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Justin heard quiet sobs seeping through a slightly open door, he walked over to it, and pressed his ear against the hard wood. The sounds he heard were scaring and worrying him, he took the edge of the door in his hands, and silently pulled it open, hoping not to disturb the sorrowful person inside. He scanned the darken room, noticing a huddled figure in the corner, facing the wall, swinging her chair softly as her sobs grew quieter. Not wanting to scare her, he carefully walked up behind her, placing a soft but sure hand on her shoulder. She didn’t look up, for she knew who it was just by the way he touched her. Only one person could make her feel so much safer and so much better with one simple touch.

“Justin?” She found her voice, and spoke his name, barely above a whisper.

“Sara, what’s wrong?” His voice was so full of concern, that it made her cry harder. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him that the only thing she needed to feel happy again was him, and his strong arms around her to pull her closer. She rested her tired head on her long legs, pulling them near to her body, wrapping her arms around them. She needed someone to tell her she would be all right, something to prove to her that she was loved and needed. She needed a strong shoulder to cry on, and one for support when she felt weak to the world. She was losing it, all hope, all will to live a happy life. She couldn’t be happy without him, she couldn’t be happy without knowing that she meant something in his life.

“I’m just alone and cold.” The words escaped her lips before she could stop them, words that held more meaning then she had signified.

“Here let me get you a blanket.” He turned from her quickly, wishing that he could be the one to keep her warm, and to make sure that she would never be alone. He knew that she would come back to him when she was ready, but he also had discovered that she had lost her strength, and that living life wasn’t anything to her without him in it. He made a quick grab for a light cotton blanket that hung over the corner of the couch. He placed it tenderly around her shoulders, his hand resting extra long on her arm. She willed her hand to grab his, to hold it close to her heart, but something stopped her, something that she couldn’t overcome at the moment. She kept her hands close to her knees, making sure that she wouldn’t do something out of the spur of the moment, because he was standing so close. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else I can get you?” Justin’s voice was low and gentle, and Skeeto needed that at the moment, the longer he was near her, the better she felt. She soon swivelled the chair around so that she could stare into his blue eyes, the blue eyes she longed to see. When she turned around, his heart flew up into his throat, and he lost all control of his actions. He stepped towards her, kneeling down so he was at her level. He took both of her small hands in his, and gave them a squeeze, there was so much he wanted to tell her, but for now all he wanted was to hold her, and make sure that she understood he wouldn’t leave her for anything. Skeeto looked down at her hands, engrossed in Justin’s strong ones. More tears came to her eyes, and she returned the squeeze he had given her. She moved her eyes from their hands, to his chest. She longed to be close, to be held tightly against it, and to hear his heart beat. The sound of the steady rhythm brought her more safety then even the strongest men on earth. She needed him more then she knew, and she was willing to give up everything to have him once again. Neither one could speak, for no words were needed. She read everything in his dark blue eyes. She saw compassion, care, want, trust, safety, and something new she hadn’t seen before, something she couldn’t quite place a finger on. She removed her hands from his, and his eyes clouded over with disappointment. She quickly placed her small hands on his arms, working them up slowly, so they fit perfectly around his neck. She pulled him towards her for a much needed hug, a hug of not only friendship, but of two people who needed to be told that the other was there, that the other wouldn’t hurt anymore.

“Justin I want you back in my life, I don’t want to run anymore.” Her words were muffled as she spoke them into his shoulder, but he had heard what she had said.

“Sara, I’ll never let you go again. I need you to much, and you are the only one I want.” He pulled away so he could look at her face, the face of the one he was falling in love with all over again.

They held each other for some very long minutes, before Justin finally placed a soft kiss on her forehead, and walked out of her embrace. “Sara, I have to get to my soundcheck, but I promise you, we’ll talk later.” He leaned down to kiss her once again, but this time planting it directly on her hungry lips.

With her eyes closed, she felt every part of his lips against hers, and tears begin to build up behind her eyes, only this time, they were tears of relief, tears of knowing that he was back in her life, tears of all the pain and suffering she had gone though, it was all gone, and she would never run from him again.

Skeeto leaned back against the wall, her breathing heavy, but her heart jumping with joy. He was back, and that phrase repeated over and over again in her mind. She was interrupted by a loud knock on the door, so she slowly pushed herself upright, and opened the door, letting Sugar into full view. Sugar looked Skeeto over, noticing the glow that hung as a halo around her younger friend.

“Well, something good just happened in this room, and you’re gonna tell me what it is.” Sugar folded her arms across her chest, as she watched Skeeto eyes sink back in thought.

“Justin was just in here.” Skeeto breathed it out. She looked at the wall, not daring to move, or speak much.

“He was just in here, and you two weren’t fighting.” Sugar’s happiness was being to peak, but she kept her hopes down, just in case it wasn’t what she hoped for.

“He came in here to promise me.....” Skeeto stopped her sentence, not knowing quite how to finish.

“Promise you what?” Sugar stepped closer to Skeet, wanting, needing to know what was said behind these walls.

“He promised me he’d never be the cause of my pain again, and I promised him that I wouldn’t run anymore.” At those words Skeeto sank down to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest.

Sugar was at a lose for words, she had waited for months for this moment to happen, and it had, right under all of their noses. Skeeto and Justin didn’t need any help finding each other, they had done it all on their own. She saw for the first time the love that Skeeto had for Justin, and knew that for once in her young life, she’d never be hurt by him again. Sugar leaned down next to Skeet, taking her small hands in her own.

“Did you both let the other know how you felt?”

Skeeto looked up at her, and nodded her head slowly. “Sugar I feel so safe, like all the pain and heart ache is gone, and for good this time. I don’t have to run from him anymore, I don’t have to play this game.”

Hearing those words Sugar let out the breath she had been holding, and gave her friend a hug.

Chapter Nine