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Here you're gonna learn all about the exciting things that happen to us on our Vegas trip. Now some of them we knew about while we were there, and some we found out after we came home, but all in all it was one trip that will never be forgotten. Faith will be scanning some pictures for you to see, and as she gets them to me, I'll put them up. This was our trip..and we're giving it to you in a photo journey. So just sit back, and enjoy living the trip all over again with us. (These pictures are not in the order in which they happened....)

Look, it's us. We're the ones circled..and as you can see, we had amazing seats. I think both Faith and I were in shock that he landed right in front of us, and we both hoped he was okay. However, that was CHRIS KIRKPATRICK, lying on the catwalk. Still makes me breathless.

He's still there...lying in front of us. I think this was the point where I turned to Faith, and proceeded in telling her that Chris was right there. Yes, you can all just say WoW along with me. WOW!!!!! *these two pictures were taken by Please do not take them, for they belong to her. Thank you so much for letting me use them.*

On with the photo journey of our Vegas Trip!!!!! All of the pictures now were taken by us, please do not take them, if you wish to use them, don't be afraid to ask....we will know if you've used them without our permission..and trust me..the P*NC will be on the hunt.

The one standing up....of course is Trevor from Soul Decision..but the one who he is talking too...that is Dale from MMC. Now there is a quick little story that goes along with this...see I've never had a problem with meeting anyone famous before...I was perfectly calm when I met *Nsync, but for some reason, the moment Trevor stepped out of the way..and I saw Dale.... Well I flipped out. I'm taking mass hysteria, screaming OH MY GOD ITS DALE!!!!! at the top of my lungs didn't help either. It was a humerous moment, one I will never forget, and one Dale will never forget either..but at least he knows that we love him...(he even said so himself.)

Look at this...two very awesome guys, Wade Robson and David Nicoll, or as Faith and I called him Biggie Bounce. If you haven't heard his song yet, you're missing out..its amazing....awesome...gets ya up on your feet. Besides that, everyone should experience JC biggie bouncing.

Now what is there to say about this picture....other then its just death. Look at that...perfection! Now someone better call 911!!!!

What can we say about this man...he's just..well HOTT!!

I wasn't close enough to see him hump the air, but I caught a bit of it..however this song just kills me anyway, and watching him preform it live was so amazing. He's amazing of course..but the emotion he puts into this!!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song. I do think that beside Tearin' Up My Heart, this is one of my all time favorites performed live. Just amazing..but then again, its Nsync, what else could we expect.

Ya know...I really love this song live...especially sitting as close as we were, you just have to appericate them when they're that close. Here are a few other JC pictures for all you Chasez lovers out there.

Now Faith, where is Wyclef when ya need him...oh yeah..he's in the basement of the MGM Grand. LOL...ya know, it really was a good thing he was around, in case we would have died during stuff like THIS!!!!

Lots of Nsync.....hee hee, I still can't believe how big this concert was...but seeing this picture helps me to realize the size of it...coming out of the screen..that is so creative. :)

I think we should take a little stroll down Space Cowboy lane, with Chris...he's such a wonderful guide. :)

Heaven's Missing Angels