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"Jace I'm tellin you she's hurting." Justin said quietly to JC as he wrapped an arm around Brynn's waist. "Really JC. She needs you even more than you need her." Brynn muttered softly, more to herself than to him but he heard her in all clearness.

Ever since Faith had caught her boyfriend Kyle with another girl, Faith had been a wreck. JC knew what it was like to be cheated on, and ever since he'd first locked blue-eyed gazes with Faith, he'd been in love. There was something he couldn't let go of with her, something in her eyes that he knew he needed in his life. Everytime she was with him he learned something new, she taught him in just being her. He knew he wanted her heart, wanted to feel her soul, and needed her love. When Brynn and Justin had met, Justin had told JC there was something about her in her eyes that he knew he needed, that he knew he couldn't live without, and Justin had done everything in his power to love Brynn undoubtedly. Seeing them so happy together had always warmed his heart; he didn't know people could be so much in love, but he their happiness only further proved that Faith was right for him. He ached to love her the way Justin loved Brynn, to hold her so close he could feel her heartbeat in synch with his own, to kiss her the way Justin kissed Brynn, pulling back only to want to fall back into the trance the kiss brought, to watch her fall asleep in his arms with such love in his eyes that Justin captivated when Brynn would do so. Looking at them now even would make him ache for Faith more, the way Brynn leaned against Justin's chest so comfortably as his arms wrapped around her as she played with his fingers unconciously and he stroked her arm so delicately. Neither knew how much love in even the way they touched conveyed.

"Jace??" Brynn asked as she reached up to touch his arm. A slight smile tugged at her lips as she watched his gaze flicker from Faith to her. "Listen, I've told you how many times she can't live without you. If you wait again, another asshole like Kyle is gonna come and sweep her off her feet, and I don't think either of you can live if she gets hurt like that again." Brynn said softly as she looked up into JC's hurting eyes.

Brynn saw how much JC longed for Faith, and only she knew how much Faith needed JC. She felt the same way about him in the back of her heart, then Kyle had come along and wrapped her around his lil finger as JC watched helplessly. It killed them all. At that moment Faith walked into the room, her eyes sad, still upset from the breakup over two weeks ago. Immediately Justin dropped his arms to his sides and Brynn stepped away from him. None of them wanted to remind Faith in the slightest of the man who hurt her so bad. Faith attempted to muster up a smile as she looked from Brynn to Justin and her eyes finally flicked to JC. JC once again caught her gaze and his arms instinctively reached out pull her into a hug. Faith willingly fell into his arms as a single tear rolled down her cheek and dried into his shirt that clung to his slender frame. She wrapped her arms around his slight but broad shoulders and closed her eyes as she felt his hands round her waist and clasp eachother in the small of her back protectively.

"Shhhhh. It's alright." JC consoled as he made up his mind at that moment. He needed to tell her, she couldn't be hurt anymore.


"The guys already told me they'd help, and I know you will too right?" JC asked Brynn the next morning as Brynn stood in front of him with a smile on her face.
"OF COURSE, need you ask??" Brynn giggled as JC smiled in relief.
"I need to you take her to the beach. It's where we first met......" JC continued, as gleam of concern in his eyes.
Brynn smiled reassuringly again. "She loves that spot, for that reason alone sweetie. You got it ."

That evening, just as the sun was beginning to set, Faith looked around in the car as Brynn pulled up to the beach. Faith looked over at her best friend and smiled. "Brynn why are we here??" Faith asked incredulously but with relief. She really did loved that beach, it captivated so many good memories, that she needed.

"I thought you kinda needed a break." Brynn laughed as they stepped out.

