Sometimes, you ask yourself those simple damned questions that you know you'll never get an answer to...
Does Justin's hair move on a windy day?
When Chris gets off, does he squeal in that high pitched voice?
Does Joey require soap when removing those rings?
Is the outline of that jTr chandelier embedded in Justin's chest yet and...
Will Justin develop a hunchback due to the weight of it?
Does J.C. wax his chest hair? (I thought I saw stubble)and...
Does he like it? (Little S & M question there)
Did Chris talk Joey into the hair thing so he could be considered the mack?
Now that the dreds are gone, does Busta pounce on Juju's head instead?
Did Lance's face get soggy when he kissed Danielle?
Does Lance have an entire closet full of those Ricky Martin sweaters or are we recycling the same two?
In Music Of My Heart, was that flourescent lighting used on purpose to make them all look deathly ill?
Will Joey and Chris EVER pluck their nose hair? (when you sing people often do close ups of your face)
Is J.C. ever afraid of joint dislocation caused by jerky dance moves?
Would anyone besides myself have laughed if one of the guys had fallen from the top of that bus on *N The Mix?
Why doesn't Justin blame his failings on the fact that he's from Tennesee?
Does Justin know he has failings?
Do any of Justin's girlfriends know that he has one for every city?