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“Throw me some water.” Skeeto pulled her sweaty socks off as she wrapped a blanket around her exhausted body. “We’ve been away from that, for way to long.”

“You got that right, that is what we were made to do.” Mellie smiled as she handed Skeeto the bottle of water.

“Did you notice how awkward Mystical seemed in front of all those fans. I mean yes they did go first, but they didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves.” Sugar sat on the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her.

“I noticed that too. Ya know its too bad Lou isn’t gonna see any of the shows on this tour, because he’d be disappointed with that performance.” Misty flipped the TV on, channel surfing before landing on MTV.

“I need sleep.” Sugar opened her eyes wide, as the other girls laughed. After a concert of that magnitude sleeping was out of the question. Their blood pumped through their bodies at the speed of light, and their hearts raced just as fast. The screams of the fans still rang in their ears, and the joy that it brought them flowed through their bodies. They felt the bus lurch forward, so they knew that Nsync was loaded, and they were ready for the long night of driving ahead of them. After a long hot shower at the hotel, and quick pack and load up, they were back on the bus, headed for a city unknown. Skeeto rested peacefully in her bunk, until her phone rang out shrill and clear.

“Why would someone want to disturb me now?” Skeeto picked up the phone, punching the button that turned it on. “Yeah, what do you want?”

“Have you seen my necklace anywhere?” Justin’s panicked voice filled her head.
“Um, no, and why would you be asking me?”
“Because you are always good at knowing where things are.”

“That was when we were dating, since we aren’t anymore, I’m not supposed to keep an eye on things for you, now go to bed.”

“I can’t, not until I know where that necklace is.”

“Did you ask your new little friend, maybe she has it.” Skeeto knew she was being harsh, but it was the only way she could keep the emotion out of her voice.

“Look, not only is that not nice, but there isn’t anything going on between Veronica and I.”

“Justin, you don’t need to explain it to me, I don’t care. Ask someone else to help you find your stupid piece of jewelry and let me be.” Skeeto was about to hit the off button, but Justin stopped her.

“Wait, look Sara, I’m sorry for everything that happened between us, but just because we aren’t dating anymore doesn’t mean we still can’t be friends.”

Skeeto sighed, she knew this was coming, she just didn’t know how long it would take for him to say it. She was tired, and her mind was turning to mush, but she had to think of something. “Even if we stayed friends, things wouldn’t be the same.”

“Sara, because of what happened between us, I feel like I’m an outcast. Not only from you, but from the rest of you girls. I watch the guys hang with you, and it hurts because I remember all the times I was in that position, and how I know I can’t ever be again.” His throat begin to tighten, and Skeeto heard that. Her own eyes were now clouded over with mist, but she fought the tears back with all her might. Her heart softened for him though, and she begin to feel as if she could once again let him in her life.

“Justin, I will be more polite to you, and maybe some day we can once again be good friends. Don’t feel that our rocky relationship should affect the friendship you have with my friends, please don’t feel like an outcast.”

“Well, at least your finally being honest with me. I’ll call someone else to see if they’ve seen my necklace. Thanks Sara.” He hung up, and Skeeto stared at her phone. She hadn’t realized all the lying she’d done to him, until he said those words to her, and how he’d said those words.
Skeeto pulled out her notebook, her eyes being far from tired, and she being to write, she scrawled across the page faster then she had in a long time, and words just flowed, flowed from her pen like music.

As long as I don’t think of your eyes
Though they’re as beautiful as the morning sky
As long as I don’t think of your smile
Though its like the stars shining through the night
As long as I don’t think of your arms
Holding me and saying everythings going to be alright
As long as I don’t think of you
I’ll be fine

Who said that you could shove your way in my life
Who said even when it rains you’ll make me smile
Now laughter runs free and the sun shines awhile longer then I’ve seen
As long as you don’t offer me your arm
And take me places I’ve never been
As long as you don’t look into my eyes
And make me realize my dreams
As long as you don’t speak to me
And give me the knowledge I crave
As long as you’re not near me
I’ll be fine

