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“I need the phone..where is the phone?” Faith screamed as she fell through the door. “I need to call him...I have to talk to him...”

Sara looked up from her place on the couch, eyes clouding over with worry and fear. “The phone is in the kitchen, Brynn had it last. Faith are you okay?” She watched as Faith stumbled over the rug, nearly falling to the ground.

“I just need to call him.” Faith gave no more explanation, as she blindly forced her feet towards the open doorway. “Brynn...”

Brynn’s head appeared from around the corner of the fridge, phone in hand, grin adorning her face. “Yo Faith, I’ll be off in a minute.” Her fingers wound through her hair, as she danced back out of the room.

“Brynn wait...” Grabbing onto the kitchen table for support, Faith made a desperate attempt to stop her friend. “Please, just give me the phone..I need to call him.”

Spinning back around to face her, Brynn stopped dead in her tracks, her smile fading quickly, at the look of desperation written across her friends features. “Hold on a minute...” She spoke roughly into the phone.... “Faith, are you okay?”

Snatching for the phone, Faith lost her balance, her knees hitting the hard floor of the kitchen. “I’m okay, I just need him...I just need the phone.” Not able to move, Faith stared at the floor, tears slowly building up behind her eyes.

Fear swept over Brynn’s body, not knowing what to do, she dropped the phone near Faith’s hand, leaving quickly to find Sara. Faith’s hand clenched around the white object near her....fingers punching in the familiar numbers, craving to hear his voice. The ringing echoed in her ear, she relaxed her body against the coolness of the floor, trying to dull some of the pain that coursed through her. The ringing continued.....her pulse accelerating. “Pick up....I need you to be home.” She was beginning to loose all hope, her heart rate dropping, the pain in her chest becoming stronger....

“I’m here...I’m here.” His voice, a blessing to her tired body.

“Josh.....” Faith was weak, the pain not subsiding, the ache gaining strength. “It happened....I found Bryan with HER........I just can’t.....I don’t know what to do....please help.” Her voice became less audible, Josh straining to her final words.

“Please sweetie, stay calm. I’m coming..just go sit with Sara and Brynn until I get there.” He crossed his fingers, his heart praying that she wouldn’t do anything drastic.

“I need hurts so bad.” She was whispering, her body finally giving into the pain that had seeped through every vein in her body.

“I know it hurts....please...just go sit with Sara and Brynn. Faith I need you to do that for me...I will be there as soon as you hang up.” Josh ran around his apartment, grabbing for shoes and car keys, heading for the door as she urged her off the phone. “I’m leaving right now...go sit with Sara....go Faith...go.”

“Josh....I just........hurry please.” Faith slowly turned the phone off, using the small amount of energy to force herself up off the floor. The room begin to sway, the walls became active, teetering back and forth. Screaming she covered her face with her arms, flinging herself back towards the ground.

Sara and Brynn heard the screams, glancing at each other before flying off the couch, racing in the direction of the horrible shriek. “Faith....Faith...” Sara leaned over her, pulling on her arm, trying desperately to uncover her face. “Speak to me.... Brynn get some cold water or something.... Faith....please Faith..please.” Brynn handed her a cold towel, and she commenced in attacking Faith’s face with it....attempting to bring her out of the state of shock.

“Do you think she’ll be okay? I mean..I’ve never seen her this bad before...I just....Sara....what happened..maybe we should call JC...she always talks to him....she can’t stay like this...please make her wake up...” Brynn stood nearby, rocking on her heels, arms flailing, despair evident in her eyes.

“Calm down Brynn, it won’t help if you over react. My guess is she’s called JC...he’s on his way, and he’ll be able to help. As for what we do now...try and make her as comfortable as possible....will you go get a pillow....” Sara’s brain shot into overtime, between tending to Faith, and maintaining Brynn’s sanity. Taking the pillow from Brynn’s hand, she motioned towards the living room. “Go watch the driveway, let Josh in as soon as he gets here.”

