"Cassie get your ass out here and help me with these bags!!" an angry brunette stormed in with a glare then smiled at me.
"KATIE" Hilary came out of the kitchen to see what the comotion was
"Oh god there are more." Hilary said with a sneer
"How long are you guys staying?" I asked
"Well our dad is getting a promotion and your mom said we could stay if it was ok with Justin" both twins smiled sweetly in front of him
"Yeah its fine, he said um if your Katie and your Cassie then you two would be double trouble"
Katie just gave him a weird look and said "huh?"
"Katie ignore my ignorant brother"
She smirked "Haven't I always?"
"Um excuse how long have you guys like been friends anyway?" Hilary asked
""Since we were in preschool" me, Cassie, and Katie said in unison then we giggled "Oh so you guys probably know each other pretty well then huh?" Hilary asked Ok what was with Hilary she was acting really weird and insecure which is so not like her. Before anyone could answer my mom interrupted" Ok sweetie I'm going back to Tennessee and I would like my hug and kiss please. I also want you guys to unpack & you can catch up and get to know each other upstairs alright" As I hugged my mom and gave her a hug goodbye Hilary looked Katie and Cassie up and down like they were enemies or something. After my mom left we went upstairs and Cassie and Katie started to unpack.
"So what your best birthday present this year?" Katie asked
Suddenly my phone rang again...
To be continued
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