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“I’ve imaged how it would look a million times, but I never could have come to the beauty that is Hawaii.” Skeeto took a deep breath as she watched the waves as the car sped along the highway. “We’re here for a whole week?”

Justin took her hand, and only nodded his head. He didn’t want to spoil her happiness, or this perfect setting. Things were going along smoothly, and he wasn’t about to smudge it up, again.

Skeeto watched his lips form into a smile, and she studied his strong jaw, and bright blue eyes. ‘He looks happy.’ She thought to herself as he turned to look out the window. She wanted more then anything to make this vacation work, and to come out better in the end. Things were good between them now, but they were stepping on thin ice, and she knew it. She gazed out the window for a few more minutes, before turning back to him. “Justin, are you happy?” The question slipped off her tongue before she had a chance to stop it.

Justin pondered the question. He knew the answer in his heart, but he wanted to make sure that she knew it as much as he did. “Sara, I haven’t been this happy since the first day I got to hold you.”

Skeeto’s heart swelled with nothing but love for the young man in front of her, and she leaned up against him, feeling the warmth of his body pressed against hers. “I’m happy too Justin, I don’t want anything to ruin it for us again.”

Justin became encased in her scent, nothing could take this away from him. If he lost her again, at least he’d have this moment, at least he’d have this week. At least he’d still have all the memories they shared together. The car begin to slow, and Justin took her hand once again, helping her out as they stopped in front of their beach front hotel. “Over there are the houses that we’ll all be staying in. You get to pick which ever one you want. I’ll go check us in.” He released her hand, and she looked back at him, as she took off to pick the perfect house.

Skeeto looked at each house carefully, not really sure which one she liked the best, and her decision being made harder by the fact that they all looked pretty much the same on the outside. She passed one after another, until finally she ended up at the last house. It was the closest to the water, the porch wrapped around the front of the whole house, instead of just half of it. To make things even more perfect, the trim was baby blue. She sat down in the porch swing, and waited for Justin. The sounds of the waves filled her head, and the scent of the ocean filled her nostrils. She closed her eyes, wanting to take in the full affect, but soon became so absorbed in everything, she didn’t hear Justin come up and stand beside her.

“Enjoying yourself without me.” Justin’s face broke into a smile when she opened her eyes, to look up at him. “I’m glad you like it, no need to thank me yet.” He helped her up, and together they opened the front door. Inside was simple, but nothing more needed to be added. Justin pulled Skeeto into his arms, and held her, as they both surveyed the rooms.

“Its wonderful. Thank you so much for bringing me here.” Skeeto turned to face him, not breaking the embrace in which he held her. She leaned forward, and planted small kiss on his waiting lips. “I needed you, and I needed being here, and I just needed to get away.”

Justin kissed her back, pulling her closer to his body. He never wanted to let her go, and for a whole week he wouldn’t have to. He wasn’t certain of the future, but he knew one thing, she’d be a big part of it, forever.

“Anyone ready for some of that pig?” Chris danced around the group of friends, the grass skirt flying in all directions.

“Baby, you either need to burn or drown that skirt, but whichever you choose, just take it off.” Skittles tried to move out of his reach, as he bent over to tickle her. “Oh, no you don’t.” She laughed heartedly as he grabbed her, and pulled her onto his lap.

“Isn’t this so romantic?” Mellie sighed as she snuggled closer to Joey. He put a protective arm around her, and let her slide in even closer.

“This is the most wonderful place on earth. Disney can be the happiest, but that in no way compares to all that they have here.” Skeeto picked at the meat that was on her plate, lost in a daydream that had become a reality.

“You’ve got that right, I think I should have ideas like this more often.” Sugar laughed as she received many side ways glances. “But, I’m glad to Chris for having the initial idea of getting away.” The group laughed together as they finished their meal. The sun had set, and the waves were crashing loudly on the sand down the beach. The air was warm, and the tiring life of being on tour was far from the minds of the ten young people. The fire crackled and burned as they talked, exchanging all that was in their hearts. Their friendships had grown from one of happiness, to one of trust, and love. They were a family now, complete by the fact that Skeeto and Justin were happily together once again. The week was coming to a close very fast, and with only one more night to go, Justin and the others new that they needed to end it with a bang.

“Since this is basically our last night here, we thought that you ladies needed a little show all of your own. First though, I’d like to say, that this week has been one that I will never forget, and I know I won’t ever be able to thank all of you for hanging in there for both me and Sara when things got hard. Your strength pulled us together once again, and created a bond that will never be broken. We are all unsure of what will happen next, but I do know that we will all be in it together. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been working on something that would describe all that we feel, and all that we promise, all that is us. We came up with something that we felt was perfect.” Justin stopped talking, and the four other guys huddled around him. The turned to face the group, and Justin started to hum softly, as the others picked up on the melody.

Skeeto’s eyes being to fill with tears, even before they started. She knew in her heart that things would never be bad again. Sure they’d be hard, but not as hard as being apart from Justin, never as hard as spending many nights crying herself to sleep. She was safe, she was complete, and he has promised to be there for her, when ever she needed him. He promised to be around forever.

When the visions around you>
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surrounds you,
Are secrets are lies

I’ll be your strength
I’ll give you hope
Keeping your faith when its gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I’ve love you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is the battle we’ve won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun
Just close your eyes
With each loving day
Know this feeling won’t go away

Till the day my life is through
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Oh I promise you
