto’s room, just to see if she’s there.”
The two walked down the hall, knocking on the door to the room that belonged Skeeto, when no answer came, the two begin to suspect exactly where she was located. JC hesitated before his hand met the door, knocking loudly twice. Sugar gripped his hand tighter as the silence grew. When no answer came, JC knocked again, louder and longer this time. Talking could be heard , and footsteps echoed through the solid door. The doorknob slowly turned, opening to reveal a head full of blond curls.
“JC, Sugar, what are you two doing here?” Justin’s eyes became wide as the spotted the two older singers.
“We just happened to be looking for Skeeto, you haven’t seen her have you?” Sugar asked the question as she tried to look around him, into the open space of the room.
Justin pulled the door closer to his body, blocking all view for the two visitors. “Sorry, I haven’t seen her.” He tried to shut the door, but JC held it open with his hand.
“You wouldn’t mind if we checked, now would you?” JC shoved the door hard, pushing Justin out of the way.
“Yes, JC, I would mind.” Justin was helpless as Sugar and JC made their way into his room. He stood there, wide eyed as JC opened the door to the bed room. He hoped that Skeeto was smart enough to hide, but she had been too engrossed in the playstation game, sitting in full view of the two intruders.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Skeeto.” JC leaned against the door frame, his eyes locking on the small girl.
Skeeto moved her eyes from the TV to the two figures standing in the door way. “Justin invited me over to play a few video games with him.” She gazed at Sugar, trying to read the expressions on her face.
Sugar looked at JC, him looking back at her, both ending up in a fit of laughter. Skeeto, very confused looked at Justin for an answer, he however was just as lost, and only shook his head. Without saying another word, the two turned around, and left as quickly as they had come. Justin sat next to Skeeto, picking up the abandoned controller, turning his eyes to the now empty door way.
“They know.” He moved in closer to Skeeto, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“I know.” Their words were short, but they already knew what the other was thinking. Justin turned the radio that was lying near his feet on, as he unpaused his game. They became engrossed once again, in battling one another, when some very intriguing lyrics filled the room.

You set my soul at ease
Chased darkness out of view
Left your desperate spell on me
Say you feel it too I know you do
I've got so much more to give
This can't die, I yearn to live
Pour yourself all over me
And I'll cherish every drop here on my knees

I wanna love you forever
And this is all I'm asking of you
10,000 lifetimes together
Is that so much for you to do
Cuz from the moment that I saw your face
and felt the fire of your sweet embrace
I swear I knew
I wanna love you forever

My mind fails to understand
What my heart tells me to do
And I'd give up all I have just to be with you
And that would do
I've always been taught to win
And I never thought I'd fail
Be at the mercy of a man,
I've never been
Now I only want to be right where you are

I wanna love you forever
And this is all I’m asking of you
10,000 lifetimes together
Is that so much for you to do
Cuz from the moment that I saw your face
And felt the fire in your sweet embrace
I swear I knew
I wanna love you forever

In my life I've learned that heaven never waits
Let's take this now before it's gone
like yesterday
Cuz when I'm with you there's nowhere else
That I would ever wanna be no
I'm breathing for the next second I can feel you
Loving me..I'm gonna Love

I wanna love you forever
And this is all I’m asking of you
10,000 lifetimes together
Is that so much for you to do
Cuz from the moment that I saw your face
And felt the fire in your sweet embrace
I swear I knew
I wanna love you forever
I wanna love you forever - By: Jessica Simpson

Justin leaned down, inches from her face, staring into her piercing eyes. She locked onto his gaze, as his lips grew closer to hers.
“I wanna love you forever.” He whispered as his lips met her, embracing them in a passionate kiss, feelings washing over both of them.

Chapter Fifteen
On That Krazy Day