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"7:45 ladies...are we ready?" Faith asked as she took one last look in the mirror. "Do I look ok?" Jenna asked as she nervously ran her hands down her dress smoothing it against her. "Girl, you look fabulous," Brynn cooed as she stuck her head in between the two. Faith giggled as she looked at Jenna, "I just hope JC remembers who I am after he sees you." A knock sounded at the door and all three girls glanced at each other as bright smiles lit up their faces. "Gonna get our party on tonight...gonna get it crunk," Brynn sang as Faith made her way to the door causing all three girls to giggle. Faith opened the door to find Justin smiling brightly at her, "Well, if it isn’t the Crunk Masta." He raised an eyebrow at her curiously as he heard Jenna and Brynn giggle inside. "You look amazing," he whispered as he leaned in and softly kissed Faith on the cheek. "Why thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself," she complimented back.

Brynn stepped up beside them and Justin’s eyes lit up with one glance at her. Faith stepped back out of the way and watched as he offered her his arm and she willingly took it. Faith glanced back at Jenna who seemed incredibly nervous, "Come on girlie." Jenna walked to her and took a deep breath while she smoothed her dress once again. Faith looked at her and smiled linking her arm in hers as they walked out the door, "We gotta have a little talk. I like you a lot Jenna, and I feel like we have a bond due to this whole Travis mess. I’m gonna do my best to help you with Lance because it’s pretty obvious to me that their is an attraction there. Just promise me one thing." Jenna looked at her new friend and nodded. "Don’t you dare hurt him," Faith said kindly yet seriously. Jenna smiled at her and nodded her head, "Lance is truly one of the sweetest guys that I have ever known. I could never intentionally hurt him." Faith smiled brightly at her, "Good answer." The two giggled as they glanced down the hall to see Brynn and Justin waiting at the elevator.

Faith felt two arms slide around her waist from behind and she smiled. There was only one man in the world that made her feel like that. She turned around and released Jenna’s arm as she stood face to face with JC. She watched as his eyes took her in and roamed over her every feature. Their eyes met and she smiled brightly at him as he licked his lips. "Well Mr. Chasez, like what you see?" She giggled as his smile widened and he nodded his head, "Yes ma’am I sure do." He linked his arm with hers and the other with Jenna’s as he led them down the hall towards the elevator. "Where’s Lance," Faith whispered leaning close to him. JC smiled brightly as he kissed her on the forehead, "Easy Cupid, he’s washing his hair again...he kinda went overboard with the gel." Faith giggled and laid her head on his shoulder, "Poor thing." They stepped into the elevator with Brynn and Justin and made their way down to the ballroom where Joey and Chris were already waiting.

Lance ran through the room frantically as he toweled his hair dry. "I can NOT believe I am such an idiot. There is a beautiful girl waiting on me downstairs and I’m running around UP HERE!" He raced to the bathroom and fixed his hair being careful with the gel this time. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, "Pull it together Lance. You’re sweating." He took one last look in the mirror before spraying a few squirts of cologne. "Alright Lansten...let’s do this," he said as he closed the door behind him and headed towards the elevator.

Joey and Chris made their way through the sea of dancing bodies as Justin led Brynn into the beautiful ballroom followed by Faith, JC, and Jenna. The dim lighting provided a perfect romantic setting as the soft melody played in their ears. JC led Faith and Jenna over to a table to wait for Lance while Justin led Brynn straight out to the floor. JC pulled both Faith and Jenna’s chairs out for them before sitting down next to Faith and taking her hand in his. "Have I told you how wonderful you both look?" he asked smiling brightly. Jenna smiled and blushed slightly before whispering, "Thanks JC. You look amazing too." Faith slid her chair over and snuggled close to him. "My little hottie," she cooed in his ear as she ran a finger gently down his cheek. He smiled brightly at her and leaned down to gently kiss the tip of her nose before whispering, "Yes ma’am, I’m all yours as long as you want me." Jenna smiled at the two and turned towards the door just in time to see Lance walk through the door. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him. ‘Oh my God, he’s gorgeous’ she thought to herself as she watched him walk towards her.

The soft music floated through the room as Justin held Brynn close to him. He loved the way she made him feel, and the closer she was the happier he was. He breathed in deeply and inhaled the scent of her perfume mixed with her shampoo. She seemed angelic to him and he closed his eyes as he kissed the top of her head. He began to hum lightly with the music as they swayed together, their bodies so close he could feel her heartbeat against him. Justin lost himself in the moment and it was as if there was no one in the room but them. He felt her hands as they slowly ran up and down his back and he smiled. ‘Justin you are in love with this girl’ he thought to himself. As the song ended he pulled back to look deep into her blue-green eyes. As their eyes locked he was met with the same loving gaze that always warmed his heart. He cradled her face in his hands as he placed his lips gently on hers. The taste of her lips was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted before. He licked his lips as he pulled away still gently holding her face in his hands. "I love you Brynn," he whispered.

