Hugs, Kisses, & Musical Wishes

Cross my heart, I mean every word...

Josh: It's no big secret that I totally dig ya. I was crushin' on you during MMC and my heart's been yours ever since. From "NSA" to "Celebrity," your song writing just gets better. "You Don't Have to Be Alone" made me cry, but "Selfish" had me aching. I don't know if it's your songs, the emotion you put into them when you sing, or just watching you perform... You alone are the only one that can leave me breathless. You're extremely talented, and your work inspires me to keep dreaming, keep faith, and to always have a place in my life for music. I look forward to what's next, and one day hope for the two of us to write a song BexXx can sing it. :)

Chris: Your sense of humor is a wonderful thing, and I respect you for it. You remind me that age is just a number, and that life is a lot more fun when you smile and laugh about it. I know for sure I'd mesh really well with you. Julie said she wanted you to adopt her. Will you adopt me as your little sister, too? Maybe you can convince Josh to give me a chance. "Dude, will you go out with my sister already? I'm tired of hearing about how dreamy you are!" LOL I dunno what I'd do without Fumanskeeto...probably be nekkid. ;) I'm anticipating what you have in store for the next go around. "Falling" was absolutely beautiful, and I'm glad you were able to share that with us.

James: (Force of habit...that's how you're named in our "epic" mob story.) You have an incredible voice and much talent. I remember hearing that you co-wrote a song with Rueben or something? Are we ever gonna hear it? I would really appreciate that. I enjoyed seeing you in "On the Line," and I'm anxious to see what you do next. I'm positive Free Lance Entertainment will do well, too. You know how to pick 'em, because Merideth is a great singer. It's weird thinking about you going to space, but if it's been your dream, reach for those stars! :)

J: What's this I hear about you flying solo? Okay, I admit I cap extremely hard on you, but you have to understand that I see you as part of the team. But, since your solo project is inevitable and your decision to make, I wish you luck on it. You definitely have the talent to make it happen. I also admire your efforts in strengthening music programs in schools. When I was in high school, our music department was pretty weak. My love for music, and my "band" family, were the only reasons I stuck with it. Maybe you and I can write a song together one day, too? I would love that. :)

Joe: I don't expect you to remember little old me (plus this was back in '99), but I ran into you the night before a concert, and I found you to be very sweet. We only talked for a couple minutes, but you're really approachable and I love you for it. Hopefully I get to chat with you again soon. Brianna's really lucky to have someone like you as her dad. I had a blast seeing you with Lance in "On the Line," and I wish you the best with your future movie projects...I'll be the first one in the theatre. :)

Stever: I want to formally apologize to you for all the emails and IM's. Everyone deserves their privacy. I never really had any beef with you, but mainly felt obligated to annoy you because Brittany's my girl, and this was her site. Working on EF, I can honestly understand how it must feel to get harassed like that, so I'll leave you be. Thanks for giving props to my aunt (aka the "mad lady") and for praising my dance skillz ("Nice dance!") at the Detroit shows on PopOdyssey. Your sarcasm is actually quite charming. It'll be interesting to see where your camera work takes you. I noted your credits as "Staff Videographer" and "Video Director," so what's next? You should direct an *NSYNC music video...there's something to think about.

Wader: Okay so you've spent enough time with *NSYNC to be considered part of the group, but you are definitely NOT the sixth member. You and J make a great collaborative team, but I can't wait to see what tricks you have up your sleeve for yourself. Your multi-faceted talents (producing, writing, singing, dancing, directing) will carry you a long way. Best of luck with everything.

Group: I sincerely love and respect all of you. I wanna say "I'm sorry" for all my smartass remarks. I can laugh at myself, too. You already know not to take this site seriously, but if I've crossed the line, please feel free to tell me so. I won't feel bad. When you run a site like this, you learn to roll with the punches. The PopOdyssey and Celebrity Tours were awesome, and I'm gonna miss you guys over the next year, but you definitely deserve the break...just don't forget about us, now. ;)


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