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It’s weird the way things turn out sometimes. Who would’ve thought an innocent trip to visit Sara in Utah would send my world spinning in a totally new direction. One thing is for sure, I’ll never complain about flying again. If my flight hadn’t been canceled I would’ve been gone before he showed up. I would’ve never talked to him, I would’ve never met his friends, and today wouldn’t be happening at all. Who would’ve thought that my dreams would actually come true? Who really would’ve thought that a small town girl could be the one he chose? After all, he’s a pop star. He could have anyone he wanted. This is where I smile really big because the one he wants is me. Before I get way ahead of myself, maybe I should back it up just a bit and tell you what happened that day.

I got to the airport that morning pretty early. I didn’t want to get stuck in the back of the baggage check line plus the weather was terrible. Actually, baggage check was probably the smoothest part of the morning until...well, you’ll just have to wait and see. Anyway, my bags were checked, I had my ticket in hand, now all I needed to do was get on that plane and get to Utah. Nope, destiny had a little different plan for me. Flight number 1063 from Orlando to Salt Lake City had been canceled due to the weather. Oh joy I thought to myself. So, I went through all the malarkey and ended up having to wait for a much later flight.

I flopped down in a chair, grabbing for the latest issue of Teen People that I had so intelligently packed inside my carry on. Who better to make me smile then *NSYNC on the cover? I took a quick glance over all their faces, but as usual, JC’s stood out from the rest. My smile widened as I glanced down at the leather pants he was wearing. What can I say...I’m a healthy young woman. I had only flipped a couple pages of the magazine when I heard the shrill prepubescent screams of teenyboppers. That could only mean one thing. Somebody famous was about to stroll right by me, and obviously someone very popular from the screaming I couldn’t seem to adjust to. I was pretty close to right.

It was definitely someone very popular, but what I didn’t expect was that it was five someones. They had about 20 girls hot on their tail, something I wanted nothing to do with. The terrified looks on their faces made me want to beat the girls off of them myself. I figured I’d keep reading my magazine and just catch a peek as they walked by, but the closer they got the more I realized they weren’t just gonna walk by. I had claimed a seat the farthest away from all the commotion at the desk where people were still trying to get their flights straightened out. I obviously wasn’t the only one that found this to be a good spot to sit. I was trying my best to be cool, and to be honest I did pretty well. Hey, at least I didn’t attack them when I saw them. I just pretended like I didn’t even know they were there, but that didn’t last long. Lonnie had to check me out first.

I’ll never forget how my body shook when I looked at his stern face staring down at me. "Ma’am," his voice boomed in my ears. I swear I felt like a little kid trying to explain why the lid was off the cookie jar. Compared to him I looked like a Keebler elf, but I somehow managed to find my voice. "Yes sir," I replied politely. Then it was just the basic run down to check me out. In the end I guess he felt I was safe enough. Thank God. So, I found myself sitting just two seats down from Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass while Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick, and the one and only JC Chasez sat across from them. I don’t think I could’ve buried myself more into a magazine. The funny thing is, as much as I was trying to hide. I gave myself away because they were on the cover. Hello Faith. Oh well, it worked out pretty well anyway.

Moving right along, I could only look through that magazine so many times. When I finally got brave enough to put it down my heart nearly popped out of my chest. I found myself looking right into Chris’ eyes. His chin propped up on his hand, his elbow resting on his knee. "I was wondering if you were ever gonna put that down and talk to me." There it was. The first words that Chris Kirkpatrick would ever say to me. I think I’ve heard more Chris words now then anyone, but I love him to death. He may be crazy, but he’s a lot deeper then anyone will ever know. So, we started talking and all it took was me laughing at one of his jokes for him to decide I was even more worth talking to then before. He moved down and sat beside me, and that was the beginning of everything.

Before long I was happily chatting away with all the guys, well all except one. JC was asleep, and boy was I enjoying watching him. Alright, before I start gushing about JC let’s continue. It turned out that they’re flight was canceled too, and now they were going to have to fly straight into Salt Lake City. OK...this was insane. They were on their way to the very same place that I was. I mean I knew they were having a concert there. Sara and I were planning to go, but I still had to ask Justin to repeat himself after he said it the first time. Needless to say, I was going to enjoy this flight a whole lot more. Sara was never gonna believe this.

