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A tear slide down his cheek as he clutched the picture to his chest. It had been weeks since he’d talked to her, even longer since he’d seen her. He was beginning to forget how she fit so perfectly in his arms...her slender frame hugged close to his body. He angrily wiped at the tears that clouded his eyes, and wet his face. He didn’t want to feel these affections for her, for she had told him that it was better this way. Her words echoed through his thoughts as their conversation replayed once again in his head.

“You know I can’t deal with you being gone for so long at a time...I miss you too much.” Her hand tucked gently into his.
“Yes, but you can come on tour with me, we don’t have to be apart all the time.” He wanted so bad to hug her, to assure her that if she would just come with him, things would be much better.
“You know I can’t, not with school. You know how important graduating is to me.” She pulled away from him, just as he knew she would.
“No, you can do an independent course, you can bring it with you on the road. Please don’t say what I know you’re going to say.” He made a quick grab a her, but she was too quick, putting more distance between them.
“You know I’m right, that if we just........” Her words stopped, tears causing her to choke up.
“It won’t be easier, we’ve been through this before. I love you too much to let you go.” His eyes were beginning to fog over, as he pushed them away as best he could. He needed to be the strong one for her.
“We can’t go on like this, and you know it. We can still be friends.” Her head went down, she didn’t want him to notice the emotion that played in her eyes.
“How often does the just friends thing work, we can’t live like that.” He tried to reach for her again, but she was so far gone, that he couldn’t reach her anymore.
“We can’t live like ‘this’. I need someone stable in my life, I need someone who will be there for me. Physically, not just on a phone...not just a voice.” Her words burned as they left her tongue, and she knew that they would sting when the hit his ears.
He flinched, backing away from her. “If you want it this way, then we’ll do things your way.” He was unhappy and hurt with the way she was reacting. He tired to do everything in his power to make her happy, but she brushed all of his attempts aside.
“I’m sorry.” She turned to walk out of the door, also walking out of his life.

He had called her a few times since then, but things weren’t the same. ‘We can still be friends.’ Those words still held no meaning to him, for she didn’t act like a friend. He was nothing more then a memory to her, and deep down he knew it. She had moved on, found someone new....someone physical. He threw her picture across the room, shattering the glass into little pieces as it hit the wall. How could she do this to him, after all he’d done. His head went between his hands as his headache grew larger. If the pounding would only stop.....if only the world would stop spinning.

His life was one large spinning never stopped. He was pulled into so many directions, he was wanted by so many. He was only one person though, one person who needed only one other person. She didn’t want him though, and when would he get that through his head....she wanted someone else. He needed to get over this, get over her...she wasn’t going to do anything but haunt his dreams. If he found someone new, like she had, then she would nothing more then a memory

A knock sounded on the door, and he attempted to make himself look presentable, but he knew it was no use. He climbed off the bed, opening the door to uncover one of his closest friends. The tears begin again, even though he wanted nothing more then to hide the fact he was hurt. His friend did as any friend would....hugged him and just told him that if he wanted to talk....then there was an ear that would listen. He only nodded his head, assuring his friend that he would be okay, and that he’d get plenty of sleep tonight. That was one of the many things that came with leaving her behind...with her laying all of this on him. He hadn’t slept more then a few hours each night, and it was beginning to show. His performance was always right on, but it was lacking the usual step that it normally had. His friends had noticed, and even the fans were beginning to notice, which in his managers eyes was not a good thing. He tried to sleep, he tried to get his mind off of her, but nothing seemed to work..when he closed his eyes, she invaded his dreams...when they were open she took over his thoughts.

He walked out onto the balcony, taking in the cool night air, and the breath taking view of the city. He wasn’t sure which city, for they all looked the same, but tonight, this one looked....well wondrous. So many people lived down on those streets, and every day they went through their schedules...just like him. They hurt, and they recovered, they loved and they lost. They cried and they laughed...they were human....just like him. He smiled at that thought..he was human, he was normal like all of the people down there, and if they could get over losing their love, then so could he. He took a deep breath, letting the cold air freeze the feelings and emotions he held for her.

His eyes scanned the other balconies that lined this side of the massive hotel....not another soul present....expect.. His eyes landed on a lone figure, not far below him, her head resting on her hands, her eyes gazing out into the memorizing city. He had no idea what could have come over him, but he called down to her...her blue eyes being cast up towards his own. He opened his mouth and asked her to join him....he was afraid she’d say no, but just as afraid of her saying yes. She considered it for a few moments, nodding her head slowly, rising from her chair, moving back into her spacious room.

He waited anxiously for her could he have possibly asked a complete stranger up to his room...and why did she say yes. Had she known who he was? Oh great, she was probably a fan, and that meant he would have to sign autographs and sing to her, or she’d never go away. Maybe, just maybe when she knocked on his door, he’d ignore it, pretending he was sleeping, or just not there. ‘I need someone stable in my life, I need someone who will be there for me. Physically, not just on a phone...not just a voice.’ He stopped in his tracks, her words once again coming to mind. That could go both ways, he was living that relationship over the phone as much as she was, yet he hadn’t thought of it that way.

The knock came, and he hesitated a few more moments, before taking her words to heart, and walking towards the door. His hand froze on the doorknob, should he turn it, or should he leave her out there. He turned the knob, pulling the door towards him.......his eyes starting at her feet, working their way up. He was afraid of meeting her eyes head on, for the eyes were the key to the soul, and he was not up for some soul sharing tonight. He knew he couldn’t avoid her he stepped aside, letting her pass him. She brushed his hand on her way by, sending electricity through his veins. It took his breath away, and if something that incredible could come from one touch, just think of what a hug, or a kiss or their bodies becoming one would feel like. He wasted no time in walking over to her, extending his hand. She took it, the same electricity was there, and as his gaze fell upon her eyes......the words ran through his head again.. ‘I need someone stable in my life, I need someone who will be there for me. Physically, not just on a phone...not just a voice.’ Not just a voice....not just a voice.

“Hi...I’m JC.”
“Nice to meet you JC.....I’m Faith.”

Faith....the name rushed through his brain...Fate had a funny way of showing him to have some faith.

JC Chasez