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~Also Thanks to George Strait for singing "The Chair" which provided me with another story idea. Rock on George!! Err...yeah...rock and George don’t really go together, but you get the point!!~

"Ugh," Faith groaned as she crawled out of bed, "another BORING day." She kicked the broken chair in the corner of the room as she stumbled towards the bathroom. "I hate that stupid chair," she grumbled as her eyes slowly focused, "another broken toe to start my day." Things couldn’t have been more ordinary in her life. She felt trapped. What she needed was a little excitement...some spontaneity.

She looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth. Same old routine...morning after morning. Next came a quick shower before she headed to the kitchen for a bowl of Cap’N Crunch. Even her breakfast was routine...the same thing every morning.

She glanced over the morning paper, nothing really sinking in. That is until she caught a glimpse of a few very familiar faces in the Entertainment section. *NSYNC was home filming their newest music video. "Oh great...yesterday," Faith groaned as she took another bite of her cereal, "just my luck to miss them."

She tossed the paper down on the table as she stood up. "Off for another day of...boredom," she said as she took one last glance at the guys smiling at her from the newspaper. She sighed as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

*Later that evening*
She flipped through the channels for what must have been the hundredth time. Nothing was on as usual. She laid her head back against the plush cushions of the sofa, sighing as she turned the TV off.

"Damn it, Faith...why are you sitting here? Go party," she said aloud to herself as she glanced up at the clock. It was early still, but where was she going to go all alone on a Friday night? Sara had gone home to visit her parents, she wouldn’t be back until the morning...Brynn got stuck working late...that left her. She sighed, taking a good look around her, and realized it didn’t really matter where she long as it was different.

In a matter of minutes she dressed, eager to get out and do SOMETHING. She grabbed her purse, locking the door behind her. "Here we go," she whispered as she straightened her skirt and headed out.


When the taxi pulled up in front of the small downtown nightclub she almost made it turn around and take her home. "You can do this, Faith," she assured herself as she paid him and stepped out into the crisp night air.

Her ears were met with the soft thump of the music as she approached the doorway. The bouncer smiled as he checked her ID before sending her on her way through the door. Though the club was small, quite a few people were packed inside of it.

Her eyes scanned the dancing bodies, looking for a place to sit. She noticed an empty table off to the side, a good place to observe what was going on. Once again she scanned the crowd as she walked towards the table.

She had just sat down when she heard a very familiar voice call from in front of her. "Excuse me, but I believe you’re in my chair." It took her a moment to realize that he was speaking to her, but it took even longer to figure out why he was speaking to her.

He smiled, his brown eyes twinkling as he gazed down at her. "Oh," she stumbled, standing quickly from the chair, "I’m sorry. I’ll find another one." He chuckled and extended his hand in a polite handshake. "Well, would ya look at that...another chair," he said, pointing to the chair across from the one she was standing in front of.

She smiled at him as he pulled it out for her and she sat down. "So, what brings you to a place like this," he asked, noticing she didn’t seem terribly comfortable. "I was bored," she answered honestly, "my life is boring." He nodded his head as she spoke. "And I’m already boring you," she whispered as her eyes fell to her hands. "Not at all," he replied, "I was just wondering what it’s like to be bored. Life is so crazy for me."

She looked at him, still amazed that he was sitting there talking with her. "Can I ask you a question?" He looked at her, nodding his head in reply. "Why in the world did you come talk to me?" He chuckled, his eyes roaming her face. "I told you. You were in my chair." She laughed lightly, a sudden calm washing over her.

Hours, a couple drinks, and a long talk later...they slowly made their way out on the floor. He pulled her into his arms as the song slowed, the softer melody floating across the dance floor. As they swayed to the music she heard his voice in her ear, "What’s your name?"

It hadn’t even occurred to her. She had never told him her name. Of course, she knew his. "Faith," she whispered, watching the smile that tugged at his lips. "Well, Faith...I think you already know this, but my name is Joey." She smiled at him again as he pulled her closer in his arms.

The soft thump of his heartbeat entranced her as they continued to let the music lead their bodies. She slipped her hand up into his hair, her fingers gently rubbing across the sensitive hairs on his neck. She felt his hands slide across her back, their slow motions comforting her.

Slowly she came out of her trance, realizing the song had ended. A more upbeat rhythm was pounding in their ears, yet neither one moved away from the other. Finally, almost painfully, the two slowly pulled away from each other.

They looked at each other for a moment, smiles inching up on their lips. She felt his hand slide down to encompass hers as he led her off the floor. She had expected him to lead her back to the table where he would say his goodbye. She really should’ve been getting home too. It was late, but at the moment she didn’t care. Something new was happening to her, it was spontaneous, but beyond anything else it was just amazing.

He turned to look at her again as they slid through the sea of moving bodies. She could feel the blush creeping up on her cheeks as he smiled at her. When they reached a clearing he stopped and moved closer to her. "May I drive you home," he asked as she slowly nodded her head in reply.


She giggled as she slipped into the passenger seat of his car. "What," he asked as he started the ignition and pulled out into traffic. "Do you have any idea how long I have wanted to ride in this car?" He looked at her, a smile finding his lips. "Ahh...a fan," he chuckled.

She silently scolded herself for that, thinking he would look at her differently now. He noticed she had gotten quiet all of the sudden and he slipped his hand over to rest on top of hers. "I had a lot of fun tonight," he whispered, watching as her bright blue eyes lifted to his. "Me too," she whispered in reply, linking her fingers with his as he drove.

Minutes later they sat in front of her apartment building, neither of them wanting the night to end. "Can I call you?" She smiled at him, nodding her head slowly. "You better," she joked, watching his face as he laughed. She leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his cheek before opening the door. "Goodnight, Joey."

He watched her as she slowly slid out of the seat. "Hey Faith," he called to her, just before she closed the door. "Yeah," she replied, waiting for what he was to say next. "I just thought you should know. Umm...that wasn’t my chair." She giggled, a bright smile still present on her face as she closed the door.

He waited as she walked up the stairs and unlocked her door, giving him a quick wave before closing it behind her. "Now where have you been, Miss Smiley," Sara teased, from her sprawled out position on the couch. "No, who have you been with? That was a black Escalade that dropped you off," Brynn chimed in.

"I didn’t know you were home," Faith said, an ever present smile on her face. "Nevermind all that. Spill it," Sara said, tugging on her arm to sit her down on the couch. "Where to begin," Faith said with a sigh as she relaxed into the comfy cushions of the couch. "The beginning always works nicely," Brynn said, tossing a pillow at her. Faith smiled as she handed Sara the slip of paper in her hand.

Sara’s eyes widened as she read it aloud to Brynn.

Joey Fatone

"Alright, spill it. Don’t you dare leave anything out," Brynn said as she moved closer to where Faith was sitting. Faith glanced from Sara to Brynn, the same excited expression registering on both of their faces, as she began the story. "Well, ladies it all started with the chair..".

Joey Fatone