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The rain pours down lightly as he holds you in his arms. You toss your head back, allowing the raindrops to sprinkle down onto your face and roll down your neck. Your fingers begin to glide across the wet skin of his back as you dance together in the soft sand. He holds you so close you can feel his heartbeat against your chest. His every breath in sync with your own as you hold each other tightly. You lift your head back up to look into his deep blue eyes as his lips find yours. He slides his tongue slowly into your mouth, parting your lips gently as he deepens the already passionate kiss the two of you are sharing.

His hand slides down your face, touching you so softly that it leaves you aching for more. As you pull away from his lips you gently take his hand, pressing his fingertips to your lips. He slides his hand from your lips, down your body to your stomach. His finger slides over your stomach as he makes circles around your belly button above the thin fabric of your sundress. His tongue finds its way to your neck, licking off the tiny beads of water that have formed from the rain. A moan escapes your lips as the ecstacy from his touch overtakes you. Your fingers slide into his wet hair as he continues his path around your neck. He moves behind you, his hands sliding across your stomach as you cling to his neck.

He slides his hands down your wet arms as his tongue lightly flicks at your earlobe. You can feel his breath on your wet skin, and the sensation drives you wild. "JC, make love to me," you whisper as he moves back in front of you before engulfing your lips with his own. He pulls back and looks deep into your eyes before picking your wet body up in his arms. A smile tugs at his lips as he carries you back towards the boat. His smile slowly begins to fade as he lifts you over the edge before climbing up himself. Desire fills his eyes as he lays you gently on the towels spread out on the boat.

Your eyes lock on him as he gazes down at you. You take in his every feature as he stands there teasing you, the raindrops falling on his already soaked body. You notice his once perfectly styled spiky hair is now dripping wet as the strands lay mussed on top of his head, some sticking to his forehead. Tiny water droplets cascade down his face as he looks at you, eyes blazing with desire. Your eyes follow a droplet as it makes a path down his forehead before sliding off the tip of his nose. Your eyes follow the drop down as it drips onto his wet wifebeater that is now clinging to his thin yet muscular frame. His arms glisten with moisture as he slowly grips the bottom of his shirt before sliding it up and off. You watch his muscles ripple as he lifts his shirt, mesmerized by his every movement. Your hands long to touch him as he moves toward you. You sit up, ridding yourself of your sundress as his hands slide around your waist, pulling you to him. His fingers work on the clasp of your bra as his lips begin sucking on the delicate skin of your neck.

Your hands roam wildly over his back as you long for more of him. The water droplets allowing your hands to glide over his back. "JC...," his name is all you can muster up the energy to moan. All you want is him, you want to feel him. His tongue begins to caress your neck as you place kisses on his shoulder. He finally tosses your bra over his shoulder before once again taking charge of your lips with his own. You reach down, tugging at his blue board shorts before using your toe to slide them down his body. He rids himself of his shorts before his mouth sets to work on you once again. He teases your body with quick, soft kisses. He slides down and you feel his tongue softly grazing against your stomach as he slides your panties down your legs. He licks his way from your lower stomach back up to your neck. You had always wondered what it had been like to be that stage, but now you were sure that it would be jealous of you.

You moan out his name in ecstacy as your fingers plunge deeper into his hair. You don’t know how much more you can take. His tongue once again moves down, sliding between your breasts. His head lifts up, as his eyes scan your face. He smiles slyly licking his lips, while his hands gently massage your breasts before being replaced with his lips. His tongue begins to massage your left nipple as you coax him on with moans of pleasure. You feel like your entire body is on fire. "JC...please baby. I need you now," you whisper to him as you lick the tiny beads of sweat that have begun to form on his top lip.

Those words were all he needed to hear. He moves the tip of his penis to your wet center. He enters you slowly, afraid of hurting you. He slides almost completely out of you before entering you again. You moan his name as you begin to adjust to his size. "Stay in my eyes," he whispers to you as he begins to thrust into you, slowly at first. "God JC," you call out as your fingers dig into the bare skin of his back. He finds his rhythm as you open your legs wider, telling him you want more. You begin to buck your hips up to meet his every thrust as he rocks deeper into you, filling you completely. His thrusts become faster and plunge deeper. You beg for more as the moisture from the raindrops is mixed with that of his sweat. You both begin to call out the other’s name as you lose yourself in each other. Your body begins to shake as you feel your peak coming. Your walls begin to tighten around longer able to contain the intense orgasm. Your tightness causes him to lose it, and he releases his passion deep into you as you cling to each other. He waits a few moments before sliding out of you gently, and resting beside you.

"I love you, baby girl," he whispers to you as he places a delicate kiss on your lips. "I love you too, Josh," you whisper back as you twirl a damp strands of his hair around your finger. He smiles down at you as he takes in your every feature, relishing in the intense pleasure the two of you have just shared. "You’re my sunshine after the rain," he whispers as he gently slides his thumb down your cheek. You smile up at him as your eyes meet. "It stopped raining," you whisper to him as he focuses his attention back out over the water. "Mhmm. I didn’t really notice," he says as he smiles down at you. "Me either," you say with a giggle as you kiss the tip of his nose, "we should go sailing more often." He nods his head before placing a few delicate kisses on your neck. "Well, it’s not far down to least it’s not for me," he begins to sing as you cuddle close to him. As his voice echoes in your ears you slowly begin to drift off to sleep. "I love you, Faith," you hear him whisper, his arms tightening around you as you lose yourself in your dreams.

JC Chasez