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You slide across the leather seat of the limo and he instantly wraps his arm around you. You can smell the scent of his cologne and it overwhelms your senses. You eye him carefully taking in his ever feature, his every move. He turns to you and your eyes lock in an intense stare. He pulls you to him as your lips meet in a kiss, gentle at first, then deeper and more pasionate. You can feel his tongue inside your mouth as it explores yours and reaches into every crevice. As he pulls away you can see the mischievious twinkle in his eyes and you know your night has just begun, but you have a little plan of your own.

The limo comes to rest in front of the hotel and the door opens. He steps out before offering his hand to you. You place your hand in his as you step out and begin walking towards the hotel. You can feel his hand as it rubs your shoulder gently to warm you from the cool night air. The lobby seems deserted as the two of you walk towards the elevator and he pushes the button. As he steps away he glances up to see what floor the elevator is on before turning to you. His eyes lock with yours as you step towards him and slide your hands under his recently untucked shirt. He smiles slyly and leans down to kiss your neck, teasing your senses.

The elevator doors open and he leads you into the empty elevator. You slide your hands under his jacket, pushing it off his arms and letting it fall to the floor. He watches somewhat shocked at how forward you’re being. A smile plays on his lips as you begin to work on the buttons of his shirt. He leans over placing a trail of kisses from your neck up to your ear as you work. When the last button is undone you slide the shirt off his shoulders and use it to pull closer to him. His arms are pinned behind his back, still inside the shirt as you begin your teasing trail of kisses. You begin by sucking on his earlobe before making your way down his neck to his chest and then to his stomach. You let go of the shirt and he jerks his arms out, tossing it onto the floor.

You can feel his hands as they roam over your bare back. You slide your finger across his waist just above the top of his pants. You unbutton them slowly, teasing him as you slide the zipper down little by little. You slide your hands across his hips pushing his pants to the floor and taking his sport shorts with them. He steps out of them, giving them a kick across the floor as he reaches for the stop button on the elevator. You raise your eyebrows and smile slyly as he pushes the button and the elevator comes to a hault. He turns back to you and you watch every movement of his naked body as he moves around behind you.

You can feel his warm breath on your neck as he grips the zipper of your dress with his teeth, sliding it down slowly in the same teasing manner you had done to him. You can feel his hands slide up your back to your shoulders as he slides the straps down, allowing your dress to fall at your feet. You step out of it quickly and he smiles when he notices that you’re not wearing a bra due to the backless dress you were wearing. He cups your left breast in his hand as he sucks on the nipple gently. You lay your head back and run your hand up into his hair as he works. When he’s done with the left one he moves to the right, gently kissing his way over before taking the nipple into his mouth and repeating the same process as before.

He works his way down your stomach before reaching your panties. He slides his finger in the waistband as if he’s going to slide them down, but decides against it. You gasp for a breath when you feel his teeth gently grip the waistband and slide them down your legs. He slides back up your body and presses you against the wall of the elevator. You can feel his excitement against your leg and you can’t take anymore. You lean towards him and kiss his neck as a soft whisper escapes your lips, "Josh, I need you."

Those words were all he needed to hear. You toss your head back against the wall of the elevator as you feel him inside of you. He works slowly at first allowing you to adjust to him, but as the passion between the two of you intensifies he begins to work faster and harder. A low moan escapes your lips as your fingers clench his hair tighter. He works faster and harder with each moan only wanting to satisfy you more and more. You can feel his tongue against your neck and then his warm breath. It sends a chill down your entire body. He snakes his hand down your leg to your knee, pulling it up around him. You can feel his deep heavy breathing against your neck and it drives you wild.

You scream out his name, only causing him to work harder to please you. He moans your name and you notice the beads of sweat that have formed on his upper lip. You graze your tongue over his lip and the simple gesture seems to overwhelm him. You know you can’t take anymore, and the two of you release your burning passions at the same time. As you stand there against the wall you can feel his every heart beat, his every breath. He brushes a few damp strands of hair from your forehead before kissing your lips gently. As he pulls away, his lips still so close to yours that you can feel his bottom lip brush yours as he speaks, "I love you Faith." He leans in to kiss you once more before you whisper back, "I love you too Josh."

The elevator suddenly jerks and begins to lower back towards the lobby as the two of you scramble to get your clothes. He helps you slide on your dress and kisses your shoulder before jerking on his own clothes. When the two of you reach the lobby you’re met with several very shocked faces. You look around at your friends silently before one steps forward, " that why you left so early?" He looks between the two of you as he waits for an answer. You find your voice first, "Umm...what?" He smiles at you and points towards the elevator that you just came out of. Both you and JC gasp as you notice for the first time that the elevators were glass. You could still see the outline of your body in the fog covered glass. You feel his hand slide over yours and squeeze it gently as you turn back towards your friends. A slow smile spreads across your face as you lean against JC’s still damp chest. He kisses your forehead and you answer, "Umm...yeah Joey, actually it was." You can feel his lips turn into a smile against your skin. He leans over and kisses your neck once again before the group of you make your way back towards the elevators. When you step on he moves around behind you and pulls you close to him. He leans down and whispers in your ear, "We’ve only just begun."

You smile as you relax against him and sigh contentedly. You can still feel the passion in the elevator and you can still smell the scent of his cologne mixed with his sweat. As the elevator doors open you step out and take his hand. You glance back at the elevator and giggle lightly. He smiles at you and stops in the hallway, glancing from the room door to the elevator. He pulls on your hand and leads you back towards the elevator, "There’s always the roof."

JC Chasez