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"Jaycee, give Daddy a kiss and grab your shoes. The school bus will be here in five minutes. Jayden, don’t forget your science project," Faith called, making a face as she looked at the mold covered bread in the refrigerator. "Man, I’m glad this thing is gone. Eww," she mumbled, laying it on the table next to his backpack.

"Josh, you have to meet Justin in twenty minutes," she called up the stairs just as the children came thundering down them. "Jaycee, you can’t wear two different shoes, honey. Go get your breakfast. I’ll look for the other shoe." Both children ran past her as she jogged up the stairs. "Shoe..shoe..shoe," Faith said to herself as she dug around underneath Jaycee’s bed. "SHOE," she said, pulling it out and heading back down the stairs.

"That’s mine. I always use the blue one," Jaycee whined as Jayden held the plastic spoon above her head. "Jayden, what did I tell you about teasing your sister." Jayden made a face as he looked from his sister to his mom. "I know...I day I’ll want to beat someone up for teasing her." Faith smiled, running her fingers through his hair to straighten it. "Exactly. Now you...oh no, there’s the bus," Faith said, taking the spoon from Jayden, "Stick this on, Jaycee." Jaycee quickly slipped into her shoe as the bus honked it’s horn outside.

"Grab a Pop Tart and run," Faith said, handing them both a silver packet containing their breakfast as they squealed and ran for the door. "I love you guys. Have a good day. Oh, Jayden...backpack...Jaycee...Jaycee...give this note to your teacher...and don’t forget Uncle Lance is picking you up." With that said both children were off and running towards the bus. She stood there, watching Jaycee’s little hand wave to her from the bus window as it drove away.

She finally took a deep breath as she walked inside the house. Glancing down at her watch, she realized her husband hadn’t come down yet. "Josh, baby, you’re gonna be late," she called to him as she headed back to the kitchen. "Oh Jayden. You forgot your mold," she said, taking it off the table and putting it back in its place in the refrigerator. "Lucky little sucker. Tomorrow you’re gone," she said, closing the door.

She turned around, trying to figure out where the best place was to start cleaning...with still no sign of her husband. She was starting to worry now. He hadn’t even answered her the last few times she called him. She walked through the livingroom towards the stairs, picking up a Nerf football and two Barbies, before patting their now baby blue dog on his head on her way by. "Poor dog," she said, laughing as she remembered the look on Josh’s face when he came home to find a blue dog.

"Josh...sweetheart..." She looked at their closed bedroom door, not hearing any sound from inside. "Josh, baby, are..." Her words drifted when she saw him laying on the bed, his eyes closed as he rested peacefully. She walked over, sitting down beside him. As she looked at his face her hand involuntarily moved to his cheek, her thumb delicately outlining his masculine jaw. He was the man she had been born to love. She watched him smile at her mere touch and her heart soared. She found her life’s purpose in his smile.

She hated to wake him up. He looked so angelic. She knew he had to meet Justin though. "Josh," she gently shook his arm, knowing full well that there was no way that would wake him up. She smiled, leaning forward to rest her lips against his. Slowly his lips began to react to hers, his hands moving up to pull her closer. He was definitely awake now.

Slowly she pulled back, licking her lips. "Mmm...good morning," he whispered, smiling as he stretched his arms over his head. "Good morning. You’re late," she whispered, smiling at him as he glanced over at the clock. "7:45...oops," he chuckled, gazing up at her as she rubbed her own eyes.

"What time did you get up," he asked as he sat up in the bed. "5:30. I had to finish the cookies for Jayden’s class, give the dog a bath AGAIN since Uncle Chris gave Jayden the bright idea to dye him with Kool-Aid, oh man...I forgot to wash Jaycee’s dance uniform..." she paused a moment as she looked down at him, "and then I got them ready for school."

He pulled her to him, laying her down on the pillow. "Sleep woman," he joked, watching her giggle from her position under him. "I’ve got too much to do still." He shook his head at her, snuggling her close to him. "Nope, you’re not doing anything else until you get some rest. You’re tired. I can see it in your eyes. Now shh...I’m calling Justin." She started to protest, but his eyes told her not to even try. For once she wasn’t going to win.

"You’ve got to go help Justin. I promise to take a nap later," she whispered, the comfort of his arms relaxing her. He kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back as she yawned. "I can help Justin tomorrow. Today I need to help you," he whispered as he reached for the phone. He glanced down at her, smiling at the sight of her already closed eyes. "That didn’t take long," he chuckled just as Justin’s voice was heard on the other end.

