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Chapter 1

Faith glanced down at her watch before walking towards her seat. "Where the heck is Brynn? Her flight should’ve come in an hour ago" she said to herself. She looked around the arena as she walked. She couldn’t believe the number of people in this arena. All to see five of her best friends.

The lights dimmed and the crowd roared as Faith stepped up into the VIP section to find her seat. She couldn’t believe how far these guys had come. When the group had started people had doubted them, but all along Faith had known that they were going to make it. They were going to be huge, and now as she looked around at the hoards of screaming fans she felt the excitement and pride build up in her.

She glanced over to her right were the guy’s families all sat eagerly awaiting the beginning of the show. Her eyes floated over each of them and came to rest on Mrs. Bass. She watched as her eyes danced with excitement for her son and all his success. This woman was like her second mother. She had obviously noticed someone looking at her and turned her attention towards Faith. A smile lit up her face and she waved Faith over to sit next to her.

As Faith walked over she glanced at Mr. and Mrs. Chasez. They were two of the sweetest people she knew and she could obviously see where JC got his wonderful personality. When she thought about him she couldn’t help but smile. From the first time she met him she was instantly attracted to his warm smile and gorgeous eyes. Then there was that unbelievable charm of his. She often referred to it as the Chasez Charm. She had always tried to keep her crush a secret, but to two people in her life it was very obvious. Lance and Brynn knew her too well.

She took a seat next to Mrs. Bass and gave her a bright smile. "Thank you for being here, Faith. I don’t think you will ever know how much it meant to Lance to have you here," she yelled over the crowd’s chants. Faith shot her a quick smile as the sounds of that famous song from Pinnochio rang through the arena.

Everyone’s attention immediately snapped towards the stage. There they were hanging from the ceiling. Faith held her breath just like she always did until they rested safely on the stage. As the familiar sounds of "No Strings Attached" boomed through the arena, Faith watched Lance as he danced along. Her thoughts drifted back and she smiled when she remembered all the times they had danced together before. Her favorite was his Senior prom. What a night that had been.

The music played softly as they walked hand in hand to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his hands gently on her hips. They began to sway slowly to the music in total silence. She looked into his sparkling green eyes and smiled. She couldn’t think of one other person in her life that she had shared more of herself with then him.

She felt his arms tighten around her waist and pull her closer to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and ran one hand down to rest on his arm. He began to lightly hum along with the music and she smiled against his shoulder. She loved to hear him sing. His deep bass voice always had a way of soothing her. He made her feel so safe and so loved.

As the song continued she lifted her eyes up to look into his again. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she often did. He reached his hand up to touch her lips causing her to stop. His words floated through her ears like music as he whispered, "Thank you for coming with me tonight. Nobody could’ve made this night more special for me than you did. I love you Smuff."

Faith giggled and playfully slapped his shoulder. "Don’t call me that in public. I believe someone has forgotten Froggy." His face flushed slightly as he pulled her in closer again. "Alright, you win" he chuckled as he dipped her playfully. They had known each other since they were little and with each year their friendship only grew stronger. They had tried to date once, but in the end it turned out that they were much better as friends.

As the song ended a faster song started and Lance stepped back to walk off the dance floor. Faith grabbed his hand and tugged him gently. He looked at her and laughed, "No way. I am not about to embarrass myself in front of all these people." Faith smiled at him before poking out her lip. "Pweeze Fwoggy," she whined. He looked down at his feet before looking back at her and giving a defeated sigh. "I hate it when you do that," he said as he followed her back onto the floor.

Lance’s words snapped her out of her daydream. "Well, welcome to the No Strings Attached *NSYNC World Tour 2000. We’re so glad you could make it. The next song we’re about to sing for you helps best describe all of you out there tonight. We’ve been very blessed with our success so far, so we dedicate this one to you...all the fans." He stepped back to join the other guys at the mic and just before the music started he added, "This is for you Smuff."

Faith about jumped off the sofa she was sitting on. She looked at Lance who was getting a thumbs up from JC for his comment. As she heard Justin’s soft voice fill the arena, Mrs. Bass placed a hand on her arm and she glanced up at her. "He loves you, Faith. You’ve always been very special to him." She smiled and took Mrs. Bass’ hand in hers as she turned her attention back towards the stage.

The song ended and Faith leaned back against the sofa cushions. She wiped away a stray tear and heard a familiar voice next to her. "Aww...did you miss me that much? You don’t have to cry," Brynn yelled over the roar of the crowd. Faith’s eyes darted over to Brynn before wrapping her in a big hug. "Girl, it took you long enough," she yelled as she squeezed her tightly.

The crowd roared as Justin appeared on the stage. "Prepare yourself it’s the human beatbox." Brynn squealed and then quickly put a hand over her mouth, "Sorry." Faith just smiled and turned her attention back to the stage to watch the show.

She couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel so that Brynn could meet Lance. She had met Brynn while she was vacationing in California, but the two instantly became friends. The Lance approval was next on the list, but she knew Lance would love her. She glanced over at Brynn as she fought not to jump up and down right along with all the other fans and smiled. Now she had both her best friends here. She glanced down at the Chasez family and then up to JC and sighed. There was only one thing missing.

Chapter 2

Less than two hours after the show had ended, Brynn and Faith stood in front of the suite next to their own. Knocking lightly, knowing JC was probably already sleeping, Brynn smiled, knowing finally she would get to meet the five guys Faith knew and loved.

The door opened slowly and Brynn looked at Faith when they realized no one was standing there. "What the heck?" Faith muttered as she walked inside a bit, followed by Brynn. "BOO!" Lance jumped out from behind the door with a silly grin across his face, sending both girls back into the wall. "Jesus Lance!! You always have been stuck in the 4th grade haven't you?" Faith said, hitting him on the shoulder. Lance laughed and reached over to give her a big hug. "And my Smuff has always hated being scared." He said, still laughing.

Faith smiled and hit him one more time before turning to Brynn. "Lance, this is Brynn.... my other best friend." Lance smiled as he directed his attention to the 18 year old girl who stood next to his brunette friend. Reaching out his hand, Brynn rested her hand in his for a polite shake. "It's nice to finally meet you, I've heard a LOT about you to say the least." He laughed as he released her hand. "Ditto. I must know you as well as she does yet we've never met.." Brynn met his green eyes and giggled.

The bedroom door opened and JC walked out in his blue basketball shorts and t-shirt. "Hey Faith, what's up?" He asked, walking over to the 3 who had now moved over to the couch area. Reaching down and pulling her into a hug, he continued. "What did ya think of the show tonight?" "Awesome as usual Joshie. By the way- this is Brynn." Brynn looked at JC and shook his hand. "Finally we meet" He laughed. "Seriously.." Brynn said, shaking her head.

Suddenly a voice sounded from the kitchenette area of the hotel suite. "Yo, what happened to my little box of Appa Jacks?" Justin asked, walking into the room where JC, Lance, Faith, and Brynn sat talking. Turning around, Brynn caught sight of Justin walking in, in rip away workouts and a wife-beater. Immediately Justin's sparkling blue eyes locked on the brown-blond curly haired girl who sat next to Faith. Her blue-green eyes met his as she smiled.

"Justin, this is Brynn." Faith said, noticing the curious look on his face. "AW- the Faith's best friend Brynn." Justin smiled. "Justin." He said as she stood up to greet him. "Brynn." She returned the smile and looked back down at JC, who was now sitting next to Faith. She caught sight of the Apple Jacks on the coffee table and reached down for them. Handing them to Justin, she smiled. "You mean these?" Justin laughed and replied. "Thanks." There's something in those eyes of his, she thought. I wish I knew what.


A few hours and lots of laughs later Faith and Brynn made their way down the hall to their room. "I can not believe you did that to him," Brynn said putting an arm around Faith, "That has to be the funniest story I have ever heard." Faith laughed as she opened the door to their room. "That is only the beginning girl. You haven’t even met Chris and Joey yet. Just wait till you hear those stories."

Brynn walked over and flopped down on the bed. "Man, I am so tired. I got out of class after the last final and practically ran to my car. I can not believe this. Pinch me Faith because I know I’m dreaming." Faith walked over to her suitcase on top of the dresser and pulled out her pajamas. "Girl, you are very much awake. This is definitely gonna be a summer that you’ll never forget." Brynn smiled and sat up on the bed as Faith headed towards the bathroom.

A few moments later Faith reappeared in the room and crawled into bed. "They love you already you know," she said as she pulled the covers up higher. "You really think so," Brynn asked as she watched her friend carefully. "Yup, and in case you didn’t notice, you seemed to be getting quite a lot of attention from a young curly haired hottie that shall remain nameless, of course." Brynn’s eyes widened and a smile lit up her face. She heard Faith yawn and snuggle farther under the covers.

She flopped back onto the bed and heard Faith’s breathing deepen. She stared up at the ceiling trying to take in what she had just heard. "Not a chance. He’s Justin Timberlake. I’m just..." Her words were interrupted by a knock on the door. She glanced towards Faith sleeping in the bed next to her and then back to the door before getting up off the bed.

When she opened it she was surprised to see JC standing there. "Hey Brynn, is Faith asleep yet," he asked, "I wanted to ask her something real quick." Brynn opened the door wider and pointed to Faith sleeping peacefully on the bed. She turned back to JC just in time to see a slow smile spread across his face. "That’s ok then. I’ll just talk to her tomorrow. She’s had a big day," he said not taking his eyes off her sleeping form.

