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She glanced over to her left, smiling at his appearance. His white wifebeater slowly revealed itself as the wind tugged at his blue button up shirt. It was magical the way his eyes danced and the way the wind tussled his hair as he drove along the dark highway. He looked over at her, catching her intrigued gaze. A slow smile spread across his lips as he reached over and slid his hand into hers. She looked down at their hands, still amazed by the familiar electricity that coursed through her everytime he touched her. "Baby," he whispered, drawing her eyes back up to meet his. She smiled at him, reading his eyes. She loved being able to do that. To simply know what he was thinking before he said a word. He brought their intertwined hands up to his lips, placing his soft kiss on the back of her hand. "I love you," he whispered, watching the bright smile that lit up her face.

Her eyes fluttered open, the bright morning sunlight shining in through the curtains. She rolled over, her hands finding an empty spot beside her. She grimaced, realizing it was just a dream. She wasn’t riding beside him in his jeep, he didn’t smile at her, he didn’t take her hand and kiss it, and worst of all, he didn’t say I love you. Her smile slowly faded as reality once again snapped her away from her dreams. She slid out of bed, taking the first steps to face another day alone.

He sighed loudly as he laid the morning newspaper on the breakfast table in front of him. If he hadn’t read the newspaper he probably wouldn’t have even known what city he was in at all. Another day, another city, another show. Nothing changed except for the scenery. Today was a little different though. The tour was over and it was time to go home. He glanced over at his friends, each of them smiling. They were going home to the people they loved, but who was he going home to? No one. Nothing but an empty apartment.

She laced up her sneakers, deciding a walk around the park might do her some good. A long day at work led to an even longer night. At least this way she could get a great view of the stars. As she locked the door behind her, she saw his face again. His beautiful blue eyes absorbing every energy from her body. She just couldn’t seem to shake the dream she had the night before. It was so...real. Almost as if it had really happened, only she knew it hadn’t. It was crazy to even think that it ever would.

The plane had landed right on time, but he didn’t even want to get off of it. He slowly hoisted his bag higher onto his shoulder, his feet heavy as he trodded off the plane. As he walked through the gate, he looked around as the other guys hugged their family. He smiled for them, realizing they were truly happy. The one thing that he wanted most was to have someone who loved him waiting for him to come off that plane. Now it was time to go home to that empty apartment. At least he could sleep in his own bed tonight. Even if it would be all alone.

She zipped up her windbreaker, blocking out the cool breeze that nipped at her. It was a beautiful night. Every star seemed to be twinkling right down on top of her. She smiled as she closed her eyes, picturing his face again. This dream was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was like a premonition of what was destined to be. She shook it from her mind as she took a seat on a bench looking over the lake. Of all the nights she had spent sitting in this very place she couldn’t think of one night that was more beautiful then this one. She cast her eyes up at the stars once again, her attention locking on one right above her. It was so bright, so beautiful. She closed her eyes as she made her wish. The same wish she made every night.

He stared out the window as the limo slowly made it’s way down the empty streets. He was so lonely that he literally ached inside. His eyes locked on a single star shining right above the lake. He couldn’t help thinking that it was so bright, so beautiful. As he sat there gazing at the stars, one song came to mind. He couldn’t think of anything better to describe his feelings. He rested his head against the window as his voice floated through the empty limo. "Somewhere out there...beneath the pale moonlight...someone’s thinking of me and loving me tonight...somewhere out there...someone’s saying a prayer that we’ll find one another in that big somewhere out there."

She sat there a few more moments quietly humming. If any song described her feelings right now, this one was it. The sad part was she wasn’t sure if she would ever find that other someone. She sang the next line, her eyes finding her star again. "And even though I know how very far apart we are. It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star. And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby. It helps to think we’re sleeping underneath the same big sky." Was there really someone else out there making a wish on the very same star? Maybe even a wish for her. Was there really someone out there that loved her? She pushed her thoughts from her mind as she stood up, making the slow walk home...alone.

He glanced over to his right, smiling at her appearance. Her light blue shirt gently rippling as the wind tugged at it. It was magical the way her eyes danced as the wind gently blew her hair as they drove along the dark highway. She looked over at him, catching his intrigued gaze. A slow smile spread across her lips as she reached over and slid her hand into his. He looked down at their hands, still amazed by the familiar electricity that coursed through him everytime she touched him. "Baby," she whispered, drawing his eyes back up to meet hers. He smiled at her, reading her eyes. He loved being able to do that. To simply know what she was thinking before she said a word. She brought their intertwined hands up to her lips, placing her soft kiss on the back of his hand. "I love you," she whispered, watching the bright smile that lit up his face.

The alarm went off beside him, jerking him from his blissful dream. His eyes slowly adjusted to the bright morning sunlight as he rolled over, stretching his arms out beside him. His hands met the same empty space they always met and he groaned. He had made up his mind that today was going to be different. His bare feet met the cushion of the carpeted floor as he slowly slipped out of bed. The first step of another day.

She locked the door behind her, turning her face up towards the sky. It was truly a beautiful day, and she was determined to make the best of it. She started down the stairs, a door closing behind her grabbing her attention. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. Those mesmerizing blue eyes were staring right back at her, and no doubt meeting the same shocked expression. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she opened them. He was still there.

He slowly took a careful step towards her, afraid that she would disappear if he moved too quickly. His heart was pounding in his chest. It was like she stepped right out of his dreams. His mind was racing as she took a step towards him, slowly extending her hand. She looked as shocked as he was sure he did. He placed his hand in hers, gently shaking it as she whispered her name. "Nice to meet you, Faith," he replied, "I’m JC." He wasn’t sure what caused the tingles that went coursing through his body when she touched him, but he knew that they had to be good. Very very good.

As they walked down the hallway together neither of them said a word. He had invited her to breakfast, and she had accepted his invitation. Neither of them could explain the forces that were pulling them towards each other. Maybe it truly was best explained by the song of a little mouse. Her eyes found his as he softly began to sing. "Somewhere out there...if love can see us through.." She smiled at him, her soft voice blending with his own as they finished the song together. "Then we’ll be together...somewhere out there...out where dreams...come...true."

JC Chasez