Moments turned to seconds, seconds into minutes...the sweat beads forming quickly on Sara’s head as she waited. Blotting Faith’s forehead with the cool cloth, she silently prayed that Josh would hurry....Faith needed him...they all needed him to help her. In the distant a door slammed, and footsteps could be heard vibrating on the wooden porch. She heard the door open, and hushed voices spoke rapidly as they approached the kitchen area.

Josh’s face arrived from around the corner, as he rushed towards Faith’s limp body. “Sara, help me please....get her out to my car.” Together the two carried her towards his car, placing her gently in the back seat. “She’ll stay with me tonight okay, I promise I’ll call you when things get better.” Josh buckled his seatbelt as he revved the engine.

Josh stroked her hair, allowing her tears to fall freely. “Then what happened?”

Faith sniffled, wiping at her eyes before looking up into Josh’s tender face. “I didn’t really see anything....I just heard them, and when I opened the door.....I saw both their faces...” She paused, taking time to allow for more tears. “He told me he loved me Josh...he swore I was the only one for him. How can I keep finding all the wrong it to much to ask for just the perfect man.”

“I don’t think so...but Faith...I think you might be looking in all the wrong are making all the wrong choices.” Josh tilted her chin upwards, forcing her to look into his face. “Maybe you should be looking closer to home.”

Faith closed her eyes, not able to stare into the comfort of his eyes....his words hitting far to close to heart. “JC...I’ll be okay...I think I can go to bed now.”

JC turned away from her...once again she had ignored him completely...not even allowing herself to give him a chance. He took a few deep breaths, lifting her head, so he could slide out from under her. “Come on....lets get you into bed.”

*Five Months Later*

“He’s so perfect’ve got to meet him. I’ve invited Eric over for dinner tomorrow’ll just love him.” Faith scampered up the stairs, preparing for her date with her new boyfriend later that evening. “Oh....I’ve got to run to the you need anything?”

Sara glanced up at her...shaking her head. “Do you think that this Eric guy is good news..or bad news?” Sara flipped through the magazine in her lap, waiting for Brynn’s response from across the small room.

“I think it might be a little too early to tell....they’ve only been dating a couple of months.” Brynn scribbled on the paper in front of her, trying feverishly to finish her homework. “Who knows...maybe she’ll luck out this time..and find a guy that won’t end up crushing her. I’m not sure she could take much more..and poor JC is working overtime as it is already.”

“Let’s just give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Do you want a drink Brynn?” Sara walked towards the kitchen, grabbing the ringing phone on the way by. “Yeah..hello?”

“Is umm..Faith there?” The husky male voice spoke in her ear.

“May I ask who’s calling?” Sara pushed things aside in the fridge as she explored for a couple of cold drinks.

“This is Eric...I’m in a hurry, but could you tell her that I have to cancel our date for tonight..I have a few important things I need to do.” His rushed tone told Sara that he indeed was in a great dash to hang up.

“I’ll give her the message Eric..thanks for calling.” Sara discarded the phone on the counter as she proceeded in pouring the drinks.

“Who was on the phone?” Faith bellowed down the stairwell, its echo sounding off the walls. “Eric...he can’t take you out tonight..said it was an emergency.” Sara pushed past Brynn, setting her drink down on the table beside her. “I think the three of us should go out..its been a while since we’ve had a girls night.”

“Sounds good to me..I’m almost done here.” Brynn flipped through the large book placed before her. “Get me out of this house, away from these books, and near some HOT guys. Just out of curiosity....when you say girls night....does that mean us and you’ll also bring Wade along?”

Sara blinked, avoiding Brynn’s pensive gaze. “Well, I thought I’d give him a call, and have us just bump into him at the club.....come on Brynn...he’s hardly ever in town....and I want to see him.”

Hearing Sara’s begging tone, caused Brynn to give in quickly..... “Fine he can come..but ya time I get to bring my boyfriend along.”