After a few moments of silence JC finally looked back to Brynn and blushed slightly. "Ok..I...well, I guess I’ll go to bed now too." Brynn giggled and looked over at Faith before turning her attention back to JC. "I’ll let her know you want to talk to her ok?" JC nodded his head, "Thanks Brynn. I don’t know if you know how much it means to her that your here, but she hasn’t been this happy in awhile. You and Lance are her world. Now she’s finally got both halves of her world together."

Brynn smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks JC, but we’re not the only ones in her world. She cares about you and the other guys very much." JC smiled and leaned over to give her a quick hug. "Nice to have you with us Brynn. I’ll see you in the morning," JC said before turning to walk back down the hall to his room. Brynn closed the door and leaned against it. She glanced over at Faith and whispered, "Especially you JC...especially you."

Chapter 3
The sound of her cell phone ringing across the room brought Faith out of her peaceful sleep. "Ugh...what do you want?" she grumbled as she got out of bed and headed towards the phone. She glanced over to the bed next to her where Brynn lay sleeping before answering her phone. "Hello"

"Good mornin’ sunshine"

"Lance, you know I love you and all so don’t take this the wrong way, but I was sleeping really well. So, if you don’t mind me asking...what the hell do you want?"

Lance chuckled before answering, "Aww, did I wake my Smuff up?"

"Oh, wherever did you get that idea?" Faith asked sarcastically.

Lance laughed again before finally getting to his point. "We’re on our way back to the hotel. We finished up at the radio station so we should be there shortly. Might wanna wake Brynn up because we’re leaving by 3."

"Wait, what?" Faith asked, "leaving?"

"Yup, Johnny just called to let us know. They decided to drive to the venue early. It’ll be cool cuz we can hang out on the bus and then all day tomorrow," Lance explained.

"Alright, finally we get some time to hang out. Let me get a shower. How long before you get here?" Faith asked excitedly.

"At least 20 minutes or so."

"Alright, talk to you then. Love ya." Faith said as she took her hair down out of the ponytail it had been in all night.

"Love you too...bye."

Faith hung up the phone and looked over at Brynn. "I’ll get a shower and then wake her up," Faith said as she grabbed her clothes and headed towards the bathroom. She had only taken one step when something fell on the floor at her feet. She leaned down to pick it up and smiled when she realized what it was.

It was a picture of her and JC backstage at the first show of the tour in Mississippi. He was making a goofy face and she was sticking her tongue out. The first time she saw the picture she loved it. She carried it over to her purse and slid it in carefully so that it didn’t get wrinkled before heading back to the bathroom.


"By the way, JC came over last night right after you fell asleep." Brynn said casually as the girls stepped onto the elevator with their bags less than 30 minutes later. Faith pressed the button for the lobby, in which the guys were waiting for them. "He said he wanted to ask you something really quick'." Brynn quoted with a sly smile. Faith blushed before hitting her forehead. "And of course, perfect-timing me had to be asleep when he came by." She laughed. "He didn't say WHAT he wanted to ask me?" Brynn smiled. "Nope- he just wanted to watch you sleep if you ask me." She said, walking out of the elevator, knowing the comment would put a cheesy grin on Faith's face.

Faith laughed as she followed Brynn out of the elevator. Looking around, she was the first to spot the curly hair that was just above a tall flowered plant. "Thank goodness Justin is tall." Faith said. "Huh?" Brynn looked at her confused. Laughing, Faith nodded to the fro that stood just above the flower. "OH!" Brynn smiled and walked around the plant, almost directly into Chris.

"What's up Homie G Funk 1 AND 2?!?!" Chris blurted out as he turned to face Brynn and Faith. Faith smiled at Chris' normal random and non-sensible antics. Brynn laughed as she set down her bags to shake Chris' hand. Reaching out her hand, she introduced herself. "I'm Brynn, or Homie G Funk #2." She smiled. "I'm Chris. The One and Only."

"That's for sure." Faith added with a smile before reaching over to give him a hug. "Long time no confuse...." She giggled quietly, nodding towards JC. Brynn laughed, remembering the times Faith had told her about in which she, Chris, and Justin had confused poor JC. The three talked for a couple minutes before Chris suddenly had an obviously appealing idea. "Shh, I'm gonna go scare Justin."

He smiled brightly, and began tip-toeing over behind Justin who stood talking to Joey. "BOO!!" Chris screamed in Justin's ear. Faith and Brynn laughed as Justin jumped and then turned around to face Chris with an embarrassed look. "Damn man!!" Justin said forcefully. "What'd you do that for?" He said, rubbing his ear. "They made me do it!!" Chris said, pointing at Brynn and Faith who stood with innocent smiles watching the scenario. Brynn's eyes locked on the bright blue pair now looking at her. Scrunching her nose slightly, she smiled and shrugged. Justin blushed and smiled back lightly before turning back to Chris and arguing.