We had quite awhile to wait. Justin, Joey, and Lance all fell asleep while Chris went to find ways to annoy Lonnie. It’s actually one of his favorite past times. JC woke up though, and the two of us had a nice conversation. It was a little awkward at first, but he made me feel really comfortable. The two of us were telling each other personal things, and neither of us could stop. It was the most amazing thing in the world to me. Here I was telling JC Chasez all this stuff, and he was actually telling me things in return. We laugh about it now because I could’ve been one of those psycho fans, but he says he just knew when he looked in my eyes. Bring on that smile again.

For close to two hours the two of us chatted away about anything that popped into our heads. It truly was one of the greatest conversations that I’ve ever had with anyone. Finally they called my flight, excuse me, our flight. Naturally, he would be heading to first class and I would be sitting back in coach, but nothing could spoil the time I had just had. We boarded the plane, and as I sat in my seat the events of the last several hours finally sank in. I don’t think I heard a word the flight attendants had to say. Fortunately, I didn’t need any safety devices during the trip because the only thoughts in my head were of JC. Not that it was too out of the ordinary for that to be the case, but now things were different. He was more...real...not just a dream.

The flight had actually turned out to be pretty empty which surprised me since there had been such a delay. I was just sitting there, thoughts running wild, when once again I heard his voice. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw him slide into the seat next to me. "What are you doing back here," I asked him. He just smiled and settled back into the seat. "I missed you," he answered playfully. Yeah, I had that cheesy smile of mine the whole time. So, once again, there I was talking with JC and loving every single minute of it.

I don’t know how long we talked before the two of us fell asleep, but what I do remember was waking up and being in his arms. Nothing had ever felt more perfect in my life, and I had never wanted to stay in one moment so bad. I watched him sleep for a few minutes, or at least I thought he was sleeping. The more I looked at him, the more his lips turned into a smile. Finally his eyes fluttered open to meet mine and that was it. I knew...he was magical. I even thought about kissing him, but the stewardess had another idea. Seatbelts, which meant it was time for him to go back to his seat.

I still remember the feel of his lips on my cheek before he stood up. "Wait for me," he whispered as I slowly nodded my head. I watched him until I couldn’t see him anymore, but I couldn’t help but question this. I mean what in the world was going on? Things like this do not happen to me. I buckled my seatbelt and leaned back into the seat. I could still smell his cologne lingering in the air. I knew it so well...Envy by Gucci. I remembered how I used to go to the mall and get little samples of it to smell. Always dreaming of what it would smell like on him. Now I knew.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed the people beginning to file off the plane. I’m telling you I fell for that Chasez charm. I did as I promised, and I waited until I saw him come off the plane. Chris smiled at me and gave me a quick hug, thanking me but for what I didn’t know. That is until I saw the bright smile on JC’s face as Joey patted him on the back. Until then I don’t think I had ever seen that man smile like that. Knowing I caused it was more then just a thrill, it was a dream come true.

I still remember the look on Sara’s face when she saw me coming off that plane with *NSYNC. I thought I was going to have to pick her jaw up off the floor. Soon though her shocked expression was replaced with that bright smile of hers that lights up her whole face. I didn’t know it was possible, but as JC leaned over to kiss my cheek again her smile actually widened. It almost matched mine. Before long it was time for them to go, but as JC walked away I felt the tiny piece of paper in the palm of my hand. As I unfolded it I prayed silently to myself. As I read over the numbers scrawled down on that piece of paper my heart soared. My prayers were answered.

I didn’t really expect anything to come of it, but still deep down I knew differently. He may have had to walk away from me at the airport that day, but he left an impression on my heart. It isn’t hard to figure out that I called him, or that we went out again. In fact, we even got together in Utah. Amazing, isn’t it? I mean here it is two years later and our wedding day. For a stormy day causing a canceled flight, things couldn’t have been more perfect.

Well, there’s my cue. It’s time for me to walk down that aisle to meet JC now. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that dreams can’t come true. I live in my dreams everyday with JC. So, who says you can’t live in a dream world? Certainly not me.

JC Chasez