// The REwritten 4 REtards REmixes //

Being as persuasive as I am, I convinced the guys that if they REALLY 'just wanted to show off their skillz, and just do it' then they should let me rewrite the songs to suit them individually. Two notes here, First* Chris looks SO GOOD without the dreads, I decided he should cut his own album and it's not listed here. Second* J.C. was worried about being cheated out of money so I was only allowed to reprint the chorus of his. ENJOY! --Tabz

I Want You Back=I Want A Nap

It's all I eva wanted
It's all I eva needed, yeah
So you don't get no sex now,
Cause I want a nap

Giddy Up=Killed Da Pup

Chris brought Busta home wit him last night
(left him on his own)
Shit and pissed on everything in sight
(I beat him wit his bone)
Now it means a betta life for us
(Chris is gonna fuss)
But least it ain't still stinkin on this bus

So I say
Killed da pup, killed da pup, killed da pup now....

For The Girl=I'm From Mississippi

I know that it's not far, I drove to where you are and
I still don't know what you're sayin, no way
I think that it's unfair, you never tease my hair just
My total lack of a braiiiinnnn.......
I swear that I don't know anything and I am dumb
Yeah, it's where I'm from
I try ta think and my head jus rings my brain is numb
Yeah, it's where I'm from


Can this be true, I jus rolled outta bed
My hair is so perfectly placed on my head
I'm buff to the max, no you won't see no rolls
I'm fine front to back, yeah right down to my moles

Always knew that I would be this good
Yeah I bet you really wish you could
Damn I'm so fine that I'm losin my mind
It's easy to see, he gave more to me

I'm luvin like a porn star, wanderin free
Cause every woman know she wanna be wit me
When I look in mirrors oh I know what I see
God must've spent a little more time on meeee.....

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