“You don’t have a boyfriend....” Sara giggled at Brynn’s shocked expression.

“Well wouldn’t you know it......fine when I do get one, he gets to tag along.” Brynn slammed her book shut. “I’m I’m off to get ready.”

Brynn hustled past Faith, who was walked down the stairs....a grim look on her face. “So did he say what the emergency was?” Sara just shook her head, gazing up at Faith with a sympathetic look in her eye. “Oh well...a girls night out sounds like fun.” Slouching down on the couch, bringing her knees to her chest.

“It will be fun...besides that...clubbing will take your mind off the fact that Eric isn’t with you. Be young and free.” Sara picked up a few things that lay scattered around the room, before proceeding upstairs herself to prepare for the night ahead.

“Wade, go grab us a table, we’ve got to check in our things.” Sara, Brynn, Faith and Wade pushed through the heavy doors, the pounding bass hitting their ears, the sound blasting around them. “I’ll get us a drink....girls lets go.”

“This place is packed...and would you look at all the single, hot, young men.” A smile broadened on Brynn’s face, jumping forward on the wooden dance floor. “They are waiting....girls lets go.”

Soon they were all dancing, Sara and Wade wrapped up in each other’s arms...Brynn dancing with one of the many guys she’d met that night, and Faith in the arms of a handsome young man who had asked her to dance. The crowd slowly seemed to part, leaving an empty trail towards the DJ booth, and as Sara’s eyes scanned the crowd, she noticed a couple grinding sexually into each other....the sweat apparent on their bodies. She pulled her eyes away from them....but was met instead by a shrill cry from behind her.

“ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!” Faith broke away from the guy she was dancing with, racing towards the couple Sara had just been looking at. Every eye in the club found its way towards them...every head shaking as Faith begin to scream at her so called boyfriend. Sara grabbed Faith’s arm, trying desperately to pull her away. Eric stood still, a smug smile slowly creasing his features....his arm snaking around the scarcely dressed woman beside him.

“Wade, grab her.....we have got to get out of here.” Sara and Brynn went to get their things, as Wade snatched Faith around the waist, carrying her from the crowded floor..her body becoming limp in his arms.

“It happened again.....why....I thought this one was the one..I thought for sure he wouldn’t hurt me like this.... Wade...I need Josh...I have to call Josh.” Faith hung her head on Wade’s shoulder as they all waited for Brynn to open the car doors. “Please.....I need to talk to Josh.”

“You can call him as soon as we get home....” Brynn started the car, pulling away from the disaster that had occurred inside that club. “Sara....?”

“Hmmmm..” Sara shifted in her seat, glancing back at Faith who rested her head on Wade’s shoulder.

“What are we gonna do now?” Brynn stopped at a red light, turning quickly to view Sara in the seat beside her. “How are we gonna stop this from happening again?”

Sara slowly shook her head.. “I’m not sure if we can do anything...other then lock her in her room, and never let her date again.” She took a deep breath, sighing loudly. Wade locked eyes with her, giving her a small smile for reassurance. “I guess we just let JC handle this one again.....”

*Three Months Later*

“Will you stop pushing me Josh....he’s a nice guy...I like him.” Faith spat into the phone, allowing her anger to flow.

“I’m not saying he’s a bad guy Faith, I’m just saying that you shouldn’t date him.” JC urged her as carefully as he could to stay away from dating for a while. She was stubborn though, enjoying the company of a man far to much to stay single. “Just stay closer to home...please. ”

“What are you talking about...closer to home?” Faith shook her head, pulling the phone from her ear. “Josh, I can’t date any of the guys I know well....that wouldn’t work out..and you know it.”

“No..I don’t know it...because I think it would work....Faith....will you just listen to me for once...I’ve been there for you every time some guy has walked all over your heart, I’ve been there to pick up the pieces. I know how you need to be treated, I know how to hold your heart with tender hands. Stop giving your love out to those who don’t appreciate it...leave it here. Just give it a chance.” JC knew he was pushing..he knew he was beginning to beg, but he wanted to protect her..he wanted to love her...he wanted her to love him.