Brynn and Faith both stepped out of their sandals as they made their way across the sand. A bright smile lit up Faith's face and eyes as she saw JC sitting on a rock, the wind slightly blowing his navy blue silk shirt, where the top buttons were unbuttoned revealing his white wifebeater beneath clinging to his tanned chest. His arm muscles unconciously flexed as his arms were wrapped around his knees, supporting them as he leaned back on his own weight. His khaki cargo shorts clung to his muscular waist as his light blue eyes set out over the ocean, the sun setting behind him. His dark hair, perfectly spiked, was a contrast with the cotton candy clouds in the distance. Faith's breath caught in her throat as she watched him look so heavenly and secretly crushed herself once more for falling for Kyle.'Why can't I have someone like JC', she thought selfishly before thinking again. 'Actually why can't I love someone like JC'. Her thoughts were interuppted as JC's eyes slowly moved to where Faith stood. He hadn't seen her standing there. A smile lit up his face at the site of her.

"Faith..." He said as he made his way down from the rock to greet her. "Faith I had Brynn bring you here. There's something I really need to tell you." He started, afraid of losing his nerve. 'Joshua, you need her. She's the one for you, now get her.' He thought as he took a deep breath and Faith tilted her head down in anticipation.

"Go on Joshie.." She smiled as she suddenly heard a familiar laugh from behind. Her brows dimmed in shock as she saw JC's jaw clench and his chest stand a little taller. Faith whipped around just in time to catch a glimpse of Kyle walking by, laughing with a girl on each arm. She shook her head slowly as she fought the tears that clung to her eyes. She felt JC's light touch on her hand and she turned back around to face him, running a finger under her eye.

"Faith..." JC mumbled as he stepped back and took a deep breath again. He knew that he'd always communicated through singing; it was his real way of expressing his heart and soul in words. It was the onnly way he could tell her what he felt. His words began softly and slowly as Faith's attention was drawn back to her friend. "It's so hard to say... how a love could end this way. The one who used to care for you just turns and walks away. It's so hard to fight..... to leave the pain behind When all the things you're lookin for, your heart can't seem to find." Faith watched JC's every move as his wrods fell straight to her heart and his soft blue eyes conquered her gaze. Slowly she sat down on the rock as she heard Justin, Lance, Chris, and Joey help JC out with the chorus of the song. A smile of happiness pulled at her lips as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "I'll be the air that you breath... I'll give the strength that you need. I'll be the light in your eyes when hope becomes hard to see. I'll be your shining star, to guide you wherever you are. And I promise that I'll be by your side... always you and .......ooooooooo." Faith bit her lip as once again JC pulled into another solo verse, these words going farther into her heart than the first. He sang with such emotion all she wanted to do was jump into his arms and hold him, where he belonged."No you're not alone without a love to call your own. Yes I'll always be right there for you, to help you carry on. A heart that's always true.... well girl I'm givin mine to you- And everything you'll ever need I promise I will be..." As the guys joined up with JC again another tear rolled down her cheek. She didn't know what to say, she couldn't explain how happy she was. "I'll be the air that you breath... I'll give the strength that you need. I'll be the light in your eyes when hope becomes hard to see. I'll be your shining star, to guide you wherever you are. And I promise that I'll be by your side... always you and I......." JC slowly made his way towards Faith, his feet dragging in the soft sand as he continued. "Girl you'll always sleep sound, I will be right there for you....with a hand to hold ,a heart to see you through. Cuz each and every night I will make it right, when life feels so wrong. Cuz in my arms is where you beloooonngggggg...." The guys once again joined JC in the chorus verse as tears welled up in Faith eyes as she stood up as JC reached out his hand to her. "I'll be the air that you breath... I'll give the strength that you need. I'll be the light in your eyes when hope becomes hard to see. I'll be your shining star, to guide you wherever you are. And I promise that I'll be by your side... always you and I......." As JC took Faith's hand in his he wrapped his other arm around her waist. "oooooo girl.... always you and....IIIIII."

He finished as a tear rolled down Faith's cheek once again and a smile encompassed her face. She didn't wait to hear what JC was about to say before reaching up with one arm behind his neck and pulling him towards her. The minute their lips locked the sky went from a cotton candy pink to a deep purple as the sun took it's final step in setting. After a long passionate kiss, Faith pulled back and got lost in JC's bright blue eyes. "Thank you JC." She smiled as he rubbed her back, so happy to finally have her where she belonged.

JC Chasez