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"Could this day have been any longer? I want a hot bath and some pajamas," Faith whispered to herself as she tossed her keys on the kitchen table. She walked through the livingroom and glanced down at the couch. She smiled brightly when she saw his leather jacket draped across it. "Hmm...I thought he took this with him," she said to herself as she picked it up and held it to her, breathing in his scent. She ran her fingers gently over the leather and smiled as she remembered what it looked like on him. She held onto it tightly as she made her way back towards the bedroom.

She reached the door and saw a faint glow from underneath. She raised an eyebrow curiously as she cracked the door and peeked inside. She was met with the soft glow of hundreds of candles. She smiled brightly and opened the door wider to get a full view of the room. She didn’t even have to guess who did this. "Joshua Scott," she whispered. As if on cue two arms slid around her waist. "You called?" he asked as he began gently kissing her neck, working his way in front of her. ", what are you doing here?" she asked, laying her head back to allow him easier access to her neck. He kissed around her neck and then made his way up towards her lips. "I missed you," he whispered as his lips reached hers. Their lips met as his tongue explored her mouth, massaging against hers. He pulled back and looked deep into her eyes as she whispered, "I missed you too."

He smiled brightly at her and led her into the bathroom where once again candles glowed, casting soft shadows around the room. She felt his hands working on the buttons of her shirt and he gently slid it off her shoulders to the floor. She slid her hands down his bare chest as he leaned in to kiss her while slowly unbuttoning her jeans and letting them slide to the floor. She stepped out of them not leaving his lips for a moment. She felt his hands slide up her now bare back and up to her bra. His fingers tickled her as he unfastened the clasp of her bra and ran his fingers up to gently slide it off her shoulders. He pulled back and looked at her taking in her every feature as he slid his fingers into the waistband of her panties and gently slid them down. He took her hand in his and led her over to the tub gently lifting her up and placing her in the warm bubble filled water. She closed her eyes as her muscles relaxed with the warm water.

Almost instantly she felt his hands on her again as they gently massaged her scalp. She reached her hands up to intertwine it with his soapy ones causing the lather to seap through their fingers. She ran her hands up his arms as his fingers worked through her hair, leaving a trail of soap. His touch left her aching for more as she felt the water gently run over her face. He rinsed every bit of soap out watching as she closed her eyes and relaxed from his mere touch. He watched as she breathed in deeply between each cup full of water and then how the water droplets ran down her face, dripping off her nose and lips. He sat the cup down and reached for the sponge when he felt her hands on him again. He looked over to find her bright eyes gazing at him. "It’s kinda lonely in here by myself," she whispered.

She never took her eyes off him as he stood up and gently slid his sport shorts down and off. She offered him her hand and helped him into the tub. His arms instantly slid around her waist pulling her in front of him and she smiled, "Mmm...much better." He once again reached for the sponge as she relaxed against him while the warm water cascaded down her back. He kissed his way from her neck up to her earlobe before taking it into his mouth and gently sucking on it. She moaned lightly as she reached her hands up around his neck, gently running her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.

The intensity of the moment was overtaking them both. She turned to face him placing her hand on his chest. She watched as the water droplets slid down his well defined chest and back into the water. Everything about this man drove her wild and she ached to have more of him. She felt his hands as they ran down her back and lifted her up out of the water gently. He stood her up outside the tub as he reached for a towel. It was true that there was a towel separating their bare skin, but as his hands worked slowly drying every single droplet of wate,r she could feel the heat penetrating through the cloth. He reached the top and as their eyes locked she leaned in to kiss him again. She longed for the taste of his kiss and she wrapped her arms around him tightly as his tongue grazed her lips seductively.

He once again lifted her up slowly and carried her into the bedroom, gently placing her on the bed. He hadn’t even taken the time to dry himself off and she could still feel the moisture on his warm body as he slid on top of her. For a few moments they just lay there looking at each other, lost in the intense gaze they shared. As the passion she felt from him coursed through her body she leaned up and placed her lips on his. She pulled back slightly and whispered, "JC, will you make love to me?" Her lips were so close to his that he could feel her lip brush his as she spoke. He had waited for this moment for so long, but he wanted her to be ready first. A sly smile lit up his face as he reached over and grabbed the stereo remote off the nightstand. Faith giggled as Boy II Men’s, "I'll Make Love To You" filled the room.

She cradled his face and looked deep into his eyes before leaning in to passionately kiss him. She knew that he was always gentle with her, but suddenly his touch seemed to turn to silk as he caressed her gently. "Just stay in my eyes," he whispered to her locking his gaze with hers. As their desire for each other released into a burning passion she could read his every emotion in his eyes and she answered with her own. As his lips pressed to hers again she tasted the love in his kiss. "I love you," he whispered as their bodies lay intertwined and they began their wonderful night of passion.

JC Chasez