“Josh...stop. I can’t deal with this...stop being so selfish...just be my friend....if you can’t stand seeing me hurt..then why don’t you just stay out of my life. I can take care of myself....besides that...I won’t let anyone hurt me again.” Faith’s anger started to show through....the tone in her voice was harsh, but she wasn’t caring at the moment. “Just...just leave me alone.”

JC couldn’t believe what he was hearing..never would he ever assume that she would tell him to back leave her alone. If that was her wish, who was he to ignore matter how much it hurt. “Fine.” It was all he could say....and gently he placed the phone back on its cradle, breaking contact with the woman he loved so deeply.

Faith stared at the dead phone in her hand, a small tear trickled down her face. How could she just let him go? He cared for her so much...he was her support...but if he was gone...she would have to do things on her own..and she could work. It had to work.

“You have to come....I’m not giving you a choice here.” Sara placed things from Faith’s closet down on her bed. “Get dressed...Wade will be here in twenty minutes.” Sara left her...left her to get out of bed..left her with all the pain she felt...all the loneliness. She was being forced into going to a Nsync concert...forced into seeing Josh...her Josh.

Sara and Brynn waited for Faith to get dressed...waited for Faith to walk down the stairs. Wade arrived, and still no Faith.... “FAITH!!!” All three of them screamed at once.

“Will you calm down...I’m coming.” Faith stepped out onto the landing...walking carefully down each step....her boots making her a little nervous. “Let’s go and get this over with.”

The ride was silent...Brynn didn’t want to say anything that might upset her...Sara refused to speak for she might give something away..and all Wade could do was smile at Faith’s lost reflection in the mirror.

They were seated near the catwalk...seats that allowed them to see everything that happened in the large arena. Brynn and Sara couldn’t contain the excitement very well...for large grins kept appearing on their faces. The lights dimmed, but still Faith’s expression did not change..for she didn’t want to be there...refused to let herself look at him. Through the show, she kept her eyes focused on the other four guys, or the crowd, the screen, or the floor, anything to avoid his crystal blue eyes. The five men pranced towards the second stage, standing high above the heads of their adoring fans, their perfect harmonies breaking out into one of their newest songs. JC didn’t have to dedicate this song to anyone..for the ones that mattered knew who it was meant for.....every word spoke what he felt in his heart.....

I just don't understand
Why you're running from a good man baby

JC slowly made his way down the steps, taking a few steps on the catwalk, until he was directly in front of Faith....he stared at her, waiting for her to return the gesture...he wanted her to hear the words Justin sang..he wanted her to feel them....he needed her to understand that they were from his heart.

Why you wanna turn your back on love
Why you've already given up

Faith was trying so hard to ignore him, but from the moment he looked at her, their eyes locked. Each word that was spoken hit her hard in fact that she had to sit down..but her ears never stop listening.

See I know you've been hurt before
But I swear I'll give you so much more

JC knew all the pain she had gone though, and even though he had pushed a little to hard, it had only been out of love..for he wanted her to be happy...her to be loved, and for her to be with him. It might have been selfish...but it was heartfelt.

I swear I'll never let you down
Cause I swear it's you that I adore

JC adored her....with all of his heart. She was his best friend, but she was so much more than that. She was his heart, his soul, and his better half. He saw himself in her, he saw his children in her eyes, and he saw the trust that the knew lingered there. He adored the way her nose crinkled when she smiled...the way she giggled at the way he laughed...she loved how protective she was of him.

And I can't help myself babe
Cause I think about you constantly
and my heart gets no rest over you

He had never stopped thinking about her, just as she had never let him leave her mind. He always wondered how she was doing..even though he knew she was in misery. They both needed each other, they needed what the other could give....they were meant for one another. If only he could make her see her eyes enough to make her how much he loved her.