Faith sat close to JC at the table as she watched the exchange between Justin and Brynn. She hadn’t even noticed JC’s intense gaze set on her as he watched the way her eyes danced as she watched the couple. She sighed contentedly and smiled as she watched Justin cradle Brynn’s face and kiss her gently. "They’re so cute," she whispered not taking her eyes off the happy couple. She watched as Justin whispered something to Brynn and she dove into his arms. A slow smile spread across her face and she wondered what he had said. She felt JC’s fingers slide across her face as he slid a stray hair away from her eye. She looked over at him and smiled brightly as her eyes met his. "Much better. Now I can see those beautiful eyes," he whispered. He had never been more beautiful to her then he was at this moment. The soft light danced on his face casting a soft glow on his perfectly sculpted cheek bones and his recently licked lips. They sat there a few more moments just looking at each other before JC offered her his hand and she gently placed her hand in his, never once breaking the gaze.

He led her out onto the dance floor and pulled her close to him gliding her across the floor. His hand settled in the small of her back as he leaned down to kiss her neck causing her to lay her head to the side. He knew she loved that and more than anything he loved being able to make her happy. He felt her hand slide up the back of his neck and the familiar tingles that always coursed through him when she touched him. He lifted his head once again to look into her eyes and as his eyes met hers he fell in love with her all over again. He slid his hands up her arms that were linked around his neck and intertwined one of his hands with hers, pulling it down to kiss her fingers softly. He slid her hand back up around his neck and pulled her closer to him once again holding her tightly as they swayed to the music. She glanced over at Lance and Jenna as they made their way out onto the balcony and smiled before closing her eyes and losing herself once again in JC.

They walked a few moments in silence and the chill of the night air nipped at Jenna’s bare shoulders. Lance quickly took his jacket off and placed it over her arms to warm her. She smiled up at him as she slipped her arms through the sleeves. She giggled as she looked down at the oversized sleeves on her petite frame, "I’m sure it’s much more breathtaking on you." He smiled brightly at her and offered her his hand. ‘Tell that to my lungs cuz I’m the one having trouble breathing’ he thought to himself as he led her over to a bench to sit down. He had never been so nervous in his life, and he wasn’t sure why this girl affected him so much. He had to remind himself to breathe every time she looked at him, and right this moment he felt like his heart was going to pop out of his chest. He felt her small hand slide over his and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. He glanced over at her and his expression changed when he saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes.

"Jenna, what’s wrong?" Lance asked as his heart broke with just the thought of her hurting. She turned towards him and smiled as their eyes locked. "I’m sorry I just..." her words trailed off as she fought an inner battle with her feelings. "No, go ahead Jenna, what were you going to say?" Lance asked as he gently massaged the top of her hand with his thumb. He watched her closely as she tried to decide whether to tell him or not. Instead she simply finished with, "I don’t want to go home tomorrow." He looked at her curiously for another moment knowing there was more on her mind then that, and silently praying that it was the same thing on his mind. He slid his arm around her to warm her as a soft breeze blew. As his hand rested on the bare skin of her shoulder he finally knew what Faith had meant by the tingles. His entire body was tingling at this moment from just being close to her. She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder letting out a contented sigh. "Beautiful night," she whispered as she took in the beautiful city lights beneath them. He looked down at her and kissed her forehead gently, "It sure is."

"Do you see those two? JC, do you see what your girlfriend is doing?" Chris laughed as he flopped down in the chair next to an already laughing JC. Brynn rested her head on Justin’s shoulder as they both laughed at the antics of the two. "I can not believe they are doing THAT in here," Brynn giggled. JC watched as Faith held her dress up and she slid her leg in between Joey’s. He watched the way she laughed as they danced, and the way she would look at Joey so seductively yet playfully. Everything about this girl drove him crazy. "You think that’s something? Check this out," JC said making his way towards Faith and Joey. He slid in behind Faith and ran his tongue slowly down the back of her neck. In a matter of seconds the two had forgotten that anyone was in the room as JC immediately busted out into breathtaking body rolls and Faith moved along with him.