Slowly her eyes fluttered open, focusing on the small stream of light peeking through the closed curtains. Her eyes moved to the alarm clock, reading the red digital numbers. "12:30. Oh my goodness," she said, jumping out of the bed. She looked around the room, noticing how clean it was. There were no clothes on the floor. The toys she had carried in with her were gone. Something, or more like someone, else was gone too...

"Josh, baby..." she called straightening her hair as she made her way down the stairs. She paused at the bottom, looking around the livingroom. It was clean. "No toys...nothing but floor," she whispered, smiling. She could hear noises coming from the kitchen as she slipped through the livingroom not making a sound.

She peeked around the kitchen doorway, placing a hand over her mouth to cover her reaction to the sight in front of her. He was so gorgeous. His pajama pants still hung low on his hips, as he focused on washing the last few dishes. A splash of bubbles came to rest on his arm as he squeezed the soapy water from the dishcloth. As the bubbly suds washed down the drain, he wiped his hands on the blue apron that covered his bare chest. She took a deep breath as she fought to keep herself quiet. If she had ever wanted him, now was definitely the time.

She watched as he closed up the cereal box, placing it in the cabinet above his head. Cap N’ Crunch had never been so good to her, for that box of cereal gave her a great view of his rippling muscles. He wiped the counter down before turning to give the room a look over. "Dance uniform," he whispered, remembering Jaycee would need it later in the afternoon. She quietly slipped into the kitchen as he moved to the laundry room. "Here it is," she heard him say to himself as she waited for his return. "Now just put where do I put it?"

His words trailed off as he thought. She took the opportunity to slip up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Now just hang it on her closet door until she gets home," she finished for him. "You caught me," he chuckled, pulling her around in front of him. "I sure did. What are you doing Mr. Clean?"

He smiled, wrapping his arms tighter around her. "Helping," he whispered, watching the smile that lit up her face. "Helping huh? Well, I seem to remember something else I need help with." He saw the twinkle in her eye to match the mischievous smile on her face. "I was thinking that big tub in our bathroom could use a good cleaning. I need the power of BUBBLES. Mr. Clean, ya think you can help me out?" She tugged at the strings of the apron, allowing it to fall around his hips before sending it to rest on the floor.

He smiled as she turned, heading back up the stairs. "Mr. Clean...Mr. Clean," he sang as he jogged up the stairs behind her, making her giggle. She stopped halfway up the stairs turning back to look at him. "Is Mr. Clean the stuff with scrubbing bubbles or is that something else?" He couldn’t help but laugh as he shook his head. "Baby, Mr. Clean has anything you want," he chuckled as he kissed her lips.

She grabbed his hand, quickly making her way up the stairs with him behind her. "You get the water going," he whispered as he opened the door for her, "I’ll do the rest." She smiled as she slipped into the bathroom, taking a seat on the side of the tub as the water slowly filled it. The soft sound of Brian McKnight filled her ears as she poured a generous amount of bubbles into the water.

She glanced to the doorway, noticing him leaning against the doorframe...just watching. She smiled, beckoning him to come closer. His eyes never left her as he moved towards her...taking her into his arms. He leaned over, softly kissing her neck as she slipped her fingers into the sides of his pajama pants. "I’m helping," she whispered, bringing a smile back to his lips as she pushed them off of his hips.

"I’m the one helping today, remember," he asked as he slipped his fingers beneath her T-shirt, grazing her stomach. "Mhmm," she replied as he gently slipped her shirt up and over her head. "I’m a very professional helper too. I...don’," he finished in between randomly placed kisses.

His fingers worked at the clasp of her bra before sending it to rest on the floor with her shirt. "Very good. So far I’m impressed with your work," she whispered as she slipped her hands down his sides to the waistband of his sport shorts. "Very efficient," she giggled as she pushed them down to join his pajama pants.

He chuckled as he quickly finished undressing her. He wanted to be covered in bubbles with her, and as much fun as this was...he was getting impatient. He gently lifted her up, slowly inching her down into the bubble filled water. He quickly joined her, sliding in behind her. She relaxed against him as he lifted the sponge, sending a cascade of water down her chest.

