Looking Back: V*NA 2000

The excitement is building as the 2001 VMA's are almost upon us. We're all anxious to see what kind of crazy stuff goes down with *NSYNC this year, but let us take a moment now, to reminice about last year...

Let us begin where all the madness started, at the nominations. I really have nothing to say about this picture...I'm still admiring Justin's FRO. *sniffle* Excuse me, I'm having a moment... ~ Olivia in this color

Lance: I would like to thank all of the wonderful artists that we have or will be colaborating with...Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder...and especially Elmo. ~ BexXx in this color

Caution: Five Hot Men Wearing Orange.
Now, living in Michigan, construction REALLY irriates me...but well, DAYUM. God bless the person I got this poster from.

Don't they wish...blue collar jobs?? Suuuuuuuuure they do!

Ah, their arrival on the red carpet. Joey, please tuck in your tongue...thanks! OMG...what in the HELL kind of woodland creature is attacking JC? Oh wait...that's his coat.

LMAO! Liv said, "Joey, please tuck in your tongue..." That animal around JC's neck is made from the fur of a spazzing squirrel...or 12...

HAHAHAHA! I told you! What in the HELL did JC have to beat down to get that coat?

It was a terrible fight, Liv...as we can see, the spazzing squirrels won...

I just put this one in here because Becca luffs him. ;)

Thanks for thinking of me...yes, I do luff him...but I don't love him HALF as much as I loved that fro! *Sniffle* I need a moment alone...

Not best picture of our ex boyfriend, but I still wouldn't mind having Lance in My Pants! lol

It looks like someone put Lance's face on crooked...

Is it just me, or could Joe and Littlefoot pass as twins at the VMA's?

It's not just you...but frankly, it scares me.

Lance's date is kinda freaky lookin'! He doesn't even look like he wants to be there with her. I don't even know what to say about this photo...ARGH!

He called me that night to go with him, I was washing my hair.

Speaking of dates, this is where Justin and Britney decided to admit each other as significant others. *smirk*

*Glares at Liv* And we put this in here WHY??? I must say he looks rather Justylicious in that turtle neck...*Trying not to look at her, pays attention instead to the fact that Lenny Kravitz is in this picture...*

I still cannot get over that coat. That must have been one prized piece of road kill. *nods* Is Joey caressing Darren's head?

Why yes, yes he is...The day of the VMA's last year was also "Rub your Choreographer Day"...

The TV's were cool, but digital *NSYNC isn't nearly as sexy as the real deal.

Okay, this just ruined it...I really thought they had turned their heads into television sets...dammit, it's like finding out there's no Santa Claus...

"Digital digital getdown..."

I can't look at this picture, not now that I know that I've been living a lie...*Cries bitterly*

I know, this is pretty blurry, but the first caption that comes to my mind is
"Dance, dance, more booty in da pants!"

I love what you do for me, TOYOTA! *jumps in the air*


"If you're lookin for a hot girl to freak, forget about Brit, it's gonna be ME!"

No fair! WE should've been onstage freakin' dem fine men!

Olivia, are they closing with a Matrix? Cause see...they forgot the dosey-do.

Well, I should've been freakin' one man in particular...

Brother freaking is BAD, Liv...

Aw. =P

Who are they all looking at? Well, except for Chris. He's either checking out that chic...or checking out Joe. =P

WHY does that oriental chick always have her ass pointed at Justin's crotch???


Who took these next two pictures? Was there a hidden troll under the podium?

Whoa. Justin's nose is rather...pointy. It reminds me of my days in geometry measuring triangles.

The podium troll strikes again!

I did a double take when I saw this picture. For a second I thought Chris was giving someone the finger. lol

"We gotta moon man! We gotta moon man!" My god, he's adorable!

Walking Barbie Doll, I tell ya...

*snicker* Alright kiddies...don't forget to vote for *NSYNC for Viewer's Choice and check out this year's VMA's on Thursday September 6 to see ALL the crunk *n crazy antics the boys get themselves into! YAY BUDDY!®

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