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The soft melody floated through her ears, slowly bringing her from her blissful sleep. She instinctively rolled to her right, her hands moving over the empty space in the bed beside her. She smiled, listening to the music as she slowly slipped from between the sheets.

Her feet met the soft carpet as she silently slipped from the bed. She grabbed her nightgown from the floor, smiling as she remembered how it had gotten there. She stepped quietly down the hall, not wanting to make a sound. She loved to watch him play, especially when he didn’t know she was watching. His fingers on the keys expressed every emotion as it poured from his heart. She could tell a lot just from the melody drifting up the hall.

Quietly she moved to the door of his music room, peeking through the crack. His eyes were closed, the music flowing through his entire body. She got those familiar tingles as she pushed the door open a little farther to get a better look. His eyes stayed closed, his fingers still gliding across the keys.

She carefully slid through the door not making a sound as she sat down in the chair in the corner of the room. She had spent hours right there watching him. Half the time he never even knew it. The music captivated his senses, welling up from deep inside him. She closed her eyes, resting her head back against the plush cushions of the chair she sat in.

From the music she knew that he was happy. The thought made her smile. After the wonderful night they had spent together she was in pure heaven. She sighed as she thought about it...every second with him was magical. The music stopped for a moment, causing her to open her eyes.

She took in his appearance, scanning slowly from his bare feet...the bottoms of his pajama pants hanging slightly over his heels. Her eyes continued up his legs to his trim waist, his hip bones peeking out from his pajama pants just enough to make her heart race. Slowly she scanned the bare skin of his back. Her eyes didn’t neglect a single rippling muscle as they moved down his arms before once again moving to his back.

She was having the hardest time keeping herself in the chair. She wanted to touch his soft skin, feel it pressed against hers. She took a deep breath as she let her eyes travel up to his shoulders. She loved to kiss his shoulders, trailing her soft kisses up to his neck. She smiled to herself as she remembered the breathy sounds he made when her lips touched his skin. Finally, her eyes moved to his hair, messy from their night together. Her hands loved his hair, as did the rest of her.

She could see him smiling...that smile that made her completely dizzy with happiness. His head turned slightly...his eyes still not looking directly at her. He repositioned himself on the bench, giving her an even better view. She almost giggled at how cute he was being. He knew she was there, and he was teasing her.

She didn’t say a word...she waited for his next song. She had an idea what he would pick. The second the music started her heart skipped a beat. Her idea was right. It might have seemed silly to anyone else, but from the first time she had heard him sing it...she had been in love with the song. Anytime he wanted to make her smile he would sing it to her. She was forever indebted to the Mickey Mouse Club.

He had heard her sigh happily from her chair in the corner. She was the reason he had put that chair there, but he let her believe that he didn’t notice her. Just like every other time he had played this song, he knew it wouldn’t be long before she was sitting right beside him on the piano bench. He was right, before he could even start the first verse he could hear her soft footsteps moving towards him. He smiled to himself before closing his eyes and letting the words flow from his heart.

Whenever I’m weary
From the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness
When my sanity hangs by a thread

He could feel her beside him now, her fingers gently resting on his knee. He opened his eyes, smiling as he met her bright blue eyes. He could already see the glimmer of tears that had begun to form. He kissed the tip of her nose before continuing the rest of the verse.

I lose my way
But still you seem to understand
Now and forever
I will be your man

Her arms slipped around him as she placed a soft kiss on his shoulder. Resting her head against him, she sighed happily. He could feel the moisture of her warm tears against his bare skin. His voice was soft yet full of passion, his love for her voiced through his song.

Sometimes I just hold you
To caught up in me to see
I’m holding a fortune
That heaven has given to me
I’ll try to show you
Each and every way I can
Now and forever
I will be your man
Now I can rest my worries
And always be sure
That I won’t be alone anymore
If I had only known
You were there all this time
All this time
Until the day
The ocean doesn’t touch the sand
Now and forever
I will be your man
Now and forever
I will be...your man

His thumbs gently rubbed below her eyes, wiping away her tears as he kissed her lips softly. He cradled her face in his hands, his lips moving to kiss her eyes. She smiled as his scruff tickled her face. He pecked at her lips again before kissing her still damp cheeks. Her hands moved into the back of his hair as his lips found her neck. She closed her eyes at the feel of his lips touching her skin.

