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The sun was slowly sliding below the horizon as they lay together on the soft blanket. The bright blue melting into a light shade of lavender as the slow shadows of night crept upon them. The horses drank from the nearby creek as they lay there in each other’s arms, enjoying the serenity of their special place. The day had been perfect, and the night could only get better.

She gazed up at him as he hummed lightly, the cool evening breeze gently rippling his hair. His eyes slowly lowered, finding hers as a slow smile inched up on his lips. "What are you thinking about," she asked, her eyes scanning over his gorgeous face. "You," he answered, leaning forward to kiss her lips softly.

As their lips parted they both smiled, simply enjoying each other. "What about me," she asked, resting her head on his chest as his hand slowly caressed her arm. "Tomorrow I have to go back to work. I’ll be in a different city, and missing you more then ever." She lifted her head, propping herself up where she could look at him.

"We still have tonight," she whispered, "you’re still here. Just hold onto tonight until we’re together again." He smiled at her as he gently tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you," he whispered, watching the smile that immediately lit up her face. She leaned forward, her lips hovering just above his. "I love you too," she whispered as he gently pulled her down closer to him.

His hands snaked across her back as he rolled her over, pinning her body beneath his. Their lips parted once again, but their smiles were replaced with something else. A combined passion that electrified their bodies. He linked his fingers with hers, smiling at the small diamond he had just slipped onto her finger.

She followed his gaze to her finger, smiling brightly at the thought of holding him forever. His eyes slowly lowered down to hers, searching for the answer to his silent question. As her legs slowly moved up to encircle his body, pulling him even closer to her body, he knew.

His touch turned to velvet as he gently slipped his hand beneath her shirt, sliding his fingertips along her stomach. His lips moved to her neck, trailing slow kisses up to her ear. She laid her head back farther, her fingers diving into the blonde spikes of his hair. She gently tugged at it, urging him to continue as his fingers moved to the bottom of her shirt.

His lips met hers as he gently lifted her up, their kiss deepening as he slowly worked her shirt up her back. Their lips only parted for a moment as he lifted it over her head, tossing it on the grass beside them. She took the opportunity to do the same, tossing his to rest with hers.

He gently lowered her back to the ground as he once again slipped on top of her. He felt her nails graze down his back, sending a chill down his spine.

"Lance...come on buddy. Wake up," Joey called, nudging his shoulder. Lance’s eyes fluttered opened, resting on a very excited Joey. "Hmm," he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes. "That must’ve been some dream you were having. Lansten, my man, we are home," Joey said, his smile only widening. In an instant the realization of what home meant hit him. "Joey, we’re home," Lance chuckled happily, darting out of his seat, "where’s my girl?"

Joey laughed as he reached up in the overhead compartment. "Whoa there lover boy. Grab your stuff first," he chuckled, tossing his bag towards him. "Thanks," he said, quickly throwing the strap over his shoulder and heading off the plane with Joey behind him.

As they walked through the gate the buzz of excitement from their happy homecoming echoed in his ears. His eyes constantly scanned the crowd of people searching for her, but his heart began to sink a little more with each passing moment. He couldn’t even remember how many hugs he had gotten or how many times he had heard, "It’s so great to have you home." The one person he wanted to hear that from was nowhere to be found.

Slowly the crowd began to dwindle down. Everyone started to make their way home after months of being away from it. Joey watched him, fully aware that her not being their was killing him. Lance just stood there. He gave him a comforting smile as he walked over, trying to find some way to reassure his friend. "Need a ride," he asked, as Lance’s head slowly nodded. "She’s not here," Lance whispered, the heartbreak apparent in his voice.

"Maybe she just got stuck in traffic. Mom said it took them forever to get here, and they barely made it before we did," Joey said reassuringly. Lance nodded his head, taking one last look around to make sure he had everything. He was just about to walk away when a bright smile inched up onto Joey’s lips. "Joe," Lance whispered, "what is..."

At that very moment...he knew exactly why Joey was smiling. "Missing something?" Lance froze, her voice ringing in his ears. He slowly turned around, his green eyes scanning over her as if she would vanish at any moment. "I was," he whispered as she dove into his arms.

"I missed you so much," she whispered, nuzzling her face into his neck as he held her. "I missed you too," he replied, closing his eyes as he breathed in the scent of her shampoo. She lifted her head up, her now teary blue eyes meeting his. They didn’t have to say anything. He leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to hers in the way he had only been able to dream of for a month.

He could taste her salty tears as he pulled away. "I’m sorry I was late, but I had an appointment earlier." Joey smiled to himself as he quietly walked away, hoisting his bag higher up on his shoulder as he headed home with his family.

Lance smiled at her, still holding her close to him in his arms. He slid his hand down her arms to take her hands. As he looked at the ring that still adorned that finger he smiled. It was all a part of that wonderful night. He had held onto it for so long, but now she was here. They were together again.

"Lance," she started, her voice a whisper. He looked at her, his eyes giving her the support she needed to continue. "Sweetie, I have something important to tell you." He scanned her face, and immediately he recognized something different about her. She had this unmistakable glow.

She gently took their intertwined hands and placed them on her stomach, her eyes lifting up to meet his. For a moment he made no movements and no expressions. It was almost as if he was still processing it.

Slowly his eyes moved from her stomach up to her face. His expressionless face worried her slightly, but slowly his hand moved from her stomach as he slipped his arms around her waist. The corners of his mouth twinged into a smile that only got brighter as he held her. "I love you," he whispered over and over to her, his own tears blending with hers.

They stood there, holding each other as the people rushed by them. Nothing and no one could ruin the moment the two of them had just shared. He was going to be a husband and father juggling one of the craziest careers that anyone could ever have, but none of that mattered right now. Only one thing mattered. They were finally together again.

Lance Bass