Brynn giggled, "Wow...look at Joey’s face. I think he’s in shock." Justin slid his arm around her and winked, "Wanna see if we can show em up?" A sly smile spread across Brynn’s face as the two made their way out onto the dance floor. Chris watched as Joey walked towards the table. "All I’m gonna say is DAMN," he said as he flopped down in the chair across from Chris. Chris shook his head and laughed, "You two looked good out there Joe, but I gotta say that nothing compares to THAT." He pointed towards Faith and JC as they lost themselves in the music and the feel of their bodies pressed together. Joey nodded his head, "Like I said...DAMN."

After about an hour of sitting together on the balcony chatting Lance couldn’t take anymore. As the song changed from an upbeat tempo to a ballad he knew he had to dance with her even if it meant only holding her for those few minutes. He took a deep breath and slid his hand from around her. "You wanna dance?" Lance asked as he looked down at Jenna. She smiled brightly as he stood up and offered her his hand. He helped her up and led her over to the wider part of the balcony with a better view of the city. "We can hear the music from here," he whispered as he took her into his arms.

She felt his hands as they slowly slid down her arms to her hands, lifting them up around his neck. He pulled her closer as she rested her head against his chest and his hands slid down to rest on her back. They began to sway with the music and Jenna lost herself in him. The way it felt when he looked at her or when he touched her, but right now all she could think about was the way it felt when he held her. Her life wasn’t all sunshine and roses, and she didn’t know how she would ever be able to tell him. Right now none of that mattered though because she was in his arms, safe from her past. She slid her hands down his arms in an effort to move closer to him. She instantly felt his arms wrap her tighter and she sighed contentedly. He looked down at her rested against him, eyes closed and smiled. He had only ever been able to comfort one other person just by holding her and that was Faith, but things with Jenna were different.

He lifted her chin up so that he could look into her beautiful green eyes and he couldn’t fight the urge any longer. He leaned in and ever so softly placed his lips on hers before pulling back to look at her. He was met with a bright smile and even brighter eyes. This time she leaned in and placed her lips on his, gently at first but as they lost themselves in each other the kiss deepened. Jenna ran her hand up his neck letting her fingernails gently tickle the sensitive hairs. Lance wrapped both arms around her waist as tightly as he could, allowing no space in between them. He could feel her every heart beat, her every breath, and he loved the closeness of it all. As they pulled back again neither one of them moved from each other’s arms. Another song began to play and as the melody drifted through their ears they once again began to sway to the music.

Faith yawned and placed a hand over her mouth quickly. "Tired?" JC asked as he held her close. Faith nodded her head against his chest and wrapped her arm tighter around his waist, "Yeah, but I had so much fun tonight. Thanks baby." JC smiled down at her and squeezed her gently, "No, thank you. This was your idea...remember? I had fun too." Faith smiled brightly at him before looking around the room and yawning again. "Come on suga, let’s get you to bed," JC whispered as he stood up and offered her his hand. "Where’s Lance and Jenna? I haven’t seen them all night," Faith asked as she placed her hand in his and followed him to the dance floor where Brynn and Justin were. "I dunno, maybe they’re still out on the balcony," JC answered as he tapped Justin’s shoulder to tell him where they were going.

Faith walked towards the balcony doors and peeked out the window. A bright smile lit up her face when she saw the sight in front of her. There was Lance and Jenna, so lost in each other that they were unaware of the slight sprinkle of rain that had started to fall. She felt two arms slide around her waist and she giggled when she felt him start to nibble on her earlobe. "Whatcha doin?" he asked playfully spinning her around to face him, "you wouldn’t be spying would ya?" Faith giggled again, "Well, of course not. Where would you get an idea like that?" JC laughed lightly and pulled her to him for a hug before leading her out of the ballroom, "You know I’m kinda tired too now that I think about it." Faith smiled devilishly at him as the elevator doors opened, "Don’t you even think about going to sleep Chasez." A slow smile spread across his face as he led her into the elevator. As the doors closed he pulled her to him holding her tightly and enveloped her in a passionate kiss.


The soft patter of the rain on the window next to where she lay in Justin's arms pulled her out of her contented sleep. Brynn rotated so that she faced Justin and kissed his nose softly. He fidgeted slightly before tightening his grip on her waist and sighing deeply. Giggling quietly at his teddy-bear hold on her, Brynn reached up with one hand to his chin, lightly laying her fingers on it and tilting his head up a bit before reaching down and licking his lips before placing hers on his and kissing him deeply. To her surprise she felt his tongue in her mouth before she giggled and pulled away. "What was that for??" Justin asked with an awakening smile as his eyes slowly opened and locked on hers. "Just for being you, that's all." She said before he smiled and intertwined his fingers with hers while reaching up over his head and stretching out with a yawn, causing his white t-shirt to lift up revealing his toned stomach.