I want to be near you
But I have to pull myself away
I’ve gotta make it through the cold night, till the day.
When I’ll be better off without you
As long as I don’t think of you
I’ll be fine

She read over the words again, her mind screaming them as being true, but her heart telling her otherwise. She shut the book, holding it close to her chest. This book contained everything about her, about everything she’d ever loved, but mostly it contained Justin. The words she had just written played in her mind, a potential song begin to take form, but this time it would be a song of regret, a song about what she had once felt, but would feel no longer. She wasn’t fine, she was miserable. Being out of Justin’s grasp was the worst thing she could have done to herself, and here she was in the midst of it, unsure of how to get him back. She had thrown so many harsh words in his direction, yet he still clung to her, even if it was just the memory of them together. He was stronger then her by far, and she had learned to rely on that, now being here on her own, away from his strength and love, made her feel weak and helpless. She closed her eyes, watching her memories as if watching an old movie. She laughed at the funny ones, cried at the sad ones, and when the memories grew more towards the present, she begin to feel a bit of hope. She knew that Justin still wanted her, but for how long was the question. If she didn’t act now, she’d loose him forever. She drifted off into a deep sleep, one filled with hope, fear, love and lost. She’d get him back, even if it meant squashing a few of her prideful feelings.

“Skittles, have you seen Justin anywhere?” Skeeto bursted out, without giving it much thought.

“Um, what did you just say?” Skittles was amazed that Skeeto would be asking her such a question.

“I asked if you knew where Justin was?” Skeeto read the questioning look in Skittles eyes, but for now she couldn’t answer any questions, she had to go about this as discreetly as possible, that is until she had him back.

“Last I saw him, he was out back playing basketball with Chris. Why would you want to know where he is?” Skittles watched as Skeeto jumped from her chair, racing down the isles.

“I’ll explain everything later, I promise.” Skeeto yelled back, as she threw open the backstage door, and tore down the long hallways. She pulled open the big metal door, and the sun shone brightly in her face. She shielded her eyes with one had, as she scanned the back lot, looking for one in pictural. She saw no one but tech people, security, camera crew, drivers, and of course Joey’s brother. She sighed deeply, and turned around when the voice she longed to hear penetrated her ears. Following the noise led her around the back of a bus, where a basketball hoop was set up, and three guys were playing an all out game of ‘catch me if you can’. Skeeto watched, intrigued by this behavior, and remembering the times when she was caught in the middle of it all. She laughed, and probably louder then she should have, for three pairs of eyes turned and looked in her direction.

“Skeet, come play with us.” JC bounced the ball in her direction, and she caught it as it bounced off the bus.

“Thank you, but no thanks, some other time though.” She walked over to JC, placing the ball in his hands. “Um, can I talk to Justin for a minute, alone.” Skeeto didn’t notice Justin’s eyes grow big, but he made it clear that his two friends, must leave, and now.

Chris and JC bide their farewells, leaving the once cozy couple to talk quietly.

“So what’s on your mind?” Justin was thrilled that she had come to him, it had been the first time she had willingly talked to him since that horrible day, months ago.

Skeeto dug deep into her pocket, pulling out what seemed liked nothing but a fist. “I found this, and thought you’d want it back.” She took his hand, and carefully placed a shiny object in it.

Justin stared down at his lost necklace, and instantly put it around his neck. He wanted to hug her, but feared her reaction. “Thank you.” Her hand was still near his, and he reached out, taking a strong hold of it. To his surprise, she didn’t pull away, she just stood there, near him, as if she seemed to enjoy it.

“I know how you feel when you loose something. I just tried to make your life a little more stress free.” She smiled up at him, the smile of warmth and friendship that she’d shown him so many times before.

“You know me all to well Sara.”
“Justin, would you like to go out for a late dinner with me after the show?” She lowered her head, fearful that she was being to forceful. His answer didn’t come, so she looked back up at him. He was all smiles, and nodding his head quickly. She couldn’t hold the giggles back, and the two of them burst into joyous laughter. Little did they know that they were being watched. Two beedy eyes peered out of the bus window, growing quickly into small slants as they watched the two friends, once again share a happy moment.

Chapter Six