You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Cause I'm hopelessly in love

She was hopelessly in love with him..from the way his ears stuck out, to his square jaw, his fluffy hair....she had been in love with him for so long, but she was so scared of letting him hurt her, for being hurt by him would have been something she couldn’t recover from..but as she now looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, and heard the words he sang to her...she knew that she had to risk that...for being his would make everything worth while. She would be loved by him..and that would be perfect.

You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I'm the only one for you
What's wrong with being selfish?

If wanting her to love no one but him was selfish..then by all means..he was the most selfish person in the world. All he did want was her love...he wanted her for himself. JC paced up and down the catwalk..his eyes never leaving hers, but he had to play to the whole crowd. He just wanted to make sure that this song was just for her.

I'll be taking up your time
Until the day I make you realize
That for your there could be no one else

JC didn’t care how long it would take him..he would make her realize how much he loved her...he would make sure he knew that he was all she needed. He had been there all along...he would be there forever..but he was tired of being the one she came to when he was hurt...he wanted to give her so much more.

I just gotta have you for myself
Baby I would take good care of you
No matter what it is you're going through
I'll be there for you when you're in need
Baby believe in me
If love was a crime
Then punish me
I would die for you

She had pushed him away, but he hadn’t given up. If loving her was so wrong..if it made him a criminal, then by all means, he would take his punishment, for it wouldn’t mean a thing if he could continue to love her. If only she would see him for more then just her Josh.

Cause I don't want to live without you
Oh what can I do?

You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Cause I'm hopelessly in love

Faith watched as he walked away from her, but she noticed that his eyes never left her...that no matter how far away he went, he was still with her. She wanted to jump up there and tell him that she loved him, that she was tired of pushing him away, that he was all that she wanted. If only he would realize how she felt, if only she could tell him how much he meant to her.

You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I'm the only one for you

This was the part of the song that spoke he kneeled in front of her, he noticed the tears that begin to escape from the corners of her eyes. He was doing what he had set out to do..he was calling to her...speaking directly to her heart. She was listening, which was a good sign. He refused to move, for if she missed this next part, everything would be usless.

Why do you keep us apart
Why won't you give up your heart

Faith brushed at the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She held onto her heart so tightly that the one person who really wanted it, couldn’t get her to let it go. She now saw what he had been trying to do all along..he had been trying to love her, and all she had done was push him away.

You know that we're meant to be together
Why do you push me away
All that I want is to give you love
Forever and ever and ever and ever

You can call me selfish
But all I want is your love
You can call me hopeless (hopeless)
Because I'm hopelessly in love
You can call me unperfect
But who's perfect?
Tell me what do I gotta do
To prove that I'm the only one for you

Selfishly I'm in love with you
Cause I've searched my soul
and know that it's you

JC pointed directly at her, forming each word carefully. He was selfishly in love with her...and he wouldn’t change that...he loved her...and he wanted her to know how much. With each word..he saw her eyes long for him...he saw her eyes love him back..and he saw in her eyes the heart he had worked so hard to get.

Selfishly I'm in love with you
Cause I've searched my soul
and know that it's you
Selfishly I'm in love with you
Cause I've searched my soul
and know that it's you..

To prove that I'm the only one for you
So what's wrong with being selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish...
So what's wrong with being selfish....

Tears streaked down Faith’s face, with every word he had sung, a bit of the pain she had locked deep inside her was shed with a tear. He did love her...and with that song she had taken the time to stop and think about how she felt about him. She loved him...she always had...but she just didn’t want to let go of their friendship. She had come to rely on him so much for support, that she hadn’t taken the time to see that all she needed was him....that all she desired was what he could give her. She watched as he strolled down the catwalk...his eyes in her direction...the smile on his face as she waved up at him. Her mouth silently made out the words he wanted to hear..for his song had worked...he watched her lips...the movement of them sending chills through his body....those simple words that he felt with every nerve in his body....those words that bonded them together so much stronger then before....those small words that had just changed his whole world...

JC Chasez