"Baby, I don’t want you to cry," he whispered, his lips hovering just above her ear. Tingles coursed through her body at the feel of his warm breath on her skin. She opened her eyes, smiling up into his loving blue eyes. He always had a way of tugging at her heart. "I can’t help it, Baby." He smiled, kissing the tip of her nose as he pulled her closer to him. "Then let me make you stop."

He moved her around in front of him, smiling seductively as his hands slid up her legs...stopping briefly as he placed delicate kisses on her knees. She smiled down at him, her heart already racing from the electricity of his touch. Slowly he slipped them farther up her legs, his fingertips grazing her thighs. He looked up at her, meeting her blue eyes. She watched as his smile melted away, and desire flooded his eyes.

He slipped his hands beneath the silky material of her nightgown, lifting it as his hands continued their path up her body. Again he paused, pulling her closer to him as he kissed her belly...his tongue making a slow circle around her belly button. She giggled as his scruff tickled her, but he quickly quieted her as his tongue dipped into her belly button. He smiled against her as she sucked in a hard breath.

His hands continued their path up her body, his lips following close behind. He lifted her nightgown farther, revealing her ample breasts. He looked up at her, a smile sliding up on his lips. She shivered at the look in his eyes...the passion...the desire.

He stood up, leaning forward as his tongue grazed the space between her breasts. Her hands found his hair, urging him with gentle tugs to continue. He took her left nipple into his mouth, his fingers being sure not to neglect her right. She arched her back, tugging at his hair to pull him closer to her body. Her moans filled the room as his greedy mouth continued to pleasure her.

Her nightgown slipped from his fingers blocking his lips from touching her body. He saw the look in her eyes as he moved away, but he soon replaced it with another. It was time for the nightgown to go. He smiled as his fingers moved to her shoulders, gently sliding the straps down. As the thin strap traveled down her shoulder his lips followed its path.

He let her nightgown slip to the floor, smiling as she pulled him closer. She couldn’t hold back anymore. She was aching to kiss him. As their lips met her hands moved between them, caressing the soft skin of his chest. His tongue slowly massaged hers as she slipped her hands down farther.

He moaned against her lips as she caressed him through the straining fabric of his pajama pants. Her whole body was on fire, aching to have more of him. She slipped her fingers up his sides, teasing him as she slowly pushed his pants down off his hips. He kicked them away from his feet, his lips moving to her neck.

She couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed him. She took a step forward, pushing him down onto the bench. His eyes locked with her desire filled gaze as he licked his lips. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her body towards him. Slowly he pulled her down, kissing up her body as she slid onto him.

His hands found her hips, guiding her as they found their rhythm. She laid her head back as he sucked and nibbled at her neck. His lips moved down to her breasts as he ran his fingers across her stomach. She moaned, laying her head back as her elbows banged against the piano keys.

She opened her eyes, looking down at him as he smiled. She didn’t care how much noise they made. She wanted him to know how wonderful he made her feel. She leaned forward, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth as she moaned his name into his lips. "Mmm...Josh."

The noises coming from her were driving him wild...the sound of his name on her lips...the moans of pleasure...the incredibly sexy utterances that filtered from her mouth. It drove him...making him want more...making him need more. "I love you, Faith," he whispered as he kissed her throat. "Mmm...I love you too, Josh," she moaned as her lips once again crashed against his in a passionate kiss.

They called out each other’s name over and over, their moans creating a perfect harmony with the occasional bang of the keys...the labored breaths...the sexy whispers...the sound of their bodies moving together in a perfect rhythm. They created their own song of passion. A song that would never be performed on a stage or heard by another soul. It was a song filled with desire as two lovers made their own music in the night.

JC Chasez