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After a nice hot shower, Faith slid into her khaki shorts and baby blue shirt. She avoided the balcony doors as much as possible until she could step out on the beach. It reminded her of him so much she could almost still smell the salty seabreeze mixed with his cologne. She knew she should’ve waited for Brynn, but she just had to go out there. The sooner she could do it and deal with the pain...the sooner she could TRY to move on. She slid into her sandals before grabbing the key off the dresser and heading out the door.

She pushed the button for the elevator and leaned against the wall as she waited for it to rise. In a matter of moments the doors opened and she stepped on. She was met by a very familiar little voice as he tugged on her shorts. "Remember me?" Faith looked down and smiled brightly, "Well hey there Travis. How are you big guy?" He smiled up at her before speaking, "I’m good. I learned a new song. JC would be proud of me." He pulled her down to whisper in her ear, "I learned their new song. I like the way JC sings...a lot." She smiled at him and fought the urge to cry as she whispered, "I like the way he sings too." He smiled at her as his mom spoke up, "He’s been buzzing about you and JC ever since he met you two. He’s a big *NSYNC fan." Faith smiled at her before looking down at the innocent eyes staring back at her. Even Travis reminded her of JC. She remembered the way JC had sang the ABC’s to her when she first had to leave, and how he had sang to her on her voicemail. She shook her head to clear her thoughts as the elevator doors opened at the lobby.

"Well Travis, it was good to see you again. Maybe I’ll get to see you before I go home again," Faith said as she fought the tears that were beginning to sting the back of her eyes. Travis nodded his head and ran to give her a quick hug. "It would be really great if you could join us for dinner Faith. I know Travis would love it, and I would enjoy some female company," Travis’ mother spoke up, "By the way, my name is Cindy." Faith nodded her head before speaking, "Well, I have a friend coming in later tonight. Would it be ok if she joins us?" Cindy nodded her head as Travis latched onto Faith’s leg. "My daddy is the...uhh...mang..mangager here now. He says that mommy and me get to come to the beach whenever we want, and he lets me eat on the big chairs sometimes." Faith smiled down brightly at him before answering, "Well Travis, looks like you got yourself a date then. Can we eat on the big chairs tonight?" Travis shrugged his shoulders before answering, "We have to be really good and maybe daddy will let us." Faith couldn’t help but giggle at his serious tone. "Alright, you be good for mommy then. I’m gonna go out on the beach and I’ll meet you back here at 7:00. Sound good to you?" Travis nodded his head before walking off down the hall with his mom. ‘Gotta love that kid’ Faith thought to herself as she made her way out onto the soft sand.

"Ok wait a second. We can’t all go. Someone has to represent us at the Jive party," Lance said as he watched Justin tossing some clothes into a duffel bag, "I know I’m going, but who’s gonna stay? Me, you, and Chris were supposed to represent the group cuz Joey went to that movie premiere and JC went to the Cover Girl party." JC came running into Justin’s room bag in hand. "Come on we gotta go guys," he said anxiously. "Tell me I didn’t just hear that come out of JC?" Justin said with a chuckle. Lance laughed as he looked at JC’s eager face before turning back to Justin. "I believe you did." Justin laughed before speaking, "Who’s staying and who’s going?" JC’s forehead creased as he spoke, "Huh?" Lance jumped in to explain, "The Jive Party tomorrow night. Someone has to represent us. It would look slightly odd if all of us skipped out on this thing." JC nodded his head as he rubbed his forehead in thought. "What about Chris and Joey?" At that moment they heard Joey enter behind them, "What about Chris and Joey?"

JC turned to look at him with pleading eyes, "Joey, please tell me that you love me enough to go to this Jive party. Please please please!! Chris has to go anyways...please Joey." Joey looked at JC and laughed before speaking, "Damn Jace. Breathe man, you know I will. I want you to promise me something though." JC looked at him and nodded his head before Joey continued, "You bring them both back and you explain everything to Faith." JC scooped Joey into a hug, "I promise Joey. COME ON JUSTIN!!" They all laughed as JC grabbed Justin’s arm and ran out of the room with Lance right behind them. "CALL ME AND LET ME KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON OK?!" Joey called behind them just before the door shut. "Damn, that boy better be glad I want him and Faith together so bad."

Faith looked out over the ocean from the rock she had been sitting on for hours. She couldn’t seem to make herself move. She had hurt so much that now she was just numb. The tears unconciously flowed in steady streams down her cheeks as she thought about JC. Things didn’t add up, and they hadn’t from the beginning. It all happened so suddenly that Faith wasn’t sure how she had missed it. Most of all she couldn’t help but wonder how she couldn’t have known he had a son. Even if not her, what about the other guys. Did Lance know? If he did then she should be just as angry at him for keeping that from her. She was so confused right now that she didn’t know who to be angry at. All she wanted was for Brynn to get there. As if she read her thoughts, Faith heard Brynn’s familiar voice behind her. "Mind if I share your rock?"

Faith smiled down at Brynn through her tears and offered her hand to help her up. Brynn wasted no time before pulling Faith into a tight hug. She could feel Faith crying against her as she stroked her windblown hair. "Thanks for coming Brynn. I’m sorry that I took off that way," Faith whispered through her tears. Brynn pulled back and looked at her friend as she spoke, "You’re very’s what I do hon. I just wish you had come to me before you took off, but I understand why you did it." Faith nodded her head before turning back out to look at the ocean. Brynn watched her from the corner of her eye. The tears that were flowing down her cheeks seemed endless, and although there was some life in her, she still looked worn and defeated. Brynn reached over and took her hand as Faith leaned her head on her shoulder. "Brynn, what did I do wrong?"

Brynn took a deep breath before answering, "Faith, you didn’t do anything wrong. You have to believe that. JC has a lot that he needs to explain to you. It’s all a big mess and it’s something that he has to explain. A lot has happened, and a lot is yet to come. Trust me though, you did nothing wrong." Faith took a deep breath and nodded her head against Brynn’s shoulder. It was obvious how much she had beat herself up over that question. It made Brynn want to hunt Stacy down and show her how unfair things can be with the aid of a fist, but she knew that stooping to Stacy’s level would only bring more trouble. Stacy just wasn’t worth it. Faith sniffled and looked down at her watch, "We have to meet Cindy and Travis for dinner in about an hour and a half." Brynn nearly fell off the rock at the name Travis. Faith giggled lightly when she saw the expression on Brynn’s face, "Not that Travis. My little friend Travis. Mine and....JC’s." Brynn watched as her eyes welled up with fresh tears at the mention of his name.

Faith slid her finger underneath the bracelet on her wrist and sighed. Brynn could tell she was exhausted, not only physically but mentally and emotionally too. This whole thing had taken so much out of her that Brynn almost didn’t recognize her. There was still no spunk in her at all. As she rubbed the tiny beads on her arm she seemed lost in her own world. Brynn placed a hand on her shoulder causing Faith to turn her attention back towards her. "We should probably go get ready, huh?" Faith nodded as she looked at her friend a minute longer. "Brynn, I don’t want to live without him. Is that selfish?" Brynn reached over and squeezed Faith’s hand before answering, "No Faith. You love him. You have to trust me that he loves you too. Until you come back and he can explain himself all you have is my word. That man has been a wreck, especially since you took off. Between me, him, and Lance there are holes in our floor from pacing." Faith gave her a weak smile before jumping down off the rock, "Guess we’ll have to get that fixed then." It wasn’t much, but it was progress. The simplest joke made a huge smile spread across Brynn’s face.

The two made their way back into the hotel to get ready for dinner. Faith’s thoughts still plagued her, but at least she knew that he did love her. He had a pretty strange way of showing it, but Brynn had never lied to her. If she said JC was upset then he was upset. Though it was meant to comfort her, the thought of that only upset her more. She didn’t want JC to be hurting in any way no matter how hurt she was.

"JC, it might help if you actually plugged the headphones in," Lance joked as he watched JC try to get his portable cd player to work. JC looked down at the cord hanging loosely around his neck and sighed. Lance reached over and patted his shoulder as he spoke, "JC, relax a little, ok? There is no way you can talk to her like this. You’ve got this whole plane ride dude." JC nodded his head before leaning it back against the seat. "Lance, what am I gonna do if she doesn’t want me back? I hurt her so bad. Why would she want me back?" Lance took a deep breath as he scooted lower in the seat.

He looked over at Justin asleep next to him and then back at JC as he spoke, "JC, this is the hardest spot I have ever been in. You and Faith both mean the world to me. When I look at you I want to hug you and punch you all at the same time. I begged you not to hurt her, but there’s not a whole lot I can say here. Stacy caused a lot of problems. I don’t know how this is going to end up, and I’m not gonna make you any promises. What I do know is that Faith loves you. She put you before herself even after you broke up with her. That’s why she left. Have you thought about that?" JC shook his head as he looked at Lance. "She knew that it would be a hard spot for all of us. She didn’t want to risk anyone else getting hurt in the process or anyone getting upset with YOU. That’s why she blocked herself off, that’s why she took off, and that’s why she’s at the beach right now. YOU are still on that beach in her mind. The YOU that she loves and the YOU that loves her. YOU are still there in her mind and in her heart."

