
I tried and tried. I managed to find some great pics. I swear, I am going to make EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU LOVE LANCE. Why? Cuz he's from Mississippi. And, he's hot. Here ya go!

OK, my adam's apple is huge, but I'm gonna make you love me baby! Just you wait and see..

If you do not find Lance attractive here, then.. wow.. I dunno what to say! This pic is HOT!

I'll keep on looking at you with these puppy dog eyes..
I'll do it forever.. just give me the damn pen!

All I want for Christmas is some bleach?

Ready for a gay ass quote?
"This pic is outta this world"
LMAO.. it is HOT though, I love it.

Topanga better get here soon, I'm getting really tired of sitting on this curb wating for her stupid ass..

Girl Were You Alone?
He's singing in this one, so that HAS to be what he is saying

What the HELL?!?

That's more like it! He is such the cutie.

If Joey gets to be Superman, why can't I be Batman?

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