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I picked my purse up off the table, glancing behind roommate slouched on the oversized couch, remote in hand, busily flipping through the many channels. Sighing I set my purse down, resting my hands on the soft leather.

“Faith, why don’t you come with me tonight?” She didn’t turn to look at me, her fingers only pressing the buttons more quickly.

“I don’t want to impose.” She stopped momentarily on MTV, letting the colorful video play before us.

“You know you won’t be in the way....Tyler has a brother...we’ll invite him to go along.” I was trying to help, but as her irritated blue eyes met mine, I knew that I was slowly crossing the line.

“I don’t want you to go to any trouble. I’m not ready to date yet, and I will not allow you to set me up with some....some guy.” Returning her attention back to the screen as her favorite group appeared. Her voice became airy, almost dream like...her eyes darting back and forth between the men on the screen.

“Get’re coming. I’m calling Tyler now..and I will not take no for an answer.” I picked up the nearby phone, dialing the familiar number....keeping an eye on Faith the entire time. The phone rang once, twice, three, four times...and as the fifth ring rolled around, I pulled the phone from my ear....

“Hello?” His breathy voice sent chills up my spine.

“Hey Ty...” The phone resting against the side of my face.

“Is everything okay?” His worried tone brought a smile to my face.

“Nope, nothing is wrong.....well okay...I have a small favor to ask?”


“Could you ask Josh if he’d like to join us....I just don’t have the heart to leave Faith here alone...again.” I knew I didn’t have to give a reason, but I just couldn’t help it.

“I can ask him, it would probably be good for him too...he’s been down lately.”

“You ask him, I’ll get her ready...” I said a quick good-bye before hanging up.


It took me a good hour to get her up off the couch, into the shower, changed into something nice, and a bit of make up on her face. She dragged her feet, but played along, hoping I would give up and let her stay home.

“Faith, stop this. I can’t stand to let you just sit here anymore. You’ve been hanging around the apartment ever since he......well you know..and it’s killing me not to see that smile. Just this once..that’s all I ask..and if you don’t enjoy yourself, I’ll bring you home.” I stopped applying blush to her cheeks to look at her...and her reaction.

She took a few deep breaths... “I’ll go, but only because you want me to so badly.” She spoke not another word, but let me continue with what I was doing.

A few more strokes of the brush, and I was finished. “There, now don’t you look like someone very ready to give all the men heart attacks.” I thought my light humor would bring a smile to her face, even if it was just a little one, but as she studied her face in the mirror, not even her eyes twinkled.


“Come on....they boys are here.” I made a quick snatch for my purse, peeking behind me to make sure she hadn’t ducked back into the bed room. She followed, but slowly. “Hey Tyler.” I kissed his cheek as he greeted us at the door, taking my hand in his...waiting for Faith before leading the way towards the black Jeep. Faith didn’t seem to notice the tall, dark and handsome man sitting behind the wheel, nor did he seem to notice her. I stole a glance at Tyler, who seemed to be worried about his older brother. I pulled the seatbelt over my shoulder, watching as Faith did the same.

We rode in silence all the way to the club, stopping only at stop lights, the only sounds made were the ones of us breathing. The only movements made were of Josh turning the wheel, pushing the signal, and stepping on the brake. I was beginning to think that this wasn’t such a good idea. As much as I hated to admit it..they were bringing my mood down.

The bright lights of the packed club shone brightly through the car windows..the booming bass penetrated the glass. I stared at the long line leading to the enormous double doors. The burly man standing in front of them, giving everyone an evil glance as they tried to pass, making sure that they’re names were on the list. I was glad I was in good company, people that would get me through those doors with no trouble. Josh pulled the car to stop in front of the valet, getting out, but not stopping to wait for the rest of us. I was afraid that this evening would be nothing but a big bust..but as I took Tyler’s hand, I couldn’t help but smile at his sweet face.


If outside was crazy, inside was just insane. The place was packed, wall to wall bodies...some grinding into each other, others just rubbing against the other...all trying to find a spot on the over crowded dance floor. I watched as Josh bee lined straight for the bar, ordering something that came in a tall glass, but downing all of it in one swallow. Tyler saw it too, letting go of my hand to talk to his brother. Faith came to stop beside me, motioning with her hand to an empty booth towards the back. We pushed our way through the mingling bodies, reaching the table before two giggling girls did. Faith sat down, determined not to enjoy herself tonight...I left her sitting there to go and find Tyler...I was going to at least take advantage of the pounding music.

Taking Tyler’s hand in mine, and pointing Josh towards our booth....I fought my way towards the wooden floor. Tyler’s arms went around my waist, bringing me towards his tall frame. I pulled his head down to meet lips finding his....creating a halo of passion that even this room couldn’t disturb. Faith couldn’t help but watch me kiss him, wishing she had someone to hold her that close..wishing she had him again.

She felt someone sit next to her, watching him as he set his half empty glass down on the table. She studied his long fingers, his slim arms, but broad shoulders. She knew this man....for as her eyes made their way to his face...she begin to realize that his features, and his body were familiar. His lips were slightly parted and then it hit her......this was JC. Her hands begin to shake, so she clenched them together in her lap...small beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and as she tried to think of something to say...she was met with nothing but emptiness. He slumped down in the booth, placing his feet on the bench across from them. He was sitting close to her, for if she reached out slightly..she could graze his leg. His eyes never left his glass, they seemed to be glued to that one spot, but she was more then happy about that, since she was still at a lose for words.