When Lance finished two tears slipped down JC’s cheeks. "Lance, I’m scared. I love her so much that I ache inside. Every minute I’m without her seems like an eternity. It’s been close to two weeks since I saw her at my birthday party. There was still love in her eyes then. I don’t think I can stand looking into them and not seeing that love still there." Lance nodded his head in understanding. "JC, it’s there. It will always be there." JC looked at him another moment before once again resting his head against the seat. ‘God please let him be right’ JC prayed silently as his mind filled with her and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

An hour and a half later Brynn and Faith walked into the lobby. "Hey Faith," Travis called happily as he ran over towards her. "Well hey there. I want you to meet someone ok?" Faith said as she kneeled down in front of him, "This is one of my very best friends. Her name is Brynn." He smiled up at Brynn before offering her his hand. "Hi Brynn. My name is Travis." Brynn took her hand in his as she shook it gently, "Very nice to meet you Travis." Cindy walked up to the two girls and smiled brightly, "Hi Brynn. My name is Cindy. Would you girls like to eat out on the balcony or in the dining room?"

Faith could feel Travis tugging on the leg of her jeans and she looked down at his bright eyes. "Faith, I think we should eat on the balcony. We can see the big boats from there," Travis whispered. "Sounds like a plan to me," Faith said with a giggle. "Me too," Brynn seconded as they walked towards the balcony. Travis took both girls by the hand as they walked to their seats. "You are quite the little gentleman tonight," Cindy said with a giggle as Travis tried to pull Faith’s chair out for her. "Why thank you Travis. You make such a good date," Faith giggled. He made his way around the table to Brynn and to Cindy before climbing up in the chair next to Faith. A slight breeze began to blow and the sounds of the ocean filled their ears. Travis smiled brightly as he spoke so excitedly, "Do you hear the big boats?" Faith smiled back at him and nodded her head. "Sure do. Must be a big one huh?" Travis nodded his head as the waiter came to the table.

"I want basketti and meatballs," Travis piped up. "I’ll have the crab salad please," Cindy said next. "Yes ma’am...and you two ladies?" the waiter said turning to Faith. "I’ll have the fried popcorn shrimp and french fries please," Faith said as she handed him the menu. "I’m starving. How about a cheesburger and fries," Brynn said handing him back the menu. "Alright ladies...and gentleman, your order is coming right up," the waiter said as he walked away. Cindy and Brynn were engrossed in conversation by the time the meal came. Faith hadn’t said too much except for answering the occassional question or looking at something Travis pointed out.

Their food came and Brynn paid careful attention to Faith. She ate a little, but mostly she just picked at her plate. Her appetite was gone just like her heart. "Hey Faith what do you think about..." Brynn’s words trailed off when she saw the expression on Faith’s face. She followed her gaze over her shoulder and looked around a moment before her eyes focused on the man standing on the beach below. The dark hair, the slender yet masculine frame, the same pain in his was undeniable. "Is that JC?" Faith squeaked out barely above a whisper as she looked at him. Brynn looked at her friend and then over to Cindy’s confused face and Travis’ happy one. "Look it’s JC. I can sing him my song. HEY JC FAITH IS UP HERE!!" Travis called as he stood up on his chair waving. Faith’s face flushed as she leaped out of her chair. "Umm...excuse me," she whispered before heading inside with Brynn hot on her heels.

JC looked up at the child waving to him from the balcony above. He would recognize that face anywhere, it was Travis. He waved back up to him as he watched Faith and Brynn head back inside the hotel. The sight of her sent a feeling of relief over him, but he knew the tough part had only just begun. He took a deep breath before he made his way up the stairs and into the hotel.


Faith nearly ran through the restaurant as Brynn quickly thanked Cindy and Travis and Cindy worriedly asked what was going on. "Faith and JC have been having some problems. But thank you so much for dinner and I'm really sorry about bursting out like this." Brynn explained as Cindy nodded her head knowingly. "I hope everything works out." She said comfortingly as brynn smiled back. "Me too." She added and took off after Faith as Travis walked back in. "Mommy can we go see JC??" He asked curiously before not finding Faith there anymore. "NO, I think we need to give JC and Faith some time alone sweetie." Travis' face fell at Cindy's monotone voice. "Okay." He reluctantly agreed before sitting back down.

"Faith!!" Brynn yelled after her friend as she suddenly stopped running and Brynn slowed down as she neared. Faith turned around with tears streaming down her face. "Brynn, that was JC." She mumbled through her tears as Brynn pulled her into a hug. "I know. I told you he needed to talk you didn't I??" She added, trying to lighten the tone while she was really just as surprised to see him here as Faith was. Faith pulled away and wiped away her tears as much as she could as Brynn draged her back down the hall. "NO Brynn. Please don't make me see him." She said, attempting to get brynn to let her go. She wanted to see him more than anything really, and Brynn knew that, she was just afraid all of the sudden, afraid that what Brynn said wasn't true. What if he didn't love her still??

"No Faith. He loves you and I know darned well you don't believe me." Brynn answered with a stern tone. Faith exhaled deeply hoping she would be thanking Brynn for pulling her to him.

"Hey Travis!! What's up little man??" JC asked as Travis ran up and JC scooped him into a hug. "JC!!" He yelled before JC put him down. "Is Faith in there??" JC asked, looking past Travis and into the restaurant. "Nope she ran away and Brynn ran after her. I think she ran to find you cuz when she saw you she took off." He said, acting confused. JC exhaled as he replied. "I think she was running from me actually." He sighed as Travis looked up at him. "Then your it. GO tag her!!" He squeeled as JC laughed. "Thanks Travis." He said as Travis smiled and ran back over to his mom.

JC walked slowly back out onto the beach after he'd cricled the entire hotel and couldn't find Faith or Brynn. He looked around and saw Justin just outside the hotel also. "J have you found them??" JC asked sadly as Justin walked over. "They're here. I asked at the front desk but I don't know where." Justin answered. "I saw um but Faith took off when she saw me. Brynn went after her. I think I did more damage than you guys know. She ran away from me J." JC said, looking at his young friend, who stood tall, looking around for Brynn and Faith. Justin met JC's blue eyes synmpathetically before opening his mouth to offer advice. However, no words met his tongue as something behind JC caught his eye and JC whipped around to see the hotel door opening slowly and Brynn walk outside, followed reluctantly by a red-eyed Faith.

Things seemed to move in slow motion for JC as he watched the door open ever so slowly and Brynn and Faith step out. The sight of her crying eyes hurt his heart as well as his pride as it hit him once again that he was the one who had done this to her. He was snapped back to reality as he felt Justin brush his side as he quickly pushed past him and ran up to Brynn. Brynn whipped around and JC could see her relax as Justin wrapped his arms around her tightly and picked her up. Brynn layed her head on his chest and held him tightly as he kissed the top of her head and set her back down. She looked up at him and her blue-green eyes met his warm blue eyes softly, the same way they had the first time she had met him in the hotel room. Justin smiled as he held her hadn tightly then leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips. Brynn smiled and licked her lips as he pulled back and looked at her again.

"Don't EVER do that to me again." He said with a sigh of relief. Her gaze turned to amusement and concern rolled into one. "Didn't you get my note??" She asked. Justin shook his head as he sqeezed her hand. "That's a LONG story." He said as he turned to Faith, who stood staring straight ahead of her and down into the soft sand. Brynn bit her lip as Justin looked at her and back to Faith then walked over and wrapped her into a hug. Faith smiled as she felt Justin's arms around her she looked at his comforting eyes as he let her go. "You alright??" He asked hopefully as her gaze fell back down to the sand. Justin gently placed his hand beneath her chin and tilted her head back up so that her eyes met his. "Faith you've gotta listen to him. I hate seeing both of you like this, so please, for me, listen to him." He said, his heavy words going straight to her heart. Faith managed a half smile. "Okay." She answered with a deep breath and Justin let her go as JC walked slowly up behind him.

"Faith?" JC asked softly as Faith turned around and took in his appearance for the first time in the last heartbreaking weeks. His strong, slender figure hadn't changed, the way her favorite purple shirt he was wearing still clung to his sleek muscles, his black pants still hugged him perfectly, and his dark hair was still perfectly done. However, there was something different. She didn't have to look far before meeting his eyes and realizing it was in his eyes. There was something missing when she looked into those blue eyes.

It took all her might to meet his gaze but when she saw even him relax when she looked up she felt a little bit more comfortable. She bit her lip as JC silently thanked god that the familiar love was still in her eyes. "You wanna take a walk?" He asked softly as she nodded her head and they stepped into the sand.

