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Brynn tapped her fingers on the desk nervously as she waited for the last final to be in. The last one before she spent her summer in Florida. She couldn’t wait to get to Orlando where Faith already waited. In a few hours she would be on a plane to Florida and gearing up for a summer she was sure she would never forget. Her thoughts drifted as she sat their waiting.

"Alright, that’s the last one. It was very nice having you all in class this semester. Have a great summer, and I hope to see you all in the fall," the teacher spoke as she opened the door to let them out. Brynn jumped from her seat and headed towards the door. "Woohoo!! Florida here I come!" she yelled as she bounded down the hall and then through the parking lot towards her car.


Faith waited in the airport terminal 15 minutes before Brynn’s plane was supposed to land. She couldn’t wait to see her friend. As her flight was announced at gate 54, Faith nearly ran to meet her. When the door opened and people started to file off the plane she couldn’t take the excitement any longer. As soon as Brynn walked out the two ran to each other and wrapped each other in a hug. "AAAAHHHH!! I can’t believe you’re here," Faith squealed happily.

After a few more minutes of hugging, jumping up and down, and squealing the two walked together talking happily all the way. "So, how was your last final," Faith asked as Brynn pulled her bag farther up on her shoulder. "Long," she answered giggling. As they walked out of the airport towards the parking lot Faith had to pull Brynn back before she was almost run over by a van.

"Jeez, learn to drive," Faith spat out as she put a hand over her heart. "Sheesh, I’m five minutes in Orlando and almost get run over. That can’t be a good sign," Brynn joked as she tried to catch her breath. "My car’s over here," Faith said pointing, "You know that was a pretty fancy van. I wonder who was in there." Brynn laughed as she put her bag in the trunk, "It was *NSYNC. I told you they would be the death of me."


A few hours later after showering and changing Brynn and Faith were ready to hit the downtown club scene. "Where should we go tonight? I’m thinking The Groove," Faith said as a sly smile creeped up. "Oh hell yeah," Brynn answered, "Look out Joey here we come."

As they parked the car and headed towards City Walk they noticed a very familiar van. "Brynn, do you see that?" Faith said pointing, "You don’t honestly think that was *NSYNC that almost ran you over today do you?" Brynn giggled, "I don’t get that lucky girl." Faith laughed and looked at her friend, "I don’t call getting run over by a van lucky, but if you say so."

The club was hoppin’ as Faith and Brynn made their way onto the floor. "Oh, hottie alert...dead ahead," Brynn yelled over the booming music. "Work it girl," Faith replied, "I’m goin after...oh my God." Brynn turned to look to where Faith’s stare was locked. "Oh my...Oh my God," she choked out.

There standing in the doorway looking at them were Justin and JC. They quickly turned their heads and started dancing. "Oh my God. Do you know who that is?" Faith said to her friend. "Oh my God...they’re coming this way," Brynn said trying to remain calm. Faith felt a tap on her shoulder and found herself staring into the mesmerizing eyes of none other than JC Chasez. He offered her his hand and the two headed further out onto the floor just as Justin approached Brynn. "May I," he asked politely before leading her out too.


Several hours and many dances later the two couples made their way off the floor. Justin leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Brynn’s cheek as she smiled brightly at him. "I’ll call you tomorrow," he said as he walked towards the door. JC held Faith’s hands gently in his, massaging them with his thumbs. They gazed up into each other’s eyes intently as he leaned in and place a soft kiss on her lips before whispering, "Thank you for giving me the honor of being your dance partner." Faith’s eyes danced as she smiled brightly at him, "My pleasure." As he walked away he held her hands in his until their fingertips could no longer touch. He walked one more step before smiling brightly and whispering, "I’ll call you tomorrow." After the events of the night, the girls decided it was time to head home too. Brynn and Faith walked towards the car just as a very familiar van came by again. When it got in front of them the van stopped and the girls could see Justin and JC’s faces in the window. They waved before driving off into the night.


Brynn reached over and smacked a hand down on her alarm clock. "The last day of school...FINALLY," she grumbled as she threw the covers off and sat up. She saw her plane ticket lying next to the phone and decided to give Faith a call before heading to school.

"Hello, Chasez residence this is Mrs. Chasez speaking," Faith chirped into the phone before giggling. "Hello Mrs. Chasez...Mrs. Timberlake here," Brynn played along before giggling along with Faith. "Hey girlie, what’s shakin’," Faith asked playfully. "I just wanted to call and tell you that as soon as this final is over, I’m on my way to Orlando to get hit by a van," Brynn said almost too seriously. "Umm...what?" Faith asked. Brynn laughed as she headed towards the bathroom to brush her teeth. "Just trust me."