"Chris scare Justin again?" A familiar voice from behind caught Faith and Brynn's attention. Faith laughed as she turned around and wrapped Joey into a hug. "One big bear hug for my Faith." Joey said, squeezing her tightly. "Can always use one of those!" Faith smiled. "Joey, this is Brynn." She said. "Aw, we know Brynn!!" Joey said, reaching down to give Brynn a hug. She smiled and laughed as Faith and Joey fell into a conversation.

Brynn's attention was directed back towards the arguing pair who stood 15 feet ahead of her. Her eyes set on Justin, and she began to think back to what Faith had said the night before. Nah, that can't be true, she thought. Shrugging it off she let her eyes scan the scene but couldn't keep them far from the curly haired boy before her.

Looking over to her right, Brynn smiled as she saw JC wrap Faith into a hug. He closed his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder, and drew back before talking softly. 'Now that is a pair if I've ever seen one,' she thought to herself. 'The sad thing is they both don't realize it.'

"You ready?" Lance said, coming up behind Brynn, drawing her from her thoughts. "Ready." She smiled He grabbed one of her bags for her and she followed him onto the bus.

"You ready to go?" JC asked Faith as she watched Brynn walking behind Lance. "Yep." She said, following behind the tall, handsome guy. 'The guys love Brynn, Lance is here, now why can't I get this one last piece to fit', she thought to herself, sighed, and stepped up onto the bus.


Faith stepped onto the bus right behind JC as he made his way to his bunk. She surveyed the group and noticed that Joey and Chris were gone. The laughter from the back of the bus answered her thoughts. Brynn and Lance were sitting together having a hushed conversation that only got quieter when she stepped on the bus. ‘Oh yeah, I’ll definitely have to get that out of him later’ she thought to herself. Justin sat on the couch just staring out the window as the bus started to move.

She walked over to sit down next to him and then sprawled herself out laying her head in his lap. "Hey Justin...what’s shakin’?" she asked playfully. Justin glanced down at her and gave her a quick smile before turning to look back out of the window. She reached her hand up and turned his chin until he was looking at her again. "Alright JuJu...spill it...this is Faith you’re talking to here."

He noticed the worried look on her face and smiled down at her before leaning down to kiss her softly on the forehead. "I’m fine I know how I get sometimes." The look on her face told him that she didn’t buy his story. He glanced over at Brynn sitting with Lance and he got a funny feeling in his stomach. He heard Faith giggle and his attention focused back on her. "I have to say I have never seen that look on your face have officially been busted," she giggled.

He shook his head and ran a hand through his curls. Faith sat up and took his hand, "You have nothing to worry about sweetie. Trust me on this one ok?" A smile lit up his face and he reached over to put his arm around Faith’s shoulder pulling her closer to him, "I’m glad you came, Faith." She laid her head on his shoulder and played with a string on his pants. "I’m glad I came too," she whispered.

What she hadn’t noticed was JC peeking out of his bunk at the display of affection between her and Justin. He didn’t know why, but there was a twinge of jealously that seemed to course through him when he saw her with another guy, even if it was Justin. He laid there watching as a very energetic Chris came bounding past him.

"HAHAHAHA!! I WIN!!" Chris yelled as he ran from the back of the bus and flopped down on Brynn. Joey walked in behind him with slumped shoulders and flopped down next to Faith. "Dude, you always win." Faith reached over and put a hand on his knee. "It’s ok’re still Superman in my book." Joey smiled and put his hand on hers. "Hah, now what Chris," he said laughing.

Brynn tapped Chris on the shoulder and giggled, "Comfy?" He looked up at her and smiled before raising his eyebrow. "You care to give it a try," he asked. She smiled down at him and put her hands on his shoulders. Joey shook his head, "I wouldn’t if I were you...really." Brynn glanced around at all the faces watching them before pushing Chris off of her, "You’re on."

"This I gotta see," Justin said as he jumped up off the couch. Faith giggled as he followed Brynn, Chris, Lance, and Joey to the back of the bus. "It’s more like her you gotta see." Justin turned around to face her and smiled brightly. "Well, that too," he said as he turned around and headed for the back.

Faith laid out on the couch and for the first time noticed the eyes peeking out from JC’s bunk. She tried not to giggle, but he looked so silly laying there like that. She propped herself up on her elbows and smiled. "Jace, are you sleeping?" she asked. The flap in front of his bunk immediately lowered and she smiled brightly. "Why don’t you come out here with me if you’re awake?" She couldn’t help but smile when she saw him slide out of his bunk a few moments later.

She expected him to sit across from her or at the table, but instead he gently lifted her head up and placed it in his lap. The feel of his fingers in her hair sent tingles up and down her arms. She relaxed against him and she felt his arm slide around her. She smiled and opened her eyes to look up at him. If she had been standing her knees would’ve buckled. His eyes seemed to suck her in and the smile that played on his lips made her heart flutter.