"Yo J, did you..." Lance’s words trailed off as Brynn stepped around from behind Justin. "Well, I guess you did," he finished as he walked over to give Brynn a hug. "Oh, Lance, I missed you guys." Brynn said as she squeezed Lance. As they released each other Brynn immediately went back into Justin’s arms. Lance couldn’t help but smile at the two. They were obviously so in love. Lance looked down the beach at the two figures walking away from them. "Is that who I HOPE that is?" Lance asked as he looked down the beach. "If you’re hoping it’s JC and Faith, yep, that’s them." Justin answered. All three of them watched the two walk before taking a simultaneous deep breath. They all loooked at each other and chuckled before turning their attention back down the beach. "God, please let this go ok...please," Lance begged as the three friends turned to walk back towards the hotel.

JC was so nervous he was scared he wasn’t going to be able to talk. He knew he had to though, but more than that he wanted to. She deserved to know what happened, he owed her that. Then she could make up her mind about how she felt about him, but she had to know what happened. He watched her for a few moments as they walked and it broke his heart to see her that way. She looked as if she was scared of him. When they reached the familiar spot on the beach where he had given her the bracelet she froze in place. She stared at the piece of drift wood that was still there before looking down at her wrist and then over to him. The pain in her eyes made it obvious that now was the time.

He took her hand and watched as her eyes focused on his hand on hers. She didn’t make an effort to jerk away from him which he thought was a good sign. She looked up from their hands to his eyes as her own filled with tears. "JC, what did I do wrong? I don’t understand. I thought that I...I mean...I thought that we..." JC placed a finger over her lips to silence her as the warm tears poured from her eyes. His own tears began to well up as he looked at her. "Faith, you did nothing wrong. There is a lot that I need to explain to you, and a lot that I pray you can forgive me for. You have to know that this was not your fault, and I did love you...I still do love you. I will always love you." He watched her for a moment as she looked into his eyes as if she was searching for sincerity and at the same time trying to make herself block his words out in fear.

JC led Faith over to the same spot that just months before he had given her the bracelet that she had come to cherish. The bracelet that linked their hearts together. They sat down beside each other on the beach and JC refused to let go of her hand. He needed to touch her. He wanted to comfort her in some way and this was as close as he could get at this point. He watched her as her teary eyes looked up at him from her spot on the sand and he took a deep breath as he began the story. Faith watched and listened silently as he spoke allowing him to say everything he needed to without interuption. He watched as her forehead creased, her eyes widened, tears slipped from her eyes, and her hand came up to cover her mouth as he progressed with the story. He had to pause before beginning the part about the breakup between the two of them. He felt her squeeze his hand lightly and it brought an overwhelming sense of comfort to him. That simple gesture meant so much to him, and even more than gave him hope.

He took another deep breath and turned more towards her as he finished the story. He told about the court case, about Jenna’s father, and every other detail since she had been gone. She never said a word as she took in all the information he had just laid in front of her. Tears slipped unconciously from her eyes as she fought to process it all. He stopped speaking and they sat there in silence for a moment before Faith spoke softly, "So, that’s it? Wh...what..about Stacy?" JC shook his head as he reached over to take her other hand in his before speaking, "Stacy is not important. The person that is most important to me right now is you. Faith, I don’t know if you can ever forgive me for what happened, but I had to explain it all to you. I know I hurt you, and I hate myself for it. You have to understand that I only did it because I was trying to protect you, or so I thought. I would’ve never intentionally hurt you, but Stacy is devious and there is no telling what she would’ve done. I didn’t want her to get to you. I didn’t want her to hurt you."

Faith swallowed hard as more tears streamed down her cheeks. "JC, I wish you had just told me what was going on. I would’ve stood by you. I would’ve fought tooth and nail for you because I love you." She looked down at her hands in his as she fought the struggle between her heart and her head. Her head told her to beware, but her heart was beating a much louder drum. She looked up from their hands and their teary eyes met. "JC, will you hold me...please just hold me." Her soft words warmed his heart as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close to him. They both exhaled loudly at the relief of feeling each other again. Faith released the bottled up emotion of the past few weeks through her tears as she clutched onto him, never wanting to let go. She knew they still had a lot to work through, and it was going to take time to get through it all. She also knew that she loved this man, and she wasn’t going to give up.

She could feel his chest shaking against her as he cried along with her. In that moment she realized that his words had been sincere. He did love her, Brynn was right. She rubbed her hand against his back to comfort him and his arms wrapped tighter around her as he buried his face into her neck. She could feel his warm tears on her skin as she clutched onto him tighther. "Faith, I love you. I don’t want you to ever forget that," JC whispered through his tears as he placed a gentle kiss on her neck. When he heard her next words a smile lit up his face. "Until the day the ocean doesn’t touch the sand..." She lifted her head up from his chest and their teary eyes met once again. He smiled at her before speaking, "Now and forever...I will be your man." Faith leaned over and placed a gentle delicate kiss on his lips before laying her head once again on his shoulder. "I love you too JC. We’re gonna be ok baby." JC smiled at her words as he hugged her tighter, and in that moment he felt as if he was in heaven on earth.

Brynn and Lance sat on the bed discussing what had happened with the case after she left while Justin gave Joey a call. He sat on the other bed watching Brynn as he spoke into the phone to Joey’s voicemail. "Hey Joey. Just wanted to let you know that we got here ok. You and Chris are probably at the party right now. Thanks again for doing that. I really appreciate it. I owe you one, ok? Things here are going well. Faith and JC are out on the beach and Brynn is perfect as always. Shut up Joey...I know I’ve got it bad. Just give me a call when you get in. Later dude."

Justin hung up the phone just as Brynn and Lance made their way over to the balcony doors for the hundredth time since they had come back to the room. "Let me guess, still sitting there?" Justin asked as he watched Brynn and Lance. "Actually, no. They aren’t there. I don’t see them anymore," Lance said as he opened the doors and stepped out on the balcony. "Well, where the heck did they go," Brynn asked as she turned just in time to see the door open slowly behind Justin. "Maybe Faith went psycho on him and tried to drown him or something. Should we be worried?" Justin asked playfully. "Nah, I wouldn’t worry about JC. The fans go psycho over the young curly haired one," Faith said as she grabbed Justin’s waist causing him to jump. Everyone chuckled as Justin slapped a hand over his heart. The laughter stopped and the five friends looked back and forth between everyone’s faces as they tried to figure out what to say.

Faith spoke first in the hopes of relaxing everyone just a bit. "You guys can breathe. JC explained what happened. We’re just gonna take one day at a time. While I still think he should’ve come to me and told me what was happening with him, I can’t blame him for trying to protect me. It was a complicated situation, and I know he only wanted what was best for me." Lance looked from Faith to JC as a smile spread across his lips. "Smuff, I love you. You know that right?" Lance paused as Faith nodded her head before he continued, "Ok. I would just like to inform you that if you ever take off and scare me like this again...I might just have to kill you." Everyone laughed including Faith as JC wrapped his arm around her waist. Seeing her laugh caused the tension to immediately ease off of everyone.

‘Thank you God’ Lance thought to himself as he walked over to give Faith a hug. He looked over at JC who looked as if a ton had just been lifted off his chest and heard Faith whisper in his ear, "Thank you for everything. I missed you Froggy." Lance squeezed her tighter and kissed her cheek before leaning his forehead against hers and whispering, "I missed you too. Boy, do I need to talk to you." Faith winked at him before speaking, "Would this be about a certain beautiful blonde that shall remain nameless *cough*Jenna*cough*?" Lance nodded his head as he laughed, "That would be her." Faith scooped him into another a hug as she excitedly squeezed him and giggled, "Cupid is back."


"So I guess we need to rent a room right??" JC asked as the five stepped out onto the beach later that night, ice cream cones in hand. "Already taken care of Jace." Lance said as he pulled a room key out of his pocket with a smile. "I got it when you two were lookin for them earlier." He said as Faith looked at him with a smile. "I figured Bounce'd stay with Brynn, and well if things didn't work out JC could stay with me..........." Lance continued slowly as JC ran his fingers down Faith's arm and encompassed her hand. "Sorry. I kinda worried them." JC whispered as Faith looked up into his loving blue eyes. Faith giggled as Justin looked exasperated. "Um sorry Faith. He was a little more than KINDA worrying us." Justin explained as he massaged the back of Brynn's hand with his thumb. "Ya just a TAD." Lance added as he playfully socked JC in the back. Brynn and Faith laughed at the scene as JC's face reddened and Faith squeezed his hand tighter and reddened herself.

Justin chuckled as he watched Faith and JC and couldn't help the smile that played on his face as he realized what those two really could make it through. Brynn's eyes flicked from Justin to Faith and JC and Lance, then back to Justin as a sly smile played on her own face. She ran her finger over what was left of the vanilla ice cream she was holding before running her finger gently over Justin's nose, leaving a trail of ice cream. Justin quickly looked at her as his devious blue eyes and smile locked on her and he grabbed for her waist. Brynn squeeled as she ran away from Justin's grasp and Lance laughed as Justin took off after her with a laugh. "THOSE two." Lance mumbled with amusement as Brynn ran down the beach and Justin caught up with her, tackling her from behind as she screamed.