She linked her fingers with his, the soapy lather seeping out. "Baby, thank you for today," she whispered, resting her head so that she could look up at him. "You’re welcome. Thank you for everyday," he replied, a smile inching up on her lips. He leaned forward, meeting her lips as the song changed.

She rested against him as his soft humming filling her ears. "Lay your head back," he whispered. She did as instructed, holding her head back as he poured the warm water into her hair. He kissed her forehead, watching her smile as he poured some shampoo into his hands. In a matter of moments his fingers were in his hair, slowly working the shampoo into her hair. Heaven...that was the only word that came to mind at the moment.

He carefully rinsed the soap from her hair, watching the soapy water swirl around their bodies. Slowly she lifted her head up, smiling as her fingers moved up to his hair. "My turn," she whispered as she turned her body towards him. "Since I’m Mr. Clean, maybe I should shave all this off," he joked, watching as she made a face at him. He chuckled as she wrapped her arms around him, but she silenced him as she kissed his lips passionately.

"There’s a whole lot more of those where that one came from if you don’t," she whispered, a sly smile finding his lips. "I’m the new and improved Mr. Clean...with hair," he replied, both of them laughing as she rested her head against his body. For a moment they sat in silence, the only sound was that of their breathing and the occasional quiet pop of the bubbles.

The song playing floated through her ears as she rested in his arms. She looked up at him, finding his eyes gazing right back at her. It was moments like these that she cherished. Neither of them had to say a word, they just knew. Slowly a smile crept up onto his lips, instantly bringing one to hers. Seeing him smile was unlike anything else, it made her dizzy with happiness. She listened as his soft voice joined in with the song. His eyes never leaving hers as he sang..

I want you now
I show you how
I can be the man you need me to be
I’ve been around
but now I’ve found
that you’re the only for me...

"Mommy..." Jaycee called as she thundered through the door. "Faith," Lance called as he closed the door behind Jayden and himself. Jaycee ran towards the kitchen, disappearing for a moment. Lance and Jayden followed when she didn’t return. They found her looking at a wet apron laying on the floor with her dance uniform in her hand. Lance’s eyes darted from the apron back towards the stairs before landing on the children again.

" cream. How about ice cream? Sounds good," he said quickly ushering both children towards the door. "But I wanted to show Mommy my picture. It’s her and Daddy," Jaycee said, lifting the picture for Lance to see. "It’s beautiful. Why don’t you leave it right here on the table until we get back, and then show it to Mommy." She nodded her head, laying the picture down before running back out the door with her brother. "Helping, huh, Jace? I’d say so," Lance chuckled as he closed the door behind himself.

Her eyes once again fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light in the room. She looked beside her, finding his gaze set on her yet again. He glanced down at the paper he held in his hand before turning it around for her to see. Two crayon drawn smiley faces stared back at her, one labeled Mommy and one labeled Daddy. She couldn’t help but smile as she looked at it, noticing the small red hearts drawn in the background. From the handwriting on the paper she knew it was Jaycee’s.

Suddenly a realization hit her. "They came home while..." Her words drifted off as a sly smile inched up onto his lips. "The apron is hanging on the back of the chair," he whispered. "Thank God for Lance," she giggled as she ran her hand down his bare chest. Her eyes drifted down his body, thinking back on the wonderful afternoon they had shared.

"I love you." His whispered words sent tingles coursing through her body. She looked up at him, meeting his loving gaze. "I love you too...Mr. Clean." He chuckled, rolling over towards her. "I bet that old bald Mr. Clean can’t do this," he whispered as he kissed up the side of her neck, taking her earlobe into his mouth. "Mmm...I bet he could, but he better not try it. I’m all yours, baby."

He smiled, kissing her lips. "He wouldn’t want to see where that mop would go," he joked as he pulled away. She giggled again, running her fingers into his hair. "You know you’re the only one for me. I love you so much," she whispered, smiling happily at him. He traced her lips with his finger before slowly leaning in to kiss her.

He felt her smile against his lips, so he pulled back to look at her. "What," he whispered as she let out a quiet giggle. "It’s Lysol. Lysol has scrubbing bubbles." He laughed, smiling down at her. "You make it impossible to not love you," he whispered, pecking at her lips again. "It’s a gift," she joked as she pulled him closer to her, "ya know...Lance has the kids." He smiled that smile that made her weak in the knees, fortunately she was laying down. "Oh, trust me...I know," was his reply has his lips once again found hers.

JC Chasez