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I sat behind the control booth, my attention focused on the girl before me as she finished the song she had been singing. "Meredith that was amazing," the producer spoke into the microphone. She smiled, a slight shade of red creeping up on her cheeks. I smiled at her, giving her a thumbs up. I turned to the producer, his excited eyes meeting mine. "She is amazing," he whispered as I beamed back at him. "I’m not gonna argue about that," I quipped, watching as he feverishly nodded his head. "Let’s do it one more time, OK?"

He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "It was perfect. Why do you want to do it again?" I shrugged my shoulders at him, turning my eyes away from him. "It was just a suggestion," my voice whispered. There really was no reason to do it again, other than the fact that the words were reaching so deep into my soul that I was battling to keep my tears at bay.

He didn’t press me any further, but instead spoke once again into the microphone. "Mer, we’re gonna do it one more time. Just to make sure everything is perfect." She smiled, readjusting the headphones on her ears. "Ya’ll know best," she replied in a soft southern voice.

As the music began I closed my eyes, my thoughts floating back to Sunshine. I smiled, realizing just how much the nickname truly fit her. She lit up my life. For awhile now I had feelings for her that I couldn’t even begin to describe. Once I had started to tell her, but lost the nerve as quickly as it surfaced.

She had become one of my best friends...the one that I depended on for strength. Lately though, she was more than that. She was that voice that sent tingles coursing through my body with a mere whisper...she was that touch that electrified my senses...she was that smile that warmed my heart...she truly was my sunshine.

You play a good game
You seem so secure
I knew when we met, I’d never forget
Those twinkling eyes of yours
Behind your sweet smile
The confident words
I saw room for me, and I wanted to say
Things that you’ve never heard

Honestly, I don’t even remember leaving. I don’t remember saying goodbye to anyone...I don’t even remember getting to my car. All I do remember is her face staring back at me from the picture on the dashboard. My car was on the interstate...instinctively moving towards her house. I needed to see her. I needed to be with her. I needed to hold her.

I couldn’t shake the words to the song. They constantly replayed in my head, my lips moving along. Soon I heard my own voice...the words from my mouth diving straight for my heart...

There are places in your heart
That have never been touched
Waiting for someone
To show you true love
And I wouldn’t have to reach very far
To touch those places in your heart

My thoughts were so consumed with her that I hadn’t even noticed the sprinkle of rain that was now splashing onto the windshield. I turned the steering wheel, guiding my car onto her street. I could feel her now, so close that tiny goosebumps sprung up on the back of my neck. I wanted to touch those places in her heart for I knew that I could love her...truly love her. Simply because I already did.

I parked my car, a steady sheet of rain now falling. She was home. Her car was parked in the driveway...a few very dim lights softly glowing in the windows. No doubt she had candles burning...she loved candles. I smiled as I slipped from the driver’s seat, the rain instantly soaking into my clothes as I made my way towards her door. The song once again floating through my memory....

Whatever it takes
To make you believe
From the depths of my soul, I want you to know
I would do anything
I will be here
Just a whisper away
When you’re ready to fly, I will be by your side
Forever and always

The door opened and there she stood. I smiled at her as I took her in. Her oversized green t-shirt hung to her knees...her hair neatly pulled back...except for the one unruly blonde strand hanging against her cheek. Her green eyes sparkled at me...the tiny flecks of gold mesmerizing me. "Lance.." she whispered, pulling me inside out of the rain. I smiled...God I loved the way she said my name. "You’re soaked. What are you doing?"

She immediately went for a towel, jogging back towards me. I couldn’t say anything...the words to the song were still floating through my head as she brought the towel up, gently dabbing away the water from my face. I reached up, gently taking her hand...removing the towel from her fingers.

There are places in your heart
That have never been touched
Waiting for someone
To show you true love
And I wouldn’t have to reach very far
To touch those places in your heart

Her eyes scanned my face, searching for answers. I leaned forward, gently tucking the stray blonde strand behind her ear. "Lance..." Her soft whisper sent tingles coursing through my body. She took a step towards me, our bodies so close that I could feel her soft warm breath on my skin. Our eyes locked...I was amazed. There was something else there...not really new...just brighter....much brighter. She felt it too.

Slowly we leaned into each other. She knew. How did she know? Had she felt this way all along? The questions circled in my head, but all the logic in the world was no match for the passionate force that was propelling me towards her.

Only a love that’s true
Could ever reveal to you

The moment our lips touched, I found myself. The answer to any question I had ever had...any insecurity...any doubts of myself...all of that washed away. I felt her fingers in my hair...her body so close to mine that our pounding heartbeats blended in a perfect rhythm. I took a deep breath as she pulled away, resting her forehead against my chest. I lifted her chin gently for I needed to see into her eyes. In her eyes I saw my entire world rested inside those mesmerizing green and gold shimmering pools.

There are places in your heart
That have never been touched
Waiting for someone
To show you true love
And I wouldn’t have to reach very far
To touch those places in your heart

"Sunny, I..." I tried to speak, but she placed a soft finger over my lips to silence me. "Shhh...," she whispered, a slow smile finding my lips, "let our hearts talk." I took her finger, kissing her fingertip softly before intertwining our fingers. I gazed at her, her eyes never leaving mine for a second. I could feel her shiver, and for the first time I realized that I was soaking wet.

I pulled away just slightly, noticing her now wet shirt. "Don’t you even say you’re sorry," she whispered, giggling softly. I smiled at her....I definitely was not sorry. I had longed for so long to touch those places in her heart that only true love could. I had prayed for it...needed it...even spent nights laying awake thinking about it. I reached out for her again, wanting to hold her more. Her arms wrapped around me, pulling me tightly to her. "Will you stay with me tonight," she whispered.

I slowly nodded my head as she moved back to look at me. "Let’s get you dry," she whispered, taking my hand and leading me down the hall. I thought back to the song that had pushed me to come here tonight...singing the last chorus quietly to myself. The song was right...I didn’t have to reach very far. She was right here...truly letting my love touch those places in her heart.

In your heart, your heart
And I wouldn’t have to reach very far
To touch those places in your heart
In your heart, your heart
To touch those places in your heart

Lance Bass