"JUSTIN!!" Brynn squeeled as he tackled her from behind and picked her up so that she was cradled in his strong arms. "No no no no no..." She continued as he ran towards the dark water with her in his arms. "Justin!!" She yelled with a laugh as he ran towards the water faster as she screamed and stopped short, causing her to grab for his neck as she dropped the ice cream. Justin laughed as she clung to his shoulders tightly. "What are you doing!?" She asked quickly as he laughed, his feet in the waves. "I knew that'd make you drop it." He said as he backed up and she stared at him, running her tongue over her teeth. "You devious little boy." She laughed as she realized she still had ice cream on her finger and she eyed him suspiciously as he set her down, his arm never leaving her waist. "Oh I've got PLENTY of devious left for you." He answered with a sly smile as her eyes widened and she looked at him sideways before hitting his shoulder then licking her lips. "Well your not the ONLY devious one." She smiled, looking him up and down and leaning in. Justin's eyebrows rose as he leaned in to kiss her and she slowly brought her finger up to his lips and ran it over his nose with a laugh and took off running again. "Gotcha!" She screamed with a laugh as Justin stood staring at her in disbelief then laughing himself, running his tongue over his lips, and chasing after her again.

"So you're goin with her am I right??" Lance asked as the three exited the elevator onto the second floor of the beach-front hotel. "YUP he is." Faith answered before JC could answer and JC looked to her with surprise but with a relieved smile. He knew things were gonna be akward for awhile, but he realized how much effort she was making to make things normal again quickly. "You bet." JC added, slipping his arm around her waist like he used to and she relaxed against him. "Aight fine. But I claim her for breakfast." Lance said as he looked at Faith with a smile. Faith smiled and nodded as she met Lance's green eyes with a knowing gaze. "How'd you put it?? Um, *cough* Jenna *cough*." Lance said as JC chuckled and Faith laughed. "You got it." She answered as she reached into her back pocket and brushed JC's leg that was close to her and pulled out the key, causing a sense of comfort to wash over her.

Unlocking the door and walking in, Faith held the door for JC and he took it and closed it behind them. JC watched carefully even how Faith walked, and it hit him hard exactly how much emptiness had encompassed him in the last weeks. He couldn't resist the urge to hold her right at that moment. Faith turned around as she pulled open the balcony doors before she stepped outside and heard footsteps come after her. Leaning against the balcony, Faith smiled as she felt JC's arms wrap around her waist from behind. Looking out over the ocean, then over at his gorgeous profile that leaned against her cheek, Faith leaned her head back. "Jace will you promise me something??" She asked softly into the night air. "Anything." He whispered into her ear as his hands ran slowly over her stomach. "Promise me you'll never hurt me again." She said quietly as she closed her eyes and waited for his response. JC felt no hesitation in his answer. "Till the day my life is through." JC sang softly as a smile played onto Faith's lips and a gust of wind sent shivers down her spine. She turned around as JC wrapped his jacket around her arms and she met his deep blue eyes. They were fulfilled now. This was the JC she knew. This was the JC that loved her. This was the JC she loved.

As a shooting star shot across the sky a direct impulse hit them both and each leaned in for a long romantic kiss. As their lips touched, the same, warm electric feeling that graced them was stronger than ever and Faith ran her hand over his stomach muscles and to his back, grazing his delicate spine and settling up at the nape of his neck. She ran her fingers gently over the hairs at the bottom of his head and felt at last contented with the familiar pleasure of it all. She smiled through their kiss as JC gently ran his hand up her back, across her neck, and to her cheek, brushing her ear softly. His lips left hers as he kissed her cheek and gently nibbled on her ear before softly whispering into her ear. "Well it's not far down to paradise, at least it's not for me, and if the wind is right you can sail away, and find tranquility. OO the canvas can do miracles, just you wait and see. Baby believe me. ooooo It's not far to never never land, no reason to pretend, and if the wind is right you can find the joy, of innocence again." He sang softly into her ear as a tear graced her cheek and he kissed it away. "Faith will you please sail with me??" He asked quietly as she pulled him tightly to her and rested her cheek against his. "It's not far back to sanity, at least it's not for me...." Faith sang along in answer as a sweet smile graced JC's lips and he had to feel hers against his again.

He lightly touched his lips to hers and pulled away slowly as if asking permission, but her smile told him she felt the same way. Her soft, pink lips touched his with emotional force and her hand on the back of his neck was too perfect. "I love you Carrie Faith Smith. Promise me you'll never, ever forget that. No matter how stupid I am." He said with a smile full of passion. Faith kissed his cheek and played with his ear as she leaned back in his arms and turned to face the beach. "I promise." She said as he kissed her neck and his hands played along her waist, over to her stomach, and over to her hands. She turned back to face him and his love-flooded blue eyes captivated her again.

"Let's go to bed." He advised as she nodded her head in agreement. "You wanna sleep out here??" He asked as he nodded toward the lounge chair on the balcony. Faith smiled. "Sure." She giggled as he layed down and patted his lap. "I love you Joshie. Thank you for coming back." She said as she layed down atop him and rested her head on his chest as she felt his arms tighten around her protectively. "I love you too Faith. Thank you for not giving up on me." He finished as she smiled and sighed contendly and he waited and watched her fall asleep as her breathing deepen. "Sweet dreams." He mumbled softly as he dozed off in the crisp California air.

"I have to say that it is so great to see those two alive again. I was really worried about them both, especially after Faith took off," Justin said as he and Brynn sat down on the beach hand in hand. Brynn nodded her head before turning her eyes up to look at the stars. "I think I made a wish on every single one of those stars up there for those two," Brynn whispered before looking over at Justin. Justin smiled at her and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "I love you Brynn. No matter what happens, or who comes into our lives, I want you to know that I love you. I will always be right beside you, no matter what. Just let me be there, ok?" Brynn smiled slyly at him. "Well Timberlake, right now I want you in front of me," Brynn cooed as she pulled Justin towards her and pressed her lips to his. She felt his tongue slide seductively across her lips before pushing them farther apart. She could feel his hands as they roamed over her back and up her spine to her neck before moving to her cheek. She pulled back slightly as their lips hovered just above each other’s. "I love you too," Brynn whispered before pressing her lips once again to his.

Justin’s entire body began to tingle, her touch was electric to him. He opened his eyes for a moment to look at her before shutting them once again and losing himself in the sweetness of her kiss. When he couldn’t breathe anymore he pulled back and took a deep breath. Brynn wrapped her arms around his waist as she clung to him, laying her head on his chest. He smiled when he felt her fingers in his hair as she twirled a curl around her finger. "Beautiful," Justin said aloud before kissing Brynn’s forehead. "Yeah, it is beautiful tonight," Brynn whispered back. Justin chuckled lightly before looking down at her. "Baby, I was talking about you." Brynn smiled up at him as her face flushed slightly. He ran his fingers softly over her cheek before pecking her lips again softly. Brynn shivered as a cool breeze blew across the beach and Justin wrapped his arms around her tighter. She snuggled close to him and yawned causing Justin to look down at her.

She closed her eyes as she rested against in his chest. Justin laid back on the sand and cuddled Brynn close to him. She opened her eyes and looked at him as he watched her before smiling at him. She rested her head on his chest and laid her arm across his stomach before closing her eyes once again. "I love you Justin," she whispered quietly before drifting off to sleep in his arms. He smiled at her as he watched her, her breathing slowly deepened as she drifted off, her beautiful blue-green eyes were now covered as she rested peacefully, and her hair blew lightly in the breeze. He kissed the top of her head before closing his own eyes and whispering, "I love you too Brynn."

Lance lay awake in bed as he stared at the clock on the nightstand. "I could just call her and say that I wanted to tell her what happened. Wait, I could call to see if she heard from her father. No, I could call her to see if...I COULD JUST CALL HER" Lance rambled on trying to find an excuse to call Jenna. He just wanted to hear her voice. He rolled over on the bed away from the clock and forced his eyes closed. When that didn’t work he sat up in the bed and walked to the balcony doors to take a look out at the ocean. It was the very same beach that he had met Jenna on. This beach held a lot of memories for them all.

He smiled before turning to walk back inside. He slid in deep under the covers and wiggled a bit to get comfortable. "Faith will know what to do. She always does," Lance said to himself as he closed his eyes. "She’ll help me." A few moments later his eyes sprung back open and he sat straight up in the bed. He looked down at his watch through the dim light, fighting to see the date on it. "August 20th..." he said aloud to himself as he rubbed his forehead, "Oh boy...I’ve got nine days to plan the birthday surprise of Faith’s life." He laid back down against the pillow as his head raced with ideas. ‘Gotta get with JC and the guys soon’ he thought to himself as he let his thoughts carry him off to sleep.