"You ok?" he asked looking down at her obviously concerned. She nodded her head against his leg, "Mhmm...never been better." He slid down a little so that he could lay his head back on the couch. She could feel the sleep slowly taking over her and his arm around her made her feel so safe. When he started to lightly hum a smile crept up on her lips again. She immediately recognized the tune and her eyes got heavy.

His arm tightened around her as he sang the words, "And I will in my arms...and hold you right where you...belong....till the day my life is through...this I promise you." She sighed contentedly and snuggled closer to him. As they both drifted off to sleep she couldn’t help but think what it would be like if he had truly meant the words he had just sang to her. In ways other than the friendship that they shared..if only he could love her.

Chapter 4

"Faith, come on gotta wake up," Brynn said shaking Faith gently, "we’re here." Faith’s eyes fluttered open and she glanced up at Brynn through tired eyes. "Hmm?" she asked groggily. Brynn giggled and looked down at Faith. "We’re here and it looks like someone slept...REALLY good." Faith opened her eyes and looked up at Brynn smiling brightly at her.

She stretched her arms and bumped JC’s that was now hanging loosely around her. She glanced up at JC sleeping so peacefully and smiled. Lance climbed out of his bunk and walked to the front yawning. "Man, it’s nice to actually get some sleep," he said as he ran a hand through his hair and yawned again. "You have no idea," Faith said turning Lance’s attention to her. He grabbed his bag and shook his head, "I’m not gonna ask...yet. Once we get up to the rooms though...I want details."

As Lance headed off the bus Faith sat up carefully and gazed over at JC lovingly before looking back to Brynn. "He’s so adorable," she whispered. Brynn looked at JC and noticed the smile that was playing on his lips. Faith looked at her friend and then to JC, realizing that he wasn’t asleep. His eyes fluttered open and darted quickly to Faith as she jumped up off the couch and ran a brush through her hair before grabbing her bag up. "Uhh...we should go in now."

Slowly the last three made their way off the bus and through the crowd of fans that had gathered outside. "AHHHH!! FAITH!! WE LOVE YOU FAITH," one of the girls screamed. Brynn’s eyes shot to Faith quickly, "Did you hear that? They know who YOU are." Faith smiled brightly and waved to them before stepping into the lobby with Brynn and JC.

Faith couldn’t help but laugh at the look of shock and amazement that played on Brynn’s face. "It’s the joys of having a popstar for a best friend. Actually.." she glanced around the room and her eyes scanned over each of the guys, "five popstars for best friends." She picked up her bags and started to walk towards the elevators.

"FAITH!! OH MY GAWD!! FAITH!!!" Chris came barreling towards her pen and paper in hand, "AHHH!! OH MY GAWD!! IT’S YOU!! AHH!!" Faith giggled and put her hands on his shoulders. "And what’s your name," she asked playing along. "’re talking to name is Chris and I’m like your BIGGEST fan...will you sign this for me?" Faith took the pen and paper he had in his hand and scrawled her name down on it. "Well, since you’re my biggest fan...dontcha think we should have our picture taken together?" Chris gasped and threw a hand over his mouth. "OH...OH...Can we?" Faith waved Steve over who was trying his best to keep a straight face. She leaned over and kissed Chris gently on the cheek as he snapped the picture. Chris’ hand flew up to his cheek and he pretended to pass out on the floor.

The entire room burst into a fit of laughter as Faith picked up her bags and headed towards the elevator waving. "I love you all," she yelled across the lobby before breaking into a fit of laughter herself.

They finally made it to the elevator and squeezed inside. It was a tight fit, but Brynn and Faith couldn’t stop smiling. Somehow Faith had managed to get squeezed in between Lance and JC and Brynn had managed to get pinned in between Chris and Justin. JC rested his head on Faith’s shoulder as the elevator slowly climbed up to their floor.

The feel of his breath on her neck was almost too much for her. Finally the elevator reached their floor and they all slowly piled off. Joey jumped in front of everyone and announced loudly, "Alright everyone...listen up..we will ALL and I mean ALL be leaving the hotel promptly at 9:30 pm to hit the club scene. Everyone will be ready and waiting in the lobby by 9:30. Is that clear?"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed. Justin and Brynn walked off down the hall laughing as JC picked up one of Faith’s bags and followed her to her room. "MR. CHASEZ THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO!!" Joey yelled. "Don’t worry Joey, we’ll be ready...I’ll make sure of it myself," Faith called back as she glanced down at her watch and opened the door to let JC in, "Two hours and counting."


A few minutes later everyone was settled in their rooms. Brynn walked out onto the balcony and glanced next door to see JC sitting out there. She didn’t say anything to him, but instead she just watched him. "Boy, I wish you would just do it" she whispered to herself. She heard Faith scream inside and watched as JC’s attention snapped towards her on the balcony.

