Mouse Club Magic

We're goin back. Wayyyyyyy back.

No surprise to anyone, the Disney Channel recently aired a Mickey Mouse Club marathon on Labor Day, appropriately entitled "Where did you MMC the First?". Oh sly ones, those Disney executives are. So the loyal fan I was, I had to make the trying effort to ::sigh:: sit on my butt all day and eat Cheetos. Yes, I know, I am amazing. The night before, I attended a party/sleepover and did not get to bed until about 4 A.M, with a whole day ahead of me. I thought about just taping the whole thing and sleeping all day. But... I thought JC with bad hair, JC with bad hair... ah I'm weak. That alone was enough incentive for me, ya'll. So at noon on September 6, 1999, I did not only see JC with bad hair. But stepped back in time, into something familiar. Something comfortable. Something homey. You know the feeling. When you smell crayons that remind you of Kindergarten. Or when you find your old blankie that you couldn't sleep without when you were little. The Mickey Mouse Club brought me back to the days when I was in 3rd grade and all the mattered were my friends, my candy, and my Wipeout.

Check out the STUD. (If anyone has any Emerald Cove pics, please send them to me and I'll give you full credit!)

Let me give you a little background on me and my history with the show. I used to watch the Mouse Club and loved it! It was all about Kids Inc. and MMC. My dad told me he remembered me asking him if I could audition! My favorites were Tony, Keri (I seriously idolized her), Lindsey, and my more favoritest of all, JC. I don't really remember seeing Justin, but when NSync first came out, I did recognize his face. Of couse, he was very scrawny and skinny back at the Club. Maybe I recognized JC right away because he's STILL scrawny and a bag of bones. Well, moving RIGHT along. Here's my (hopefully!) brief review along with a summary of the parts w/ Justin, JC and whoever else I feel is important. I won't be covering all the shows, just one I liked in partcular, and little tid-bits of other stuff.

Season Episode 5, Show Episode 276 (Rhona and Justin doing the Mega-Byte Matchmakers skit)

It starts out with Rhona talking to her friend on the phone about this guy she met in a chat. They are meeting for the first time and she's really excited because he described himself as 6'4", lifts weights, and flies planes. Oh yeah, real sexy alright.

It turns out to be none other than, 12... I mean 13 year old Justin. It was the first shot I had seen of him and I absolutely melted. The kid was a stick!

Rhona is shocked (to say the least) to find this measly little kid instead of her handsome guy. Then there's a knock at the door and it turns out to be ::gasp:: JC!!! AKA Roger, Rhona's ex-boyfriend who cheated on her.

Roger (JC) sees Justin sitting on the couch. Rhona says they're "an item". He gets steamed and they chase each other around for awhile.

It's my favorite skit out of all the episodes, YES because Justin is in it the most. So what? Huh?

Now really, have you ever seen a sexier 13 year old? Nu-uh, not me.

And now, you're favorite "soap" and mine...
Emerald Cove

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And HA. I forgot how entertaining this show was. Actually, I remembered it and thought it was actually a SHOW. But really, it's a show WITHIN a show. Well, moving RIGHT along. I'll give you a brief synopsis on what the show is about:

Setting: coast
Population: small and quaint. Majority are surfers.
Cast: Band, "High Density" and their friends.
The poster boy: Tony Lucca, lead singer of band.
The beautiful girl: Keri Russel, Tony's girlfriend. as Andrea
The best friend: Illana Miller. as Mac
The dumb one: ::tee hee:: JC Chasez. as Wipeout
The sensible one: Rhona and Dale.

Basically, it's a bunch of surfer kids in a wannabe band, with JC as the stupid idiot. How could I NOT love it?

"I'll Take You There"
Justy and Bit-Bit, together.

I don't care what kind of crap I'm going to be getting from this, Justin and Britney are adorable together. Their performance was classic. Dangit, why couldn't they have had that in mind when they did the MTV Video Music Awards? Grrrr.

The dancing was phat too. Of course, though, right?

Drool much, Justin? Could he BE checking her out anymore? LOL. The hormones were still developing, and Brit was dressed like a hoe, so whatcha gonna do? Huh, I wonder if they were "special friends" when that was going on.

There is just way too much Mouse Club stuff to critique and talk about. I'd be at my computer till the New New Mickey Mouse Club comes out. But definetly a prized memory for any avid NSync fan to cherish. A MUST see. Well, that's it for now. M-I-C... see ya real soon. K-E-Y, why? Because we got paid to!

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