"Yo Froggy, ready to eat?" Faith said as she knocked on the door to Lance’s room. She waited a few minutes and heard nothing so she knocked again. "LANCE" she called before trying the knob. The door was open so she let herself in and could hear the shower running. She flopped down on his unmade bed and could still smell him. She lay there lost in thought as she waited for Lance. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the shower turn off or Lance come out of the bathroom. "Excuse me Miss, but you’re laying on my clothes," Lance said as he leaned over Faith snapping her attention towards him. Faith smiled at him as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, "You ok? You and JC doing ok?" Lance asked somewhat concerned from her dazed expression. He watched her eyebrows raise as she giggled, "Jenna would die to see this." Lance looked at her and his forehead creased before asking, "See what?" Faith reached her hand out and gently tugged on the towel wrapped around his waist. "YOU in THIS," Faith answered with a giggle. Lance turned away from her and laughed as she leaned up and off his clothes. "I doubt she would find it as enjoyable as you think." Faith smacked his arm lightly as he pulled on his shirt. "James Lance Bass, don’t you make me kick your butt. You’re a hottie Froggy!" Lance laughed as he hugged her, "I love ya Smuff. I just think that you need psychiatric evaluation." Faith laughed loudly as she squeezed him tighter. It wasn’t like Lance to be in such denial about something, but that proved one thing to Faith...he really liked Jenna.

"Alright, put your pants on so we can go get something to eat. We have some talking to do, remember?" Faith said as she headed towards the door. "I’m gonna go check on JC real quick and I’ll be right back," she said with a giggle as she darted out the door. Lance shook his head as he pulled on his pants. "I hope that man realizes what he has," Lance said aloud before pulling on his shoes and heading towards the door.

"Brynn, baby, wake up," Justin called quietly as he shook Brynn gently. Her eyes fluttered open and squinted at the morning light. She could smell Justin’s cologne mixed with the salty air as she breathed in deeply before yawning. "Mornin’ beautiful," Justin whispered to her as he leaned over to kiss her lips softly. She smiled against his lips as he pulled away. "Mornin’ baby," she whispered back just as she heard his tummy growl. She giggled lightly and readjusted herself in his arms. "I take it that’s what woke you up." He nodded his head as he reached over to stroke her hair, "I’m starved. Wanna get something to eat? Brynn nodded her head and Justin stood up to help her up. She dusted the sand off his back before smacking his butt playfully. He turned and winked at her slyly causing her to giggle. "I love you Timberlake. Now, feed me."


"Are you sure? I mean has she mentioned anything to you?" Lance asked as he took a bite out of his french toast. Faith sat her bagel down on her plate before answering, "Lance, remember how you used to tell me that I was blind when it came to reading people interested in me?" Lance nodded his head and Faith continued, "Well welcome to my world. Lance, from the time we met her she has been practically begging for your attention." Lance shook his head as he stuffed more into his mouth. "You can deny it all you want, but I’ve watched you two. Lance, you can’t tell me you don’t remember that night in the ballroom. Well, actually you two were outside." Lance swallowed as a smile lit up his face. "That was an amazing night. I got soaked, but I didn’t care." Faith smiled at him before continuing, "Well, someone else was with you that night. Someone else got soaked too, and someone else was just as lost in the moment as you were."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Lance spoke again, "Faith, the other night when Jenna explained about her family. I didn’t feel sorry for her, I didn’t pity her, I just wanted to comfort her. I wanted to be the one that she ran to, and I wanted to be the one to dry her tears. I’ve only had a relationship like that with one other" Faith nodded her head in understanding as Lance spoke. She understood what he meant because she had felt the same way about JC. JC would never or could never replace Lance, but there was just something about him comforting her that made it all better. Lance looked into Faith’s eyes as she took a bite from her bagel. "I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to replace you though. You don’t think that do you? You know you will always be my Smuff." Faith giggled and shook her head, "Lance, it’s gonna take a whole lot more than that to get rid of me babe. I know what you mean though. I love you like no one else, but there is something about the comfort in JC’s arms." Lance nodded his head as he continued eating.

They sat there for a few more minutes in silence as Faith watched him. She knew that Jenna felt the same for Lance, but she also knew that Jenna was going to be scared. One thing she did understand about Jenna was the relationship she had with Travis. "Penny for your thoughts," Lance whispered as he took his last bite of french toast. "I was just thinking about Jenna. Lance, this comes from personal experience. When you two are together, like I know you will be, be patient with her. Sometimes it may be kinda frustrating because I’m sure I frustrate JC at times, but I understand where she’s coming from." Lance nodded his head in understanding, "Travis right?" Faith nodded before continuing, "He’s not so easy on the heart." Lance paid careful attention to everything that Faith said. She was right and it was going to take some patience. All the men in Jenna’s life had hurt her at one time or another, and most of them had been bad. He knew it would take time, but she was the missing link in his heart. The link that he needed to be complete.

"Yo J, you guys eat breakfast yet?" JC asked as he came out into the hallway. Justin turned around as Brynn stepped out the door behind him. "No man, we just got showers and stuff. Where’s Faith?" Justin answered. JC chuckled before speaking, "Lance stole my girl from me." Justin shook his head and laughed, "Guess you can tag along with us then. Just keep your hands off my girl." Brynn pecked him on the cheek before winking at JC. "Oh Brynn," JC said in a seductive yet playful tone. "Watch it Chasez. I’ll sick Faith on you," Justin said before laughing. The three made their way down to the elevators to go to breakfast.

"Feel any better about this?" Faith asked as she looked across the table at Lance. Lance nodded his head as he wiped his face with a napkin. He reached across the table and took her hand before speaking, "Thank you Smuff. I love ya." Faith smiled brightly at him and squeezed his hand. "I love you too Froggy, and it was all my pleasure." She watched as his eyes focused behind her and she turned to see JC walk in the dining room followed by Brynn and Justin. She turned back to Lance and he smiled when he saw the twinkle in her eyes. "There’s my girl. Lance hasn’t charmed you away from me has he?" JC asked playfully as he leaned over to place a soft kiss on Faith’s cheek. "Well, ya know he is the bass of the group. Turns a girl on," Brynn piped up and Justin’s eyes widened. Everyone giggled at the expression on his face before he hugged Brynn tightly. "We didn’t disturb you did we?" JC asked looking deep into Faith’s eyes.

Faith started to speak, but Lance piped up first. "JC, if you don’t mind...can we take a walk on the beach later? I need to get some things off my chest and discuss some THINGS with you." JC nodded his head and looked back and forth between Faith’s confused eyes and Lance’s serious yet slightly mischievious ones. "Yeah sure. Just let me know when ok?" JC answered. Lance nodded his head and smiled as Faith looked up at Brynn and Justin who both shrugged their shoulders. "I think after breakfast will do fine. Then you and Faith can have the rest of the day," Lance added. JC nodded his head as he wrapped an arm around Faith’s shoulders, "Sounds cool to me. I’m starved. Baby, what did you have?" Faith looked at all the faces around her before answering, "Bagel." JC nodded his head as if waiting for more. "That’s it...I had a bagel," Faith answered again. JC’s eyes widened as he handed her an apple that was still on the table, "Eat."

Brynn and Justin made their way over to sit on the other side of the table as JC tried to get Faith to eat more. Faith giggled at his newest attempt. JC put the apple in his mouth and held it for Faith to take a bite out of, when she leaned over he dropped the apple from his mouth and pressed his lips to hers. She giggled against his lips before pulling back to look at him. "Oops...clumsy me," JC said playfully. The waiter came to the table to take their orders, but JC watched Faith carefully.

He hadn’t realized just how bad she had been the last couple weeks. Brynn had told him that she didn’t eat and she didn’t sleep, but he would’ve never thought that she meant she didn’t eat anything. He watched her sip on her juice as she laughed at Brynn who tried to toss grapes into Justin’s mouth. It scared him when he realized that he had been just as bad. He hadn’t slept more than 12 hours in over two weeks and as for eating, he just didn’t care to. He watched as Faith turned to him and smiled as if waiting for him to answer a question. When he didn’t say anything she raised an eyebrow before speaking, "Jace?" "Huh? What?" he asked as he looked around the table at his friends before noticing the waiter speaking to him. "Oh yes sir, thank you. Scrambled is fine," he answered before turning back to Faith. She leaned over against him and ran her hand across his back before looking up into his eyes. "You ok hon?" she asked. He nodded his head and leaned over to kiss her forehead before hugging her to him. "Yep, just fine suga." He held Faith close to him as the four friends talked happily.

"You know she’s going insane right?" JC said with a chuckle as he and Lance stepped out onto the beach. "Yeah, she’ll be doing her best to try to get it out of both of us. Gotta love her," Lance laughed back. "God knows I do," JC answered as he turned his attention back out across the ocean. Lance didn’t waste any time before he got to the point of their walk, "Listen Jace, I brought you out here for two reasons. One because I am about to perform the best friend duties, and two because we got some plans to make. First thing is first though." JC took a deep breath as he waited for Lance to begin. "JC, I’m not gonna scream at you or anything because I know what happened. I know that had Stacy not come into your life again that we wouldn’t even be here right now. I also know that you love Faith very much. You proved that to me a hundred times over the course of the last couple weeks." He paused a minute and looked over at JC. He was surprised to find JC’s eyes looking right back at him.