His fingers clenched around the skinny glass, lifting it to his lips. Those lips which she longed to see up close...were now there..but she couldn’t force her gaze towards them. The glass landed back on the table with a dull thud...this breathing becoming heavier, sending more chills through her body. He smelled a little of alcohol, for with each breath he exhaled, it seemed to be in her direction. She had a slight feeling he was staring at her, so she willed her eyes to look at him. Slowly, painfully slow..she dragged her gaze upwards, meeting his stare head on...his blue eyes drawing her into his world..intoxicating her with nothing but his piercing blue stare.

“Hi.” His voice was husky, a tad slurred.

“Hi.” She was quiet...his voice sending the chills coursing through her again.

“So you’re Faith.” She was about to ask him how he knew her name, but then realized that her room mate was dating his brother.

“And you’re JC.” She wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to tell him that she knew who he was, but at the moment she wasn’t even really thinking right.

“So you know who I am......figures.” He stopped looking at her, his eyes making their way back towards his brother.

“I’m sorry...I guess I shouldn’t have said anything.” She hung her head, not allowing him to see the tears that slowly begin to build in her eyes.

Hearing the sadness in her voice, he cursed himself for his rudeness. “I’m sorry....”

She lifted her head, meeting his eyes again. “So you got roped into coming along too, huh.” She wanted to make light conversation, not wanting to pry into his life.

“Yeah...Tyler thought that I needed to get out...I’ve been hiding out in the house for too long.” His eyes wandered again, looking anywhere and everywhere but at her.

“Sara thought the same thing about me.”

He looked at her, now knowing why Tyler had been so insistent. “If you don’t mind me asking...why were you hiding out?”

She wasn’t sure if she was willing to tell a perfect stranger her life story, but she had been keeping this inside for far to long. “I had my heart crushed...and I guess I just wasn’t ready to face the world.” Her head hung down, her fingers playing with the hem of her skirt.

“Seems to me like we’re in the same boat.” His fingers traced patterns on the liquid drops of his glass.

Her heart went out to him, even in her time of pain..she felt for him...she just wanted to hold him. “What happened?” She wasn’t sure if it was right to ask, but she has nothing to loose.

“For a long time I let her have my heart...and I thought that I had finally found the one.....but as before....she proved me to be a fool. Running off with some guy..and leaving me behind to pick up the pieces. I don’t know why I even bother anymore.” If possible..he slouched further in the vinyl seat.

“I know how that is. Love doesn’t seem worth all the pain you go through to find it.” She studied his figure, hoping to find something in his body language.

“I think true love is hard to find, but once you have it....its worth everything...I’m just not sure I can make it to find it.” He raised his glass, catching the eye of a near by waiter. “Do you want anything?”

She shook her head, waiting for the waiter to leave again before going on. “I shouldn’t pry...but did you...did you love her?”

He shook his head slowly, his head lowering with each movement. “I thought I did...but time has told me otherwise.” He looked up at her, for the first time looking her over....smiling at what he saw. “Would you care to dance?”

She couldn’t deny him something as simple as a dance, so she accepted his out stretched hand, allowing him to lead her onto the busy dance floor.

His arms were gentle as he placed them around her waist..and he waited until she was comfortable before pulling her body closer to his. They swayed together to the soft pulsing sounds, and took comfort in each other. She looked around for her room mate, smiling when she gazed upon the arms of my head resting peacefully on his shoulder. Faith could feel JC’s heartbeat as his arms tightened around her, pulling her into him more. She felt so protected, even if she didn’t know him very well....she felt as if he’d always watch out for her. A smile crossed her features...becoming apparent in her eyes..for they now twinkled under the strobe lights.

She cautiously placed her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. There was a hint of his cologne that she loved so much...mixed with the lingering liquor, and the sweat that formed on his long neck..just at his hair line. She longed to reach up, and run her fingers through is gently graze the ears that were hidden by it. She didn’t want to overstep her boundaries, but as his hand inched up her back, pulling her even closer to him...she felt it would be okay.

The softness of her hand as it ran across his neck made him moan softly...for he had been waiting as patiently as possible for her to make that move. As much as he was hurting..he needed a woman’s touch..and this woman that he held..seem to captivate him. He had told Tyler that he would come along..for he had been persistent about it, but he had made sure that his younger brother knew he would not enjoy himself. When she had stepped into his car, he knew that he would have a hard time not enjoying tonight..for she was like a magnet...dragging every one of his senses to her. She was quiet, she seemed troubled, but his heart went out to her. He had wanted to hold her since his eyes first saw her, and now he was...and she was returning that precious gift. She fit so perfectly in his she was made for them..and he had no intentions on letting her go. The pain she felt..the pain he would all melt away...for as they held each other.....two very broken hearts were somehow put back together. His smile grew larger as her fingers touched his ear lobs...small chills shot up and down his back....he’d have to thank his brother for this later. As he pulled back to look into her bright blue eyes....he realized that all the emotions he felt..everything running through is body....were in those eyes...the ones staring back at him. His heart leapt...causing butterflies to flutter around in his stomach. Was it possible that love at first sight was a true thing....could you really know just by looking at that person that you were meant to be with them forever? Questions ran through is mind..but as he continued to stare into her eyes....they were all answered. Yes it was a true thing..and yes you could know that you were meant to be with that someone..just by looking at them. His heart took over where his brain was leaving off...and he ducked his head down...his lips meeting hers. Never had he felt such electricity, never had he felt so connected to someone..and never had his heart been healed so fast.

JC Chasez