"DAMN SPIDERS!!" Faith screamed as she came running out on the balcony. She grabbed Brynn and pulled her away from the door. "BIG..BIG..BIG...HAVE I MENTIONED BIG HONKY ASS SPIDER!!" She heard JC laugh from next door and turned towards him slightly blushing. "JC, you love me right?" she asked. He shook his head and walked towards the door laughing, "I’m coming."

"Now I know I love that man" Faith whispered as she climbed up on the rail of the balcony. "Who’s gonna let him in?" Brynn asked giggling. "Uh oh...didn’t think about that," Faith said laughing. They could hear him knocking on the door but neither one of them had any intention of going in that room until the spider was dead. "Faith, you have to let me in if you want me to kill it hon," JC called from the other side of the door.

"JC, come back out on the balcony" Faith called back. Brynn looked at her with a confused look on her face and shrugged her shoulders. Faith pulled the room key out of her pocket and smiled. "I’ve learned you never go anywhere without this thing." JC appeared back out on the balcony and smiled, "Miss me?" Brynn giggled at the look on Faith’s face as she nodded her head.

"Well, ok...I can’t get in unless you let me in. So, unless you open the door you have to live with did you put it? BIG...BIG..BIG..DID YOU MENTION BIG HONKY ASS SPIDER? Yup, that’s it," he said chuckling. "Oh, very funny" Faith said sarcastically as she handed him the room key over the balcony rail. He smiled at her and winked as he took the key from her. "Thanks Jace," she whispered as he took it and headed towards the door.

A few moments later the spider was gone and JC lay sprawled out on Faith’s bed. She and Brynn we both trying to decide what to wear to the club. "Um..JC...don’t you think you should go get dressed," Faith questioned. JC glanced at his watch and jumped up off the bed. "Yup...I guess so," he said as he walked to the door. He opened it and turned back to the girls, "I expect a dance from each of you for being the...spider slayer." "Sure thing," Brynn said laughing. He glanced over at Faith who was positively beaming at him. "I’ll see you in the lobby in a bit then."

As he closed the door Brynn turned to Faith and giggled. "I have to say that if someone would’ve told me all this was gonna happen...I would’ve never believed them. I’m about to go clubbing with my best friend and *NSYNC. My God...JC Chasez just killed a spider for you." Faith smiled and turned back to the pile of clothes that lay in front of them, "He’s a great guy." Brynn smiled and leaned over to bump Faith’s shoulder, "I think he likes you." They both giggled and Faith shook her head, "In my dreams hon." Brynn watched her friend as she glanced over at her bed that he was just laying on and thought to herself ‘your dreams are about to come true.’


At 9:15 the girls left their room to head down to the lobby. "I wonder what’s up with Lance." Faith said looking at Brynn. "I thought we were actually gonna get to hang out a while, but he didn’t even come by the room at all. You think he’s upset about something?" Brynn shook her head, "Nah, what would he have to be upset about?" Faith shrugged her shoulders and glanced towards his door. "I’ll be right back ok?"

Brynn nodded her head and pointed to Joey and Steve talking in the hallway. "I’ll be right over there." Faith smiled and waved down to Joey and Steve before knocking lightly on Lance’s door. "Come’s open" Lance called. Faith stepped into the room and heard the water running in the bathroom. "Lance?" Faith called. He poked his head out of the bathroom door and looked at her. "Vow woo wook vwate," he said trying to keep toothpaste from running down his chin.

She smiled and sat down on the end of the bed. "Almost ready?" she asked. "Yup, where’s Brynn?" he asked as he wiped his mouth with a towel. "She’s waiting on us" Faith called. Lance stepped out of the bathroom and Faith’s breath caught in her throat. "Damn Lance" she choked out. He looked at her strangely and then at himself and laughed. "I take it I look ok then." Faith nodded her head and took his hand. "Let’s go tear this town apart."

They walked down to the lobby and found Joey playing tour guide to everyone. He was loading everyone into cars as Faith and Lance came out of the elevator. "Let’s go you two," he said waving them over.

Faith glanced over at Brynn who was being escorted by Justin to the car and smiled. She glanced at JC as he climbed in and her heart melted. "God, he’s gorgeous." Lance looked down at Faith and squeezed her hand. "Looks like my Smuff has a little crush." Faith blushed slightly, "Did I say that outloud?" Lance nodded and laughed. As they climbed in the car her thoughts drifted back to the way it felt when he held her. She smiled brightly and Lance touched her arm, "No, I think my Smuff is in love."

Chapter 5

The music was blaring and the energy level was high as Brynn and Faith followed their five friends into a downtown Houston night club. Looking around they realized only a few people seemed to recognize the pop stars, and even some seemed to just not care. "Looks like they might get a bit of a break tonight." Faith smiled as the group began to depart.