"JC, she has already given you her heart. It’s pretty much yours to do with what you wish. I’m asking you now as not only her best friend and yours, but as a man, a real man, to cherish it. Love her. I know that there are going to be ups and downs in any relationship, but what I’m asking you now to do is protect her and her heart with everything inside of you. Guard it like it’s a rare jewel." JC nodded his head as he ran his hand over his stomach before speaking, "Lance, I can’t even begin to explain to you how right you are. Her heart is like a rare jewel. It’s my reason for living. She makes me who I am, but yet she makes me want to be so much more. I can not even begin to put into words the way one touch from her makes me feel. The love that radiates from her is unlike anything I have ever felt in my life. I wish the last couple weeks had never happened, but they did and there is no changing that. What I can do is promise you the very same thing that I promised Faith last night." Lance stopped walking and met his friend’s sincere eyes. "What did you promise her?" With three words from JC a bright smile lit up Lance’s face, "Now and forever."

Lance slapped JC on the back as they started walking again. "JC, I knew you were a good guy. Just take care of her for me." JC nodded his head before looking back at Lance, "Lance, I will do my best to make her happy and keep her safe. You just worry about Jenna." Lance’s eyes met JC’s and JC couldn’t help but laugh. "Faith is right you know. She likes you a lot. I noticed it myself...that night at the condo when she told us everything." Lance shook his head and laughed, "Guess I was as blind as you and Faith were." JC laughed again as he nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, and that’s pretty blind." Lance nodded his head as JC added, "Oh, what were these plans you were talking about?" Lance looked at him as a smile crossed his face, "I remembered something at about 2am. Do you know what today is?" JC looked down at his watch to see the date. "Umm...August 20th." Lance nodded his head as his smile widened, "What is in 9 days?" JC looked at him and smiled as he remembered, "Faith’s birthday?" Lance nodded his head and laughed, "We got plans to make my friend. Lots of plans to make."

"Brynn, what do you say we wait to start school until next semester?" Faith asked as she sprawled out across the bed with Brynn and Justin. "If we do that then we can tour with the guys this tour and catch the spring term," Brynn said as she sat up to look at Faith. Justin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back down on the bed next to him. "I say you wait till next semester too. I’ll actually get some sleep if JC and Lance know where Faith is and I have my little booger shnookums to keep me company." Faith laughed loudly, "Booger shnookums? Please tell me you’re kidding." Brynn laughed as she playfully swatted Justin’s arm. "It is a good idea though. Then we can also help with this whole Jenna deal," Faith added, "That reminds me...where the heck did those two go?"

"Oh we go again," Justin said as he rolled over off the bed and headed towards the balcony doors. He flung them open and jumped outside. "JAMES LANCE BASS AND JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ IF YOU DON’T GET BACK TO THIS HOTEL RIGHT NOW I’M GOING TO STRANGLE BOTH OF YOU!!!" Justin screamed as Faith and Brynn burst into a fit of laughter. He caught the attention of several young girls standing below on the beach and when they began screaming his name he realized what he had done. "Why exactly are you gonna strangle us?" JC asked as he laid down on the bed next to Faith and kissed her gently. Justin ducked into the room laughing as Brynn explained, "Because Faith only asked 55 bazillion times where the heck you were, what you were talking about, yada yada....she’s Faith." JC shook his head in understanding as Faith giggled, "Well, I was curious."

JC leaned over and kissed her forehead as she laid her head on his chest. She ran her finger down his chest and slid it between two buttons and inside his shirt. "Sooo, did you two have a nice talk?" she said as she began working her magic. JC realized what she was doing, but her touch felt so good to him that he wasn’t about to stop her. "Yeah, very nice," he answered. She circled her finger around inside his shirt before sliding it out and up his arm. "What did you talk about?" He smiled brightly as he felt her finger slide up his shoulder and head for his ear. "Oh, a little of this and a little of that. You mostly." Lance watched as Faith began her plot to get JC to talk. "JC, be strong man. Secret remember? She can get a little taste of what she did to us with that whole Orlando deal." JC looked at Lance and laughed, "Will you shut up. This was just getting good."

Brynn laughed before pulling Justin down onto the bed with her. "What are we gonna do with our last few hours in Cali? The flight leaves in about 3 hours. Let’s go do something before we leave." Justin looked down at her from his position slightly atop her. "Umm...what do you want to do baby?" he asked with a chuckle. "I don’t know, how about we just go out on the beach or something?" Brynn answered. "Sounds good to me. I need some sun," Faith giggled as she pulled JC up off the bed, "Let’s go change." Lance turned to walk towards the door with them and Faith grabbed his arm. "Lance, have I told you that I love you lately. You’re one of the best friends I have ever had." Lance laughed and shook his head, "I’m still not telling you." "DAMN," Faith said aloud with a giggle. "JC, take her to change man," Lance chuckled as he walked towards his own room to change. "Might not make it out on the beach then Lance." Faith turned around and a sly smile spread across her lips, "What was that Mr. Chasez?" JC’s face reddened as he grabbed Faith’s hand. "Just thinkin outloud suga...that’s all.


Brynn slathered suntan lotion on Lance's back an half hour later as Faith spread out her towel and layed it down next to JC's, who lay next to Lance. "Sweetie you mind helping me out??" JC asked as Faith made her self comfortable, handing her a bottle of sunblock. "Of course not." She smiled as she took the sunblock and opened it up. JC leaned forward and pulled of his white t- shirt so that the muscles on his selnder back rippled in sync and Faith was breath-takin for a moment. As she regained herself she turned the sunblock over and poured a white drop onto JC's tanned shoulders. "AAAHHhh." JC groaned and shivered as Faith sat back and giggled. "That's freakin COLD!!" JC wiggled as Faith spread it farther over his back and laughed. Lance looked over as Brynn put the cap on and slapped his back. "There ya go buddy." She laughed as Lance thanked her and then explained to JC.

"It feels best if you keep it in the fridge." Lance said with dignity as JC struggled to get feeling in his shoulders. "LANCE THIS HAD TO HAVE BEEN IN THE FREEZER." JC muttered as Faith poured more on and giggled as she watched him squirm. "Oh maybe it was. Whoops." Lance mumbled with a silent chuckle as Faith looked at him accusingly and Lance bit his lip and chuckled. "You are an evil man Froggy." Faith giggled with a shake of her head and a smile.

"My turn??" Justin asked with bright eyes as Brynn made her way around him to her towel. "That depends. Whatcha gonna give me??" Brynn asked playfully as she pulled off her t-shirt that was covering her periwinkle bikini and sat down next to Justin. Justin's eyes roamed over her and she watched as his hand reached her bare waist and pulled her toward him before his lips met hers forcefully and his tongue parted her lips and explored her mouth with intrigue. Brynn's eyes opened wide as he pulled back and looked at her seductively. "That." He answered as she grabbed the suntan lotion and stood up. "And there's plenty more where that came from." He continued as she hit his shoulder playfully and he layed down on his stomach. Brynn noticed how his darker curls seemed to lighten and glisten in the sun as he layed down and his perfectly shaped back relaxed as he made himself comfortable. She straddled the his lower back as she sat down on top of him and poured the lotion on his back in a happy face. Justin screamed deeply as the coldness of the lotion hit his skin but Brynn's hand pushed his shoulder down before he could roll over. "Uh uh uh Curls. You ain't messin up this happy face." She giggled as she watched him struggle to get the coldness off of him.

JC looked out over the ocean as he felt Faith's familiar hands roam his back and shoulders with lotion then slip around his waist. "All done." She whispered into his ear after wrapping her arms around him. JC looked back at her as she seductively kissed his neck. "You wanna go for a swim??" JC smiled at her as she looked at him with loving blue eyes. "Sure." She answered as he stood up, brushing sand off of his legs and helping her up. JC's intent eyes roamed Faith as she peeled off her pink cover-up to reveal the dark purple bikini she wore underneath. Faith shook her hair out of the rubber band as she took off her sandals then realized JC's gaze. Walking over with a smile she took his hand.

"Jace??" She asked as he seemed to be snapped out of his trance as his mesmerizing blue eyes met hers. "You truly are beautiful Faith." He said sincerely as she blushed and smiled then tugged on his hand. "Not so bad yourself there Chasez. Been workin out here lately??" She asked playfully as she ran her hand over his rippling stomach muscles and JC flexed, causing her to laugh. JC raised his eyebrows playfully and flexed his muscles as Faith played along. Feeling his muscles as he flexed, she complimented him. "Aight, do you feel MASCULINE enough yet?? Are you off your power trip?" She asked with an exasperated sigh as JC tilted his head and looked at her sideways. "Oh is THAT what this is about??" He asked curiously, playing along, reaching for her slowly. Faith noticed his reaching hand and backed away with a giggle. "NO Jace I was just kidding. Kidding. Jace, I was NNNNoooooo!!" She squeeled as he grabbed for her waist and she took off with a laugh as he chased after her.