Brynn placed her hand on his stomach and tickled him before he chuckled and reached around to rub her back. "So your really gonna be close to me in Orlando??" He said, staring up at the ceiling as the patter of rain fell into a pattern against the roof and windows and seemed to get harder. "You got it Curls. You'll never be able to get rid of me." She laughed as she turned to look at him. "I think that might be the other way around there." Justin laughed as he tightened his grip on her back and she turned to whisper softly in his ear. "I love you Justin." She said with a smile before his eyes lit up and she rolled off the bed and giggled as she ran towards the door. Justin sat up quickly and cut her off before she could get out of the door.

Grabbing her waist, he pulled her close and her hands landed on his firm chest while she laughed. "Where you off too in such a hurry?? I believe there is some unfinished business that needs to go down right here." He asked inquisitively with a devilish smile. Brynn scrunched her nose as her eyes widened and she giggled. She placed her hand on his cheek and turned it towards the lit up digital clock. "In case ya forgot lovey, Jenna is going back to Orlando today and you have sound check this morning instead of this afternoon." She said before turning his head back to face her. His expression looked worn but immediately changed when she boldly reached up and kissed him passionately. "Now go get ready, you've got teenyboppers to impress." She said turning him around while he laughed at her motherly tone. "Yes Ma’am." Justin said before marching through the room while Brynn laughed while walking down the hall to her own room.

"Jace, Jace baby, I'm gonna go get ready hun." Faith whispered in JC's ear as she laid a hand on his chest. JC's eyes opened slowly as he yawned and looked over at her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him before closing his eyes again. "Oh no you aren't. You're staying right here." He mumbled before nuzzling his head against hers and sighing deeply. Faith giggled softly before tilting his head up to face her. "Jace we have to see Jenna off to the airport. Plus soon you won't HAVE to get up this early, we'll be at home." She said with a comforting smile. "Home." JC repeated. "Finally, OUR home is Orlando."

He sighed contentedly while Faith leaned over and kissed his lips then his cheek. "And you have sound check early Mister." She said, pulling him over to the other side of the bed. JC groaned loudly while Faith pulled on his muscular arm. "JACE, help me out here buddy." She laughed before finally dropping his arm on the bed and giving up. "You are a helpless cause." She said with a laugh before crawling over him and kissing him passionately on the lips. JC's eyes widened as she pulled away and smile crept up onto his lips. "I'm not completely awake yet." He said hintingly before she ran a finger over his lips. "Uh uh uh sweetie. Not till later. And there won't BE a later unless you get to sound check on time. Wouldn't want Johnny to kill you." She said, putting a puppy dog look on her face and poking out her lips. "Alright alright. Just for you Suga." He said rolling off the bed. Faith laughed as she walked into the hall and down to her own room. "Love ya babe." She said before closing the door behind her.

Within the half hour, Brynn heard a light pounding on her door. "I'll get it." She yelled to Faith who was fixing her hair in the bathroom. Pulling open the door, Brynn smiled brightly when she found Lance standing in front of her. "Good morning Brynn." Lance said brightly as she opened the door wider for him to come in. "Morning Lance. How are you??" She asked, noticing the new glimmer in his green eyes. "Quite fine thank you. And yourself??" He asked as Faith walked out of the bathroom.

"Well look who it is. Where's your other half??" Faith laughed as she walked over to where Lance and Brynn stood. Lance blushed slightly as Brynn continued. "We thought maybe you two had been super-glued together or somethin." She giggled as Faith laughed and punched Lance's shoulder. "You go BOY." She smiled as Lance sighed with a red face. "Okay okay. I admit." He laughed. "But what I really came here for was to tell you two that Jenna....." His voice drifted for a second. "Your lip-locker." Faith continued with a straight face while Lance blushed again. "We're seeing her off in 15 minutes." He sputtered out while Brynn and Faith watched with giggles and he turned around and left. "How cute- he's so embarrassed!" Brynn said once Lance had left the room. "That's Froggy for ya." Faith replied. "Alright now. We've got fifteen minutes." She said, waltzing back into the bathroom.

Light rain fell down on the seven as they stood outside the hotel twenty minutes later. "We're gonna miss you Jenna. You can be my new Homie G Funk #3." Chris said with a sincere smile as Jenna laughed and reached over to give him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you guys too. Wish I could stay longer but I’ll see you guys when you come back to Orlando." She said with a smile as Chris backed away to stand under the hotel covering. Joey walked up to her and pulled her into a tight bear hug. Whispering in her ear softly, he spoke with suspicion. "We'll take care of Lansten for ya- that is if he doesn't fly to Orlando after you." He said with mischief as he pulled away and Jenna laughed and blushed. "Thanks Joey." She said as she turned to where Justin stood with his large leather jacket and arm wrapped around Brynn.