Faith and Brynn watched as Chris immediately jumped into the crowd and began moving to the music. Faith laughed as Joey grabbed a tall blond by her wrist and pulled her close to dance. "Typical." Faith said, trying to be louder than the music. "I can't hear you!" Brynn said with a laugh, imagining what Faith said had to do with Joey's actions. "Nevermind." Faith laughed as she turned around to look to see where the other guys had gone.

Glancing around she smiled when she saw Lance surrounded by two blondes and a brunette, all who seemed to know who he was. His face turned a light shade of red as he looked up and caught Faith's eye. Raising an eyebrow, Faith winked and held up two thumbs. Lance held up his own thumbs with a smile and turned back to the girls.

"Come on." Justin's playful voice sounded behind her. Faith turned around to see Justin leading Brynn out to the dance floor with a smile. She giggled as he quickly wrapped an arm around Brynn's waist. She placed her hands on his broad shoulders and the two moved in sync to the music. Faith noticed how happy the two looked, laughing and smiling as the music changed and they continued to dance. ‘Too cute' she thought, catching Justin's eye for a second. With a slight blush he smiled brightly as she lip synced ‘trust me' with a knowing look.

After two more upbeat songs, Brynn noticed Faith wasn't standing where she had been. "Where'd Faith go?" Brynn asked Justin as he shifted his hand lower down her back. "Beats me," Justin smiled into the blue-green eyes in front of him. Brynn felt herself blush as he pulled her closer. ‘If only he knew' She thought, looking back at Justin as they continued to dance.

"JOEY!" Brynn heard Faith say loudly a minute or two later. Looking over at the laughing couple Brynn saw Faith wrapped up in Joey's arms as he tried to get her to move. "Joey I told you I don't dance like THAT." She said, laughing at Joey's struggles to get her to dance. "Play nice." She scolded with a finger but burst out laughing once again as Joey gave up and started moving in awkward positions Faith had never seen other than in 70's dance movies. "Those are some real chick-attracting moves you got there." She explained, moving away slowly but surely. When she reached Brynn and Justin she leaned over and whispered into Brynn's ear. "HELP ME!"

Brynn laughed as she let Faith cut in with Justin and she backed away to take a break. Finding a stool, she sat down and grabbed a glass of water. She was surprised when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Turning around she saw JC standing with a smile on his face. "You owe the Big Honky Ass spider slayer a dance I seem to remember." He said slyly. "That I do." She laughed as he took her hand and led her to the floor.

"How's your night going?" She asked JC as they settled into a dance. "Pretty good, dancing always gets our mind off the stress." He answered back. "I want sleep, but I think a couple more people still owe me dances." He chuckled. Brynn smiled as she saw him looking just over her shoulder at Faith, who was deep in conversation with a dancing Justin.

"JC." She said, getting back his attention. He blushed when she looked at him with an understanding smile. "JC, don't even TRY to think I don't know." She looked him in the eye with a giggle. "I DON'T have any idea what your talking about." He smiled guiltily when he saw the pathetic look she was giving him. "Am I THAT obvious?" He asked, giving in. "I think I’m the only one who notices. I know she doesn't." She laughed. ‘Only if she did' she thought to herself. "But I'll let you in on a little secret. You really have....." Brynn was cut off half-sentence by Chris who came barreling up beside the two.

"Hi JC. Bye JC." Chris said before ripping Brynn away and grabbing her hand, pulling her into a tango position. "Let's TANGO." He said while Brynn looked back at JC with a surprised look on her face. JC laughed as the two began to march away. ‘Damn I wish she coulda finished that sentence.' He thought, walking over to where Justin and Faith were dancing.

"So I guess you had a preferable dance partner tonight, huh?" Faith tapped Justin's shoulder playfully as they danced. "Had to grab her first." He smiled slyly, looking back at her. At the thought of Brynn, the funny feeling in the pit of his stomach seemed to return but he shrugged it off remembering what Faith had said. He trusted her. "I saw you looked like..." Faith continued on but stopped when she realized something had caught Justin's eye.

A slight twinge in the left side of his mouth turned his lips into a slight smile and she turned around to see what he was looking at. Only halfway turned she was surprised to see Chris and Brynn march by at a fast pace. The almost frightened look on Brynn's face made both Justin and Faith laugh. "Faith...... Justin......" Brynn said pleadingly as Chris pulled her by the couple.

Justin looked back at Faith with a smile before seeing JC come up behind her. "Uh, I'm gonna go see if I need to rescue a damsel in distress." Justin added, winking at JC as JC covered Faith's eyes from behind. "Guess who?" Faith smiled slowly as she pulled his hands down from her eyes. "It's my hero!!" She smiled as he reached out his hands and bowed forward. "May I have this dance?" He added. "Most certainly." She smiled with a curtsy, handing him her own hand.