JC quickly caught up behind her and wrapped both hands around her stomach and locking her in his sweet embrace. "JOSHUA SCOTT CHASEZ!!" She yelped as he squeezed his hands and she screamed as he tickled her so that he could pick her up. Once in his arms, Faith attempted to get him to let go. JC ran towards the water laughing at Faith's pathetic attempts for mercy and let her legs fall to the ground as a wave splashed over his. Faith quickly tried to run away but JC"s quick hands held onto her hand and waist and pulled her down with him and he fell backwards into the ocean.

Coming up and out of the water with a sputter, JC stood shaking the water out of his hair as Faith pushed her dark hair out of her face. "JC!!!!" She yelled accusingly as she dove at him and took him under water with her this time. Coming up sputtering once again, both laughed as she rose up with her hands on his muscular chest and his arms around her waist instinctively. "Now THAT would be a power trip." JC joked as Faith punched his stomach before pulling back her hand to rub her knuckles.JC watched her every move as the water glistened off of her cheek bones and couldn't help himself as he placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her towards him. Faith was taken by surprise as JC's grip tightened around her bare waist and she manuevered her hands over his chest, across his tan stomach, over his shoulder, and up into his wet hair as he kissed her with deep passion.

Pulling away after a long kiss, JC was suddenly lost in her eyes. Faith smiled at him before putting on a guilty expression and walking with a bounce through the water behind JC. JC watched Faith with a curious expression before he screeched when he felt her hand slap his booty then her hands on top of his head dunking him under water. He came up to Faith laughing hysterically. "I know I know. I'm good." She said through her laughs as JC licked his lips and watched her laugh. "Is that right??" He asked with attitude as she looked back at him, playing along. "You wanna make somethin of this?!" She asked with deep attitude but could barely comtain herself from busting up in laughter. "Maybe...." JC answered as he ran his hand through his wet hair, causing Faith's eyes to roam to his hair that also glistened in the sun, "I do." He answered as he reached for her and she slapped her hands against his chest. Talking just above her lips, Faith could feel JC's breath combined with her own. "How bout you??" He asked. Faith watched his lips as she talked. "Heck ya." She answered slowly.

"Alright guys, we got about an hour till we have to leave. I’m going to get a shower," Lance stated as he stood up and lifted his towel, shaking off the sand. Faith looked up from her place on her towel and sighed, "Time to head home I guess." JC ran his hand over her back and kissed her cheek causing her to instantly relax. She smiled as he snaked his hand around her waist turning her over to face him. Faith giggled when he made a goofy face at her and stuck out his tongue before speaking, "Hey Suga." "Hey yourself baby," Faith said through her giggles, "Come on Chasez. Let’s get you showered. Where did Brynn and Justin go?" Lance looked out over the water and laughed, "I think that would be Brynn who’s about to get...nope...getting dunked." He waved them in and Justin scooped Brynn over his shoulder carrying her out of the water as she squealed.

JC slid his hand down Faith’s side before leaning over to kiss her stomach. She looked down at him and smiled at his affectionate manor. She loved having him touch her again, but right now she was scared to think what might happen when they got back to Orlando. He stood up and offered her his hand, lifting her up off the towel. He picked both of their towels up and shook the sand off before tossing them over his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist as they began walking back to the hotel behind Lance, Justin and Brynn still stood on the beach trying to dry a bit.

JC watched Faith as they walked into the hotel towards the elevator. She shivered when the cool air of the air conditioner hit her warm slightly pink skin. He wrapped one of the towels around her shoulders to warm her before placing his arm around her neck. She seemed to have something on her mind, but he wasn’t sure what it was. It hadn’t been there earlier, in fact, it hadn’t been there until they mentioned going back to Orlando. The elevator slowly climbed to the second floor as Faith leaned her head against JC’s chest. He rubbed her back gently as he tried to figure out what was bothering her.

"Meet ya back here in 45 minutes," Lance said as he walked down the hall to his room. "Ok man," JC answered as he followed Faith back into the room. She tossed the towel down on the bed before turning to look at him. "What’s that look all about," Faith asked with a giggle. JC walked over and placed both his hands on her shoulders as he looked deep into her eyes. Faith met his gaze and wrinkled her nose up at him, causing him to laugh lightly. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close to him as he spoke, "What’s wrong suga? Something is on your mind." Faith nodded her head against his chest as she squeezed him gently. "Just thinking about what’s going to happen when we go back," she answered before lifting her head to look at him. JC walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, pulling Faith onto his lap.

"Faith, I love you. I want you to always remember that. You are my heart," JC whispered to her. She looked at him as a smile crept up on her lips and just as quickly vanished. "Baby, I love you too. I’m just worried that Stacy isn’t done yet. Promise me something else?" JC nodded his head and kissed her lips softly before whispering, "Anything." Faith’s serious and hopeful gaze met his loving one as she spoke, "Promise me that you won’t shut me out like that anymore. If something happens to you it happens to me. We’re a team now...if something happens we talk about it and we kick some tail." JC laughed lightly at her last words before kissing her again. "I promise. The same goes for you too. If something happens to you, it happens to me...ok?" Faith nodded her head in agreement before standing up and lifting him off the bed. "Kiss me Chasez," she whispered above his lips. JC didn’t hesitate one bit before pressing his lips to hers. When they pulled back she giggled and smacked his butt, "Now hit the showers."

He smiled at her and wiggled his eyebrows, "I love it when you do that." Faith giggled before laying down on the bed they had just been sitting on. "I love you JC." He turned to her before stepping into the bathroom and whispered, "Now and forever."

An hour later, the five friends made their way through the crowded airport. "Baby, pull your hat down a little farther. You can still see you under there," Faith giggled sarcastically as JC tugged at his hat. He rolled his eyes pretending to be annoyed before wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and kissing her neck. Faith giggled and squirmed when JC hit a sensitive spot on her neck. She turned her head to look at him and saw the sly grin that had found it’s way to his face. "Oh, you just love that don’t you? You know what that does," Faith giggled as she kissed the side of his nose. JC nodded his head and chuckled, "Yes ma’am I certainly do. That’s why I do it."

Brynn and Justin walked hand in hand as they watched Faith and JC. It was almost as if the last couple weeks were nonexistent. Faith had tried her best to make things exactly the way they used to be as soon as possible, but it was obvious that things were still plaguing her. She would get that distant look in her eyes every once in awhile when she got lost in thought. Justin leaned over and kissed Brynn’s cheek as they walked and she turned to look at his mesmerizing blue eyes. She focused on his lips as they whispered, "I love you" before turning into a smile. She felt him squeeze her hand and she couldn’t help the rush of emotion that ran through her. Though they had only been together a short time. She loved him and he loved her, it was almost as if they were destined to be.

"Alright guys, this is it. We have about 15 minutes until boarding. Anyone want anything? I’m going to get a magazine or something," Lance asked as he sat his bag down next to the chair Faith was now sitting in. "Smuff, wanna walk with me?" Faith looked up at him and smiled before nodding her head. "Be right back baby," she said as she leaned over to give JC a quick kiss. He smiled up at her and kissed her hand before she walked away. He turned his attention across to Brynn and Justin who were both looking at him. "What?" he asked with a chuckle. "Nothing, just watching. You’re forgetting that we had to watch you two be depressed for weeks. We’re enjoying watching you happy again," Brynn said as she turned to look at Justin who was nodding his head in agreement. "Thank you guys for everything. I wouldn’t have made it through this without you both. You know that right?" JC added before walking over to give Brynn a hug and shake Justin’s hand. "Just be happy now. You two made it through this, you can make it through anything. TOGETHER JC...Remember that word...TOGETHER," Justin said as JC looked at his friend and nodded. "J, I made a lot of promises that I intend to keep, and I’m promising both of you right now that as long as she’ll have me I will be right beside her."

"Lance, can I ask you a question?" Faith asked as she walked arm and arm with Lance to the gift shop. "Well of course," Lance answered as he patted her hand. The fact that she said Lance and not Froggy kind of worried him, but he waited to hear what she had to say. "Well, we’re going back to Orlando. Stacy is still going to be there. What if she’s not through Lance?" Lance looked at his friend as she walked, her eyes searching over the floor as her thoughts rushed through her head. He stopped just in front of the gift shop and pulled her into a tight hug. "Faith, listen to me. You love JC right?" He felt her nod her head against him as she quickly answered his question, "More than life." He smiled before he continued, "JC loves you. The two of you have made it this far. Now, if Stacy comes back with something else. You show her that Smuff spunk." Faith giggled as she looked up into his green eyes. "Yeah, you want me to kick some MAJOR butt out there." Lance laughed and hugged her again, "That’s my line girl. I’ll let you borrow it though. Just cuz I love you so much."

