Jens Page

Ok, so.. I'm like a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG HUGE fan of the site Just Thrust It.. cuz like, oh my god. Jen, she is like SO cool. I swear she is my idol !!! An inspiration and all that stuff. So, since I want to be her, I'm making a page for her. OMG! Jen if you read this, you are the BOMB. You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. And your friends (especially that Brittany chick) are like so cool too! Sooooo.. I'm going to make this page all of JEN'S favorite things. OMG. Maybe she'll like me. I hope so!! I love you JEN!!!

Ok, so like first off.. this is a dollie my friend made me, and it's like.. JEN, in a Do Me Stever tube top. hahahhahahaahhaah

Ok, so yesterday.. I was um.. watching TV, and that Millionaire show was on with Lance.. and Regis is all...

And then Lance is all... I say "D" - Joey.. and Reg is all.. is that your final answer? Well, it turns out.. Lance was RIGHT!!!!

So of course the FATone got all happy.. hugged Lance, and he was all

Me and you later.. and he's all winking.. BUT

Lou ran onto the set.. and decided he wanted Joey to be back to being HIS bitch.. threw him in handcuffs.. and stole him from Jen... forever :(

Therefore, Jen never got to see Joey all sweaty on their wedding night like she had planned..

Aww yeah.. Jen likes a big fine sweaty FATone..

So.. she needed a new man.. HMM.. where to go?? DUH! OTOWN!! She likes Dan the best..

With those choppers, how could she not!!!

But that didn't work either.. his roosterness scared her too much.. so she went for..


That went good.. she went to ALL his concerts..

At one show, T-Rev the gyrating dinosaur was all

"Jen, your boyriend Jake has been getting MIGHTY close to Ashley... "

She saw this... and then the next thing she knew...

ARGH!!!!!!!!! That romance was OVA!

Oh well.. she said, there's always Steve Fatone..

But that was short lived.. soon he was back to wearing plaid (tucked in FRONT and BACK not just FRONT for a special occasion) and videotaping NSYNC..

After a late night romp with a scraggle.. she remembered what always brought a small to her face before.. and thought "By golly that's it!" The one thing that can ALWAYS bring a smile to Jen's face is:


Whether enlarged...


Or regular size... it was all that could make her happy.. so they started there life together..

Justin wearing Jen's hat..

And Justin just being HOT like he does best.

The happy couple...

Until one day, when Justin found THIS is Jen's pocket..

All he could say was...

The End.