Brynn stepped out from her protective grip and gave Jenna a hug. "I'm so glad we met you. You mean a lot to everybody and Faith and I are gonna come to your house the minute we get home." She said with a smile. "Thanks for being there through everything Brynn." Jenna said as Brynn smiled and Justin walked up behind them. Justin wrapped Jenna into a big hug before kissing her softly on the head. "Don't let any scary guys get to you." He said with a chuckle. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind." She laughed as the two backed away but not out of the rain.

Brynn turned to Justin with a caught breath. The rain had turned into larger drops, and were running through his curls in sync. Drops ran down his face, off of his jacket, and all she wanted to do was hold him. Justin ran his hand over Brynn's shoulders before locking her back into his masculine grip and looking over at Lance. "He really doesn't want her to leave." Brynn whispered, turning back to Justin's soft gaze. " Who can blame him. If you were leaving I'd be the same way." He said with thought and concern. Brynn smiled at his sincere sweetness and leaned her head against his strong arm. "I love you Brynn." He said, looking down at her with loving blue eyes. She tilted her head up to meet his gaze and he was stunned once again by her sweet blue-green eyes. "I love you too Justin Timberlake." She said as he pulled her tightly and the rain fell around them.

"Thank you for everything you've done for her Jenna. You really pulled us together whether or not you know it." JC said as he pulled back from her arms. Jenna smiled at him. "I'm sorry for the trouble I did cause but I’m glad it all worked out. She needs you." She said meeting his gaze as he nodded and Faith walked up to Jenna. Pulling her into a hug, she began what she needed to tell her. "Thank you Jenna. I needed someone to open up that door for me to walk away from Travis and you were really the only one who could do that. And you did." She smiled as Jenna looked back at her. "But before I get all into that I better just say goodbye cuz I think there is a certain best friend of mine looking on without contempt." She smiled nodding towards Lance as Jenna looked over to him and sighed with a smile. "Goodbye Faith. Thank you for everything and I'll call you guys." She said as Faith walked back over to JC, who's arms were outstretched.

"Boy, you truly are beautiful." Faith thought as she stopped and took in the sight in front of her. The rain had wet his dark hair so that it shined in reflection. A drop of water ran off of his nose as another ran across his perfectly shaped cheekbone and another dripped off of his ear. Faith trotted over to him and immediately pulled him into a kiss. As they pulled away, Faith looked into JC's surprised blue eyes. "I love you Joshua Scott. Thank you for everything you've done for me." She said as he pulled her into a deep hug. He didn't know what had triggered those words but the way she had said them had brought tears to his eyes. "I love you too Faith. I love you too." He said.

Jenna turned around slowly as she felt fingers touch her shoulder and she came face to face with the same gaze that had saved her from Travis, had saved her from the world around her within the last weeks. "I'm going to miss you Jenna." Lance said, politely pulling her into a hug. Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck and lance placed his hands on her waist as she pulled away. He was surprised and concerned when he saw a single tear roll down her cheek. "I'm gonna miss you too Lance. Thank you SO much for everything. You don't know what you've done for me." She said as he reached up to wipe away to tear from her cheek.

She looked away in attempt to prevent more tears from falling but Lance's deep voice turned her back to him. "Jenna..." He said softly, leaving his hand on her cheek as he turned her head. Her green eyes met his as he leaned in and lay his lips lightly on hers. She closed her eyes at the sweet taste of his lips as the kiss deepened and the other 5 watched on in the rain that was stopping and a single ray of sun shone through the clouds. Faith's heart melted at the scene as Lance and Jenna pulled each other into one more hug and Jenna waved to everyone before sitting into the awaiting cab.

"See you soon." Lance mumbled as he walked over to the group standing in the light rain. He looked at Brynn and Justin who always looked cute and loving, always sincere and trusting to each other. ‘A perfect example of soul-mates.' He thought as he smiled at them. His gaze fell upon Joey and Chris who were walking back into the lobby, two of his best friends. Finally he looked over at JC, who's arms were wrapped around Faith. Those two had been through so much in so little time and had come out on top. Neither could survive without the other he knew, there was something the same in their hearts he had always known and seen; they needed each other. He sighed as he looked back and the cab with Jenna wasn't there any longer. ‘There's one missing link.' He thought sadly. ‘And my instincts tell me she just drove away.'

The End

The Last Teardrop