He took her hand again as they walked into the gift shop and heard the call for their flight over the speakers. "That’s us. Better hurry," Lance said as he ran towards the magazine rack. Faith looked around the store for a moment and she laughed when she saw a picture of Chris, Joey, and Jenna arm and arm at the Jive party. She picked it up and skimmed the article as Lance came running up, magazine in hand. "Got it, you ready?" He looked at her for a moment and leaned over her shoulder to read what she was reading. When he saw the picture of Jenna with Chris and Joey he nearly dropped his magazine. "Looks like they introduced the world to Jenna, Froggy," Faith said as she handed him the paper. Lance nodded his head as he looked at her. "Froggy, you have to breathe. It’s kinda something that is required in order to live. If you want to be with Jenna...ya gotta do it," Faith said through her giggles. Lance smiled at her and threw his arm around her shoulder, "Come on Smuff. We gotta get you home to your nice CLEAN apartment."


The five friends fell silent as the plane began to lift off the ground. Lance was the first one to break the silence. "Have I told anyone recently that I really hate these things?" Lance asked as he squeezed Faith’s hand. "I’m with ya on that one Froggy," she answered as she looked over to see JC take her hand in his and kiss it softly. "I’m feeling a little more relaxed now though," she added as JC shot her a sly grin. Brynn leaned over Justin to look at Lance and giggled, "Want JC to kiss your hand?" He looked at her and rolled his eyes playfully before laughing, "No thanks. I’ll just deal, but thanks for the offer." Faith leaned over and kissed his cheek before whispering in his ear, "Bet you would if it was Jenna." Lance turned to face her and a smile lit up his face. "I’d be out of my mind if I refused."

Faith giggled as she laid her head on JC’s shoulder. "Tired suga?" he asked when she yawned. She nodded her head against his shoulder and she felt him gently massage the back of her hand with his fingers. "Sleep baby. I’m right here," he whispered. His words brought an overwhelming sense of comfort to her as she snuggled closer to him. His light hum filled her ears and when she recognized the song her eyes jerked open. She lifted her head up to look at him and he smiled brightly at her. "Just for you suga...only you," he whispered as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She laid her head back on his shoulder and he began singing again softly to her. "Whenever I’m weary from the battles that rage in my make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread...I lose my way, but still you seem to and forever...I will be your man." At the end of his first verse two tears slipped down Faith’s cheeks and she loooked up into his loving blue eyes. He kissed them away as she closed her eyes against the feel of his lips. "I love you, rest now," he whispered as she laid her head once again on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

"Chris if you don’t stop...Faith is going to kill you when she gets back," Joey said with a laugh as Chris tossed things around the condo. "Nah, she loves me too much to kill me," Chris laughed back at him. "OH REALLY," Faith said from behind him causing them both to jump. "AHHH...HOMIE G FUNK #1 AND #2!!" Chris squealed as he wrapped Faith and Brynn in a hug. They both laughed as JC, Justin, and Lance walked in behind them. Joey came running next, scooping Faith and Brynn into a hug as soon as Chris let them go. "Looks like somebody missed me," Faith whispered in his ear. Joey hugged her once again before pulling back to look at her. "Girl, you scared the hell outta me. Don’t do that to Joey...Joey’s heart can’t take that..ok?" Faith laughed and pulled him in for another hug. "I missed you too Joey. Thanks for everything you did."

"Hey, what about us?" Justin called from behind Brynn. "What about you?" Joey asked playfully as he reached over and slapped him on the shoulder. "Aww, nobody missed me?" Justin said as he poked his lip into a playful pout. "Well........" Chris said as he raised a finger to his forehead in thought, "Ok...I guess just a little." The seven friends talked and laughed for a little while before Lance had to ask. "How was the party?" Chris and Joey both looked at him and grinned. "It was very productive," Chris answered with a laugh as the phone rang.

"I got it," Faith said as she jumped up off from her seat on the couch. "Hello." A smile lit up her face and her eyes immediately darted to Lance. "Girl, get your little booty over here. Everyone is here." There was a pause and Faith looked down at her watch. "Ok...sounds good to me. Hang on let me check with everyone else." Faith lowered the phone from her ear as she spoke to the group, "Anyone got plans for tonight?" She watched as her friends all shook their heads and she looked at Lance once again before answering, "Jenna, we’re all in. See ya at 7:30 then. Later girl."

Lance nearly jumped off the couch when he heard her name. "Whoa Lansten, easy big guy," Chris said with a laugh. "Where are we goin’ babe?" JC asked as Faith scooted back onto the couch next to him. "Jenna’s dad wants to take us all to dinner. Says he owes everyone an explanation, especially Jenna, you, and me." JC looked at her and his eyebrows raised causing her to giggle. He made a weird face at her and she leaned against his chest, "We gotta meet her at her apartment at 7:30. We have less than an hour." Lance took a deep breath and Faith looked over at him and smiled. "Lance, remember what we talked about?" He looked at her and nodded his head as he took another deep breath. "I remember Smuff. I remember."

"Hey girl. We missed you around here," Jenna said as she pulled Faith into a hug. "I missed you too. You must’ve had your hands full with all these guys." Jenna giggled and nodded her head as she looked over Faith’s shoulder at Chris and Joey, "Especially those two." Chris and Joey both gave a bow and Jenna laughed. She caught a glimpse of Lance standing behind JC and she had to remind herself to breathe. He had only been gone for two days, but it felt like an eternity. Her hands instantly began smoothing out her khaki skirt. "Relax girl," Faith whispered so that no one else could hear her. Jenna took a deep breath as she ushered everyone into her apartment.

Five minutes later there was another knock on Jenna’s door and she nearly leaped off the couch when she heard it. "Oh boy, here we go," Jenna said nervously as she made her way towards the door. "Here we gooooo," Chris sang as Lance’s arm flew across his stomach. "Ouch man, that hurt." Jenna turned back to them and giggled. They had a way of relaxing her. She opened the door and she nearly fell over when she saw her entire family standing there. "JENNA," her little sister squealed as she flew in the door and into Jenna’s arms. "Bec Bec?" Jenna questioned as she scooped her up unsure if she was imagining all of this. "Jenna, daddy said we get to have dinner with you and some special friends. He says we can have anything we want cuz it’s special." Jenna smiled as tears found their way to her eyes. She hugged her to her again and began to laugh when she heard her next words, "Jenna, Chris...Chris...uhh...Chris is on the couch." Chris heard his name and stood up off the couch to walk towards her. "Well hello there," he said offering her his hand, "You must be my date for the evening." Jenna turned around and sat Becca in front of him. "Chris, this is Becca Williams. My little sister." Chris looked down at the 5 year old and gave her a wink that caused her to giggle. The rest of the group made their way over to the door as Jenna let the rest of her family inside her apartment. No one knew exactly what to say, but they tried to be as comfortable as possible. Jenna made the introductions as she tried to recover from her shock. "This is my little sister, Becca, my little brother, Zach, my older brother, Jason, my mom, Linda, and this..." Jenna’s words trailed off as one more family member made his way into the room.

Jenna’s father was the last one to enter and Faith was the one who instantly tensed up. She knew he was the man that had all the dealings with Stacy. She felt JC’s hand slide around her waist and she looked at him. He gave her a smile before leaning over to place a kiss on her cheek. When he got close enough to her ear he whispered, "I love you." He thought it would bring and instant smile to her face, and he was correct in his thoughts. Faith relaxed as Jenna’s father stepped up to her and JC. "Hello, you must be Faith," he said in a deep voice. "Yes sir, that’s me," Faith answered. He looked to JC and smiled before turning back to Faith, "I can see why JC was so distraught now. You’re very lovely Faith. I’m sorry for all the turmoil that I had a part of in your life." Faith nodded her head in understanding before turning to JC and squeezing his hand. "It all worked out. Thanks for helping Jace." He nodded his head, but the shock was apparent in his eyes when Faith leaned over to give him a quick hug. "You’re very welcome my dear. Wish I had done it sooner," he answered as she released him and stepped back.

Lance stood behind Faith fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. He didn’t know what to say or what to do. Everyone began to make their way towards the door, but Lance was utterly clueless. Jenna made her way over to him and smiled when a smile lit up his face at the sight of her. "You ready go?" she asked. He nodded his head and held his arm out which she more than happily accepted. As they made their way out to the cars Lance’s thoughts were running wild. He wanted to tell Jenna he needed her, he wanted to tell her that he wanted her, but more than anything he wanted to tell her that he wanted to be with her. Faith’s words played over and over in his head. She was right about everything she said, although he was still unsure if Jenna would feel the same way. There was only one way to find out though.

Jenna glanced over at Lance as they reached the car. He was so lost in thought, and she couldn’t help but wonder what was on his mind. She knew what was on her mind, but she doubted the same was true for Lance. He had kissed her twice, but a kiss was just a kiss. She tried to tell herself that it didn’t hold any deep meaning, but she prayed that it had meant as much to him as it did to her. There wasn’t a day that went by when she didn’t think about the feel of his lips pressed against hers or the way he caressed her back. She remembered every moment and every touch as if it was embedded in her mind forever. She moved out of the way to allow Lance to open the door before sliding in next to him in the back of JC’s Jeep. ‘There’s only one way to find out’ she thought to herself as she made up her mind to talk to him.

Chapters 17-22 *Coming Soon*
The Missing Link