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“Hurry up, I want to get out of here before ‘they’ get here.” Skeeto shoved all of her belongings into her bag. It had been a month since their tour had ended, and now they all prepared for the new tour ahead. Krazy would be back on tour with Nsync, plus TransCon new addition Mystical. Since their first meeting the girls of both groups did not get along. They threw each other nasty looks, made sure neither was comfortable when they were together, and just plain made one anothers lives miserable. Skeeto had managed to avoid Justin at all costs, but had barely missed him a couple time. She had seen him once talking to Veronica, and it made her heart sink. She knew that her and Justin were no longer together, but something inside her hated seeing him talking to another female, especially that female.

“Skeet, come on, we have more of a right to be here then they do, besides that, they don’t get here for another hour.” Sugar stretched her feet out on the couch in the break room, taking another sip of her Coke.

“Did you all forget, this is Nsync’s day to record, and I really don’t care to spend all afternoon dodging Justin.” Skeeto grabbed her bag, and pushed past Misty, towards the door. Misty clung to Skeeto’s shirt, causing Skeet to loose her balance, and fall down into Misty’s lap. Both girls giggled, before Skeet pushed herself away from Misty.

“Skeet, maybe its time you talked to him, face to face.” Mellie yawned, taking another bite of her cookie. “It would be good for the both of you.”

“No, I am not talking to him. Things are over between us, why make it worse.” Skeeto reached the door, slowly turning the knob. “Its easier this way, I can deal with my pain, and before you know it, I’ll be over him completely.” She flung the door open, making a point to prove to her friends, that she no longer needed Justin in her life. She wasn’t watching where she was going, the fact that she had her nose stuck in the air, blocked her vision, and she soon felt someone’s hands rest on her waist. She stiffened up, and slowly lowered her eyes, to stare into the ocean of blue that brought her so much comfort. She backed out of his grasp, automatically putting all of her focus on the floor beneath her feet.

“Hi Skeeto.” His voice was so soothing, and so familiar that tears begin to build behind her eyes.
“Hi Justin.” She managed to choke out.
An awkward silence followed, and they stood there, both staring at the floor for what seemed like hours, before he spoke ever so softly.
“I missed you.”

For the longest time those were the words she longed to her him say, and she wanted so bad for him to put his arms around her, to embrace her so she could forget all the pain and sorrow. Instead she wiped the tears from her eyes, and pushed past him.

“Yeah, yeah, I missed you too Justin, but we’ll be back on tour together. Oh goodie, how much fun could one young girl wish for.” The words stung as she said them, and she knew she had hurt him, but she couldn’t bare to look in the face and tell him she loved him. She just didn’t have the strength nor the guts. Justin stared after her dumbfounded to her strange behavior, but oddly enough he knew where this was all going. He felt a sadness tug at him, but he urged it to go away, before turning around, heading in the opposite direction.

Sugar stood in the door way of the break room, shaking her head slightly. How could Skeeto have been so mean? Sugar had been so sure that all Skeeto needed was to see Justin again, to feel his hands on hers, to hear his words spoken in her ear. Sugar shook her head again, as she glanced down the hall after Justin as he disappeared around the corner.

Justin threw his bag onto the floor, and sat down next to it, placing his head in his hands, trying desperately not to let the tears come. He heard JC and Joey enter the room, their laughter filling the air, but coming to an abrupt stop when they saw their youngest friend huddled on the floor.

“Justin man, what’s wrong?” JC kneeled by him, placing a hand on his back.

Justin looked up at his older friend, no longer being able to keep the tears from coming. “I ran into Skeeto, and I told her that I had missed her. It was the only thing that came out, I wanted to tell her so much more, but I couldn’t. She walked away, saying something mean, like she did in the beginning. That’s not a good sign is it?” Justin’s eyes begged for an answer that JC knew he couldn’t give.

“Justin, I don’t know what to tell you. Sugar has told me many times that something has been bugging Skeeto, and who knows, she just might of buried her feelings. I can’t answer your question, because I don’t know what to say.” JC stopped rambling, and looked down at the heart broken boy.

“At least your honest with me.” Justin grabbed JC’s wrists, pulling himself up, wiping the tears from his eyes, and preparing himself for the next few hours of hard core dancing.

“Skeet, you could have told him the truth.” Sugar knelt down next to Skeeto, trying to understand what was going on inside her head.

“What good would the truth do, he’d only want to get back together.” She pushed the button on the remote, flipping through the channels on the stereo.

“Yes, but at least he’d know that you still have feelings for him, all he knows now is that your back where you started. You’re getting no where, and its not working for either for you.”

Skeeto set the remote down, and crawled on her bed, bringing her knees close to her chest. “I was scared, plain and simple. I didn’t have the guts to tell him the truth, even though when he told me he missed me, all I wanted to do was crawl back into his arms. Sugar, you don’t know how bad I want him back, but I just can’t bring myself to let go.”

Sugar sat down next to her friend, and tried to think of something that would bring her comfort. “Skeeto, why are you so afraid to tell him, you told me yourself that he was the only guy that you’ve ever felt like you could trust.”

“I know, and he is, but I feel like I’ve lost his trust, because all I did through the whole tour was blow him off. I don’t understand my actions, and I don’t think he will either. I’m afraid to tell him.”

“Call him, talk to him. If not face to face, at least let him hear you say those words.” Sugar picked up the phone, and begin to dial Justin’s number. Skeeto watched in horror as Sugar placed the receiver to her ear, and listened to the ringing. Skeeto listened intently as Sugar asked for Justin, and at the silence that ensued. Conversation followed, but Skeeto’s mind had wandered, blocking out the happenings of the moment, that is until the phone was pushed next to her ear, and she could hear Justin’s breathing.

“Skeeto?” His voice made her weak, and she felt the damn begin to quiver under the weight.
“I’m here.” The only words she could get out, and they didn’t even hold any meaning.
“What happened today?” He was so sincere, and she wanted to answer, but something inside her refused her mouth to produce the right words.
“Nothing happened, like I said, I missed you too, but we’ll be back together again when the tour starts.”
“Yeah I remember that part, but you don’t mean the words you say. What is wrong?”

Skeeto begin to sweat for she knew that he knew her all to well. He could read through her lie, and she fought the urge to just hang up. “Justin, things happened, we are no longer close, maybe its better if we just go out separate ways, as much as we can.”

He didn’t speak for a few minutes, and in that time the damn broke, and tears begin to flow down her cheeks. “If you want it that way, but I don’t want to let go Sara, I won’t let you go, I’ll only give you space. Remember when I told you I would work hard to keep on loving you, it was my promise, and I’m not breaking it.”

She tried to fight the memories of that fateful night, the night when they both confessed their inner most feelings for each other. The night he told her he would love her forever, the night the cried in each others arms, the night she let him have her heart. “I remember, but things just got to hard.”

“But working for the things that mean the most to us, is what makes them so wonderful. Don’t give up on me, you said you wouldn’t.”

Skeeto searched her mind for the right words, the words that would make him give up, the words that would make him leave her. “Justin, I just don’t have the strength. Things are too difficult, please lets just leave things the way they are.”

He didn’t say anything, and she was afraid he had hung up, but his breathing grew louder. “Fine, but always remember that I love you.” Skeeto heard the phone click, and she handed the receiver back to Sugar, who only stared at her.

“Sara you didn’t even try.” Sugar stood, shaking her head at her young friend, trying to think of a way to bring happiness back into her life.

Chapter Four