He placed her hands around his neck and placed his own arms around her waist letting his hands fall into the small of her back. Faith laid her head on his chest as a slower song came on over the speakers. She realized there never really were slow songs at clubs but the fact didn't get to her. As far as she was concerned, where she was right at that moment, so close to his heart, was heaven on earth.

Standing in the far corner of the club, Justin and Brynn looked on from afar. Justin looked down at Brynn as she was watching JC and Faith. A slow smile crept up on her face. "Those two were a match made in heaven." She whispered to herself. Justin smiled as her eyes seemed to light up and her lips moved so softly. ‘Not the only match' he thought to himself.

Justin felt someone touch his shoulder and turned to find Lance standing there. He propped an arm up on Justin’s shoulder before pointing to where JC and Faith slowly swayed to the music. "I don’t think I have ever seen her like this," he spoke into Justin’s ear. Justin smiled and looked up at Lance. "You gotta admit it man. They’re cute." Lance nodded his head and looked towards Brynn who was gazing adoringly at Justin and smiled.

As the song ended the three friends watched JC and Faith carefully. It seemed like neither of them wanted to move from the position they were in. Lance studied them carefully before turning back to Justin and Brynn, "Ya think they even know the song is over?" Brynn giggled and then smiled brightly, "I don’t think they want it to be Lance."

When a fast song started to boom through the club, JC’s attention finally snapped back. He gazed down into her sparkling blue eyes as they started to move together to a faster rhythm. For some reason neither of them could find a way to leave each other’s side. He wasn’t prepared for the electric sensation that ran through him when she slowly ran her hand up into the hair at the nape of his neck as they danced, but one thing was for sure...he liked it.

They danced a few more songs before Lance walked over and tapped JC on the shoulder. "Mind if I steal her for a few minutes?" JC looked into Faith’s eyes and smiled as he slowly backed away. Lance looked between the two of them as JC slowly started to walk away. Faith’s eyes followed him the entire way as an ever present smile played on her lips. Lance waved his hand in front of her face and chuckled, " to Smuff...hey...FAITH!"

With the sound of Lance’s words her attention snapped back to him and away from JC. "Huh? What?" she asked trying to keep the blush from creeping up onto her cheeks. "I think we’ll just go over here. JC isn’t in direct view from here," he said chuckling as he led her deeper into the crowd. "Lance, what are you talking about? We were just dancing. It was fun and..." her words were cut off as Lance placed a finger over her lips.

"You ever noticed how much you ramble when you get nervous," he said looking deep into her eyes. As they fell into beat with the music Lance noticed that there seemed to be something bothering her. "Faith?" he questioned. She looked up into his eyes and he could see the glisten of tears forming. He pulled her closer to him and held her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his shoulder as a tear slid down her cheek. "You ready to go back to the hotel and tell me what’s bothering you?"

Faith lifted her head up off his shoulder and nodded it slowly. She could see the concerned look on his face and she felt terrible for worrying him. He wiped her cheeks free of tears and took her hand as they headed back to the table where all their friends sat waiting.

One glance at Faith and Lance told Brynn that something was wrong. Justin saw the frown that had now found it’s way to Brynn’s lips. "Something wrong?" he asked. She glanced down at him and then back to Faith and Lance who were now approaching the table, "I don’t know yet." He followed her gaze and his eyes landed on the two. After leading Faith through the crowd Lance put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. He had never seen Lance hold onto Faith so tightly.

When they reached the table Brynn studied Faith’s face carefully. She glanced across the room to where JC was now talking to Chris and then back to Faith. Call it a girl connection...or a best friend connection, but the moment she looked at Faith she knew what was wrong. The only problem was how to fix it. "You wanna go back or stay?" Justin asked nudging Brynn’s arm lightly. She looked over at the table where JC was sitting and saw the expression on his face when Lance told him they were leaving. He seemed so disappointed, but when he glanced over at Faith his expression changed to concern.

Faith knew her face gave her away everytime. There was just no way to control it. Chris and Joey had decided to stay at the club with Mike and Dre, while the others were escorted back by Lonnie and several others. The ride back to the hotel was almost silent. Lance held onto Faith’s hand tightly the entire ride, and the only conversation came when they decided to order pizzas when they got back to the hotel. Faith laid her head over on Lance’s shoulder and closed her eyes, but her thoughts still plagued her.

As they pulled up in front of the hotel they noticed that for once there were very few fans outside. Lonnie opened the door for them and one by one they all piled out. "Lance, you gonna get out or what?" Faith asked pushing his shoulder gently. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, "How about one of our little talks in my room tonight?" Faith smiled up at him before answering, "It’s been a long time. I missed those." He nodded his head as he stroked her hair gently, "Me too."

Chapters 6-10
The Last Teardrop